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JBX 08-24-2003 12:24 PM

I bet I'm the olny one here who has broken down in the Lincon Tunnel during rush hour in a Volkswagon Rabbit.

Root_Beer_Man 08-24-2003 12:43 PM

I bet im the only one here who is drinking Root beer right now...no wait...NOW!

Psivage 08-24-2003 04:13 PM

I bet I'm the only one here who has one leg, one kidney, a reconstructive bladder who has to catherize himself in a hole above said reconstructive bladder.

Lebell 08-24-2003 04:54 PM

Sorry Zargix, I've made chainmail (just not a lot of it.)


Bet I'm the only person here:

-who's winked at Clinton and gotten a little wave back from him. (shook hands later with him)
-who's shaked hands with Mother Teresa

ssander9 08-24-2003 06:23 PM

that has won a super chevy drag racing event in memphis in a 72 nova
that has a wife that holds the season drag racing points record at Byhalia Raceway
that has a tandy color computer 3 brand new in the box

ssander9 09-01-2003 01:14 PM

Nailed my thumb to a carport support post with an air nailer.

ZeliG 09-01-2003 03:55 PM

only one to directly drink tabasco

wry1 09-01-2003 04:12 PM

I bet I'm the only one who came home from a vacation to find a note from a porn star thanking me for the use of my bed....damned roommate of mine!

Meridae'n 09-01-2003 04:19 PM

...can breathe under urine.

wry1 09-01-2003 04:19 PM


Originally posted by almostaugust
I reckon there is a good chance that im the only one hear who has found a decomposing corpse in the forest.
I've left a few in the forest before....but never found one.

....of course, now you know too much....

anleja 09-01-2003 08:48 PM

I bet I'm the only person here who is considering finding a "Gary Coleman for Governor" computer wallpaper background. I might actually do it. Or not. I'm definitely considering it, at least.

He's campaigning for Governor... and respect.

09-05-2003 10:07 PM

I bet I'm the only one here who is in the process of constructing kits for the following activities:

Grave Robbing
Breaking and Entering

filtherton 09-05-2003 10:48 PM

I bet i'm the only:

unconfirmed son of a preacher man.

person in here to be kicked out of the mall of america and the first mall ever built in america in the same day.

person in here to have had a 50 and 25 dollar reward out for information leading to my capture for stealing flags and rearranging the letters on a city welcome sign, respectively. Careful, i'm dangerous.

Empty_One 09-06-2003 06:54 PM

I bet I'm the only one here playing Literati right now

analog 09-07-2003 01:22 AM

High school. My best friend Jay is moving away for a while. The entore 100 or so people in the drama class make a tape sending him off. I bet i'm the only one here who on two seperate parts of a videotape for a friend gave speeches on how i'd miss him while I molested the shit out of my light boards (tech guy i am, light board for the news room AND the auditorium.).

KWSN 09-07-2003 07:38 AM

I bet I'm the only one here who had his eyelid sliced completely open by a hockey stick when he was about 13, somehow without any damage to the actual eye whatsoever.

09-07-2003 02:04 PM

Me= the only one arrested for crossing the international border, from the US into Mexico, in the trunk of a Corvair.

prosequence 09-07-2003 02:37 PM


Originally posted by Sluggin
I bet I'm the only one who's swam through a swamp fully clothed (though I lost a shoe) running from the cops extremely drunk.... well, probably not.
Oh my God !!! Must be my lost relative ....
Did the exact same thing on my stagg night....

never 09-07-2003 03:13 PM

i bet im the only one here that has ever gone out to dinner with Anna Kournikova. :)

thejoker130 09-13-2003 11:53 AM

I bet I'm the only person here who has taken a tree down in his yard with the help of gunfire.

rmarshall 09-13-2003 01:42 PM


Originally posted by thejoker130
I bet I'm the only person here who has taken a tree down in his yard with the help of gunfire.
Not. That's what hollow point bullets are for.

I bet I'm the only one here drinking Sleeman Honey Brown lager.

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