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Morning glory. At least it's my Friday!
GM, Unc. |
I forgot to turn off my kimpewter last night so here I am.
Maybe now Tully |
say what?
Nick........ |
Morning all.
Umm, Nick? |
Why doesn't LordEden come here anymore, uncle phil? |
probably busy in his new garden...
jove? |
Tis I,
Where is Eden? |
I wonder how the Garden of Eden would be if you were allergic to flowers? ...not that I am
unc, if you're next, good morning |
It would likely still be cool, you'd just sneeze a lot.
Phil. |
hobbit still in his gadda da vida? |
I am not a hobbit.
Where's Fly? |
"British" Columbia?
uncle phil knows. |
gg? |
As much as I love BC, who the hell invented Prince George, eh? I mean the town, not the beautiful geography of the area. ...dead moose in the middle of the road
Ocm?, I hope you are very well and stop in next: |
Hi! Everybody! It's Dr. Nick. Hmm... but who's next?
Jewels? |
I hope she's next, but in the meantime I've been meaning to ask you a question, Tul...in fact I may have already asked but I don't remember the answer: when you look up at night, do you see a beautiful dark sky unpolluted by human light discharge?
as you were, jewels: |
No here in Progreso there's a fair amount of light pollution. I can float in my pool and see quite a few but drive east or west 15 mins and the sky is completely awesome.
Now Jewels? |
Tul, do you ever look at the night sky with binoculars or a telescope? Slowly scanning the night sky and allowing the subtle details to pop out is ...wonderful.
jewels, where the hell are you? |
I have friends here who are really into that. I've gone with them a few times. They borrowed my Nikon SLR camera one night and the pictures were amazing.
No Jewels? Hmm, Nick? |
Hi, bud.
These babes are known to let you down when you most need them? ...jewels? |
Hey, hey, ho, ho... back to Cancun I go... Blah.
Morning all, Phil. |
where is the jewel of the nile? |
Maybe Nick's around? |
I have been around and I am still around.
maybe a night time visit by Tully> |
Tully? |
now tully? |
I get up around seven
Get out of bed around nine I don't worry about nothing, no Cause worrying a waste of my... time Hmm, Nick? |
Tul, for a minute there you were my favorite poetic philosopher.
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g2...hilosopher.jpg maybe an evening visit from Ocm? |
I would, but I'm crushed.
http://mistergreenguy.com/wordpress/...rushedCars.jpg Up & at 'em yet, jewels? Happy Easter! |
Not a G-n-R fan Nick?
Umm, Jewels.. weekends over. |
It's only Tuesday for me. This will change next week though. :crazy:
Howsabout Unca Phil? |
how about that?
tully? |
Who's a what's a... yep here sir!
Hmm, Sunday mornings coming down on ya Nick? |
not at all, I'm having a relaxing slow-start Sunday. But you have my mind too busy with figuring out what a "G n R" is ....so I just googled it and I'm in the same boat as you, Tully. G n R are overrated entertainers but I can see why some people are entertained by them.
unc, you a G n R fan? |
Not sure about Unc, but they had some good songs, for sure.
Fly buzzing around? |
buzzzz buzzzz
unc, stop in for a short one before sleepy time |
Taps, taps... lights out. All hands turn in.
Umm, Jewels. |
I always think of her as a lot more than hands.
...maybe now unc in the a.m. |
naw, I'm up late tonight. It throws everything off.
Though I'm betting that Jewels will wake up earlier than Uncle Phil tomorrow. |
Women are so damned savvy. :p
Unc Phil next, methinks. |
I think he's next too.
Phil. |
i yam what i yam...
gg? |
How'd you know?
The weather is gloomy again today, which means I hope someone colorful like BadNick posts next. |
I'm colorful. Well I use colorful language. That counts, yes?
Nick now? |
now Nick!
now what? I'm at a loss...I'll guess jewels |
Jewels is likely working or sleeping.
Me I have no life now that the heat has arrived. Maybe Phil? |
Do you have a hammock, a drink, some nice water to dip in nearby? If "yes" then sorry bud, but it's hard to feel sorry for you. Tell me more and I'll try. unc, are you getting some golf in today? It seems it's raining there the next couple days. |
maybe tomorrow, if school doesn't interfere...
ocm? |
Ok Nick ya got me. Sometimes you need to hear it to realize how silly you're being. So yes I have all those things and no job to interfere with my daily plans.
GG? |
Tully? |
Phil? |
ocm now? |
OCM, it's time. |
I hear the bells of St. Mary's chiming but no Ocm?
I'll give the ding dong a little extra time ...Ocm? |
Yo, mi amigos.
I'll go with Nick again since OCM seems down for the count at the moment. |
good guess, Tully. But now what?
I'll go with another visit by Mr. Mars |
Like your reading my mind man!
Ok Jewels now? |
Si senor ...
'Zat you, Tull? |
nope, zat be me...
tully now? |
Yes sir, up to and touching, sir.
Nick? |
watch that reach-around, Tul.
how 'bout a lunchtime visit from the unc? |
And here I thought they called you Bad Nick because you were a ladies man.
Now Phil? |
If I could fulfill his needs, I'd be less myself.
...just guessing, Tully. |
You're only guessing me cause you know I have no life.
Phil's headed this way soon. |
a bad day of golf is still better than a good day of work...
ocm? |
not sure what he does, but yes, working totally sucks.
here's to future windfalls and gg! |
It's kind of windy here today. Good for the sailboats but bad for my house guests tanning attempts on the beach.
Hmm, Nick? |
maybe you can call me nicka?
mebbe da fly today? |
If you'll be my body guard buddy you can me, you can call me Al...
Phil... just a guess. |
good guess...
fly? |
maybe baby ... it won't be Buddy Holly ...
but I'm thinkin' Nicky. |
to guess correctly, it can be tricky.
So in order to rule everything else out, I'll pass this along to Sticky. |
My A/C just went out and it's right at 102 today so I'm sticky... and headed to the pool.
Umm, Phil golf today? |
nope, called in to work - sent home - still get paid...
america, what a country... gg? |
Yes, only in America could guys like Phil and I find paying jobs.
Nick could find work on other planets I think so I'll guess him next. |
That is so true, Tul. I just posted this a few minutes ago and I'm hoping jewels stops in next and enjoys it:
Nope she must be sleeping in this morning.
Phil? |
today's her saturday...
now, jewels? |
Jesus, I give up. :p Fly? |
only eight hours have elapsed since jewels and here I am
I think unc might stop in before dinner |
i do that...
ocm? |
"I do" that...
Jetee? |
I might.
GG? |
You would and you know it.
Nick? |
I would for sure but I have no idea what we're talking about, nor does it matter since I'd do it regardless.
mmmm...aybe another one by Ocm? |
Yes, BadNick.
& since Tully announced he has no life, which I do not know, let alone believe, he should pop in to amend his statement. |
Obviously I would and I do.
Unc will post if he hasn't dozed off yet. ;) |
wide awake, sweetheart...
tully? |
Yea I'm here. Sorry got caught up in the royal wedding... which caused me to fall back asleep.
Umm, Nick |
hey phil,the fuck is goin' on? |
rain overnight...
nick? |
C'est moi.
Maybe Nick now? |
nick now, nick now Thanks for waking me up from my post-work nap, jewels.
Tully, a coronal discharge is NOT something that shoots out of a beer bottle! |
Sir! This is my weapon... this is my gun. This one's for fighting... this one's for fun, Sir!
Jewels? |
Used to have a gun ...
What about you, Unc? |
Must be golfing early...
Nick? |
nope - slept late, golfing at noon today...
fly? |
I was flying earlier. After mowing the grass and washing the car, I took a spin around the vicinity and exceeded several speed limits. No animals or humans were hurt during this exercise....well, except for a few bugs splattered about.
now brother fly? |
He's flying right now and will be back soon I'm sure.
Jewels? |
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