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Baraka_Guru 06-21-2008 03:49 PM

I was recently reminded just how much I suck at this game.

Lasereth 06-23-2008 04:31 PM

Here's a vid of me as Heavy playing with a friend as medic (medic's perspective). We are a damn killing machine. We work so well as a team that it's ridiculous. On most maps we are called hackers and the other team frequently screams about us having to be apart for them to win. Heavy is definitely my favorite and best class and it really shows what a combo can do.

BTW please login to WeGame and hit "I like it!" if you enjoy the video!!

telekinetic 06-23-2008 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth
Here's a vid of me as Heavy playing with a friend as medic (medic's perspective). We are a damn killing machine. We work so well as a team that it's ridiculous. On most maps we are called hackers and the other team frequently screams about us having to be apart for them to win. Heavy is definitely my favorite and best class and it really shows what a combo can do.


BTW please login to WeGame and hit "I like it!" if you enjoy the video!!


ironpham 06-23-2008 07:21 PM

That's a pretty good video, and you guys do work well together. My only quarrel is that the medic needs to heal other people. It seems to work out without it here because everyone is targeting you, but maybe on a different server or against a different team, it might not work out as well.

Other than that though, you got me beat on record kills/assists and probably damage too.

Lasereth 06-27-2008 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by ironpham
That's a pretty good video, and you guys do work well together. My only quarrel is that the medic needs to heal other people. It seems to work out without it here because everyone is targeting you, but maybe on a different server or against a different team, it might not work out as well.

Other than that though, you got me beat on record kills/assists and probably damage too.

Oh trust me, he heals other people normally. The only reason he didn't here is because he saw that we were starting to make a sick record. We were also just screwing around on a custom server also. He's the best medic I've ever played with and keeps the whole team up under normal circumstances.

ironpham 07-30-2008 09:54 AM

In case anyone still plays this other than me, a new patch came out that nerfed the last pyro patch. The backburner now doesn't have the +50 health bonus. Also, no more shooting through the gates.

Lasereth 07-30-2008 10:42 AM

The Heavy is getting the next unlockable patch. I can't wait because Heavy is my favorite (and best) class.

The TF2 community is up in flames after the Backburner nerf. Of course before the patch everyone said the BB was overpowered and now they say it's worthless. TF2 patches remind me of WoW patches so much.

ironpham 07-30-2008 11:19 AM

BB wouldn't be worthless if the hit detection wasn't so terrible. A spy can backstab from any direction, but the BB hardly ever crits even though you are directly behind the person.

The leafblower is the way to go anyways. It just has so much more utility.

Hopefully the Heavy patch comes out soon though. I think it was only 2 months between medic and pyro, so this coming month maybe?

By the way Lasereth, what's your nick on steam?

Siege 07-30-2008 07:12 PM

while i think 50 health was too much (soldier type pryos wtf?!), 0 health without any survivability bonus just isn't worth it. Personally, i would've loved to have seen a minor speed increase and no health increase. As it is now, it's rather difficult to chase a number of the classes.

Apokx 07-30-2008 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by ironpham (Post 2497545)
In case anyone still plays this other than me, a new patch came out that nerfed the last pyro patch. The backburner now doesn't have the +50 health bonus. Also, no more shooting through the gates.

So the backburner sucks now. Having the extra HP was a nice defense against Soldiers, but now the pushback effect against rockets will be superior. A shame really, since the new axe was crap.

ironpham 07-30-2008 07:50 PM

I don't think the new axe is bad. It can knock out an overhealed heavy in 2 hits. Only the spy and sniper can beat that.

And yeah, I agree Siege. The health bonus was kind of overpowered. It was lame that it put them higher than the soldier. I was thinking instead of a permanent speed boost, maybe sprint as secondary that lasts a couple of seconds with the same recharge as the spy's cloak. I mean, they're hard enough to hit in the head as a sniper as it is (small head). Any faster and it would be near impossible.

Lasereth 07-31-2008 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by ironpham (Post 2497614)
By the way Lasereth, what's your nick on steam?

Try to add nickname Benjamin. If that doesn't work try Lasereth. If that doesn't work try my email laserethpc at yahoo dot com. Steam is sorta weird with how it adds friends.

ironpham 07-31-2008 09:59 AM

When I get home from work and gym, I'll try and add you today. By the way, I'm in Raleigh, so you're not terribly far away from me...just noticed that.

skier 08-01-2008 12:39 AM

[TFP]er spotted, tinman or tinear i dont know but you played engi on some lazytownmap

ironpham 08-08-2008 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth (Post 2476736)
Oh trust me, he heals other people normally. The only reason he didn't here is because he saw that we were starting to make a sick record. We were also just screwing around on a custom server also. He's the best medic I've ever played with and keeps the whole team up under normal circumstances.

So after playing with you tonight for a little on Gravel Pit, I noticed that he pretty much just stuck his healbeam on you. From what I saw, he passed up everyone else most of the time. Every now and then he would top someone off. Honestly, I didn't mind too much because the team did fine, but like I said before, he needs to heal the rest of the time and keep everyone topped off as much as possible.

On a side note, the whole ubering me for a split second so I can run in and die as he took the uber off of me to get it onto you was wrong.

(Don't take this critique harshly. I've just had a really bad day.)

ironpham 08-13-2008 10:52 AM

Team Fortress 2 - A Heavy Update

Update coming Tuesday including 1 new game type with 5 maps, 1 new map for payload, 1 custom map - cp_steel, and the Heavy unlocks.

Lasereth 08-13-2008 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by ironpham (Post 2503711)
So after playing with you tonight for a little on Gravel Pit, I noticed that he pretty much just stuck his healbeam on you. From what I saw, he passed up everyone else most of the time. Every now and then he would top someone off. Honestly, I didn't mind too much because the team did fine, but like I said before, he needs to heal the rest of the time and keep everyone topped off as much as possible.

On a side note, the whole ubering me for a split second so I can run in and die as he took the uber off of me to get it onto you was wrong.

(Don't take this critique harshly. I've just had a really bad day.)

Hey it's no problem. I do admit he sticks to me a majority of the time but I can't blame him. We get 10+ people dead consistently and frequently win the match for our team. When I play medic I rarely ever find anyone that can rack up more than a couple of kills, much less take a point. Like players stick to like players.

It's also fun (though greedy) to play with friends most of the time because then you have stuff to talk about while at work. :thumbsup:

BTW the new K.G.B. KILLING GLOVES OF BOXING look awesome for the Heavy. I can imagine some hilarity ensuing over these.

ironpham 08-13-2008 11:19 AM

I feel you on that. I've got a friend who likes to play medic (though mostly because he sucks at everything else). He sticks to me much like your friend sticks to you. It is nice. I tell him to heal other people though because when I have a medic on me like that, I usually blow it. I guess it's too much pressure for me.

It's not like it mattered too much or even at all to me that he stuck to you. I mean, we did dominate the entire time. It also doesn't bother me that sticking to one person doesn't always help a team win (I'm guilty of doing it every now and again myself). The only part that really bothered me was and always will be with any medic is that if I'm next to you with less than full, then at the very least fill me up. Don't even do it for me or the team. Do it to help fill your uber bar faster.

As for the update, yeah this one seems ridiculous. I love the boxing gloves already. I can imagine server-wide boxing-fests already. I've been reading around, and some people are speculating that the secondary unlock is a sandwich to replace the shotty. Taunting with it will heal X amount of health. The primary unlock is another minigun that is suppose to make whoever it hits with it do less damage and move slower. I don't know how much I can believe those, but by far the KGB dominates those.

Lasereth 08-13-2008 03:02 PM

The sandwiches will be OP if it's real. I own people bad enough right now, with or without a medic (obviously a lot more with a medic). Well, it will be OP for good heavies, not all heavies because most heavies suck really bad. But seriously...a refillable health unlock? If it's anything more than 25 HP restored then I will be in heaven, also debating whether it is OP or not. I guess it's technically not OP unless even the crappy heavies are owning people and that's not gonna happen.

ironpham 08-13-2008 04:09 PM

I agree. The sandwich is definitely a little bit off the wall. But, at least that's just speculation. Another one I read was that it had to do with the new game type. Something along the lines of the hunted game type where the heavy has to eat or get a sandwich while the opposing team tries to stop him. I think that would be massively fun.

bhamv 08-13-2008 10:41 PM

I recall Valve saying they wouldn't release any weapons that have a major impact on how other players move, so that means the slowing minigun probably isn't true. Valve have said the airblast and rocket/sticky juggling are as far as they're willing to go.

ironpham 08-15-2008 12:06 PM

Looks like the minigun unlock was somewhat true. It does 25% less damage, but it will slow down anyone it hits for an instant. Sounds extremely annoying in my opinion. I'm sure Lasereth will get a kick out of it though!

Lasereth 08-16-2008 06:13 PM

I'm really not too excited about the new minigun. Enemies rarely get away from me so it seems like a novelty except with a huge damage reduction (which is REAL bad). It may be useful in very specific situations like defending a last cap against a huge rush of enemies but other than that I see Sasha remaining my primary gun.

Siege 08-17-2008 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Lasereth (Post 2508247)
I'm really not too excited about the new minigun. Enemies rarely get away from me so it seems like a novelty except with a huge damage reduction (which is REAL bad). It may be useful in very specific situations like defending a last cap against a huge rush of enemies but other than that I see Sasha remaining my primary gun.

I'd say it's quite useful from a team perspective. Your goal is to just hit everyone (not really kill them) and then your team's aoe damagers can kill everyone easily.

bhamv 08-19-2008 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Siege (Post 2508412)
I'd say it's quite useful from a team perspective. Your goal is to just hit everyone (not really kill them) and then your team's aoe damagers can kill everyone easily.

Depending on how much the slowing effect is, this could potentially throw off team mates if they don't have hitscan weapons (ie, your soldiers and demomen). They'd have to adjust how much they lead their opponents, though splash damage would alleviate the inconvenience somewhat.

Personally, I'll stick with Sasha.

Lasereth 08-19-2008 07:22 AM

Holy cow, the Arena mode is true. This is totally game-changing. I can't wait to try it out!!!! I wonder how viable Heavies will be.......

ironpham 08-19-2008 02:42 PM

No, I can't believe the sandwich thing is true. Who thought up that idea?

Prophecy 08-19-2008 03:13 PM

The "sandvich" is real.


The Sandvich is the Heavy’s first unlockable. It tastes as good as it looks and heals 120 health. Like in real life, the decision to eat a Sandvich must not be taken lightly; The Heavy is completely vulnerable during the four second eating process, and his loud, happy sounds of vigorous chewing will draw enemies like tiny ant cowards to a picnic. OF DEATH. On the bright side, the Heavy’s Sandvich supply is unlimited, so his only real concern is being caught short while enjoying this delicious edible device. The Sandvich is a great tool for a Heavy defending an area, as it gives him the ability to replenish health between enemy waves without having to abandon his post. Similarly, an offensive Heavy without a Medic can step back from the front line and grab a quick snack before resuming his rampage. Beware, however: the Heavy must set aside his shotgun to take the Sandvich, and enemy Snipers are much more dangerous for a Heavy wielding only a minigun.
Team Fortress 2 - A Heavy Update

bhamv 08-20-2008 07:38 AM

Just now I played as a Medic attacking on Gravelpit. We'd capped A and B, and we were trying to cap C. We had about 6 Heavies on our team, and they were all crowded around the doorway leading from B to C.

The Heavies would take turns stepping through the door, firing their miniguns. Inevitably they'd take damage, so they'd step back and start muching their sandviches, while I topped off their health. It was hilarious, an unbreakable chain of hungry Heavies.

Until an ubered Pyro came in and ruined all the fun, of course.

Lasereth 03-19-2009 06:21 AM

I'm still addicted to this game. I have like 250 hours logged on it which is more than any other FPS I've ever played (except maybe BF1942 with DC mod). I play it 2-4 nights per week and Heavy is still my favorite class.

Lasereth 04-06-2009 10:13 AM

I made a TF2 movie of a 6v6 match I did a few weeks ago. Make sure to watch in HQ!!!!

ironpham 04-14-2009 05:31 PM

Wow, you are extremely aware of your surroundings. Impressive. I've not scrimmed in a long time, but if I can get my group together again, would you accept a friendly challenge?

Lasereth 04-15-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by ironpham (Post 2623844)
Wow, you are extremely aware of your surroundings. Impressive. I've not scrimmed in a long time, but if I can get my group together again, would you accept a friendly challenge?

Of course! We are very informal though so we'd probably have 2-3 new people if it worked out.

Cynthetiq 04-15-2009 01:00 PM

nice vid!!!!!

ironpham 04-15-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth (Post 2624309)
Of course! We are very informal though so we'd probably have 2-3 new people if it worked out.

Great. And, don't worry, we're informal too. Alright, I'll see if I can get my team together.

ironpham 04-17-2009 05:28 PM

Ok, Mr. Lasereth. My team has been assembled. How do we decide the date? Also, do you guys have a server? If not, I might be able to score one for us, but I'm not 100% on that.

Lasereth 04-20-2009 07:04 AM

Ok I will see if I can schedule a match. None of us have a server so us finding one is definitely a no-go.

ironpham 04-20-2009 08:10 AM

My team can pretty much only do this on weekends if that's ok.

Lasereth 04-20-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by ironpham (Post 2626291)
My team can pretty much only do this on weekends if that's ok.

Same here. :thumbsup:

Martian 04-20-2009 03:17 PM

That's a great video. I'm a TF2 neophyte (and late to the party, as usual).

Question: how did you suss out the spies so easily? As of now, they are the bane of my existence.

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