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bondagegirl 07-27-2003 04:34 PM

Man! you slackers, going from the pool to the hot tub, then to hiding in the bushes, then BACK to the pool!!!! jeez Don't you people have JOBS! :lol: hehe ok ok ok I'll get in the pool too!

*getting some sun*

ForgottenKnight 07-27-2003 05:01 PM

Seems like NiceGuy is alone with Minx. He takes a quick trip to the bar to get a couple glasses of wine and goes back to the bushes with Minx. ;)

btw, I'll be on vacation for a couple of days, so if you don't want the game to hault until I return, then it would be wise not to tag me.

ForgottenKnight 07-27-2003 09:13 PM

Good Bye Everybody! I'll rejoin the tag game as soon as I get back from my very short vacation.

Minx 07-28-2003 07:00 AM

Well I'm not going to sit in the bushes by myself.....ah ha - the hot tub looks to be the place to be right about now.
Wonder where suviko is anyways :lol: as I do believe she is still it.

SiN 07-28-2003 12:24 PM


Originally posted by Minx

Wonder where suviko is anyways :lol: as I do believe she is still it.

heh..she is...

i pm'd her rite away, and i've been watching for her...no see yet...

er, i mean, i dragged her off into the bushes to play show and tell... ;)

MacGnG 07-28-2003 12:36 PM

lol we need a DJ. Any one wanna be the TAG DJ? we already got bbq, a pool and a hot tub, might as well have a DJ!

if not i can be the DJ, my friend is a DJ i watched him i can figure out what to do

mirevolver 07-28-2003 12:49 PM

Go for it MacG

Sun Tzu 07-28-2003 01:36 PM

Sun Tzu attaches the water hose to Slip N Slide, cranks the pressure, and does and running sprint toward the water way

SiN 07-28-2003 03:33 PM

w00t, a DJ and a Slip n Slide :D

..this could get quite fun :)

G_Whiz 07-28-2003 07:25 PM

Slip and Slide!!! I specialize in belly flops. Make way!!!!


richeee 07-28-2003 07:38 PM


Originally posted by MacGnG
lol we need a DJ. Any one wanna be the TAG DJ? we already got bbq, a pool and a hot tub, might as well have a DJ!...
"Real Friends don't allow friends to become dj's"! :lol:

*"Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go" Remix plays on turntable 1 ...mixin with a little Paul Simon vocaling of "Slip Siding Away"...*

What do You wanna hear?

Hey Mirevolver! Can I get a Black and Tan? Thanks, man! You rock!

MacGnG 07-28-2003 09:00 PM

hey richee, i'll be dj if ur not gonna b.

but i can be dj, my friiend's a dj he showed me whats up :p

but YAY slip and slide

mirevolver 07-28-2003 09:49 PM


It seems that while NiceGuy is on vacation, I'm filling in on bartender duties.

ok...where did NiceGuy store the beer? Ah-ha, found it.

*pours half a glass with Bass Ale, then takes a spoon and holds it upside down over the glass and pours the guinness over the spoon to disperse the flow into the glass. Waits for it to settle out and hands the glass to Richeee

Here you go, Black and Tan

mirevolver 07-29-2003 12:25 PM

*bump* Game seems to be slowing down.

Where's Suviko?

Minx 07-29-2003 01:54 PM

hmmm I may just have to appoint a new "it" person....but....in the meantime we have a slip & slide!
woohoooooo look out....I'm taking a ride (errr slide, that is)!
Hey Richeee.....or Mac....whoever is the dj....how bout playing some ZZTop for me - La Grange or My Head's in Mississippi will do just fine!

uncle phil 07-29-2003 02:50 PM

Rumour spreadin' a-'round in that Texas town
'bout that shack outside La Grange
And you know what I'm talkin' about.
Just let me know if you wanna go
To that home out on the range.
They gotta lotta nice girls.

Have mercy.
A haw, haw, haw, haw, a haw.
A haw, haw, haw.

Well, I hear it's fine if you got the time
And the ten to get yourself in.
A hmm, hmm.
And I hear it's tight most ev'ry night,
But now I might be mistaken.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

sub zero 07-29-2003 03:03 PM

man... funked, uncle is it again

*saddle up*

richeee 07-29-2003 07:18 PM

Uncle Phil beat me to the turntables, so I had to scramble for this. Are You ready? Please turn to Your left and look up at the big screen. Just for Minx ;): "Ladies and Gentlemen- Please direct Your eyes and ears to Your left, at the bigscreen TV. After a couple hours of frantic negotiation with Bill Curbishley, (and threatening Billy Gibbons with some unpublished photos) I am pleased to introduce, LIVE via Satellite, from Liverpool, United Kingdom - Kings Dock.... Billy! Dusty! And Frank! Put Your paws together for... ZZ TOP!!!!!"

My Head's in Mississippi:

I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
but my head's in Mississippi.
I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
but my head's in Mississippi.
The blues has got a hold of me.
I believe I'm gettin' dizzy. (Spoken: Help me now.)

I keep thinkin' 'bout that night in Memphis,
Lord, I thought I was in Heaven.
I keep thinkin' 'bout that night in Memphis,
I thought I was in Heaven.
But I was stumblin' thru the parking lot
of an invisible seven eleven. (Spoken: What was I doin out there?)

Where's my head baby?
Somewhere in Mississippi.

Last night I saw a cowgirl.
She was floatin' across the ceiling.
And last night I saw a naked cowgirl.
She was floatin' across the ceiling.
She was mumblin to some howlin' wolf
about some voodoo healin'. (Spoken: Mmm Baby.)

(SPOKEN: "This One's For Minx, from Richeee----")
Viva! Las Vegas

{One of two new tracks especially recorded for this package. Sung by
Dusty, whose affinity for the big E is well-known to concert-goers
delighted by his tonsil-blistering treatment of "Jailhouse Rock."
Written by Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Famer Doc Pomus, ZZ's "VLV" includes
echoes from its original performer, beyond the pale. The inspiration
for recording the track was born -- and a rough vocal demo cut -- in
the dressing room of the Monroe, La Civic Auditorium where, legend
has it, Vernon and Gladys' only surviving son passed the time before
taking the stage.}

Spoken: Y'all still want me to come with you?

Bright light city gonna set my soul, gonna set my soul on fire
There's a whole lot of money that's ready to burn
So get those stakes up higher.
There's a thousand pretty women just a-waitin out there,
And they're all livin' devil-may-care.
I'm just the devil with a love to spare.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.

Spoken: Ah, thank-ya very much baby.

And how I wish that there were more
Than twenty-four hours in the day.
But even if there were forty more,
I wouldn't sleep a minute away.
Oh, there's blackjack and poker and a roulette wheel.
A fortune won and lost on every deal.
All you need's a strong heart and a nerve of steel.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.

Viva Las Vegas with your neon flashin',
And your one-armed bandits crashin'
All those hopes down the drain.
Viva Las Vegas turnin' day into nighttime,
Turn the night into daytime,
If you see it once, you'll never come home again.

I'm gonna keep on the run,
I'm gonna have me some fun,
If it costs me my very last dime.
If I wind up broke,
Then I'll always remember that I had a swingin' time.
I'm gonna give it everything I've got.
Lady Luck please let the dice stay hot.
Let me shoot a seven with every shot.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva Las Vegas.
Viva, Viva.http://www.guitarworld.com/artistind...610.zztop1.gif

G_Whiz 07-30-2003 07:15 AM

Wow, this tag game has really become a party.

What's next on the big screen, or are you taking requests??

BTW, who is IT? I've kinda lost track of the game.

SiN 07-30-2003 11:35 AM

Suvi's it...but she's dissapeared..

oh dear, i hope she's not lost in the woods or something :(

(is there a particular length of time one should wait for...?)

mirevolver 07-30-2003 12:29 PM

I think we just wait until Minx get's fed up and takes matters into her own hands.

Or, being the last person to make a tag, you could tag someone else.

G_Whiz 07-30-2003 12:48 PM

I love it. We have rules for what to do when nothing is happening.

In cases like that there is only one thing to do...

*G_Whiz hits the Slip and Slide and slips all the way*

Now, who's minding the bar?????

ForgottenKnight 07-30-2003 07:41 PM

NiceGuy is Back! He runs and slides down the slip 'n slide before requesting some good TECHNO like some Oakenfold, Van Dike, Ayla, Armin van Buuren...

MacGnG 07-30-2003 07:44 PM

Yea dude, oakenfold is what i will play, i have DUBbed my self DJ Tag. hehe or maybe DJ It. lol but either way oakenfold playing. im leearning this dj thing so no fancy stuff should be expected.

ForgottenKnight 07-30-2003 10:04 PM

Sweet! We got Oakenfold's music thanks to DJ MacGnG, slip 'n slide fun, and a couple of Big Hot Hooters on the way. :lol:

NiceGuy pours 1 oz Tequila and 3/4 oz Amaretto into a glass 1/2 full of ice. He fills with pineapple juice and tops with 1 oz Grenadine. He adds a cherry and serves the "Big Hot Hooter" with a straw. He mixes a round and passes one to everyone.

G_Whiz 07-31-2003 06:53 AM

Thanks NiceGuy. Good to see you back behind the bar.

I wonder if it's time to get back in the shrubs again. It's been pretty quiet for a while.

Minx 07-31-2003 02:30 PM

Okay okay okay....jeez....a girl has just a little tiny bit of fun sliding on wet plastic and the place goes to hell.
NiceGuy...I'd love a gin & tonic with a lime please. Make it Bombay, if you have it.
Well it looks like I have to appoint a new, improved, official "it".
Hey.....SiN has been hanging out with us and seems like a lot of fun......I'll just sneak by and give her a little slap on the ass!
You are it...ha ha - now...back to the slip & slide!

Oh and Richeee...you are the best sweetie! :D

ForgottenKnight 07-31-2003 07:07 PM

Comming right up Minx...one Bombay gin & tonic.

NiceGuy mixes and serves the drink, then goes for another few slides on the slip 'n slide.

SiN 07-31-2003 09:48 PM


Originally posted by Minx

Well it looks like I have to appoint a new, improved, official "it".
Hey.....SiN has been hanging out with us and seems like a lot of fun......I'll just sneak by and give her a little slap on the ass!
You are it...

w00tw00t, Minxie touched my butt :D


/me looks around...sees a tallish guy with short dark hair...thinks to herself 'ooo, is that HiM? the one and only....


/me walks over and touches him on the....

noooo, not on the whitesnake!!@!1! :eek:

...arm, and says 'yuo're it hun'


Halx 07-31-2003 09:53 PM

I woulda RATHER you touched me where you were thinkin' of! :p

*sees Plummie walk by*

*slowly tip-toes after her.....*


Plummie 07-31-2003 10:03 PM

Rats! Just as I was about to hop in the pool...


*Sprints over to TAG phredgreen before she cannonballs into the pool*

whee! :D

phredgreen 07-31-2003 10:57 PM

agh. i hate being it.

<i>*phred reaches across to bluebongo and tags her it. :)</i>

BlueBongo 08-01-2003 08:27 AM

What if I had my fingers crossed when he did it... does it count then?

Ganguro 08-01-2003 09:22 AM

*wakes up from BlueBongo fondling him*
what? who? huh?
*slaps meanspleen on the butt*
Go make me some money
*goes back to sleep*

meanSpleen 08-01-2003 11:02 AM

Gosh darnit. I hate it when people slap me on the butt and don't give me a cookie. I'm suing all y'all for all the dough in the land!!

But first.... TAG!!!! ROCKZILLA'S IT!!

G_Whiz 08-01-2003 12:18 PM

Wow, BlueBongo that was the most subtle tag I've seen. I didn't even see you mention Ganguro by name.

With that, I'll join Plummie in the pool. Look out Plummie, here I come.

Minx 08-01-2003 12:55 PM

GW may I join you and Plummie in the pool?
I'm sorta confused now as to who is it!

Hey...are suits optional? :D

G_Whiz 08-01-2003 01:42 PM

Suits???? Who's wearing a suit?

Plummie, you wearing one???

I agree the IT-thing keeps getting confused. Of course, the amount I've been drinking may have something to do with it.

Anyhooo, come on in Minx, the water is fine.

rockzilla 08-01-2003 02:48 PM

(goes over to the cooler for a beer)

That's it, I'm gonna find Giant Hamburger, and tag him.

(goes back to cooler for a few more, in case the chase takes more than 5 minutes)

mirevolver 08-01-2003 04:18 PM

Ah, glad to see the tag game back on it's feet.

Now, if you don't mind. I'm going to relax in the hottub.

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