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Old 10-20-2005, 04:19 PM   #41 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
For old school Amazing Race, we need that Paolo family to have a full-on family feud style melt-down bitch-slapping session in the middle of some country market in Uzbekistan.
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- Job 30:29

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Old 10-20-2005, 11:32 PM   #42 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
A giant office chair, a trailer park, and a gas station? May I be the first to ask, WTF? I was trying to give this season a chance and was almost enjoying it, but c'mon...

I don't actually like any of the teams either, particularly the Weavers who I hope are eliminated soon because it's just painful to watch and listen to them.

PS Drop it like it's hot, DJ Paolo *wikka*wikka*wikka*
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Old 10-22-2005, 04:46 PM   #43 (permalink)
That's what she said
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Originally Posted by n0nsensical
A giant office chair, a trailer park, and a gas station? May I be the first to ask, WTF? I was trying to give this season a chance and was almost enjoying it, but c'mon...

I don't actually like any of the teams either, particularly the Weavers who I hope are eliminated soon because it's just painful to watch and listen to them.

PS Drop it like it's hot, DJ Paolo *wikka*wikka*wikka*
I agree... this season couldn't be more lame. I haven't ever watched it during its scheduled time because "My Name is Earl" and "The Office" are on at the same time, but now I think I'm not even going to record it anymore... it takes up precious DVR space that could be used for reruns of Family Guy.
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Old 11-02-2005, 12:05 AM   #44 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Well, from the low point of episodes 3 and 4, this season has become a lot better. Unfortunately I've been spoiled yet again by reading about the betting. (I really should have learned a long time ago not to read any websites related to the amazing race while there are seasons I haven't seen.) Tonight was nice with the Weavers getting yielded (I feel vindicated that obviously it's not just me who can't stand them as all the other teams seem to have the same opinion), but somehow they still manage not to be eliminated, and it was so close too. Curse the Gaghans' red bean.
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:28 AM   #45 (permalink)
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It was a great episode for sure. I was so hoping the Gaghans would not get eliminated.

Thankfully i've managed to keep away from the spoilers this season so I have no idea who will win.

I kinda hope its the three hot sisters though (not the desperate housewives!)
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Old 11-02-2005, 06:19 AM   #46 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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I'm pulling for the Linz siblings, but that damn Paolo family has gotten their act together. I think the Linz siblings and Wally's girls want to get together at some rest stop!
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Old 11-02-2005, 06:26 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Agreed that the show has returned to form. Now I wonder if they're going to just stick to North and Central America.

I was sad to see the Gaghan family go, though I suppose they would've been eliminated eventually. Even though it was the mom who blew it at the coffee plantation, the two kids are just too small, despite their big hearts.

I'll say again that seeing the Paolo family navigate through Italy would make for sublime television.
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Old 11-02-2005, 07:12 AM   #48 (permalink)
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Notice that Phil doesn't say "this is the 5th pit stop in a race around the world" He says "...in the Amazing Race."

Sadly, the Paolo's are growing on me now that they are being nice. The Weavers and Godlewskis have got to go!
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel
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Old 11-02-2005, 08:55 AM   #49 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Good to see I'm not the only one who doesn't like the Weavers, they try and make it look like they are the nice team on the race yet they are telling boat drivers to drive slow and making fun of someone for having fake boobs, nice to see the got yielded. I thought the mom was going to have a nervous breakdown when she got the van stuck.

The Paolo's are growing on me as well, they got their shit together and are finally being a team.
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Old 11-02-2005, 10:22 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Well, the one Weaver kid pretty much summed up why no one likes them. She said "We were raised not to trust other people, just God and our family." Well that probably means they aren't terribly social with the other teams. We never get to see what happens during their 12 hours of rest/social time. They might totally isolate themselves from the other teams.

That mom looks ragged too. Yikes.
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel
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Old 11-02-2005, 10:50 AM   #51 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Originally Posted by Derwood
Well, the one Weaver kid pretty much summed up why no one likes them. She said "We were raised not to trust other people, just God and our family." Well that probably means they aren't terribly social with the other teams. We never get to see what happens during their 12 hours of rest/social time. They might totally isolate themselves from the other teams.

That mom looks ragged too. Yikes.
That is true, I forgot all about when she said that. Too bad they wouldn't show some of the rest/social time, I'd like to see if they interact wit hthe other teams or if they go off on their own.

I just wish they could cut out some of the parts where they pray to find the clue or whatever they are looking for, it gets old really quickly listening to them praying all the time.

Yeah the mom does look terrible, she should have brought some make up or something.
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Old 11-02-2005, 11:18 AM   #52 (permalink)
No. It's not done yet.
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Originally Posted by Derwood
"We were raised not to trust other people, just God and our family."
And especially don't trust the "retards". It is always a breath of fresh air to hear someone invoke a religous high ground at the same time they are spewing derogatory remarks about others. Whatever works for you, I guess. (And it was a near breakdown - she did break down, again.)

The kids were starting to grow on me. Sure they wouldn't have won, but there was less whining from them than from pretty much all of the rest of the teams.

And the Paolo's have made that subtle switch from most annoying group to a "normal" family with two teenagers. They were part of the best moment of the show last night when the youngest tried to get directions from the guy at the bar. The wink at the end said it all - "I do nothing but sit at the bar all day, so why shouldn't I have some fun with the TV cameras."
Back into hibernation.
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Old 11-03-2005, 04:13 AM   #53 (permalink)
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I'm starting to pull for the Paolo's too, I liked the Weaver's in the beginning, but they get more and more annoying each episode, the Godlewski sisters REALLY annoy me, I cringe each time one of them speaks...You Drive!!!
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Old 11-03-2005, 04:26 AM   #54 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
I can deal with them speaking, its when they all start to shriek and jump up and down. Hit the Mute button on the remote!
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Old 11-03-2005, 07:02 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fresnelly
I was sad to see the Gaghan family go, though I suppose they would've been eliminated eventually. Even though it was the mom who blew it at the coffee plantation, the two kids are just too small, despite their big hearts.

I'll say again that seeing the Paolo family navigate through Italy would make for sublime television.
I've learned to stop rooting for the teams that are "nicest" or appear "most deserving to win". I root for the teams that make the best television. The Gaghan family did not make good tv. (Except in losing: the daughter crying pulled at your heartstrings).

The Paolo family makes good tv and I like them.
Keep the Weavers around. They're fun to watch.
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Old 11-05-2005, 09:18 AM   #56 (permalink)
Location: Georgia
The Paolo's look like they need a good dose of Dr Phil. Why can't they get along? They are so unhappy until they win. Then they are hugging and kissing. When they lose, oh boy!! They do make for good television however. The challenges are pretty good this season.
I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. ~Marsha Doble
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Old 11-06-2005, 06:24 AM   #57 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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the challenges have been ok, but I really like when everybody has to camp out on the street waiting for the bus station to open. This season needs a serious meat-eating episode like last season!
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- Job 30:29

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Old 11-09-2005, 04:23 AM   #58 (permalink)
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4 families left that I can't stand, yet I'm still going to watch.....dammit....
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Old 11-09-2005, 05:22 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Can't stand any of them?

I find the Desperate Housewives a tad annoying but they are kicking ass. The one sister in a bikini wasnt so bad either.

I have no problem at all with the Bransens and the Linz's they are great teams.

The only team I dislike is the Weavers. They overdramatize everything and are mean and petty to the other teams and cannot figure out and cry to phil why everyone dislikes them.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
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Old 11-09-2005, 05:45 AM   #60 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Umm, shit. I just found out that was a two hour episode. But I only watched one hour. I turned it off right after Phil said, "stay tuned for our next episode, next." Somehow it didn't register that it really was NEXT. Now I have to download it, which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that I have a ridiculous 5 GB per week cap and I was also trying to download season 6, which will have taken me three weeks now.
Originally Posted by Daval
I find the Desperate Housewives a tad annoying but they are kicking ass. The one sister in a bikini wasnt so bad either.
Heh, I agree. This season is definitely lacking for eyecandy. Couldn't they have put in a family of models or something? (Nicole and Kendra...drool...) The best we had until then was the blurred out Bransen ass.
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Old 11-09-2005, 06:18 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Daval
The only team I dislike is the Weavers. They overdramatize everything and are mean and petty to the other teams and cannot figure out and cry to phil why everyone dislikes them.
As usual, Daval and I are on the same page. I dislike the Weavers.

-Wearing hot pants while complaining about others possibly not wearing a bra.
-Receiving comfort from another team, then slaggin on them not two minutes later.
-Constant use of the word "retard" (a personal pet peeve)
-Chucking crap at another team out of a moving car, then complaining that no one likes them.
-Making fun of Mr. Paolo's profession (What happens to your garbage girls? Does Jesus collect it for you?)

And that's just off the top of my head. There's plenty of reasons to not like the Weavers. You don't even have to look real hard.

Sorry about the rant, but the blond girl Weavers little hissy on the mat last night about nobody liking them actually blew out the logic centers in my brain. I'm finding it hard to cope.
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Old 11-09-2005, 06:42 AM   #62 (permalink)
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If I had to pick a family to win, it would be the Brandons. I like the Dad, the girls gripe about him to much, I mean they knew he was older when they started. The Desperate Housewives and Linz's just annoy me, no idea why, they just do. I liked the Weavers early on, but every week I dislike them more, the girls really need to learn to dress to their body shape, someone mentioned it hotpants and chubby thighs do not go well together.

Hopefully CBS will kill the whole family thing, oh and dammit why did they come back to the US?
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Old 11-09-2005, 07:10 AM   #63 (permalink)
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I'm rooting hard for the Linz family. I always like the teams that have fun and don't turn a gameshow into life or death.

And all I have to say about the Weavers this week is: Chubby teenagers who wear hotpants and still say "Mommy". Nuff said
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel

Last edited by Derwood; 11-09-2005 at 07:29 AM..
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Old 11-09-2005, 08:01 AM   #64 (permalink)
President Rick
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Are you guys crazy? The Weavers deserve props for making it this far while carrying those huge crosses. Not the ones that they may or may not be wearing around their necks, but the ones that they martyr themselves on every time some one else is "mean" to them.

There have been "religious" teams on AR before, but none of them were as hypocritical and self righteous as the Weavers.

"People don't like us because we're different". No, people don't like you because you're assholes.

I wish the Paolo kid would have had the stones to unleash some of the fury used on his mother, and told the Weavers the truth when they were harassing him.
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Old 11-09-2005, 09:36 AM   #65 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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I agree with that, he should have told them off. I couldn't believe that the Weaver bitches dissed the Godlewski sisters at the race track after they were so nice to commiserate with them. They both piss me off, but the Weavers just have to go. Another race track episode may just finish them off.
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- Job 30:29

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Old 11-10-2005, 03:30 AM   #66 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Ok, I watched the rest of the episode. That last one was the worst greeter ever, it's like, umm, yeah the local culture of Page, Arizona is represented by some kid in a T-shirt. Poor Weavers, nobody likes us. I could hear the world's tiniest violin playing in the background as they got some life advice from Dr. Phil. Paolos: "I'll take your frickin' head off!" "This is a big river I can drown you here and no one would find your body!" (I sure love my s)
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Old 11-10-2005, 08:05 AM   #67 (permalink)
No. It's not done yet.
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Originally Posted by n0nsensical
"This is a big river I can drown you here and no one would find your body!"
One of the best lines this season.

The Weaver's are probably already experiencing internet backlash only reserved for reality show two-faces. At some point, they will be challenged in an interview and need to defend themselves. Of course, the good Lord will see them through it.
Back into hibernation.
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Old 11-10-2005, 02:11 PM   #68 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Stassi Schröder MySpace

Oops-edit out pic, I think she's still 17. But it was the group photo with the Paolos, you can see it from there.

Last edited by n0nsensical; 11-10-2005 at 02:15 PM..
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Old 11-11-2005, 12:10 AM   #69 (permalink)
bad craziness
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Originally Posted by Derwood
I'm rooting hard for the Linz family. I always like the teams that have fun and don't turn a gameshow into life or death.

And all I have to say about the Weavers this week is: Chubby teenagers who wear hotpants and still say "Mommy". Nuff said
Thats why I'm rooting for the Linz family too, they seem to be just having fun and they seem to have the attitude of hey, if we win a million bucks because of it cool, if not then we had a hell of a trip.
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Old 11-15-2005, 09:14 PM   #70 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
Now I know why it was a double episode last week; the god damned country music awards are on now. I'd rather have my eyes and ears stabbed out with a spork, frankly. Oh well, I'll watch season 6 instead.
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Old 11-16-2005, 07:11 AM   #71 (permalink)
Who You Crappin?
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Originally Posted by n0nsensical
Now I know why it was a double episode last week; the god damned country music awards are on now. I'd rather have my eyes and ears stabbed out with a spork, frankly. Oh well, I'll watch season 6 instead.
yep, though it allowed me to watch the finale of the WSOP
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel
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Old 11-22-2005, 08:42 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wow, judging by the posts, the Weavers aren't particularly popular.

And I fucking agree. Getting along with people isn't as hard as they make it seem.

1) You don't have to be nice, but at least don't be an ass
Weaver family: failed
Evidence: Throwing crap at other teams usually puts you in the ass category

2) Don't insult random people
Weaver family: failed
Evidence: Dumbass Weaver kid insulting a biker on his way to getting lost. That biker wishes he was Lance Armstrong? Well you wish you knew how to read a fucking map.

Missed the ep where they made fun of Mr. Paolo's profession, but would've added that too.

I just want the Weavers to lose, then we can hear about how all the teams are mean and that everyone is rude, and how they themselves were all polite and kind and in their minds they are the winner.

Spoiler: I can't believe today's episode was non-elimination. What bullshit.
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Old 11-23-2005, 04:59 AM   #73 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Freakin Non-elimination legs! I hope the other teams laugh at them if they ask for $$$. and the worst attitude at the finish line. Phil should have thrown them out for being pathetic!
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- Job 30:29

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Old 11-23-2005, 08:54 AM   #74 (permalink)
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I agree, the Weavers must go..

I'm pulling for the Bransons, the dad is really kicking ass. Even the Desperate Housewives didn't get on my nerves as much as they did during the last few episodes. The Weaver's need to stop the "everyone hates us" and "we are all alone in this race" crap, they're alone cause they all but alienated themselves from the others, claiming their faith is getting helping them along, only to belittle and insult others at every chance...
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Old 11-23-2005, 09:19 AM   #75 (permalink)
No. It's not done yet.
BonesCPA's Avatar
Location: sorta kinda phila
Hey, shouldn't we all be rooting for the Weaver's since all of the rest of the teams are going to spend their winnings on nose and boob jobs?
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Old 11-23-2005, 10:21 AM   #76 (permalink)
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by BonesCPA
Hey, shouldn't we all be rooting for the Weaver's since all of the rest of the teams are going to spend their winnings on nose and boob jobs?
If they post the before/after pics, i'm all for it
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"

--Kevin Smith

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Old 11-23-2005, 10:50 AM   #77 (permalink)
face f$cker
Location: canada
i'd rather see the money spent on boobs and nose jobs...than mcdonalds and lypo.....cripes....its a race and those nutbars stopped for mcdonalds??? And why is the mom letting the kids eat that crap anyways....big macs and fries are the last things her daughters need to be eating....perhaps they shouldbe running beside the suburban, while the son drives it.....

I'm a fan of the bransens.....i tell ya, that father has got balls allowing his 3 hot daughters to be on tv like that....and that linz chick, anyone else think she resembles britney spears?
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Old 11-23-2005, 11:55 AM   #78 (permalink)
Husband of Seamaiden
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Location: Nova Scotia
Watching last night, while the teams were at the overnight rest stop, my GF and I cracked up at the same time, cause we both had a vision of Wally and the Linz girl playing cards in one trailer while the Bransen girls and the linz boys got it on in the other...
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29

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Old 11-23-2005, 12:55 PM   #79 (permalink)
President Rick
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For being the self professed "only christian team", the Weavers sure do hate an awful lot.
"I hate the other teams."
"I hate these bikes"
"I hate Utah"
"I hate this race"

[cruel moment] I'm beginning to think that the Weaver dad may not be dead, but may have faked his own death to get away from them. I know I would.[/cruel moment]


Spoiler: I was doing a bit of searching to see if there had been any leaks about the winners, because if the Weavers won the whole thing, I was going to not waste my time watching the rest of the episodes. Anyway, it seems that some online betting places have cancelled betting on AR because of an extreme amount of betting on one particular team, and the majority of the bets are coming from the home state of this particular team. The same thing happened during the last race where there was a ton of bets placed on Uchenna and Joyce, who of course won. The good news is that it is NOT the weavers (hallelujah!). Now even though I've spoiler tagged this, I won't spill the beans, but if you are really interested, the info is easily accessed via Google
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Old 11-24-2005, 07:19 AM   #80 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hossified
perhaps they shouldbe running beside the suburban, while the son drives it.....

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