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Old 02-18-2008, 05:57 PM   #1 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Location: Limbus Patrum
Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)

I recently started playing this epic (four dvd disc) JRPG. I must say it's my favorite RPG of this console generation and easily ranks up there with my favorite console RPGs of all time.

The game is made by Mistwalker, for those unfamiliar with the studio it was founded by Hironobu Sakaguchi (the creator of the Final Fantasy series). So if you've ever played a Final Fantasy title you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect once you start the game. For those worried about eye candy, the game uses the Unreal Engine 3.

The plot is good but it's nothing ground breaking. The main stars here are the characters and the soundtrack. The voice actors and writers provide a certain warmth to the characters that I haven't seen that often in other games. On the music front Nobuo Uematsu provides a soundtrack that's left tunes running through my head long after I've turned my 360 off.

Two quick points, the combat is turn-based & there are random battles. However, LO has the lowest encounter ratio I've ever seen. If those two things are a deal breaker for you, then you should look else where. However, if you can look past that you're in for a treat.

To anyone that's a fan of old school JPRGs, you owe it to yourself to give this one a try.

<a href="http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/848/848995/lost-odyssey-20080131043112546.jpg"><img src="http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/848/848995/lost-odyssey-20080131043112546.jpg" height="253.3" width="426.67"></a>

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Old 02-20-2008, 03:57 PM   #2 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
Church's Avatar
Location: New Jersey
I'm so glad someone has finally made a topic about this. I was just about to come and make one myself actually lol.

I have to agree with you, I completely love this game. I'm on the first disc still and I'm 20 hours in! Its so nice to have a classic jrpg in this age of video game ADD. Excellent story, great graphics and classic gameplay make this one a keeper!

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Old 02-20-2008, 04:55 PM   #3 (permalink)
YaWhateva's Avatar
Location: New Mexico
oh thank god its good. I have been following this game since before mistwalker's other game hit (what a terrible game that was). I will definitely be running out and getting this game.

Also, the commercial using Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit was awesome.
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360, lost, odyssey, xbox

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