![]() |
they a-call me a-the a-winnah
hey it's been reopened
I am clearly still winning.
nope. sorry.
I don't see what the point is of anyone else posting, because in the end, when I post, I'll be the one winning. Seriously people, c'mon... :D :thumbsup:
Yeah, this is really cheap, and its prolly pissin mods off, but oh well, crow_daw TAKES THE LEAD!
To use a strictly Aussie term:
"I'm letting that last one go through to Gilchrist" Win I... |
what do I win
nothing................. cause I am winning!!!!
I promise to win only once
Honest |
you thought you were........til I won!!
A-ha-ha! |
You're all deluded.
Everyone knows that you approach something like this with a gameplan.
I'm gonna lurk and lurk and lurk and lurk and lurk and lurk and lurk and lurk and lurk some more, UNTIL: This will force all of you unprepared people out of action [IMG]http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SADTAlIW*j0AVSgakOSGdOL5Dc4tB*edXKmhTi8PEWHGnNFHJoiruxuguCnkat!1bI7O7DpGJzi72QRtV*EosHeZdCHmHgGKhdIJgd4DfBg*AAAAkXJYAg/scoi-cts-main.jpg?dc=4675430651296378380[/IMG] Then I win! |
Oh well. All your previous posts have been in vain...
Bbut don't worry; I will remember you all in my victory speech(es)!!! :p |
One time my cousin Walter got this cat stuck up his ass.
True story. He had to go to a doctor to get it out. It was on the news and was pretty embarassing for my family and all. But then he went out and did it again. Different cat, but same story, complete with a trip to the hospital. Then last week I see him at the pet store buying another cat and I says to him: "Jesus, Walter, what the hell are you doing? You know you're just gonna get that cat stuck up your ass again, so why don't you knock it off?" And he says to me: "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?" My cousin's a weird guy... *This post courtesy of the great Kevin Smith movie "Mall Rats" and brought to you by your winner and still champion: Bob Biter.* |
Did you all miss me?
I win! And Bob, thanks for the Mallrats quote, anytime I get to read some Kevin Smith, it's a good day. |
Well, until you post again anyway. |
God damnit. I don't believe I have ever seen a thread grow so fast. And I win.
no one wins while i'm around
Except, of course, me.
Good to see you back Rat! I'm winning. |
not hardly troublebot. and that's it, I'm back!
you guys' wrists feelin ok?
I win |
not hardly paddy
Hell Paddy, I'm down to typing with my nose.
It's a hard earned win. |
You guys just don't get it, do you? I'm still winning :D
lol does this nonsense count for our post number count too?
and no i didnt win .. but | | | | | Ý this person might |
- For years, in this industry, whenever a black comic book character, hero or villain, was introduced into the mainstream, they were SLAPPED with racist names, which singled them out as negroes. Now, my book, "White Hatin' Coon", doesn't have any of that bullshit. The character's name is Moleekwa and he's descendant from the African tribe who established the first civilisation on the planet, while all you European motherfuckers were still hiding in caves all afraid of the sun and shit. He's a positive role-model, that a young black reader can look up to. 'Cuz I'm here to tell ya: the chickens is coming home to roost y'all. We will no longer be relegated to the back of the sci-fi theme, we keeping it real; and we're gonna get respect by any means necessary.
- Ah, come on, that's a bunch of horseshit! What about Landau Kalrisian! He got to fly the Millenium Falcon, what's the matter with you?! - Who said that? - I did. I think that Landau Kalrisian is a positive role-model in the realm of sci-fi fantasy. - YO! FUCK LANDAU KALRISIAN! Uncle Tom nigger... Always some white boy gotta bring up the holy trilogy. But Star Wars is just another way that the white man keeps the brother man down, even in a galaxy far, far away. Check this shit: you got cracker farmboy Luke Skywalker (nazi poster boy - blond hair, blue eyes) and then, you got Darth Vader, the blackest motherfucker in the universe, nubian god!... - What's a nubian? - SHUT THE FUCK UP! Now, Darth Vader's cool, he down with the force and all of that good shit. Then this cracker, Skywalker, gets his hands on a lightsaber and decides he's gonna run the fucking universe. Gets a whole CLAN of white folks and they gone and bust up Vader's hood the Death Star, now WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CALL THAT??? - Intergalactic civil war? - GENTRIFICATION!!! They trying to get rid of the black element to make the universe "safe" for white folk. And "Jedi" is the most insulting installment, when Darth Vader's beautiful black visage is SULLIED, when Luke pulls of his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty old white man. THEY TRYING TO TELL US THAT DEEP INSIDE WE ALL WANTS TO BE WHITE!!! - Well isn't that true? - [cocks gun fires] "BLACK RAGE! BLACK RAGE! I KILL ANY OF YOU WHITE FUCKS I LAY MY MOTHERFUCKING EYES ON!!!" - "What's a nubian..." Bitch, you almost made me laugh. - What about you? I didn't know you were gonna yell "black rage", I nearly pissed myself. *I rule both Kevin Smith quotes and this pathetic thread. I am the conceited nerd all other strive to be, but never will achieve.* *Furthermore, I win.* |
Not likely.
I'm sneakin in here and no one will notice that I've stolen rockogre's glory... now if only I could get a ride on that norton of his.
Yo, bumrush the thread.
I win. |
I'm sure I won't win, but I'm in first place right now!!!
we're all wieners, uh winners, yea
Everybody Dance now ...
Everybody Dance now ... Give me the music Give me the music Everybody Dance now ... Everybody Dance now ... Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah Everybody Dance now ... Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah Everybody Dance now ... Here is the doe, back with the bass The jam is live in effect and I don't waste time Or the mike if it don't rhyme Jump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jump And I'm here to provide Peace and lyrics to make your shake your pants Take a chance, come on and dance Guys grab a girl, don't wait, make a whirl It's your world and I'm just a swirl Trying to get a nut to move your butt To the dance floor, so yo what's up Hands in the air, Come on say yeah, everybody over here everybody over there the crowd is live and I feel this groove Party people in the house Move ... (Let your mind) Move ... (Put me online) (Chorus) Come on let's sweat, baby Let the music take control Let the rhythm move you Sweat, sweat Let the music take control Let the rhythm move you Everybody dance now ... Da da da da da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da, da da da la da da da la da da da dum da dum da dum everybody dance now Pause take a breath go for yours On my command now hit the dance floors I'm gonna make you sweat till you bleed Is that ... enough, indeed I pay the price, control the dice I'm more precise, to a point I'm nice The music takes control, your heart and soul Oh, your body is free and a whole Dance till you can't dance Till you can't dance no more Get on the floor and get warm Then come back and upside down Easy now, let me see ya Move ... (Let your mind) Move ... (Put me online) The music is my life ... everybody dance now ... everybody dance now ... everybody dance now ... everybody ... (Repeat Chorus) |
Um, no. Not time to post yet.
BoO! Scared ya all away! :)
when will you all learn that I....FLYMAN am the WINNER....
*steps outside to have a celebration with his good friend JAY* |
do I?
Hold on, I'm going to have to check my list.
Victory is mine!
i'm half-drunk and i STILL realize you fail to win
Hark! I am zee winna!
This is childish on many levels, but I am still winning, just like last time I posted. :thumbsup:
sorry to disapoint U......as I will be too
... only because everyone else posted in here.
Now I have won!......
Wicked cool.
I'm Winni...
ah, what's the use. |
Someone should let a rookie win ;)
Or not.
I'm still lurking!
(i win) |
Rock, you can't win with nonsense!
You have to finesse this thread. Now I'm winning. |
The concept of Pi, an irrational number, has been calculated and explored throughout history from biblical times to the present. The Chinese calculated Pi and their value was used for a thousand years. One mathematician calculated Pi to 35 places and had it inscribed on his epitaph. With the advent of the computer, Pi has been calculated to over six billion decimal places. Whether it is of historical significance, mathematical importance or a personal goal, Pi has universal appeal.
Yeah. well take that! |
Rock, I didn't understand a dang thing you just said, but I must admit you were winning there for a while.
Now, I am. |
Then I stepped into the leaders' position.
I am winning! DEAL! |
Many common chemicals undergo exothermic reactions. For example, simply dissolving sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in water produces enough heat that if this is not done carefully it could melt a plastic container! Our entry on oxidation has an example of an even more exothermic reaction.
The heat that a chemical reaction gives off can quickly heat the surrounding area (or rest of the chemicals in the container) to very high temperature. As temperature increases, the rate of chemical reactions generally increases as well. Thus, once an exothermic reaction begins, it can quickly "run away" -- accelerating its rate because of the heat produced. This can be especially dangerous if the material reaches its flash point or autoignition temperature, at which point a fire or explosion could occur. Therefore, it is very important to know when a chemical reaction can generate excess heat and to take appropriate measures to deal with this. Examples include slow mixing, using a cooling bath or avoiding that reaction. Most mixtures of incompatible chemicals involve violently rapid exothermic reactions. |
Rock is kickin' the knowledge
but I still win. |
Excerpt from The Psychology of Motivation
By Denis Waitey Focusing on Positive Motivations There's nothing wrong with competition when it's employed in a friendly manner to push one another to greater heights. But too often, people today associate rivalry with aggression and find it difficult to conceive of competition that doesn't escalate into a free-for-all, with benches in opposing dugouts pouring onto the mound as they do in major league baseball every week or so. There will always be a place for competition, in athletics, business, and life. But what must change is the spirit that turns the mere acquisition of points into the number one goal. When the extrinsic motivation of competition becomes the basis for our motivation, it drives us away from self-knowledge and self-discovery. This is what over-competitiveness shares with fear of failure. Both are misplaced motivations, distracting our attention from the big dreams and goals of self-actualization. When we are worried about beating other people, we can't focus on developing our own potential. We become outer-directed, instead of inner-inspired Remember that all motivations arise from the same source: the desire to be satisfied with yourself. Even fear of failure, in its most basic form, masks a desire to feel good about ourselves - competitiveness also derives from the need for self-esteem. So the roots of even these motivations are quite sound. They are present in all of us to some degree. How we frame our desires and how we define the benefits we expect to receive will determine what drives us forward and how far it will take us. By focusing on positive, healthy motivations and letting the more negative ones pass, you can purify the source of your imaginative power. The longer you work on it, the easier it will be to frame your motivation toward intrinsic and positive achievement. I will sacrifice my self to winning for the good of the rest of you. No further posts are necessary. |
I take the lead, which undoubtedly will lead to Rock spouting more wisdom.
man, I was gonna concede to Rock, 'cause he's doing a bang-up job, but now that someone else messed it up...
I win. |
I heard that you could not win with nonsense so I tried to up the class of the postings.
Ergo hys-ter-e-sis: n [NL, fr. Gk hysteresis shortcoming, fr. hysterein to be late, fall short, fr. hysteros later] a retardation of the effect when the forces acting upon a body are changed (as if from viscosity or internal friction); esp: a lagging in the values of resulting magnetization in a magnetic material (as iron) due to a changing magnetizing force. -hys-ter-et-ic adj |
now I'M the winner. for a while anyway.
We're going ot do the same thing we do every night Pinky.. take over the world..
So I win rihgt? |
No, you don't win because I just passed you. I WIN!!!!
In my heart, Rockogre won this thread.
In real life however... |
And I take the lead...
Why thank you' I think I just did!
mtsgsd quietly bides his time.... no one will know he has posted the final,
DOH! |
The first thread was not closed when I won it.
I'm sorry, but I've gone digital.
digital is overrated- PIMP SMACK!
I'm losing!!! YES!!!1!!
You are now.
Skiball mania.
I have all the tickets. I collect all the prizes. There are no stuffed animals for you. There never will be. Never. |
I win again.
So spake the loo-hoo-zer!
I'm bound to win this eventually. I am the thread killer.
Post-whore checking in. :)
Anyways, I win. :thumbsup: |
Until now, that is. :)
So, I've been thinking that I'll be the bigger man and let y'all win. What say you? :hmm: |
i say fremen is to free with his ability to lose :P
I win.
and drider slips in again...
can i win yet?
Looks who's back in the lead...
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