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ironpham 10-22-2007 07:33 PM

I'm really thinking about getting this, but I'm not sure if my computer will be able to handle it. I'm running an old ass computer with a 1.8GHz processor, an Nvidia Quadro 4, and 1gig ram. Think that'll be okay?

Cynthetiq 10-22-2007 07:55 PM

I don't know but here's the mininmum specs:

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX® 8 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

hopefully we'll see you on.

nolan36 10-23-2007 11:14 AM

Oh yea TF2 all the way! I had prepurchased the orange box so I played during the open Beta. I will definatly drop by sometime! :thumbsup:

ironpham 10-23-2007 06:54 PM

Decided to go ahead and get it. My friend said I should run it just fine. I'll be joining you guys soon.

Chiyachan 10-24-2007 09:13 AM

Seems my microphone ain't working! =(

ironpham 10-24-2007 10:40 AM

I was in last night as DOOMTRAIN.

I'm confused by the Steam friend thing. I tried to add one of my friends but it said unable to find him. Does he have to be logged on? And do I add his steam account name?

Cynthetiq 10-24-2007 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Chiyachan
Seems my microphone ain't working! =(

yeah it was a bit on the windy side from you... :)


Originally Posted by ironpham
I was in last night as DOOMTRAIN.

I'm confused by the Steam friend thing. I tried to add one of my friends but it said unable to find him. Does he have to be logged on? And do I add his steam account name?

Doesn't need to be logged on, but does need to be the right registered name. Try his email address.

I did see you online last night. You fragged me plenty of times!

Kadath 10-24-2007 04:49 PM

Can I join the group too? I've already got a domination on the group admin...:thumbsup:

Cynthetiq 10-24-2007 06:13 PM

:mutters: yeah yeah yeah

Byrnison 10-24-2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by ironpham
I was in last night as DOOMTRAIN.

I'm confused by the Steam friend thing. I tried to add one of my friends but it said unable to find him. Does he have to be logged on? And do I add his steam account name?

There are 2 community members named "Doomtrain" - one with a pic that looks like Clint Eastwood, one with a pic that looks sorta like Nicole Kidman...are either of those you? If so which, we'll invite you to the TFP group and get some group fragging going :thumbsup:

ironpham 10-24-2007 08:06 PM

I am neither of those. I just now set up the my steamid thing...I think. I don't have a pic on there.

Kadath 10-25-2007 05:11 AM

Those USG guys last night are why I don't want to be in a clan - I'll get my ass kicked. I'm moderate at TF2; my reflexes aren't what they were in college and I don't have the time to practice like I did.

filtherton 10-25-2007 05:27 AM

Is this one of those games that lets pcs play with xbox 360-ers? Because i'll have time for this in two months.

Cynthetiq 10-25-2007 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Kadath
Those USG guys last night are why I don't want to be in a clan - I'll get my ass kicked. I'm moderate at TF2; my reflexes aren't what they were in college and I don't have the time to practice like I did.

I agree the twitch reflexes aren't like they used to be. I just like a group of casual play.

After playing WoW for 2 years and seeing how pickup groups to get instances done be a toss up in either direction as being very good or very bad. Sometimes you'd be lucky and it's just decent, but decent still means long instances, but not as many deaths.

A good group of people, which is what my interpretation of a clan is that plays together, knows the roles needed and can switch and fill in as needed is the most important thing to a successful TF2 run.

Of course, if it's just your basic fraggin' well :) you just gotta watch your back.... and I know I speak from experience :cough: kadath :cough:


Originally Posted by filtherton
Is this one of those games that lets pcs play with xbox 360-ers? Because i'll have time for this in two months.

I had to look it up....looks like no is the answer.


A couple of months ago, we reported that cross-platform multiplayer interaction for Team Fortress 2 was achieved at Valve’s offices and the developer confirmed that interplay between the PC and Xbox 360 version of the game was “technically done.”

Team Fortress 2, which is included in the mega Half-Life 2 combo titled "The Orange Box," is an all-new version of Team Fortress, the legendary title that spawned team based multiplayer action games.

Unfortunately, Valve’s Doug Lombardi, who revealed that such a cross-platform multiplayer between PC and Xbox 360 was possible, has now confirmed that it won’t make it into the final game. Shacknews got a chance to preview the entire Orange Box package and got word about cross-platform interoperability being discarded:

In Valve's offices, team members regularly play cross-platform multiplayer games, but the studio's Doug Lombardi noted emphatically that such functionality will not appear in the final versions. He explained that it introduces more problems than it is worth, and if Valve ever decides to go that route it would be in a game designed for it from the start.

Cynthetiq 10-25-2007 06:16 PM

Some new updates!!!! Patches!

Of course I'm waiting for the servers to get patched as well... TFP server isn't poplating the list now.
edit: Okay it is now, and it's FULL!!!!

Team Fortress 2

Improved compatibility for direct sound

Deathcam screenshots now move the player id panel to the lower right, and hide other hud elements until the freezecam fades

Improved autobalance calculation code when determining who to switch

Improved networking compatibility for some routers

Fixed a crash during level init related to model loading

Fixed issues on Dustbowl and Hydro that could occur when a server emptied in the middle of a round

Fixed a bug in the clientside player avoidance code, and smoothed it a little more

Further crash fixes related to paged pool memory usage

Fixed scoreboard team scores label getting cut off

Engineer buildings now explode when the Engineer dies during sudden death

Fixed a spy backstab exploit where you could stab a player who was not facing away from you

Fixed flailing at the low end of the cloak meter when the player gets uncloaked automatically

Fixed texture detail level setting "Very high" not being preserved

Improved various error messages, and added links to steampowered support pages

Fixed scoring problem where destroying a buildable added a phantom point, not attributed to any scoring bucket but still included in total score

Fixed honeypot server problems

Fixed a rare crash caused by a medigun losing its owner

Fixed an exploit that allowed disconnected medics to continue ubercharging their target until they timed out

TeamMenu now disables the spectate button if mp_allowspectators is zero

Added a missing "cannot_be_spectator" localization string

Re-added class count numbers above class buttons for non-zero classes, in addition to the class images

Removed prefixes (tc_, ctf_, etc.) from map names in various places where they're printed

Fixed some edge cases where grenades could go through player or buildings

Fixed rocket/grenade explosions being able to impart damage through thin ceilings

The Engineer's "build X" commands will now behave properly when bound directly to keys

Kadath 10-25-2007 07:41 PM

Fixed some edge cases where grenades could go through player or buildings

This one I noticed; you can't fire grens through the Do Not Enter walls; less spawncamping.

Cynthetiq 10-26-2007 03:58 AM

Engineer buildings now explode when the Engineer dies during sudden death

yeah I'm not happy about that too much...I guess I get it since well, you don't get rockets flying about after the soldier dies....

Ustwo 10-27-2007 07:53 PM

Well I had a few rambo moments today, so I'm into it a bit more. Still I think your teams success is mostly determined by engineers and medic combos.

ironpham 10-28-2007 12:52 AM

Me too, Ustwo. Previously, my most kills for one life was only like 7 with a soldier. Not only did I up that with a sniper spree of headshots, but I even upped that with another soldier spree of 18 kills.

Soldier defending a cap point is where it's at!

Chiyachan 10-28-2007 06:38 AM

Hmm, My mic doesn't work though steam, elsewhere though... It rocks.
Do we have the new admin front end installed? I think we should eh? :D

Frag ya later.

Cynthetiq 10-28-2007 06:42 AM

I removed the other one followed the install instructions to no avail. I'll have to pay closer attention to the instructions and make sure something small like a file path isn't missing.

Chiyachan 10-28-2007 08:42 AM

Lemme do it!
I love tinkering with stuff that doesn't belong to me!

Ustwo 10-29-2007 04:39 PM

Lately either the TFP server is full or empty :(

Cynthetiq 10-29-2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ustwo
Lately either the TFP server is full or empty :(

Yeah I need to make some reserved slots once I figure out how to get the mods installed right.

It looks like I can't use Manimod or AMX with the server rental I have. I'll have time tomorrow to work on figuring out the beetlesmod with reservedslots.

Thanks for the offer Chiyachan, I'm going to bang my head against it for a bit first. I like tinkering with servers too, just have to focus on this which I've not done just yet. I keep getting distracted by trying to frag people.

Kadath 10-30-2007 04:17 AM

My solution to it being empty is to go in the server and practice scout jumps or what have you. Usually the server's full inside of 5 minutes. Especially if you can grab someone else from the TFP group and just 1v1 for a while.

Chiyachan 10-31-2007 12:59 AM

No manimod? =(
*Hits head against server too!*
I'm on steam, Just add me and ask for a game, not like I'll say no unless I'm REALLY busy.

YaWhateva 11-12-2007 10:21 PM

i just got the orange box, is the tfp server still a happenin' place?

Kadath 11-13-2007 05:19 AM

It happens that no one is ever on it. We should try to pull together a scheduled session.

Fremen 11-15-2007 01:46 AM

Can you play this offline in a LAN party on 360?

A few of us out in the stcks would like to play it, but we only have dialup.

Is it something best played online?

Kadath 11-15-2007 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Fremen
Can you play this offline in a LAN party on 360?

A few of us out in the stcks would like to play it, but we only have dialup.

Is it something best played online?

It's really best played with two teams of at least 10 and preferably a full whack. So unless there are 20 of you in the sticks, it's not going to be as fun as it could be.

Cyn, I noticed the server has not had the latest update. Is it abandoned?

Cynthetiq 11-15-2007 06:39 AM

really? I'll check on it.

Fremen 11-16-2007 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Kadath
It's really best played with two teams of at least 10 and preferably a full whack. So unless there are 20 of you in the sticks, it's not going to be as fun as it could be.

Cyn, I noticed the server has not had the latest update. Is it abandoned?

Ahh, ok. No TF2 for us. :(

Thanks, Kadath. :thumbsup:

Chytrak 11-20-2007 09:54 PM

I used to play the old Team Fortress many years ago and actually met the guys who created it. They were Aussie and very cool. One of them was so good at Soldier it was unreal. When I played, I used the Demoman almost exclusively. Got very good at planting traps of grenades and bouncing them around corners. Now if I could only convince my other friends to get this...

YaWhateva 11-21-2007 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Fremen
Ahh, ok. No TF2 for us. :(

Thanks, Kadath. :thumbsup:

I dunno man, I really liked the original TFC in LANs a long time ago. I haven't been to a LAN in a long time but I still think it would be fun with even 5vs5 especially in small maps. when it gets to be like 16vs16 it gets way to hectic and you die instantly. That doesn't mean that it isn't fun, though!

Kadath 11-21-2007 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by YaWhateva
I dunno man, I really liked the original TFC in LANs a long time ago. I haven't been to a LAN in a long time but I still think it would be fun with even 5vs5 especially in small maps. when it gets to be like 16vs16 it gets way to hectic and you die instantly. That doesn't mean that it isn't fun, though!

The problem is that all the maps are really hard to defend with only 5. And maps that are offense and defense at once are really vulnerable to scout rush. I mean, yeah, you could play with 10. But I got the sense (and correct me if I'm wrong) that Fremen was talking about maybe 6 guys. 3v3 is more team deathmatch territory than TF.

Chiyachan 11-22-2007 07:04 AM

I've not played recently, We should all get together at some point to do some.

aberkok 11-22-2007 08:05 AM

I agree...it'd be great to get some team play in. I feel like some of the clans out there are starting to coordinate more with their class play. Obviously that's the key to success, and I want in on that.

I am usually on for a bit in the afternoon or after 10:00p.m.

Siege 11-22-2007 08:52 AM

How's the tfp server for canadian players? i just got a new comp and tf2 is probably going to be purchased soon.

Baraka_Guru 11-22-2007 03:52 PM

Yeah, should I still be considering purchasing this?

aberkok 11-22-2007 04:26 PM

Get it, get it, get it!

The TFP server is pretty dry, but we can change that! I've had no problems with speed or anything... my ping is usually between 40 and 50, and I'm on wireless (until the end of the month).

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