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Old 11-17-2004, 06:49 PM   #41 (permalink)
"Afternoon everybody." "NORM!"
Paradise Lost's Avatar
Location: Poland, Ohio // Clarion University of PA.
Kelloggs Smart Start. Seriously, this stuff is better than any sugar cereal out there, and ridiculously healthy. 12 Vitamins at 100% your Daily Value, good amount of Sodium and Potassium to get your going in the morning. Tons of Carbs without all that much sugar. Can't beat good ole' Oats and Granola-type Cereals.
"Marino could do it."
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Old 11-17-2004, 07:49 PM   #42 (permalink)
Location: Texas
Cinnamon toast crunch, chex, or honey nut Cheerios is all you will ever find at my place.
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Old 11-17-2004, 10:43 PM   #43 (permalink)
Fruity Pebbles when I want to NOT eat healty, and Banana Nut Crunch when I "try" to eat better

Oh, and Honey Nut Cheerios and Regular Cheerios mixed in between.
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Old 11-18-2004, 12:58 AM   #44 (permalink)
RickB's Avatar
Location: Beverly Hills
Raisin Bran
Frosted Flakes
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Old 11-18-2004, 02:29 PM   #45 (permalink)
Location: PA
lucky charms here
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Old 11-18-2004, 07:38 PM   #46 (permalink)
Location: Bakersfield, Ca
My taste in cereal hasn't changed from childhood to adulthood. My favorites are:
1. Golden Grahams
2. Cocoa Pebbles
3. Rice Krispies
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Old 11-23-2004, 03:14 PM   #47 (permalink)
Its all about the Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs Cereal. *drool* a must in my house.
Other then that its got to be Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
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Old 11-23-2004, 04:42 PM   #48 (permalink)
eribrav's Avatar
Location: upstate NY
The Cheerios with freeze dried blueberries and strawberries are really good.
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Old 11-23-2004, 04:57 PM   #49 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
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Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Cookie Crisp, Honey Comb, Corn Pops, all the fruit cereals are my top faves. Shame they don't make these bad boys anymore.

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
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Old 11-23-2004, 05:12 PM   #50 (permalink)
I loved Cookie Crisp and Coco Krispies as a kid...but now I just eat Cheerios and Corn Flakes
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Old 11-25-2004, 10:58 AM   #51 (permalink)
Its all about Frosted Flakes for me.
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Old 11-26-2004, 04:37 PM   #52 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
Originally Posted by RMMsGirl
My taste in cereal hasn't changed from childhood to adulthood. My favorites are:
1. Golden Grahams
Yes, Yes, Yes..... You can reference my thread starting post to know that I agree Golden Grahams are the bomb diggity! RMMsGirl, you're now on my People Who Rock list

Although the Grahams are the best, I like to mix it up every once in a while. At this point I am thoroughly enjoying some Blueberry Morning. Maybe not the manliest cereal, but damn good and healthy too.
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Old 11-30-2004, 10:10 AM   #53 (permalink)
it really depends, i have a habit of eating a cereal way too much and then get sick of it. but some of the greats are fruit loops, apple cinnemon cheerios, frosted flakes, and lucky charms.
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Old 11-30-2004, 12:12 PM   #54 (permalink)
Location: MD
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It's a little hard to find. I love the way it turn the milk a nice grayish blue color. How could it not be good for you!
I shake the devil's hand daily... I'd do it hourly, but my hand gets tired.
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Old 11-30-2004, 02:33 PM   #55 (permalink)
keyshawn's Avatar
my favorite food !!

hmm...i dont have a favorite one..

But golden puffs [malt-o-meal brand] or smacks, [i think its called by kellogs] its like crack. I Love it.
My other choice of drugs:
- cinnamon apple o's
- frosted flakes
- fruity pebbles

BTW, i think the bagged cereal [by malt-o-meal and quaker oats] tastes just as good as the boxed stuff, in some cases better, and is cheaper

[PS - I'm actually working on a site right now - THE SCDB - The serial cereal database; which will have a brief review of its taste, or whats its similar to, and include older cereals that aren't produced anymore.] [Comments ? suggestions ?]
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Old 11-30-2004, 09:54 PM   #56 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Product 19. Hands down the best cereal in the history of the world. IMO.
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Old 12-07-2004, 07:31 AM   #57 (permalink)
Location: Bath, UK
Fruit and Fibre or my own homamade meusili. I generally put in oats, bran, sultanas, dried apricots, prunes, toasted cracked almonds and hazelnuts and dried apple slices. I always add some sort of fresh fruit (or it can get boring), my favorite being strawberrys. Healthy, cheap and tasty!
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Old 12-08-2004, 11:30 AM   #58 (permalink)
Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The only thing better is Cinnamon Toast Crunch with sliced banana.
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Old 12-08-2004, 12:39 PM   #59 (permalink)
Suave's Avatar
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
So many I could list. If I had to pick one, it would probably be Alpha Bits. I can eat loads of them, and eat them day after day after day. For a healthier choice I like either Shreddies or Mini Wheats/Shredded Wheat, and for a crappier choice, Nestle Quick cereal or Froot Loops. Actually, my favourite might be Team Cheerios, but I can't get them here so they're kind of disqualified.
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Old 12-08-2004, 08:41 PM   #60 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
Grasshopper Green's Avatar
Location: Where morons reign supreme

I love Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran, Strawberry Mini Wheats, Oh!s, and Honey Bunches of Oats....I like Cocoa/Fruity Pebbles and Golden Grahams too. Too hard to pick an absolute favorite though. Oh, and Corn Chex with bananas. Delicious.

Last edited by Grasshopper Green; 01-26-2005 at 11:01 AM..
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Old 12-08-2004, 08:54 PM   #61 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
Originally Posted by Paradise Lost
Kelloggs Smart Start. Seriously, this stuff is better than any sugar cereal out there, and ridiculously healthy. 12 Vitamins at 100% your Daily Value, good amount of Sodium and Potassium to get your going in the morning. Tons of Carbs without all that much sugar.
I bought this at the store the other day and you were my inspiration. It goes with my working out for the moment.....moment. I'll have to report back on how it is.
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Old 12-10-2004, 05:57 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Location: Right Behind You
Corn Chex
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as Gods. Cats have never forgotten this.
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Old 12-10-2004, 06:47 PM   #63 (permalink)
As a kid...Pops

Now...Special K
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Old 12-11-2004, 04:51 PM   #64 (permalink)
Location: Boston, MAss., USA
Ok, I have two fav's, but for differnt reasons:

For actually eating at breakfast, in the morning: Grape nuts. Seriously. I mix in a half a container of Yoghurt, and, if I'm in the mood, some fruit,and it's delicious.
For any other time: Peanuit butter crunch. In a pinch, those new reeses peanut butter things will do, but IMO, nothing beats sitting down with a movie and a big box of those orange pebbles of peanut flavor! Of course,I'm sure in about five to ten years, there's going to be an annoucement about them causing cancer or something similar, but untill then...
I'm gonna be rich and famous, as soon I invent a device that lets you stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 12-11-2004, 05:03 PM   #65 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
In truth I can't get enough of these fuckin things

I don't usually eat them with milk though it's usually in handfuls right out of the box .

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
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Old 12-12-2004, 05:50 PM   #66 (permalink)
Beware the Mad Irish
Blackthorn's Avatar
Location: Wish I was on the N17...
Ones I don't eat much if at all anymore:

Captain Crunch - just can't get enough of that goodness
Lucky Charms - they are magically delicious

The cereal I eat most now is Raisin Nut Bran. Very yummy

What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?

Last edited by kjroh; 12-12-2004 at 06:17 PM..
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Old 12-17-2004, 09:51 PM   #67 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
Raisin Nut Bran is a pretty darn good cereal. I don't think I've had it for at least 10 years though. Looking at the how good for me it is though, I may have to pick me up a box.

On the strong endorsment of someone on here, I picked up some Smart Start last time and am really enjoying that right now.
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Old 12-17-2004, 10:55 PM   #68 (permalink)
Fruity Pebbles
Smores -- the old kind
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Old 12-17-2004, 11:13 PM   #69 (permalink)
Location: Columbus, OH
wheaties or fruity pebbles. cant decide
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Old 12-17-2004, 11:55 PM   #70 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
snowy's Avatar
Location: Oregon
Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds. Yum.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 12-18-2004, 12:07 AM   #71 (permalink)
Location: Seattle, WA
captain crunch
apple jacks
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Old 12-18-2004, 12:12 AM   #72 (permalink)
Location: Arizona
cinnamon toast crunch and reeses puff. the best shit out there.
So you thing ur kung-fu is pretty good uh... I want to fight ur sister, her verses me... Lets kung-fu!!!!!

Arizona Cardinals: 4-7
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Old 12-18-2004, 06:09 AM   #73 (permalink)
Location: Columbia, SC
As a kid I was a Frankenberry fiend.

I tried to eat a box of a few years ago and almost OD'ed on sugar...
Locusts and honey ... not since John The Baptist has there been a voice like that crying in the wilderness. ... Every man knows he is a sissy compared to Johnny Cash -- Bono.
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Old 12-23-2004, 03:55 PM   #74 (permalink)
Location: Dallas, TX
Unhealthy - Cocoa Puffs, im coo coo for them!

Healthy - Grape nuts

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Old 12-23-2004, 04:05 PM   #75 (permalink)
cyrnel's Avatar
Location: In my angry-dome.
Grape Nuts, no added sugar.
Oatmeal, old fashioned, steamed with minimal water, hint of brown sugar or honey.

For decadence I don't go much beyond Chex (rice or wheat). Most others are too sweet for me these years.
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Old 12-23-2004, 05:22 PM   #76 (permalink)
granola...i mean come on, my username is outdoor
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Old 12-26-2004, 08:00 AM   #77 (permalink)
Bratwurst's Avatar
Location: La la land
As a kid:
1) Rice Chex or Corn Chex
2) Cookie Crisp
3) Kellogs Corn Flakes

As an adult:
1) Wheat Chex
2) Quaker Granola
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Old 12-26-2004, 12:08 PM   #78 (permalink)
Maxed out
Location: Portland, OR, USA, Earth, Milky Way
Ohs! There are so man other good ones, but Ohs are crunchy and just sweet enough for me.
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Old 12-28-2004, 01:52 PM   #79 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
I can live on cereal. Just cereal. I remember years ago when I was training for a marathon. On Sundays, after my long run of the week, I would snarf down almost a whole box of Wheaties. Good times... Today I am addicted to the new 1/3 less sugar Frosted Flakes.
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Old 01-26-2005, 07:06 AM   #80 (permalink)
My boss is the person responsible for giving "Froot Loops" its name. Seriously!

I was a big Count Chocula fan when I was younger, these days I prefer hot cereals like, oatmeal, etc.
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cereal, favorite

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