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Old 09-10-2009, 03:05 PM   #361 (permalink)
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"why are you so touchy Dez?" Rhodes looked concerned.

Desiree said, "I loved my maidenhood voyage beneath the sea,
but Rhodes, there wasn't a Merman to be found anywhere. I was sorely dissapointed."
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Old 09-11-2009, 09:06 AM   #362 (permalink)
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"I'm glad you're not sore in other ways, sis; I hear those mermen can be dreadful lovers."

"But bro, I was so looking forward to all the things I had imagined!"

"Don't worry, you're beautiful; you'll get your chances."
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Old 09-11-2009, 09:30 AM   #363 (permalink)
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Desiree watched her thought bubble form.

"I recall Silenus mentioning he had this cousin...." she trailed off.

Rhodes took some time deciding, whether to shoot her a glance,or not.
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Old 09-11-2009, 06:54 PM   #364 (permalink)
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He shot her a glance, bur when she shot one back, he reconsidered.

"The neighbors are still out back, loudly discussing healthcare reform," he said, querulously, "Maybe we should join them?"
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Old 09-12-2009, 08:35 AM   #365 (permalink)
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"We have some of that special dip left, don't we? I think we are out of chips though;
what else could we bring?" asked Desiree.
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Old 09-12-2009, 09:43 AM   #366 (permalink)
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"Our witty repartee. Don't give me any shit about the French, sis."

"Hell, bro', I know about you."

"Let's trot on over, then, shall we?"

Silenus smoothed out his skirt, & carried the dip. Stallion brought up the rear.
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Old 09-12-2009, 09:51 AM   #367 (permalink)
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Desiree kept her eye on the cousin of Silenus;
He followed, staying three trees behind them,
always in shadow.
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Old 09-13-2009, 08:54 AM   #368 (permalink)
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"See how he is?" She whispered.
"Yeah, I know. He's been following us for quite some ineffective time. Maybe we should tell him to fuck off?"
"I don't think so, Rhodes. He might have something important to say, & worth hearing."
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Old 09-13-2009, 12:11 PM   #369 (permalink)
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Desiree caught sight of the patio lanterns, dancing to the music and breezed by the wind.
"Look, we are almost there!" she cried.

Rhodes tugged at her shirt and said, "No, wait. I don't hear him. Let's backtrack a bit,
something tells me to."

Desiree aquiesced.

They found him a block and a half behind.

The cousin of Silenus was tired of pretense.
The cousin of Silenus was just plain tired.

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Old 09-13-2009, 05:08 PM   #370 (permalink)
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"Should we disturb him?" Rhodes whispered.

"I'm not sure that we could," Desiree whispered back.
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:37 AM   #371 (permalink)
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Rhodes yawned and sank to the ground. "I think I'll rest for a spell, Dez."
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Old 09-15-2009, 07:46 AM   #372 (permalink)
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Desiree pursed her lips, but then remembered that ladies carry hand-bags. "Silenus, you might provide some advice, or at least a little comfort!"

"I can do both," he assured her. "Your parents are nearby, & buckskins wear themselves out more quickly than bays - let your brother sleep. ...meanwhile..."
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Old 09-16-2009, 05:10 AM   #373 (permalink)
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Desiree started....and looked up. "What or who is causing such a racket?"

Stallion parted the branches and was peering down at them. He was perched uncomfortably,
in the cottonwood tree.

"I have the oddest inexplicable urge to roost. I'm not built for climbing trees.
Sorry for all the noise."
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Old 09-16-2009, 06:17 AM   #374 (permalink)
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"You come down from there right now!" Desiree exclaimed, "You are not a sheep! Are you pregnant again, horse-mom?"

"I don't think so," Stallion said as he alighted, "I haven't given any reproductives any rides lately."
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Old 09-16-2009, 07:58 AM   #375 (permalink)
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Silenus coughed twice and hiccupped once.

This was the signal, The Cousin Of Silenus, was waiting for.
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Old 09-16-2009, 08:27 AM   #376 (permalink)
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"Yeah, right," he cleared his throat. "I was having a perfectly wonderful siesta & you want to drag me into THIS? I am no longer your cousin, Silenus; the family secrets remain intact, but I need another nap."

"He's a mouthy little bitch, isn't he?" asked Stallion.
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Old 09-16-2009, 08:56 AM   #377 (permalink)
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Silenus looked at his watch and replied:

"He's always like this when the moon is waning crescent and only 6% illuminated."
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Old 09-16-2009, 11:26 AM   #378 (permalink)
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Rhodes was aroused. "Cool watch you have there, uncle. May I take a closer look?"

"Of course, you buckskin, just be careful not to break it!"
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Old 09-16-2009, 02:22 PM   #379 (permalink)
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Unable to read the output, Rhodes threw the watch back at Silenus. "Are you trying to trick me?" he asked, but felt his quickening response.

"Don't worry about that," said Silenus, glancing down. "It's perfectly natural, for someone your age.'
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Old 09-17-2009, 09:56 AM   #380 (permalink)
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Desiree offered some fresh grapefruit juice to her brother.

Rhodes thanked her kindly for the refreshing liquid.

"Let's take the dogs and ourselves for a run and a swim, shall we?"

Desiree nodded in agreement and replied: "I have a pocketful of excellent skipping stones,
I've been longing to use. There are plenty here for both of us."

"Good work, sis, let's go. We don't need these satyricals, to have fun."

The dogs were yippy yowly nipping at heels grateful; happy to be a pack again,
anticipating all that would entail.

Stallion watched them head for for the lake, and cried to himself softly:

"About damn time. Sheesh, I need a tissue."
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Old 09-18-2009, 06:15 AM   #381 (permalink)
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Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
Stallion, as you can imagine, was not one given to such outbursts, & immediately called his psychiatrist.

The kids frolicked in the surf for quite some time before they said, both @ the same time: "Where did these dogs come from?"

It was another bonding moment.
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Old 09-18-2009, 10:45 AM   #382 (permalink)
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Merrick and his brother Louden, waited patiently.
Slaveringly patient.
Their eyes afixed on the stick that Rhodes held above his head.

Rhodes twitched a throwing muscle. Louden bolted in anticipation.

Merrick kept his eye on the ball.

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Old 09-18-2009, 03:08 PM   #383 (permalink)
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Rhodes cupped his scrotum, just in case.

Desiree whooped, "Good dog! Bring it here."

Louden brought her the stick.

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Old 09-20-2009, 06:12 AM   #384 (permalink)
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Desiree took the stick and broke it in half across her thigh.

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Old 09-20-2009, 07:54 AM   #385 (permalink)
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"Fetch!" She called & threw the halves simultaneously, in different directions. The dogs gave each other a look, decided, & took off for their selected pieces.
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Old 09-20-2009, 08:55 AM   #386 (permalink)
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Merrick decided that Louden's stick looked best.

They tugged and growled. Louden worked his mouth closer to Merrick's end of the stick.

Merrick turned and leaned his massive shoulder into Louden's side.

Rhodes nodded his head with vicarious joy, then said:
"I love to watch their horseplay."
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Old 09-20-2009, 09:04 AM   #387 (permalink)
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Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
"Sis, I still don't know where these dogs came from, but I really enjoy watching them play."

"That's because you're one of them, Rhodes," Desiree said, without rancor.
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Old 09-20-2009, 05:18 PM   #388 (permalink)
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Stallion whistled for Runni and Snoddi's attention.
He made two pots of strong coffee, and rolled out the dough for the pecan buns.

It was going to be a long few days.

Merrick and Louden lay next to each other, on the rug.
Their vigilant eyes, fixed upon the door.
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:46 PM   #389 (permalink)
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Runni shaped the dough pieces, sprinkled them with cinnamon, allspice and sugar,
and nestled them in the baking pan.
Snoddi paced the floor. Stallion handed him a bowl of peas to shell.

The oven was almost hot enough.

Louden and Merrick relaxed their guard, sensing the return of Rhodes and Desiree.
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:31 AM   #390 (permalink)
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Desiree looked at her pruny fingers and toes.

"We were in the lake a lot longer than I thought, weren't we Rhodes?"

Rhodes nodded his head and replied, "I'm hungry, I smell cinnamon, let's go home, shall we?"

Last edited by ring; 09-27-2009 at 07:17 AM.. Reason: wet brain
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Old 09-22-2009, 03:57 PM   #391 (permalink)
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"I'm with you. I hope Silenus doesn't beat us there - you know how he loves nuts & spice."

"Yeah, especially his own."

"Kinda like you."

"Race ya!"
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Old 09-27-2009, 07:40 AM   #392 (permalink)
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Giggling and sweaty, Rhodes and Desiree scrambled up the porch stairs.
Rhodes touched the screen door first.

The dogs were yipping and twirly dancing. Stallion shouted from the kitchen:

"We're in here! Come and get them while they're still warm."

Rhodes noticed Silenus first and nudged his sister. "What's he doing?" Dez whispered.

"I'm making a pitcher of Tang, sweetlings. It's delicious when mixed with pomegranate
juice. Want some?" Silenus kept stirring.

Rhodes raised an eyebrow. "Tang?"

Last edited by ring; 09-27-2009 at 07:43 AM..
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Old 09-27-2009, 09:24 AM   #393 (permalink)
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Location: South Minneapolis, somewhere near the gorgeous gorge
"I'm not a history teacher - just taste it," Silenus said, offering them both a glass, "but I'll give you a hint: Be happy you're under the influence of gravity."

The twins looked at each other quizzically.

Runni & Snoddi shared a glance.

"Here're your rolls, kids," said Runni, smiling indulgently as she handed them their plates, while marveling at the mysteries of life.

"Hey!" Silenus said, "When do I get mine?"

"Later," Snoddi replied, "In the meantime, have a cinnamon roll. May I have some of that Tang?"
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Old 09-27-2009, 12:38 PM   #394 (permalink)
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The six of them gathered at the table. Pleasantries were exchanged.
The butter was passed back and forth.

Louden and Merrick were busy under the table, chasing the copious amount of crumbs
that were accidentally and purposely dropped.

The Cousin Of Silenus was pretending to be a door stop.

Merrick wandered over towards the immobile figure, and just as he began to lift
his leg, Desiree raised her voice a few notches and blurted out:

"Runni, what are the chances of becoming pregnant if you've only had sex one time?"

Snoddi's butter knife clattered to the floor.

Rhodes inhaled a small amount of Tang into his lungs.

Stallion noticed that Merrick was about to urinate on The Cousin Of Silenus.
"NO!" he screamed.

Runni pleaded, "Calm down Stallion, please, she simply asked a question."

Rhodes began to laugh through his coughing fit.

Snoddi hid under the table pretending to look for the butter knife he dropped.

Silenus calmly buttered another bun.

Merrick jumped back with a yipe, when he saw the sombrero begin to twitch.

Last edited by ring; 11-28-2010 at 01:07 PM.. Reason: Tourettes
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Old 09-27-2009, 04:48 PM   #395 (permalink)
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A yawn the size of Mexico came from beneath the hat, &: "Your chances depend upon your place in your period, if you're normal, but consider your genesis. That could make things different for you. Snoddi, I think you would do well to consider where the twins came from, too, & quit blushing. It doesn't become you. Merrick, go outside. I need another nap."

They all looked @ each other, mouths agape.

"I told you he was a mouthy little bitch," said Silenus, spreading more butter on his bun, "but I never said he couldn't make sense."
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Old 09-28-2009, 10:19 AM   #396 (permalink)
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Silenus glanced at his watch and continued:

"One more day of relative peace and quiet, folks. Just so ya' know."

Moments ticked ticked ticked. Snoddi was the first to ask, "What...why?"

Silenus looked troubled.

"Is something wrong?" asked Desiree.

"Yes there is. I am in dire need. These damn Pecans.
Where do you keep the dental floss?"

Wanting to hear more about The Cousin,
Snoddi handed Silenus a toothpick, lied and said, "This will have to do, it's all we have."

Silenus stuck the toothpick into the butter before using it and replied:

"I will reward your attempt at subtlety, Snoddums."

Tick tick tick. " It's a Mercury thing. Retro."

"Fashion?" Desiree interjected.

Rhodes said, "That's where the Tang came from, right?"

Silenus waved their noise away.

"After tommorow, my Cousin will not sleep until the day after...the 25th of December."

Tick tick tick.

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Old 09-29-2009, 06:35 PM   #397 (permalink)
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Snoddi, ever sensitive to such things, suddenly exploded:
"Desiree, I need to know your motive for asking your question!"
Runni kicked him under the table, rubbed his knee in apology, & continued: "I've always found the orbits confusing, Silenus - can you make them clearer for all of us?"
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Old 10-01-2009, 07:36 AM   #398 (permalink)
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The Cousin Of Silenus, now fully alert, crawled up onto his booster seat and joined them at the table.
"Excellent", he said, as he hungrily eyed the spread before him. "There are plenty of Pecan buns left.
Please pass the butter & do we have any maple syrup in the house?"

Stallion went to the kitchen and fetched not only the syrup, but a few of
The Cousin's other favorites as well, knowing he hadn't eaten for a long time.

Desiree noticed Snoddi's inquisitive gaze was still upon her so she decided to flesh out
her earlier question, for all concerned.

"Sometimes it feels like there is a small frog in my lower belly. It flutters and wiggles
once in awhile. It's a funny feeling."

Rhodes asked, "Is this different than that time we took that silly dare,
and we each swallowed a goldfish?"

Last edited by ring; 11-28-2010 at 01:09 PM.. Reason: gargantuan grammatical goof.
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Old 10-02-2009, 07:44 AM   #399 (permalink)
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"Yes," said Desiree.

"But you said there were no mermen, sis."

The Cousin of Silenus piped up: "Perhaps it's parthenogenesis. Stranger things have certainly happened in this family."

Stallion snorted, Runni looked quietly satisfied, Snoddi started to blush again, & Silenus snagged another pecan roll as Rhodes put a supportive arm across Desiree's shoulders.
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Old 10-03-2009, 07:30 AM   #400 (permalink)
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"I'm happy for you sis, & this also means I'm going to be an uncle!" Rhodes encouraged.

Runni gently asked Desiree about the people she had met during her Maidenhood voyage.

"before I became a mermaid, there were these three fellows in a round boat."

Desiree hestitated & went silent.

The Cousin of Silenus couldn't keep quiet. "Well, if you do happen to pop out a little frog baby, do you want us to have a princess standing by?" he bluntly stated,
"and that reminds me to ask, do we have any Poptarts in the house? I prefer the plain
grape flavored ones. I really do."
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