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Jetée 06-16-2010 11:08 AM

I also came to find my original 'audience' reply as to why I completed a change of names'sake...

Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2321769)
In my effort to be more original, I copied the title of a movie... :orly:

Also, I liked my nick of 'Jetty', and I just decided to go with the French version.

I could say more but, I am still going to be known as 'Jet' here; I just am now associated with (piers and airports) instead of moving air.

simply: Jetstream ->Jetée

Jetée ~Jetty

Jetty ~J(Eddie)

ring 06-16-2010 01:00 PM

You should have posted in the 'Chemtrails & Contrails' thread, back when you were 'Jetstream.' Jest for chuckles.

Ourcrazymodern? 06-16-2010 01:18 PM

Almost used "jetstream"
in the a-b-c word thread
only this morning...

...but I couldn't make it fit...

Jetée 06-16-2010 01:25 PM

Oh, new page so soon? I hadn't even noticed it.

I sorely only wish to receive praises and ooh's, as well as a few sparse ahh's (as many as I can handle).

Trouble is, I backed myself into a corner here by being the every-all-encompassing takes no stance but to delegate and post "pictures" dude, and somehow, because of that, I still am sensing this paranoia of myself being snubbed here is not at all just a concocted personal consipracy that lives but only in my mind.

Anyway, the above diatribe above is only partially relevant to this next bit of asking: where do you think I should post this to receive maximum exposure (ie, at least 10 replies and/or 30 views.. I now aim for the floor because you've beat down to there).

Hip Hop Kleuter | Flabber (it's a video of a B-boy showing you the moves)

Also: if you found it, and would have liked to share it, what you entitle it (the thread, I mean)?

Ourcrazymodern? 06-16-2010 01:32 PM

Cute, talented kids:
Ev'ry parent's pride & joy,
& consternation.

(Put it in "Found on the Net"?)

Jetée 06-16-2010 01:46 PM

Oh, I almost forgot to give you guys homework before I called for school's out; as you may or may not have come to glimpse, I take notes on nearly everything I can get my hands on..

The reason why is not relevant right now, but of my thousands of notes, one of my favorites to rekindle upon and share alike is one I entitle "RECENT FILMS", which as youcan easily guess, details the titles of recent films to which I've come to watch (for the first time ever).

Now, I'm not asking you to start and always hold onto such a notion of jotting down every single film you watch from heretofore until enternity says you've had enough cinema for one lifetime, but as a personal perspective of an agenda, won't you try to give a small bit of insight taken from my example, and set forth upon your own quest?

Here's my rundown (curtailed to a concise perfectly personal last eleven):

Anywhere But Here
Last of the Dogmen
They Live
Pet Sematary
Ghost World
A Night at the Opera
(Pixar's) Up
Blood Diamonds

Will you be good students and least try to jot down your last (or next) eleven films you've seen (for the first time or not) and come back to share with the class?

Ourcrazymodern? 06-16-2010 02:07 PM

It's probably a good thing
that you don't have to read my notebooks;
I don't watch many movies...

...so this list is shorter:

Avatar - loved it!
Shutter Island - hated it.

BadNick 06-16-2010 04:42 PM

Jet, that's a cute B-boy move movie. Usually kids are cute. Probably not what you had in mind to get maximum exposure for it, but you could name it something like "the greatest hip hop dance video of all time". "Found On The Net" seems like an appropriate place to put it...unless you didn't find it on the net.

Before "kids" I used to watch at least several movies a week, sometimes several in one day. Now I can't recall the last movie I've seen but I'll think about that and make a list.

Jetée 06-16-2010 06:11 PM

I don't watch many films much either, I'm afraid. Other than Up, I don't believe I've come to watch one new film that premiered in either the whole of 2008, nor 2009. This year, too, I guess.

(I've still been meaning to watch that foreign (original) version of Insomnia, starring Skaarsgard.)

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 10:08 AM

The first post today?
It's been sixteen hours or so.
How unusual...


ring 06-17-2010 12:24 PM

I've been busy reading.
Re-reading for the third time,to be exact. It's been on my shelf for years.


Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 12:29 PM

1 in 25?
I'd have guessed around 7,
maybe even more.

ring 06-17-2010 12:33 PM

Tendencies perhaps, not full blooming. (like an ex-shrink I had for a brief spell.)

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 12:36 PM

Well, I might be one,
even guilty for thinking
of others I know.

ring 06-17-2010 12:39 PM

I might be overusing the word, 'perhaps.'

Perhaps I am.

Jetée 06-17-2010 12:50 PM

I need to look up the exact uses and rules for parentheses in sentence structures. I'd also like to know ehen, if ever, brackets come into play in a narrative piece.

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 12:51 PM

^^I'm not counting you,
as my nearest and dearest;
just others around.

I'm sure it's just me,
& imagining what-not,
not sociopaths.

ring 06-17-2010 12:54 PM

Brackets hold up my bookshelves.

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 01:03 PM

Exacting uses and rules,
so long slipping into other times,
are available no more.

ring 06-17-2010 01:06 PM

"The word, “splitting” can be used in two senses: as a way of perceiving OR as something that is “done” to others, and which results in conflict between others. Splitting is a process that oscillates between external and internal manifestations. Inconsistent, irrational, labile, and unpredictable behavior on the part of parents (an external manifestation) can result in a developmental process whereby a child’s thought processes (an internal manifestation) come to mirror these external behaviors. For example, the external behavior of a parent (most often a mother), biases the thought processes of a child into thinking in black and white, polarized ways. Because the parent does not model behavior and thinking that allows for shades of gray, continua, and subtleties, the child internalizes similar patterns. Thus, an external, i.e. behavioral, process on the part of a parent becomes a way of black-and-white thinking and perceiving on the part of a child. This internal process in the child then externalizes into that child’s behavior, which can then cause that child to treat people in polarized, black-and-white ways, such as valuation/devaluation."

Jetée 06-17-2010 01:27 PM

"In order to be effective a doctrine must not be understood, but has to be believed in. We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand."

"The uncompromising attitude is more indicative of an inner uncertainty than a deep conviction. The implacable stand is directed more against the doubt within than the assailant without."

The True Believer, by Eric Hoffer

(adjusted the size of the font slighty, so it's not unbearably straining to the viewer.)

ring 06-17-2010 01:32 PM

Nice font. Which one?

My father was an alcoholic and my mother was a psychiatric R.N.

I need to clean my abode. Dusty it is.

Jetée 06-17-2010 01:43 PM

Coincidence. It's hard to be surprised by you any more, but I still sigh whenever I see you peeking.

Garamond. (I only guessed at it, since Willravel's siggy is so small, it was hard to tell definitively.)

Jetée 06-17-2010 01:47 PM

Also a quick mental note: It is getting increasingly harder and more frustrating to feature new selections for my current endeavor when nearly of my music albums are either in vinyl, or in online storage facilities; either way, both extraction methods are too much of a hassle to properly use if I only need that one song.

Plus, I only own / know about less than 5 dozen sparsely different albums, so finding stuff that I've never heard about is no problem, really, save for the fact that I don't like to get out of my box often enough to realize this.

Hopefully, though, now that I've downloaded the song from my ipod, then may I find the time to re-upload it to the web, preferably to a hosting site I can depend upon to not take an hour-two weeks to actually finalize the linking process. Appeasing one's self is never easy, I always come to find out.

Praying before 8 do I let it go live.

ring 06-17-2010 01:53 PM

It is easier on the eyes.

Peaking or peeking.

It's amazing to watch OCM? drive down a busy street, carrying on a conversation,
commenting on every billboard, left & right, and simultaneously changing the radio station.

If my filters are not working, the chaos is painful.

You replicated again.....you.

Jetée 06-17-2010 02:12 PM

well, at 8 past the hour, finally, did I find out the upload was successful.

Still straining. I need a rest from the waiting. Now all that there is left to do is ponder up, and then, research the history and context of the tune; then post. (It's a live covered peformance, by the way, if an artist, whom I'm guessing, is the 'greatest' example of one makes at least half of her living this way.)

So, I've still got 2/3 of the ways to go. This is not dandy.
(I'm probably going to sneak in a game of Pac-Man before I get to it, tho.)

Jetée 06-17-2010 02:22 PM

I meant 'of'. Additionally, backtracking, then: I meant 'when'. It's not always easy catching up with one's stream of consciousness typing, y'know (the typos?).

'Long as I'm here, a question: say you were me, and wanted the audience (TFP) to help you scavenge something up, a photograph; where would you most likely think it be the best place to ask?

I have seemed to misplace this very specific piece of a near-monochromatic image (but not fully) of a topless young girl, (you can barely she is, tho, because, well other than her size, she is also quite pale) with white hair, emphatically smiling on what I think I can recall to be a beach setting, upon her towel, sitting up, and flashing me the righteous 'thumbs up'.

I spent about an hour this morning tidying up my dA account, and because i didn't know when you "un-fav" an image that it is also removed from your personal sets, I might have misplaced and dropped a few of my accumulated finds. This was one of them. And if I need mention it, I'm quite sure the photograph was a deviantart original submission.

It sucks knowing of something, but not knowing where to find it again. This happened to me once before with a diminutive turtle inside my scrabble board.

ring 06-17-2010 02:39 PM

Dessicated turtle?


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2340432)
I have been tailed.

gotta go.

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 03:06 PM

When ya gotta go
a place nearby is handy,
& undertakers.

Jetée 06-17-2010 03:20 PM

Forgot to mention that the photograph was a 'landscape', not 'portrait'.
I've already searched thru 1,500 images without happening on it yet.

Thumbs Up For Cleaning Up by ~beautifulyesterday on deviantART

- - -

I'm smiling, man. New high score on what I perceive is the single hardest arcade game to master.

84,400 (I think; level 8, I also think. Grapes.)

Going to get started on my post now.

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 03:29 PM

Cool picture, Jetee,
while sadly indicative
of multiple ills.

Riding a skateboard;
a skill I'll never master:
I'm prob'ly jealous.

Jetée 06-17-2010 04:00 PM

finished my post.

I think I'll go off to search again for my light-haired cutie who felt it proper to give me a thumbs-up.

(It was on a day that I fav'd no less than three other separate "thumbs-up" pics, as they all seemed genuinely spontaneous.)

Ourcrazymodern? 06-17-2010 04:18 PM


I like a thumbs up,
give them more than I get them,
& relish the task.:thumbsup:

Jetée 06-17-2010 04:40 PM

I'll give you a golden one.

Thumbs Up by ~olsons39

author's comments:
A creepy golden guy pimp giving the thumbs up.

Cool outfit. Creepy guy.

BadNick 06-18-2010 05:45 AM

up, up, and away...thumbs "up" reminds me that I'd rather be taken by an overtaker than an undertaker


Ourcrazymodern? 06-18-2010 08:03 AM


opposable thumbs,
as the most useful digits,
require protection.

BadNick 06-18-2010 08:32 AM

Having the longest thumbs could compromise opposability, I think


Ourcrazymodern? 06-18-2010 09:37 AM

Even Cowgirls Get The Blues?
Opposed to one's position & state
it's hard to be too happy.

BadNick 06-18-2010 11:26 AM

That's not me, then. I'm happy, with reasonably normal thumbs that are opposable.

Though the pinky on my right hand has a bit of an unusual kink in it due to some hereditary power. A couple days ago my older son was telling me that he thinks he jammed his finger playing basketball, so he shows me his right-hand pinky with the kink in it. When I showed him mine, his eyes sort of got more wide open and he just said "oh!"

Jetée 06-18-2010 11:30 AM

Just reminded me that I still need to figure out and search to see if I can find that elusive image of mine.

Be back in a while.

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