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jogproof 04-05-2004 10:37 AM


Redlemon 04-05-2004 10:38 AM

Add 0.1 to your opengl?

jogproof 04-05-2004 10:40 AM


iamtheone 04-05-2004 10:42 AM


download the update.

Redlemon 04-05-2004 10:47 AM


Originally posted by iamtheone

download the update.

Well, that would have been my answer if he had posted in TFP Computers. There's no Nonsense in your reply, iamtheone, so I consider it invalid. :eek:

iamtheone 04-05-2004 10:51 AM


Originally posted by redlemon
Well, that would have been my answer if he had posted in TFP Computers. There's no Nonsense in your reply, iamtheone, so I consider it invalid. :eek:
Yeah. I was kinda asking myself the same thing. Why was this posted here?

bernadette 04-05-2004 10:51 AM

<img src="http://photobucket.com/albums/1003/m0us33/dont_scream.jpg">

in other words... WHY ALL CAPS????

iamtheone 04-05-2004 10:59 AM

hahahahaha! That pic was awesome!

paddyjoe 04-05-2004 11:38 AM

bernie, you fucking rule like no other!

Fremen 04-05-2004 06:56 PM


Originally posted by paddyjoe
bernie, you fucking rule like no other!
That's why she's the Queen of Nonsense. :thumbsup:

Fly 04-05-2004 06:58 PM


Originally posted by Fremen
That's why she's the Queen of Nonsense. :thumbsup:

i second that...........

Astrocloud 04-05-2004 07:02 PM



Fly 04-05-2004 07:06 PM

in the sauce again eh astro?

Astrocloud 04-05-2004 07:17 PM

Hey at least I type in American and not some strange Canadian dialect. "Eh"?

(Laughs Wickedly)

Fremen 04-05-2004 07:25 PM

I've aboot had enough of the all caps. ;)

Fly 04-05-2004 07:27 PM


Originally posted by Astrocloud
Hey at least I type in American and not some strange Canadian dialect. "Eh"?

(Laughs Wickedly)

oh yeah!!!

(Wickedly Lauughs)

bundy 04-05-2004 07:52 PM

i love you guys.

you always know just how to distract a fella from doing his essays!

Xiomar 04-05-2004 08:46 PM

Hehe.. Bastards. :D I play Savage also .. Same name :)

bernadette 04-05-2004 09:54 PM


Originally posted by Fremen
That's why she's the Queen of Nonsense. :thumbsup:
aw why thank you, fremen & flyman.
i shall right here & now knight you both & you shall both from here on out forever be respectively entitled to the proper nonsense land gentlemens' title of "sir fremen" & "sir flyman".

<img src="http://www.texancultures.utsa.edu/memories/TEXT/potter/0PossumQueenlx.jpg">

yes, you may now kiss my feet, but don't be sloppy.
please be careful, the black nail polish may not yet be quite dry.
yknow y'don't wanna mess up the queen's fresh pedicure!

<small>oh gawds... this role so don't fits me too well...</small>

bernadette 04-05-2004 10:02 PM

large oversight...

paddyjoe started this ruling thing.

*dubs "sir paddyjoe"

& while i'm at it...

*dubs "sir bundy" & "sir astroglide"

<small>if i got any of that fancy royality speak wrong, don't kiss <i>my feet</i>! if yeah catch my drift ;)

i might require sleep now, huh?</small>

Batman976 04-05-2004 10:06 PM

Ohh! Can I be a minstrel?

Bravely bold Sir Fremen rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Fremen. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Fremen. He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken. To have his kneecap split, and his body burned away, and his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Fremen. His head smashed in and heart cut out, and his liver removed, and his bowels unplugged, and his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off and his penis...

bernadette 04-05-2004 10:30 PM


i fear you did not pass the audition for minstrel.
this queen was not amused, but rather repulsed.

might we interest you in the title of the royal executioner?

bundy 04-05-2004 10:35 PM

apparently the position of Assistant Private Secretary to the Queen is open. (Queen of England, that is - not Queen Bernie)

(i'm not joking - ad was in The Economist)

the requirements are tough, but with my new knighthood in the land of Nonsense, i may be in with a shot...

Fremen 04-05-2004 10:43 PM

:eek: Are my nostrils safe now? :eek:

Thank you for the knighting, Queenie.
I shall endeavour to tickle your bunny fone. ;)

bernadette 04-05-2004 10:48 PM

dear sir bundy,

at the next weekly queen tea, i will speak to clandestinely to elizabeth regarding your qualifications for the position.
i feel most certain that we can arrange this gig for you.


bernadette 04-05-2004 10:53 PM

sir fremen, your nostrils are now under special royalty protection.

you may now sneeze freely.

Fly 04-06-2004 02:56 AM

can i lick your face instead bern?

not much of a foot guy eh.

thanx for the sir too.......

*jeez.....slap on a pair of hose in this joint and they "sir" ya'*

paddyjoe 04-06-2004 03:06 AM

yay, sir paddyjoe. I like that.

can I be in charge of your spongebaths?

Crack 04-06-2004 06:18 AM


"Message for you sir"

I wanna play too!

Batman976 04-06-2004 06:18 AM


Originally posted by bernadette
might we interest you in the title of the royal executioner?
Hmmm.... royal executioner? Yes, I rather like that. What is your preferred method of execution?

bernadette 04-06-2004 08:31 AM

<b><font color="red">++++++++ royal note: this rookie jogproof thread has been successfully hijacked ++++++++</font></b>

<b>sir flyman</b>: face licking approved *twitters gleefully*
<b>sir paddyjoe</b>: spongebath approved - meet me in the royal bathing chambers after tea

*dubs "<b>sir crack</b>"


Originally posted by Batman976
What is your preferred method of execution?
<b>sir batman</b>: please submit your resume of execution skills.
the other knights shall decide the royal method of execution upon review of said resume.

Crack 04-06-2004 09:17 AM


Originally posted by bernadette
<b><font color="red">++++++++ royal note: this rookie jogproof thread has been successfully hijacked ++++++++</font></b>
Nice Decree Melady...

Shall I remove "Jogproof" from thy royal prescence your most fearful and fantasticful-ness?

iamtheone 04-06-2004 10:42 AM

hey, everyone's all Royal now. Sir this and Sir that. What about me, yo?

What would you see fitting for me my lovely queen?

bernadette 04-06-2004 10:49 AM

sir crack, please promptly escort the rookie known as jogproof to the royal confinement quarters until the other knights have determined your method for the execution of the said rookie.

*sips tea & daintly nibbles on a biscuit*

bernadette 04-06-2004 10:57 AM

*knights sir iamtheone*

now fetch me another cup of tea. :)

iamtheone 04-06-2004 11:05 AM


Originally posted by bernadette
*knights sir iamtheone*

now fetch me another cup of tea. :)

Would you like sugar with that?

Redlemon 04-06-2004 11:09 AM

Wow, Bernadette sure has had a lot of tea recently.
Your royal teapee awaits your imminent needs.

Batman976 04-06-2004 11:44 AM


Originally posted by bernadette
<b>sir batman</b>: please submit your resume of execution skills.
the other knights shall decide the royal method of execution upon review of said resume.

Well, my preferred method would be at the guillotine. If you don't have a guillotine available, I could make due with a very large ax.

I personally find hangings to be a little too messy, but I could handle the responsibility.

If all else fails I could always bore them to death. I excel at that and no materials are needed.

Crack 04-06-2004 12:50 PM


Originally posted by bernadette
sir crack, please promptly escort the rookie known as jogproof to the royal confinement quarters until the other knights have determined your method for the execution of the said rookie.

*sips tea & daintly nibbles on a biscuit*

May I suggest... your most bernedette-ness... that the rookie be forced to listen to "Badger-badger-badger" until his eyeballs bleed honey...

Fly 04-06-2004 08:09 PM

i'm most curious as too when this face licking episode shall take place?

Fenton-J-Cool 04-06-2004 08:19 PM

Why did my post get deleted? I directed him to the opengl website.

bernadette 04-12-2004 03:51 PM

thank you redlemon for the royal teepee for my royal peepee needs.


Originally posted by flyman
i'm most curious as too when this face licking episode shall take place?
that makes two of us :icare:


Originally posted by crackprogram
May I suggest... your most bernedette-ness... that the rookie be forced to listen to "Badger-badger-badger" until his eyeballs bleed honey...
splendid idea, sir crack! simply splendid. commence with the execution.

Batman976 04-12-2004 04:43 PM


Originally posted by bernadette
splendid idea, sir crack! simply splendid. commence with the execution.
I'm on it!

Redlemon 04-13-2004 06:12 AM


Originally posted by Fenton-J-Cool
Why did my post get deleted? I directed him to the opengl website.
Don't worry; he re-posted into the Computers forum, and your response is there.

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