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Old 05-30-2003, 07:45 PM   #41 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
Originally posted by meanSpleen
4) Did Steph get a reduction? She doesn't look as big as she used to... or maybe the swelling went down after 2 years...
i think they actually look BIGGER. maybe its just me...
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Old 05-30-2003, 08:50 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Oh!! Femme fans DO exist!!

Anyway, I'm glad that Trish is getting some support. I was commenting earlier that she has improved immensely over the past 2 years in her wrestling skills. But I did rank her lower than 4 of the other female wrestlers currently in the WWE. When I see her wrestle, she does it fluidly, but I want to see MORE out of her. I guess I want some form of shock value out of my wrestling matches.

I think we all agree though. The returning 40+ aged wrestlers need to stop wrestling. Its good to see them, but get out of the way. Others in this thread had some comments as well.

I think Shane is conditioning, for the past 2 years, or something. Or else he is really focused on the business side of things. He took some amazing chances when he was wrestling (off the top of the cage to the floor was interesting ), and I think that he has a sound body of skills. He's not great, he's just impressive.
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Old 05-30-2003, 08:50 PM   #43 (permalink)

speaking of tough enough, whats the deal with the tough enough 2 & 3 winners? it seems like no production has come out of the 3rd installment and the females of te 2 fell off the map. i wouldve loved to see Jake in the ring...do you know if theres any info on him?

test...hes an ass...but hes doing the hell out of stacy keibler. lucky motherfucker.
Best told at a place called...the TFP.
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Old 05-31-2003, 12:02 AM   #44 (permalink)
Muy loca en la cabeza!!
Location: San Diego. Ca.
Woo hoo! another Jake fan!!!!!! Was it just me or did he remind anyone else of Gun Jack from tekken?
I'm so bummed he didn't when... but I've been keeping an eye out for him because Nowinski (sp?) didn't win and look where he is!
"Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today."
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Old 05-31-2003, 01:09 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Mark Jindrak and Shawn O'haire were a pretty good tagteam. The basham brothers reminded me a little more of the headbangers, mosh and thrash with a little more muscle.

The last time I saw Ahmed Johnson he had got really fat and slow. That was along time ago though.

I'm want more hardcore matches, the big guys, tommy dreamer, raven, taz, rhyno, saturn(where is he) and the sandman seem to have disappeared. They are too old for hardcore matches anyways, we need newblood with m-attitude! They need to hire some of those backyard wrestling dudes.

BTW whatever happened to Dean Malenko, Brian christopher and scotty too hotty?
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry

Last edited by Reese; 05-31-2003 at 01:18 AM..
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Old 05-31-2003, 06:26 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Location: Chitown!!
I heard somewhere that Scotty is due back soon. And I think Saturn (moooooopppyyyyy!!!!!) is in one of the bum leagues now.

I wanna see Bill DeMott back. I hated him when he was around last time, but now he would really work well in some storylines. He'd be good as opposition to the FBI, cuz he just likes to hurt people.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
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Old 06-01-2003, 04:58 PM   #47 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
[QUOTE]Originally posted by meanSpleen
[B]1) Ahmad Johnson - No idea. Although I really wanted to see more fights between himself and Farooq (Ron Simmons)

He went to WCW for a bit and was lost in the No Limit Soldier crap

2) Rhyno is in the WWE right now. As for an angle, he is just Chris Benoits part-time tag partner. He was out with injuries.

Also way under used...

3) K Quick - No idea. I don't think the crowds were into him that much. He had a great build though.

I believe he is Ron the truth Killings in NWA-TNA, I know this is where he is but I'm not sure of his name.

4) Alex Wright - No idea. And he can't dance either.

Das Wondekin, only good thing about this guy was Chris Jericho, cause he had his first match against Wright. Wright also went to be known as Berlin in the Russo era of WCW.

6) The Patriot - No idea. For a guy who wears a mask because he's the face of every American, he really doesn't show up anywhere. Maybe he dropped the whole thing and is wrestling as a regular guy now.

Del Wilkes, tore his bicep to pieces and never recovered.
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
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Old 06-01-2003, 05:02 PM   #48 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Saturn has some new tatoos and is working in NWA-TWA, yall should check their website, you may be suprised who is on their roster now.

Rock this Monday, should be good to hear what he has to say to Y2J, and about Goldberg.

Scotty will be back soon, he's in OVW now.

Dean Malenko is a road agent, Brian Christopher is in NWA-TNA, Scotty will be WWE bound soon.

The real question now is when will Sting go to Vinceland?
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it!
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Old 06-02-2003, 08:55 PM   #49 (permalink)
feeling tingly
I understand and appreciate that this thread has focused on the current WWE product, but with Classy Freddie Blassie passing away, I think a salute to "The Fashion Plate" is in order. He was one of the last great managers in wrestling. With Lou Albano and the Grand Wizard, the 70's WWF had 3 of the best, most hated managers of all-time. They were some of the best talkers around and fans despised them.

Bobby Heenan was close, but I'll take those 3.

If I jumped too many generations, I apologize.

Pencil-neck geeks.
My mom is a Diamondbacks fan. She really likes the Big Unit
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Old 06-03-2003, 04:28 AM   #50 (permalink)
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I agree totally with you Joey, it was a sad day for wrestling with the passing of Freddie. Hard to believe he was on TV 3 weeks ago.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill
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Old 06-03-2003, 10:36 AM   #51 (permalink)
brandon11983's Avatar
Location: Chitown!!
Raw comments:

1. Test does a very good job of portraying the abusive boyfriend. Him screaming at my beloved Stacy was very believeable.

2. I am liking the Bischoff/Austin pair more and more. They seemed to be working well together last night.

3. Glad to see the Rock back as a good guy. He was very entertaining as a heel though. Being a good guy just suits him better. I hope he hangs around a bit longer this time.

4. I may have missed the very end of it, but I'm pretty sure that Foley will be the ref for the Hell in a Cell match. (and I deducted this before the crowd began chanting his name). I hope it will be him, as he brought that certain level of insanity with him.

Have a nice day!!
Well behaved women rarely make history.
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Old 06-03-2003, 12:38 PM   #52 (permalink)
Flailing White Boy
Location: Cincinnati
Ahhh...let me be the nth person to say thanks to Spleen for this thread...good to see that there are plenty of other fans out there. I make it a point to go to my local sports bar every month for the PPVs. Good times.
K-Kwik is now known as Ron Killings (sp?) in NWA-TNA, and was even the champ for a bit.
1. I'm going to miss Bad Blood...dammit!
2. I know that you all might be a little offended by this, but I can't stand Taker. IMO, he needs to get out of the ring completely. If they made him the Lord of Darkness again, and just had him manipulating things from behind the scenes, he could be enjoyable again, but he's just losing too much skill...
3. I love HBK! His character has always been over the top, and his Summeslam match against HHH last year was great. Plus, his entrance theme is the best ever, right before Hogan's Real American.
4. Thanks for clearing up what happened to Nathan Jones. I hadn't seen him on TV much, and I was wondering...If Taker were his manager, I might actually enjoy the Dead Man a bit more, too.
5. The Hurricane is one of the most fun wrestlers to watch day in and day out. What a great gimmick, and personality.
6. Was I wrong for laughing hysterically when Big Slow slammed Mysterio on the backboard into the ringpost? It was just sooo cheesy.
7. Am I the only one who wants to see Mysterio unmasked again? He did it in WCW, and it worked just fine. If La Parka shows up, then Rey can keep the mask, but otherwise...
That's about all for now. I'm sure I'll think of moe things to post soon...
"Give her your coat"
"Why me?"
"Because you're perfect."
"You have a point there."
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Old 06-03-2003, 03:56 PM   #53 (permalink)
Finally! Somebody else who doesn't like Taker. Taker is old and moves around the ring like a robot. The Taker in my Smackdown! ps2 games moves better. I like the old school Taker, not the new bikertaker. Taker should just retire from in-ring work and join the creative team.

I don't want to see Mysterio unmasked again. Personally, I like to see him more in touch with his past than trying to be ghetto like he was in WCW. Plus, it's alot easier to market him with a mask than without. You can sell the mask in the shopzone and get mucho dinero.
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Old 06-04-2003, 05:40 AM   #54 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Location: Limbus Patrum
Buclao, do you mean the old taker as in the Paul Bearer Taker? With the purple gloves, purple boots and wide brim hat? I personally don't want to see that Taker ever again. But the American badass can go. I'm with Holtmate bring back the Lord of Darkness like when he ran the Ministry. Now, that entrance (the theme music was a mix of the old taker "Bong! Bong! Bong!" theme with some guitar thrown in) with the whole arena pitch black but for a few purple spotlights, that was a badass entrance.

And I don't want to see Ray unmasked again, I stopped watching his matches in the WCW when they did that...
La Disciplina È La Mia Spada,
La Fede È Il Mio Schermo,
Non salti Ciecamente In Incertezza,
E Potete Raccogliere Le Ricompense.

Last edited by Prophecy; 06-04-2003 at 06:20 AM..
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Old 06-04-2003, 02:33 PM   #55 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Apparently Big Show got himself in big trouble with Vince for the way he swung Mysterio into the post. Rey was lucky to only get a minor neck (I think) injury. This isn't the first time his sloppy work has put his opponents in real danger either. The only reason he's still on tv is because Vince signed him to a 10 year, $10 million contract and I guess he wants his money's worth.

I'd like rey to keep the mask too, without it, he looks even more like a twelve year old.
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Old 06-04-2003, 04:10 PM   #56 (permalink)
Location: The Hell I Created.
Anyone know if the tribute to Blassie is available on kazaa yet?

I stopped watching wrestling a few months ago, and haven't seen a ppv since wrestlemania. i still read wrestlezone and the wwf webpage, but i think it's gone downhill a lot since i started watching again 3 years ago. it's too "spotty". some shows sound really good, while others not so good.

i still love the taker, when he came back with the whole big show gifts thing, he was looking in top shape, along with his wrestlemania match. if he can keep that up, then i have no complaints with him.

edit: nevermind about the tribute, forgot i got that off the spoilers, isn't hitting tv until tommorrow. doh.

Last edited by Mael; 06-04-2003 at 04:18 PM..
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Old 06-04-2003, 05:46 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Location: the 'Ville
I've had a love hate relationship with the WWE lately. They have messed up too many people that used to be awesome. I was a WCW fan until it went out. WWE fucked up the Invasion, and most of the wrestlers with it.

I've gotten to where I watch Raw much more than Smackdown, though I like the cruisers. I wish Scott Hall was still there for Nash, cause they were an awesome team, and Hall does better on the mic than Diesel. I want to see a Kliq reunion before its all over.
If you won't dress like the Victoria Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
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Old 06-04-2003, 08:28 PM   #58 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Originally posted by holtmate
If La Parka shows up, then Rey can keep the mask, but otherwise...
That's about all for now. I'm sure I'll think of moe things to post soon...

Crazy mad props for mentioning the "Chariman" of WCW LaParka was my favorite undercard luchadore. Him and Villanos 56 and 72
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
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Old 06-05-2003, 08:59 AM   #59 (permalink)
Flailing White Boy
Location: Cincinnati
Now, my friends and I have been watching wrasslin' for the past few years, and we cam up with a new gimmik for Kane & RVD...make them Bill & Ted! Who doesn't want to see those two say "Whoa" together? Have them "appear" in a phone booth the same way the Brood rose through the floor...hell, you could even have George Carlin show up a few times. Just give them different goofy outfits each time they're in the ring...instant comedy!
It's probably not as funny as we thought it was, but we still had a good laugh of it.
And, the Rock/Hurricane promos...priceless!
"Give her your coat"
"Why me?"
"Because you're perfect."
"You have a point there."
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Old 06-05-2003, 11:51 AM   #60 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Originally posted by Mario
Crazy mad props for mentioning the "Chariman" of WCW LaParka was my favorite undercard luchadore. Him and Villanos 56 and 72
I loved La Parka's old gimmick where since he couldn't speak english, he'd put the mic to his mouth and someone else would talk for him, invariably getting him into trouble with other wrestlers. And what did he say? Something like "skull captain in the hizzouse!" Vince should take notes, you don't need lesbians and necrophiliacs to make entertaing wrestling.
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Old 06-07-2003, 10:47 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
quest1mark - all of the tough enough 2 and 3 winners got developmental contracts, in addition to a full time wrestling deal with WWE. They get sent to OVW for training in the "WWE Style". Oh yeah, Jackie was expected to make the move from OVW to WWE recently, but for some reason or another, she's still in OVW. And I'm sure Jake is doing the Indie circuit if he really wants to be a wrestler.

Mario - DANG!! Thanks for clearing up the stuff with Ahmad Johnson, KQuick, Alex Wright and The Patriot for me. More thanks for helping others with their questions on "Where Are They Now?"

holtmate - BigShmo was supposed to hold onto the backboard and stand it up next to the ring. But big ogre hands decided to drop Rey on his head, accidentally. Lets just say that VinneMac wasn't to happy.


Other News:

Lita is in OVW, getting ready for her comeback in WWE after breaking her neck during a taping of Dark Angel.

from June 1st - Billy Gunn (Woo Hoo!!) had a houseshow match, his first match in a LONG while, against OHaire. Just making sure everything is where its supposed to be before he goes back on televised matches.

Bill Demott - Returning as Hugh Morris!!... uhh... yeah. Lets just hope his angle is good this time.

Mr. Torrie Wilson, Billy Kidman, is in OVW for training before he comes back to WWE. I don't know why though. He has all the skills. Maybe some sort of story would be nice.

If you haven't noticed, I have not been around lately. I have not seen any WWE programs, and haven't even read the results/summarys yet. So if something happened, and I said something completely different.. well... Just ignore me.

Last edited by meanSpleen; 06-07-2003 at 11:16 PM..
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Old 06-08-2003, 03:43 PM   #62 (permalink)
Flailing White Boy
Location: Cincinnati
Another gimmick idea - John Cena - since he's doing the whole white boy rapper thing, they should have him follow Mark Wahlberg's career...after a little while, he becomes a porn star, maybe joining Val Venis, then he can go and star in some bad movies, and barely act...just my opinion...

Now that Billy Gunn's back, maybe they can clean up the Road Dogg, and reunite the Outlaws...ahhh wishful thinking...
"Give her your coat"
"Why me?"
"Because you're perfect."
"You have a point there."
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Old 06-08-2003, 09:03 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
More news, then I'm off to Vegas, baby!!
Expect Dawn Marie (not to be confused with the Queen of Extreme Francine) to be teamed with Lance Storm again. If you ever saw a ECW show before VinnieMac bought it - Lance Storm (RAW), Justin Credible (NWA:TNA), and Dawn Marie (Smackdown) were together as the High Impact Players. Suprisingly, Storm had a lot more respect then, than he does right now. Storm and Credible had a really good vibe together. Its sad that Credible was tossed aside in WWE.

The Basham Brothers haven't been as exciting as I thought they would be. It seems that VinnieMac thinks the same thing too. It seems like they will look for a manager to add some spice to their act. I wouldn't mind Jim Cornet making a return. But he's down in OVW as a writer or something.
As an other note -
I read, mainly, http://www.steveswrestling.com for my news and stuff. Basically, Steve goes around and reads all the other sites, and copies what they wrote. Its easier for me to go to one site and get, at least, a good amount of news and info.

What sites do you visit?
Wrestling observer?
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Old 06-08-2003, 10:13 PM   #64 (permalink)
Army of Me
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I havent seen a WWE show since Backlash though.. So im excited to see whats going on through my sites and reading this thread. Hey spleenie.. Enjoy Vegas.. it's gonna be 100+ degrees all week
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Old 06-09-2003, 07:05 AM   #65 (permalink)
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Location: The True North Strong and Free!
i go to 1wrestling.con and pwtorch.com for my news.

Careful about popups though.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill
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Old 06-09-2003, 10:47 AM   #66 (permalink)
If you don't want to be bothered by pop-ups (well just a couple)/bogus links and still get reliable and up to date info then visit Rajah WWE, it's where I go for WWE Info.

On the topic of Women's Wrestling, please just drop it all together. The matches are all pretty much the same as far as the overall scripting, moves, and time goes. The matches are short and just time fillers. YOu seen one match you've seen them all.

The gimmick gravy, lingere, bathing suits matches are even worse to watch. There is really nothing new, the fans don't get into the matches. All the fans (majority men) want to see is T & A. I know the WWE wants the women there to help market the product and keep the age demographic they are targeting, but come on there has got to be a way to keep the women part and get rid of the wrestling part.

I'd rather see midgets back in the ring on a regular basis, now that's entertainment. Hell throw 4-5 midets in the ring against the Big Slow, ala the old King Kong Bundy days, thats good watching.
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Old 06-09-2003, 05:04 PM   #67 (permalink)
The problem with Kidman isn't that he doesn't have talent, it's because he has no personlity. Maybe it's just me but, he just seems to plain to stand out in the crowd.
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Old 06-09-2003, 08:26 PM   #68 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
>>I wouldn't mind Jim Cornet making a return. But he's down in OVW as a writer or something.

He runs OVW. ANd is one of the funniest guys I've ever met. He came down to the ring at a Raw event years ago while they were on commercial break, took the mic and said "I was sitting in the back and thought my monitor broke so I came out here to see what was going on. And turns out it wasn't broke, you people are just that ugly."
Then he turned away and waddled back up the ramp. ahhh live events rock.

Billy Kidman is a great wrestler and I can't wait to see him and Rey go at it. Like a ladder match would be awesome. Kidman did well in Raven's flock in wcw, and won cruiser gold, and won tag gold with Rey. He also fueded with the Hulkster in the New Blood era. He has the promise they just need to let him show it.

Speaking of live events anybody ever been to any? I have been to 2 Raws, a few Nitros, and 2 PPVs and a bunch of house shows.
It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it!
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Old 06-10-2003, 10:01 PM   #69 (permalink)
Location: Sophies bike seat
what are some good wrestling websites that can tell me the current champions on smackdown, raw etc

if its on wwe.com im buggered if i can find it

(scrap that last request i just read all the posts!!!!
silly me)
License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit - ever. They're like the Viet Cong - Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that's all she wrote.

Last edited by nightmare; 06-10-2003 at 10:07 PM..
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:05 PM   #70 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
The only live even I've ever been to was a house show back in the 80's. The main event was Shawn Michaels against Smash of Demolition, it was supposed to be the Rockers against Demolition, but someone was hurt or something and the match got switched to a one on one. Last time Raw came to town I couldn't get out of work, and I was hoping to make a trip to Montreal to see Smackdown last time it was there, but it didn't happen.
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Old 06-11-2003, 10:05 PM   #71 (permalink)
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meanSpleen's Avatar
Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Jeebus! Did someone say Kidman doesn't have any skillz (Quick scan of the thread, nope. Good. ) Phew! Thought I missed something.

J-Dubs - Womens wrestling could be better if there were more femme wrestlers on the roster.

Mario - Thanks again for clearing up Jim
Cornet for me.
I haven't been to any live events. I'd do house shows, but I'm too cheap to pay the 20-50 dollars to see a show.

rockzilla - Demolition!! What the heck ever happened to Smash? I think he did WCW for a bit as a non-Demolition wrestler. I'm pretty sure Crush was part of Demolition when you saw the show, but heres a question.

"Who was the previous member of Demolition before Crush showed up?"
Theres a cookie for the one who gets it right.


Foley!! Foley!! Foley!! Foley!! Foley!! Thats all, nuff said.
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Old 06-12-2003, 06:42 AM   #72 (permalink)
The original 2 members of Demolition were Ax and Smash, Crush came later. Crush was Bryan Adams, who after his stint in the WWF joined the WCW and NWO. Before he was Crush in the WWF he was caled something like the Hawaiian Kid or something.
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Old 06-12-2003, 07:26 AM   #73 (permalink)
Somebody was talking about classic Tag Teams, teams with wrestlers who fit together, not just 2 random guys throw together. I love the classic tag teams such as...

Killer Bee's - Jump'n Jim and Brian Blair
Hart Foundation - Bret, Jim the Anvil, and Owen
Road Warriors - Hawk and Animal
Rockers - Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannety
British Bulldogs - Davey Boy and Dynamite Kid (my favorite wrestler)
Bushwackers - Luke and Butch
Demolition - Ax, Smash, and Crush
Iron Shiek and Nikoli Volkov
Headbangers - Mosh and Thrash
Rougeau Brothers/Mounties - Jacques and Raymond
Men on a Mission - Mo and Mabel
Natural Disasters - Earthquake and Typhoon (Tugboat)
Headshrinkers - Samu and Fatu
Money Inc. - Millon Dollar Man and IRS (Issac Yankem DDS)
Quebecers - Jacques and Pierre
Smokin' Gunn's - Billy and Bart
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Old 06-12-2003, 11:24 AM   #74 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Yep, the WWE is definitely lacking in real tag teams these days, although sometimes 2 singles wrestlers thrown together can be entertaining, as long as there's a story to go along with it. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle are a good example. Jericho and Christian work well together too. And sometimes all you can do with 2 main-event level wrestlers is throw them into a random tag team because HHH has ruined all their credibility (RVD and Kane). I'm hoping that with the IC title back, and talks of bringing the US title to Smackdown it'll give the WWE something better to do with it's overabundance of midcarders and save the tag division for actual tag teams.
Oh yeah, the type of tag matches I hate most are the ones where they throw 2 faces together against the 2 heels that they'll be facing in separate PPV matches regardless of any other story surrounding those wrestlers.
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Old 06-12-2003, 02:43 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
The Bashams Finally get their valet!! Maybe they'll get a pop outta this one. They need it. Look for her tonight on Smackdown. Who is it? You should be able to figure it out within a few seconds of seeing her, but its "Shaniqua".

That being said, if Shaniqua finally made it into the WWE as an on air talent, than Jackie Gayada (Tough Enough II co-champion) cannot be too far behind.
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Old 06-13-2003, 06:36 AM   #76 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
Prophecy's Avatar
Location: Limbus Patrum
I missed part of Smackdown last night; can someone fill me in on what happened with the Vince and Mr. America arm wrestling contest? It seemed like a funny skit, but I had other things to do at the time and only caught a glimpse.
La Disciplina È La Mia Spada,
La Fede È Il Mio Schermo,
Non salti Ciecamente In Incertezza,
E Potete Raccogliere Le Ricompense.
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Old 06-13-2003, 07:25 AM   #77 (permalink)
Taken from RajahWWF - WWE Smackdown TV Results

* Backstage Mr. America pumps Gowen up for his arm wrestling match with Vince.

* Stephanie comes out to the ring and explains that if Gowen beats Vince in the arm wrestling contest he gets a contract. Sables music plays and she comes out to the ring. Sable reaches for the mic, Stephanie denies her and asks what she wants. Sable begins talking, Steph says never mind and introduces Zach Gowen and Mr. America. They come out to the ring and Steph introduces Vince. Mr. America gets on the mic and says that Vince doesn't belong here in Orlando. He says that Vince's problem is with Mr. America not with Gowen. Mr. America challenges Vince to an arm wrestling match. Vince asks if Mr. America thinks he is afraid of him. Vince says no to Mr. America, and says he didn't sign to arm wrestle him. Sable whispers something in Vince's ear. He says he changes his mind, but there are two stipulations, its not for Gowen's contract, and second, if Vince wins, Mr. America leaves. The men lock up, Mr. America gives Vince the finger. Sable screams that Mr. America is cheating. Steph says if Sable interrupts again she will have to leave. They switch to their right arms. Mr. America is about to win and Sable flashes him and Vince capitalizes and wins. It is announced that Vince is the winner. Vince tells Mr. America if he hits him then Gowen will never get a shot. Vince tells Stephanie she needs to leave with Mr. America. Sable also leaves the ring. Vince taunts Gowen. The two lock up and the match begins. Vince laughs and continues to taunt Gowen. Gowen is about to beat Vince when Vince quickly kicks Zach in the fake leg and he falls to the mat. Vince is declared the winner. Vince says he would like to say good try, but Zach didn't make it. Vince asks if Zach is going to cry. Vince demands that Zach leave, saying he only wants athletes not freaks. Zach slides out of the ring and hobbles away.

* Big Show says he has two words for Gowen, Forget It. Gowen just looks at him.
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Old 06-13-2003, 10:24 AM   #78 (permalink)
Squid hat!
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Let it be known that the Arm Wrestling thing was the biggest waste of 30 minutes I've seen in a long time for WWE programming. It is not like we don't already know that VinnieMac isn't going to let Gowen get a contract unless he kisses his ass. So pucker up kid, Mr.AmeriHogan isn't going to be able to save you this time.

And it seems like VinnieMac has been working out the pill bottle again.
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Old 06-13-2003, 10:49 AM   #79 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
Prophecy's Avatar
Location: Limbus Patrum
I did see that, Vince was pretty buff for a non wrestler on that show. If you notice everyone else that doesn't get in the ring has almost no muscle tone at all.
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Old 06-13-2003, 03:25 PM   #80 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
When I watched that bit, I thought "holy shit, Vince has bigger arms than Hogan" which led me to the same conclusion as meanspleen. Other than that though, I have to say I marked out when Brock Lesnar superplexed Big slow and the ring collapsed. That was great.
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