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Old 05-25-2003, 07:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
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WWE - Sports Entertainment

In honor of my new avatar, I've decided to create the long-awaited, expertly pondered, deepthought provoking thread of our favorite sports entertainment outlet of the WWE. Well, granted that there are a number of other groups out there, and provided that some of them may be better than WWE... But we all watch WWE right? At least I do.

Anyway, I felt that I needed an outlet somewhere to gripe, whine, and cheer for what is happening in professional wrestling today. And I think everyone else needs one too.

Acceptible discussion:

Storylines - check
Wrestlers - check
General information - check
other stuff - see next section

NOT acceptible discussion:

Saying someone/something sucks and not giving a good reason. I will personally delete any and all posts (even my own if someone calls me on it) of people just wasting space.


Just some general news:
Ultimo Dragon is in discussions for signing with the WWE!! Think of him as "the other rey mysterio" if you have never heard/seen of him before. Although he had some nasty injuries, and a botched surgery, he is still one of the greatest cruiserweights you may ever get to see perform. When I say perform, I mean PERFORM.

That one legged kid on Smackdown? Relax, he is a real wrestler. Suprised? I'm not. He's also known as Tenacious Z, and he is another high-flyer. He's in OVW right now, WWE's official development league. Most of the Tough Enough winners are there right now, 'learning the ropes'.

And last, you all need to know my favorite wrestlers right now...
1) The Hurricane - This kid has the technique, and the charisma. Plus, he can put on a great show.

2) Matt Hardy - He is the better wrestler of the two Hardy boys. Now that Jeff has left WWE, expect Matt to get even more exposure.

3) Kurt Angle - I didn't like him when he first showed up. But I've watched him develop into an excellent tactition, and a great personality. Its amazing what a few acting classes can do for a guy.

4) Chris "Harvard" Nowinski - He's just a gag-favorite. He sucked in Tough Enough, but now that he was in OVW and continues to learn, he is turning into something unexpected. He's a hell of a lot better than Maven. Hell, I think Josh was better than Maven. Maven sucks.

Excess notes: If you haven't figured it out by now, I like actual technique and skill over brute strength and pure charisma. Jeff Hardy sucks because all he can do is fly. Matt is the better wrestler. Team Angle? Shelton Benjamin is LEAGUES better than Charlie Haas. What is the perfect wrestler? Someone who can actually wrestle, and is able to keep it interesting. Selling the moves and selling the pain is KEY to being a great wrestler.
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Old 05-25-2003, 09:23 PM   #2 (permalink)
a couple of comments and questions. i havent been watching lately and i need some updates.

1. kurt angle is my favorite wrestler. this guy works his butt off, hes a natural wrestlerm, and is the best heel in the bus. ive been waiting for him to turn face, but the crowd will never get rid of the 'you suck' chant.

2. what happend to jeff hardy? i heard there was drama ever since the hardy boys broke up. but why did they get rid of him? yeah his wrestling skills sucked, but if you take as many bumps as he does, the crowd will always love a guy like him.

3. what happend to the ross report? i used to always log on to check out how the tough enough boys were doing in development. all of a sudden, its not on the site anymore. we need updates man! i hate wrestling sites like prowrestling torch and wrestlezone, those sites have popups like a bitch and fake story titles to get you to click their links.

4. best cruiser weight wrestler...rey mysterio. forget the hurricane, you cant take him seriously. hes just there for comic relief. mysterio does moves that look rediculousy insane. the 619 has got to be the best move out right now.
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Old 05-25-2003, 09:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
1) expect Kurt to come back soon. He'll probably heel a rematch with Brock Lesnar, then go babyface again. He's been out for necksurgery, and word on the street is that he has been cleared for wrestling by the medical team.

2) Jeff Hardy just wasn't into WWE anymore. Call it psychological problems or something. Some say its a drug problem, I'm not really sure. But he has been courted by the NWA to appear on their Total Nonstop Action (TNA) series of pay per views.

3) The ross reports stopped awhile ago. Now we have Droz's 2 cents... and its not that good.

4) Rey Mysterio is a great aerialist, I'll give him that much. But because of his size, he cannot do many of the standard wrestling maneuvers. This will impair him in the long run, especially when his body starts wearing out. He trained with Psicosis, under Rey Mysterio (rey's uncle). They are all magnificent high-flyers, but they just are not proficient wrestlers in my mind. Why the hurricane? He has the height, speed and ability. Sure he has a goofy persona, but it works, and he can pull it off. He also has one of the best looking shining wizards I've seen in a long time.
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Old 05-26-2003, 09:59 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Chitown!!
1. whats up with nathan jones? did the FBI really mess up his ankle?

2. the FBI aggrivates the shit out of me. they strut around spouting a bunch of stereotypical italian phrases and gestures and think they're a pack of badasses. i bet they can't even locate italy on a map.

3. i liked the undertaker helping brock part on last week's smackdown! im going to enjoy watching them destroy the FBI

4. there are too many PPV's today. it used to be they would have one every few months or so and they're would be huge matches that had been brewing for many months. now they have one every month, the matches are really nothing to look forward to, as you can see basically the same thing every week.

5. i still hate the brand split idea. im acutally losing interest in the shows today. one can only watch the same guys fight for so long. brock and triple h would be a kick ass match!!
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Old 05-26-2003, 11:49 AM   #5 (permalink)
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1. Nathon Jones although a monster and had a great look was very very green. He was brought in waaaay too fast and needs to spend a good year or two in OVW much like Brock Lesnar did and learn the sport and style required by WWE. I think the ankle story is just that. A story.

2. I quite like the FBI actually, I think they are humorous and have two of my favourite talents. Johny and the curly haired guy - damn. I'm having a brain fart and can't remember the name.

3. Undertaker has impressed me a lot in recent times as he is not afraid to put the younger talent over. He's doing well in his elder statesman role and doing what is right for the business IMO.

4. The PPV scenario is changing as of this month. There will be 4 RAW only, 4 Smackdown only and 4 major combined PPV's per year. This will give significantly more time for storylines to develop and hopefully be better for us viewers.

5. In the long run I think the split was a good idea. When it was a single brand we saw the same wrestlers and same storylines carry over to both shows every week, now the younger midcarders have more exposure on TV and with the split PPV's they will have a shot at glory as well. The WWE just need to get the writing up to par. BRING HEYMAN BACK!
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
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Old 05-26-2003, 04:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
1) Yeah, Nathan Jones is still a rookie. He is a former "Worlds Strongest Man" contestant. He had to stop doing that after having his arm broken in an arm wrestling match that was part of the competition. He spent some time with John Cena in one of the smaller companys. WWE sent him back to OVW for some additional work, and he also negotiated a new contract and salary. Apparently, he thinks he is worth more that he is worth.

2) Johnny "the Bull" Stamboli, and Chuck Palumbo. Oh yeah. Nunzio. :P Anyway, I think Stamboli is an overlooked talent. He has a great build, and good enough technique. Chuck Palumbo, on the other hand, reminds me of Bart Gunn. He's big, rough, and generally isn't very much liked by the crowd. He needs a great tag-team partner to do anything special.

3) Taker, everyone loves and idolizes the Taker. I know I do.

4) The PPV schedule, as Daval mentioned, is changing. Expect the storylines to become deeper, as the plot grows over 2 or more PPV's. Currently, there is a shelf life of one month per storyline, because so many new contenders for the Belt have entered WWE lately. VinnieMac is trying to get the pecking order straight. At least we don't have "In Your House" anymore.

5) The split brands is a great idea!! Look at WCW in its later years. It had tons of wrestlers that nobody cared about. By keeping the rosters cut down to 30-40 wrestlers each, you are able to rotate a few wrestlers each show. Ignoring untelevised house shows, and dark matches, all of the wrestlers can wrestle on TV either on RAW/Heat or Smackdown/Velocity. This allows everyone to work on storylines, and to work out new routines.


More news: Jeff Hardy worked a small, very small, indie ring over the weekend. About 30 people were in the crowd, and he was using his old moniker, "Willow The Wisp". He's wearing a mask that is a cross between Psicosis and Rey Mysterio. Its a more or less Luchadore mask, with a flow of white sprouting out of the head.
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Old 05-26-2003, 05:15 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Sophies bike seat
in australia we dont get smackdown anymore, just raw, some shit about smackdown being too expensive. its a pity coz i have to check up on the net about whats happening
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Old 05-27-2003, 06:28 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Chitown!!
Originally posted by Daval
4. The PPV scenario is changing as of this month. There will be 4 RAW only, 4 Smackdown only and 4 major combined PPV's per year. This will give significantly more time for storylines to develop and hopefully be better for us viewers.

5. In the long run I think the split was a good idea. When it was a single brand we saw the same wrestlers and same storylines carry over to both shows every week, now the younger midcarders have more exposure on TV and with the split PPV's they will have a shot at glory as well. The WWE just need to get the writing up to par. BRING HEYMAN BACK!
I guess I don't really understand how the PPV thing is changing much. It still sounds like 1 a month. Could you please explain more?

The brand split does give the up and comers a chance at glory. Smackdown! needs some bigger dudes to compete against Brock. We already know he can F5 Big Show, so now what? Cena was a very entertaining competitor. Taker/Brock 3 would be cool.

Anyone know when Nathan Jones will be coming back?
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Old 05-27-2003, 07:20 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: London, UK
Haven't watched WWE/F regularly for years so I'm constantly suprised when I flick on and catch up with the latest plots and characters. Can anyone help me out with some history that must've happened about 10 years ago... how did The Rockers split up? We all know what happened to Shawn Michaels, but what about Marty Janety? They were by far the most charasmatic and inventive tag-teams of my childhood and I'd love any info!
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Old 05-27-2003, 08:16 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally posted by brandon11983
I guess I don't really understand how the PPV thing is changing much. It still sounds like 1 a month. Could you please explain more?

Yes, there will be one PPV per month - BUT, there will be alternating RAW talent and Smackdown talent. Meaning - HHH won't be headlining each and every PPV.

This gives the midcarders who would normally be relegated to Heat (LANCE STORM, RVD) who are more deserving of a PPV slot a chance. And a payday.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
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Old 05-27-2003, 01:27 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
Originally posted by Jerry Manderine
how did The Rockers split up? We all know what happened to Shawn Michaels, but what about Marty Janety?
The Rockers broke up over control. Marty Jannetty thought he was the team leader, while Shawn Michaels thought he was the leader. During a face to face interview in the Barbarshop, Brutus the Barber Beefcake managed to get Shawn and Marty to shake hands. Everything seemed to be okay, when Shawn superkicked Marty through the barbershops window.

They had a couple feud matches, then Marty disappeared. He wrestled the indie circuit, NWA for a while, then he made "a comeback" by teaming with Leif Cassidy (Al Snow). That died a miserable death, because no one needs to see two people that look exactly the same on the same team. Since then, Marty has been out of the majors.
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Old 05-27-2003, 03:38 PM   #12 (permalink)
1. Tenacious Z will never be able to do some moves that require good balance. He'll never be able to kick somebody in the gut ,but i would like to see him do a dropkick.
2. I want to see Juvi back on TV because the matches he had in WCW with rey mysterio were great.
3. Ultimo Dragon back on TV is a good thing.
4. Personally, I think Rey got boring ever since he signed with WWE. All his matches are pretty much the same.
5. Speaking of cruiserweights, where is TAKA, Psychosis, Jimmy Yang, and Kaz Hayashi? I want to know where they ended up.
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Old 05-27-2003, 04:03 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: A Few Miles Away From Halx
1) Tenacious Z CAN do a lot of moves that require good balance. He can still climb the ropes, and do a moonsault off of it. He really is a great talent, and should not be ignored. Sooner or later, they will make a better prosthetic leg for him. It would most likely be designed specifically for wrestling, and VinnieMac probably won't mind shelling out a few thousand dollars to get it if it means he gets a talent that everyone actually likes.

3) Ultimo Dragon on TV is a great thing. He just wrestled a darkmatch on the May 26 Raw, and he'll do another darkmatch for the same week's Smackdown. Word is that they are trying to figure out where to put him. (duh, we all know its going to be on smackdown)

4) WWE wants to give people what they want. And WWE gives the same thing over and over. If they forced Rey into more non-televised matches, he would have time to make up new routines.


Is it just me, or is Shawn Micheals a whore? I've never liked the guy, and I don't think he is as good as everyone says he is. He should go back and work behind the scenes, like he was when he was running that Texas wrestling company...
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Old 05-28-2003, 12:51 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: London, UK
I'll second the Michaels=whore theory.
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Old 05-28-2003, 04:19 AM   #15 (permalink)
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I've never seen Tenacious Z wrestle, but I certainly look forward to it. The hard speculation was that he would have been going to Raw to face Rodney Mack in the white boy challenge - noone expected Smackdown.

I love Rey, he is entertaining as hell and those moves he makes are just awesome. I love how big he got during his off-period, he's ripped now.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:14 PM   #16 (permalink)
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News updates because I love you all so much

Nathan Jones, in addition to getting a new contract with WWE is out with a broken elbow. He was practicing - yes, he got injured while he was warming up. It was the same night that Chavo Guerrero got injured. We miss you Chavito!!


David Flair - It seems like he is out of OVW, at least for a short while. He's been working dark matches and untelevised house shows. Word on the street? Untapped talent. He's the kid of Ric Flair! He has to have picked up something!! Dear god, please kill Randy Orton. I hope he never gets to 100 percent again. I don't want him on Raw or Smackdown, especially wearing some gimp mask... boo hoo hoo

Back to Flair. Working Tag matches is definitely good for him. It will, as always, allow him to work on his routine, and his character. Keep an eye on him as well.


Brian "Spanky" Kendrick has the biggest penis for a wrestler I've ever seen. Maybe its the tights. But whatever it is, ..., yeah.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:23 PM   #17 (permalink)
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I wanna see Batista come back as a good guy. It would be awesome to see him going up against someone like HHH or Kane.

And I second the Randy Orton thing.

What happened to Hardcore Holly? The Alabama Slam was one of the coolest moves!
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:31 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Batista would be awesome as a face (face = good guy) He has a great build, and a good amount of talent. However, he's out with a torn tricep, and when/if he ever comes back he just isn't going to be the same. A torn tricep is going to stay with him for the rest of his career. But whatever the case, Batista was one of the better stars to debut last year. Probably in the top 3 of the new talents added to WWE's roster.

Hardcore Holly - What about the Alabama Slam?!?! All he needs to do is his dropkick and I'm happy. He has perfect timing, and execution of it. When he connects, only of his feet make contact, and thats with a full extension of his legs. Not to mention that he is completely horizontal when he makes the hit. 10/10 for that move alone. Anything else is just sugar.
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Old 05-28-2003, 01:52 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
FINALLY someone has started a wrestling post.

Some thoughts...

Did anyone really think that the Nature Boy WASN'T gonna turn on HBK?

HHH refuses to do the J-O-B and I can't wait til he does. The only problem is that it will more than likely be to wee Willy Goldberg at Summer Slam. The Hurricane should have pinned HHH in the non title match right after he beat the Rock.

Christian is my new favorite wrestler. He's been due for a while now.

Ultimo will be a great addition to the Smackdown brand, if only Dean would come back instead of work as a road agent.
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Old 05-28-2003, 02:06 PM   #20 (permalink)
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I want to see the next generation of the Hardys, dudlys, and other "theme" teams, instead of mixing and matching wreslers like rob van dam and Kane, or Gold dust and Booker T, are they pulling names out of hats?

There also needs to be more Title changes or at least title defenses.

I like the Hurricane, he's a good wrestler, its too bad hes stuck with that stupid gimmick. I think all cruiserwieghts are being held back, I agree that Rey's matches all look exactly the same.
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Old 05-28-2003, 02:41 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Natureboy/HBK - it was obvious. Don't kid yourself

TripleHo can go suck VinnieMac all he wants, he is still the biggest sucka on Raw. He is only where he is because he was the only one left when WCW passed Raw in the ratings.

Bill Whoreberg is a man-whore as well. No respect for the business, and no respect for the other wrestlers. Its not suprising that no one in the back likes the guy. He gets all the good perks (no untelevised matches, no international competition overseas) and he's already the #1 contender pretty much. At least he's a better wrestler than FreakSteiner. FreakSteiner is exactly what TripleHo said he was. He's built for show, and not for go. Big suprise that he's down to Testicles level, eh? Testicle can die as well. He is one of the least interesting wrestlers that continues to wrestle for WWE i've seen in a while. I don't see why this guy still has a job. FreakSteiner and Testicle. They should get married and go live in a box.

Christian - He's my New Peoples Champion.

Dean Malenko - Isn't he kinda old? Well, he did train Trish Stratus... Lucky man. Wouldn't mind showing Trish 1000 holds... But I'd rather get my hands on Victoria. mmmmmmm

cybermike - On Smackdown, look for "The Basham Brothers". They're not really brothers, but one of them is confirmed to be an OVW graduate. I think they are set to debut this week.

Title changes/defenses - Thats the problem with all the PPV's. You have to wait four weeks for anything to happen.

What stupid gimmick? He really is a super hero. Oh yeah, Jamie Noble has the really bad gimmick. He's a great technical wrestler, he just has a bad character to play.
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Old 05-28-2003, 04:25 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hey, I quite like Randy Orton, I think he has great potential, a great look and rasslin is in his blood. He's a bit green right now, but I see a class A superstar with this guy.

Test has a great look, but needs to work on the charisma and develop some more moves.

Christian rocks. Just needs a decent costume, he has all the charisma he needs, he just needs to put the last couple of pieces in the puzzle.

Dean Malenko - One of the better mid-card wrestlers there ever was, its the shame he didnt have the charisma to take him to the very upper echelons.

Hurricane - I'd rather see him in a silly gimmick than not used at all. He's got great talent and will make it there.

Matt V1 - I dunno, i liked Jeff better

Sting - would be my wetdream to see him come into WWE, I loved this guy! Especially in the crow gear.

Steiner - He's improved much as of late. I think he can still make it to the top once he gets his style and moves back.
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it."
Winston Churchill
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Old 05-28-2003, 04:35 PM   #23 (permalink)
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hey.. why not have 3count reunion?
Thanks Spleenie for making a thread.. i made one on the old board in the Sports section and it went all to hell..

Here are my thoughts about the current state of affairs in Sports Entertainment.

1) Get back bonafied tag teams. Sure themed teams are desireable.. but hell i'd settle for a tried and true tag team. The dudley's, Rob and Kane, Los Geurerros aren't going to cut it for long. What about femals tag teams?...which brings me too..

2) The women wrestlers have impressed me sooo jmuch in the last year. I feel like watching a parent watching their child maturing when i see how much progress the women have made. My hat off to Fit Finlay on succeeding where so many others have left off. Thank goodness to whoever the powers that be are who finally got the hint that Stacy/Torrie/Dawn Marie/Steph cant wrestle and the women deserve much more than the occational gravy/bikini match for a cheap pop.

3)The nostalgia pops.. okay..they arent bringing anything new to the table. A lot of fans can barely remember these people, and those of us who can, well..we dont care after a month..tops. Piper, Nash, Hogan, Sable, Snuka, etc.. They areb't worth the money and cant pull the ratings out of the crapper for long
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Old 05-28-2003, 09:02 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Tag Teams were one of my favorite parts of wrestling. The greatest wrestling champions come from championship tag teams. Bret Hart and HBK obviously, and Booker T is making his way. Kevin Nash was also, he didn't get big til he teamed with HBK, though I thought his Great Oz stint in WCW was his real claim to fame.

Favorite under-rated tagteam was Vicious and Delicious. Bonus to anyone who knows who they are as singles.

Benoit is getting buried now and I don't know why. He needs to go heel and show that toothless aggression. And I believe Benoit and Malenko (Most under-rated Horsemen tag team) are about the same age.

3 Count Reunion?? Tank Abott made that team. Feh. And Kuragious was the "talented" one.

These are some thoughts, until next time

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Old 05-29-2003, 01:20 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Ganguro -
The WWE thread died in the Sports section because WWE isn't a sport. Its sports entertainment.

1) The dearth of good tag teams - True, but its so hard to find a couple of guys who can work well together. Its easier to get two big name talents and force them to team, or a big and a small talent. With big and small talents, the star power of the smaller guy will increase. Then, you can get a couple no-names (in theory) and hope for the best. Look at the FBI. Nunzio wasn't making the impact that Noble thought he would, Palumbo NEEDS a partner, and Stamboli just was not being used on RAW.

On another note, LOD - The RoadWarriors, have pretty much been ignored by the WWE. They fought two unimpressive dark matches, and it seems as if they were denyed a new contract with WWE. Back to the indies they go.

2) Women wrestling has gotten MUCH better with actual talent that can wrestle. However, as well as they wrestle, its hard for the crowds to get into the matches. For any number of reasons, the quality of the matches are relatively poor. Its like the low end of the Cruiserweight male fights. Its interesting to a point, but once you hit it, its prettu much pointless.
Ranked Femme wrestlers in my opinion -
1) Victoria for her knack for creative moves, and a great angle
2) Jazz is sheer power. Butt ugly, but sheer power.
3) Molly Holly/Ivory. They are the epitome of womens wrestling. They have the moves, and the technique, but they seem to lack any staying power with the crowd.
5) Trish (fifth because molly and ivory tied, remember? ) - She looks okay I guess. But I just don't see it. She has vastly improved over the past 2 years.
6) Jaquelin. Well, we need a jobber don't we? And she does a fine job of it, especially with those huge funbags of hers.

3) Old applause. Gad, the last thing I need to see is old man boobies jiggling. Its nice to see them again, but they get too much air time. It would be nice to see them work with the REAL up and comers. Not just work with the established stars.


Mario -
I've heard of Vicious and Delicious, but I don't think I've ever seen them and recognized them as VandD.

Nash sucks. Plain and simple. He has horrible ring charisma, and he really cannot wrestle. Read the bottom for more.

Benoit is a STAR. It would be nice to see him win the title. Heck, Jericho won the Undisputrid title, so Benoit needs to win a major title as well. Get Rhyno off his back, and get him in the ring with Lesnar, or a return glory match with Angle. Angle and Benoit work together like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Tank Abbott is a whore.

and La Resistance is a two-bit whore.


People who should get injured so badly that they cannot wrestle EVER again.

1) Testicle - If you knew what I said before, then this is a repeat. He has no in-ring talent, and barely any character development.

2) FreakSteiner - Same. No wrestling ability, and is just a musclebound weirdo.

3) Gay-Train - He's too dam hairy, and not interesting.

4) Charlie Haas - No professional wrestling talent. The only reason why Team Angle is any interesting is because of Shelton Benjamin.

5) Kevin Nash - He's a horrible solo wrestler, and a terrible interviewee. He cannot record a promo for his life, and cannot think of a complete sentace of a cup of water.


Word on the street - Bradshaw is nearly 100%, and the APA has been reformed. Watch Smackdown next week.


The Basham Brothers DO make their WWE TV debut tonight. The team is made up of two OVW stars. "Machine" Doug Basham, and Dave "The Damaja" (damaja = Damager)

Expect a lot of high impact moves out of these guys. They pack alot of power, and a lot of punch.
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Old 05-29-2003, 01:56 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Gulf Coast
Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton in their NWO days were known as Vicious and Delicious. Pretty good too, but word on the street is that its real hard to work with Buff.

Lex Luger is my pick for worst guy ever. And this was before he even thought about using the lex express in WWF, and certainly before he got Miss Elizabeth so high or whatever they were doing.
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Old 05-29-2003, 02:44 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I know this is a WWE thread, but have any of you gooten a chance to see a WNA-TNA show? omg.. awesome.

That being said.. Why doesn't Vince put some $$ into the writing team, and listen to the workers when they are talking about what direction they would like their characters to go to. Vince is putting too much stock into the old guard. These people arent going to be around forever..focus on your midcarders and push the hell out of the ones who deserve it. (thoughtfully push..not like the super push Albert got for noo reason)
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Old 05-29-2003, 03:08 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Jeebus... Buff Bagwell.. hehehe... That guy has problems. I still don't think he is a wrestler. I guess it stems from seeing his performance in those Andy Sidarus films (B movies with a capital Boobs). I had limited WCW exposure, so I really don't know all too much about what went on over there.

Sheesh, I forgot about Lugar. He's just as bad as Steiner is now. And... yeah, he's just bad.

I'm too cheap to pay for a NWA:TNA show. Its 10 dollars!! But the matches with people not on the card are supposed to be great. Its good to hear about all the familiar names making appearances, even though they don't have contracts with the NWA.

VinnieMac is pretty controlling, thats why. Its either the way he see's things, or it doesn't happen. Especially from talent that haven't really made an impact in his eyes (which is just about everyone except TripleHo and The Rock).

Old people - Gotta use them, cause they are getting old. Old-Man Boobies, NOO!!!
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Old 05-29-2003, 08:15 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I watched half of the Basham brothers match with rakishi and Kendrick and they looked good and the crowd seemed to enjoy them. I don't think WWE will do much with them though.
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Old 05-29-2003, 09:23 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Yeah, I just saw them wrestle. They can sell the moves pretty well. But you have to remember that it is a "feeler" match. (feeler is my term, for lack of a better-more-widely-used one). I mean, they went up against Spanky "Big Penis" Kendrik and Rikishi of all people. Kendrik is still fresh, but hasn't really made a name for himself yet (big penis) in the WWE. He's just the really white guy who is freaky fast, high flying, and big penis. Rikishi has not been a central character for a long time. He's just "The Guy with the Big Butt".

So what can Doug and Dave do against Penis and Butt? They give a few shots, they take a few shots. Stink face, penis attack, all the regular stuff you expect from Butt and Penis. This is just a way to show the fans what they can do.

Oh yeah, they aren't really video friendly face-wise and costume-wise. They'll probably disappear for a couple weeks, then make a return like the Hardys did when they first started. They had a few matches that people enjoyed, but didn't really care if they saw or not.

"Gee, that guy sure can jump around"

Then they disappeared. They came back with an entirely new angle, and BOOM, you can hear the sounds of little girls throwing their harts (yes, hart, not heart) at the ring trying to get a piece of Matt (Yes matt, not jeff). Expect WWE to try something like that with the Bashams, only to a lesser effect and a different way of approaching the team.
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Old 05-29-2003, 10:13 PM   #31 (permalink)
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This kinda of goes back to the tag team stuff, but what the heck.

I lose interest in the tag team division when the tag teams aren't tag teams.

For instance, back when X-pac tagged with Kane; they came out together; the music was altered and mixed together; X-pac even incorporated a little red into his gear...

Today, they slap two guys together; they come out seperately; they have their own theme; and they don't bother to alter their gear to look alike.

All in all I prefer Smackdown to Raw; although I tune in sometimes just for Jericho and Christian. Although the overexposure of Vince on Smackdown and the absence of Paul Heyman is certainly doing it's part to drive me away from the Smackdown audience.

By the way, that's a killer avatar, spleen. I'm a Hurricane convert. Didn't like the gimmick at first, but it grows on you.
No signature. None. Seriously.
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Old 05-29-2003, 10:55 PM   #32 (permalink)
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I got it from the hurricanes personal site. http://www.shanehelms.com/


Regarding Tough Enough One -

I've come to the point where I just don't see "TOUGH ENOUGH CHAMPION" written all over the face of the TE kids faces, except one. All of them have developed a nice character/role for themselves, except one. It seems like that they will have a nice future in the WWE, except one.

Nidia - WOW! I can't believe she lasted this long as Jaime Nobles valet! But the weird part is that I BELIEVE that she is really trailer trash. Thats quite an achievement actually. Now, I do realize that she is still in development of her wrestling skills, but she is really doing a nice job in the ring. Hell, she makes Torrie Wilson look like a capable wrestler. When I see Nidia, I see "Trailer Ho", no Tough Enough Champion

Chris Harvard Nowinski - Still a pompous asshole, but he has done a great job on his skills and character development. If you haven't heard, he's aligned himself as Rodney Mack's partner, even though Nowinski is a white-boy. "I'm white on the outside, but I'm black on the inside, For Sizzle My Nuzzle". Yup, definitely a great addition to WWE. Not a Tough Enough Loser, but a WWE Supahstar!

Josh - He's doing a pretty decent job as play-by-play and commentator/inteviewer. Needs to stop sounding like he reading off a card. Maybe he'll get into the ring.

Maven... maven... ma... ven....mave....nevam.... Sucked, still sucks, and probably will continue to suck. I can't see how they chose Maven over the other two. He has done NOTHING in the WWE except give a few sub-average matches. Nothing interesting. Nothing innovative. Nothing that makes him stand out from anyone else. He has Tough Enough All over him, and it isn't ever going to wash clean.
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Old 05-30-2003, 09:05 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally posted by meanSpleen
Maven... He has done NOTHING in the WWE except give a few sub-average matches. Nothing interesting. Nothing innovative. Nothing that makes him stand out from anyone else.
Hey... he did get boinked by Torrie in a hospital bed. I think I could handle it. And he has a kick ass dropkick.

Smackdown comments:

1. The Torrie/Sable thing is growing increasingly interesting and is causing my penis to grow increasingly larger. Instead of worrying about throwing water on Tazz all the time, she should enlist in the services of a garden hose or Super Soaker and give Torrie a piece of her mind.

2. Basham Bros vs. Rikishi/Spanky.... fun to watch. Kendrick shows some potential. Loved the Stinkface as always.

3. The Taker/Brock vs. FBI/Big Show match was unexpected. I would've loved to watch them kick the shit out of those chin flippin, palm slappin, cheap cigar toting dorks.

4. Steph has caught my eye of late. She gets my vote for next chick to be in Playboy.
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Old 05-30-2003, 09:43 AM   #34 (permalink)
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But the main problem with Maven is that he doesn't change. He has had zero development as a character the entire time he has been in the WWE. Have you seen him try to sell his pain? Facial expression and body movement from a suplex is the exact same as from a chop to the chest.

1) Sable really can't act can she? If what she did on Smackdown yesterday was the extent of her vocal abilities, then she better start taking off her clothes again. It isn't working.

2) Nothing wrong with Penis and Butt. But the focus should have been on the Bashams to see what they can do in the ring.

3) Somehow, I missed this match.

4) Did Steph get a reduction? She doesn't look as big as she used to... or maybe the swelling went down after 2 years...
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Old 05-30-2003, 11:25 AM   #35 (permalink)
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First, Spleen I like the avatar, but I thought it was a Green Latern avatar for a while there. But anyway, can anyone tell me what happened to these former WWF/WWE & WCW superstars?

1)Ahman Johnson(I think that his name) the master of the Pearl River Plunge


3)K Quick

4)Alex Wright

5)Jeff Jarrett

6)And the most confusing of all "The Patriot" I remember they build him up to take on the Bret Heart in a big US vs Canada thing, and after the ppv when Heart won I didn't see The Patriot anymore...
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Old 05-30-2003, 12:57 PM   #36 (permalink)
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1) Ahmad Johnson - No idea. Although I really wanted to see more fights between himself and Farooq (Ron Simmons)

2) Rhyno is in the WWE right now. As for an angle, he is just Chris Benoits part-time tag partner. He was out with injuries.

3) K Quick - No idea. I don't think the crowds were into him that much. He had a great build though.

4) Alex Wright - No idea. And he can't dance either.

5) Jeff Jarrett - He's the reigning NWA Heavyweight Champion. Heck, he's practically running NWA. Right now he's feuding with Raven.

6) The Patriot - No idea. For a guy who wears a mask because he's the face of every American, he really doesn't show up anywhere. Maybe he dropped the whole thing and is wrestling as a regular guy now.


Mark Jindrak - Ring any bells? He's been in OVW to work on his in-ring skills, and he's also put on a lot of weight... in muscle. Yeah, one half of the "Other Hardy Boys" is pretty much set to debut in WWE sooner or later. He's been working a lot of dark matches in the past few weeks. I think he'll go to Raw, just so VinnieMac can fall back onto a Jindrak vs. OHaire feud when the crap with Roddy Piper finally dies a miserable death. They used to Tag in WCW, before OHaire teamed with Palumbo.


Expect Ultimo Dragon to make his Televised WWE Debut on June 24 for Smackdown. I know it, You know it, We all know it. We're gonna have a Ultimo vs. Mysterio Feud!!! Hopefully. I would rather see them butt heads than team. I just don't want to see Ultimo play heel. Its possible to have a face/face battle.
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Old 05-30-2003, 01:12 PM   #37 (permalink)
Oracle & Apollyon
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Location: Limbus Patrum
oh yeah, whats this thing with Hulk Hogan wearing a mask? I tuned in one day and laughed my ass off when I saw that.
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Old 05-30-2003, 01:49 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Hulk Hogan is Mr. America. Brother!!

Mr. America, and all his America-Maniacs came into the WWE because VinnieMac fired Hulk Hogan. Hogan is not to appear at any WWE events, or enter the ring EVER again.

So StephieMac signed a new talent. She signed Mr. America (not Hulk Hogan) to wrestle on Smackdown. And thats what we have now. Mr. America is not Hulk Hogan. At least thats what they tell us.
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Old 05-30-2003, 04:59 PM   #39 (permalink)
I know i'm not the only guy to think that the Basham brothers looked a little like the Bushwackers. Just put on a camo tank-top and pants, have them licking people, and there you go! Bushwackers 2003! Hey, remember nostalgia pops.
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Old 05-30-2003, 05:17 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Location: San Diego. Ca.
I love being a chick that likes wrestling! (just had to say that real quick)

But anyhoo, about women's wrestling... I think TRISH is the bomb diggity( Did I just say bomb diggity?)! She fucking awesome... She really throws herself into it and can get her ass kicked pretty damn hard.

Ok as much of an Idol that Hogan is... I really think he should hang up the tights and retire... or announce...either way stay out of the ring. He's getting to old and slow... No one attack me for this please. Doesn't anyone else agree? ok I'll admit if I saw him in person at a match I'd freak and cheer but c'mon tha matches are just not fun to watch anymore!

Hey does anyone know when Shane O'Mac is coming back? Or where he is? He'll show up and and kick ass then dissapear for like 6 months then come back for a little while...what the hell? That guy is fuckin awesome!!!!
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