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Old 05-16-2005, 09:42 PM   #281 (permalink)
32 flavors and then some
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Originally Posted by Moskie
were we supposed to recognize either the guy or the girl that they tracked down tonight? i kinda felt like the show was trying to shock us with someone from the past, but it didn't click for me.
That was Mandy. She was the operative who stole the suitcase and blew up the plane in the very first episode of season one, and then gave President Palmer the poisoned handshake at the end of Season two.

I wonder if Michelle is going to return the favor that Tony did for her last season by going renegade and rescuing him? .... ok maybe not
Pure speculation, but spoilered anyway:

Spoiler: Nah, that scene in the hallway sealed his fate. Tony's dead meat for sure. He's going to be the big surprise death at the end of the season.
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Old 05-16-2005, 10:00 PM   #282 (permalink)
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It seems like Tony dying is too obvious. They made it look like that's what was going to happen in the previews for the finale. And if there's anything I've learned from TV previews, it's that what they try to make you believe is actually the total opposite of what will actually happen. I'm gonna go way out on a limb and guess that somehow Tony is ok and Michelle ends up dead.

This show is so ridiculous but so damn addictive. I can't wait to see what happens and how many more times Marwan escapes next week.
To be great is to be misunderstood. -Emerson
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Old 05-16-2005, 11:57 PM   #283 (permalink)
Well, this is it, next week is the last episode. I'm very excited. Can't wait to see what happens to Jack or Tony.
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Old 05-17-2005, 03:08 AM   #284 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gilda
That was Mandy. She was the operative who stole the suitcase and blew up the plane in the very first episode of season one, and then gave President Palmer the poisoned handshake at the end of Season two.
Ha, no shit... it crossed my mind that it might be her, but I wasn't sure. She's not a very nice girl, is she? But she *is* hot, so I guess I can forgive her.

Tony dying does seem kinda obvious. Although earlier in the season I remember thinking I was 100% convinced his fate was sealed and he was gonna die. Now they've had him stick around the entire season, so I'm not so sure.
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Old 05-17-2005, 06:09 AM   #285 (permalink)
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What happened to China? I'm betting we don't hear from them for the rest of the season...maybe this is setting up for season five. The China Threat.

Wait and see I guess.

Speaking of lost plotlines...what happened to Beyroos?

Too much mushy lovey crap in this episode: Tony loves Michelle, Jack loves Audrey, Richard loves Boys. Boring. Less chatter, more splatter.
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Old 05-17-2005, 08:10 AM   #286 (permalink)
Location: the hills of aquafina.
Originally Posted by Gilda
That was Mandy. She was the operative who stole the suitcase and blew up the plane in the very first episode of season one, and then gave President Palmer the poisoned handshake at the end of Season two.

My wife woke up suddenly late last night to tell me that she'd just remembered that's who that was. We both recognized her from somewhere, but figured it was some unrelated show or something like that...

Though she did scare the hell out of me when she jumped up in bed.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell
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Old 05-17-2005, 02:43 PM   #287 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sgn43
I'm gonna go way out on a limb and guess that somehow Tony is ok and Michelle ends up dead.
Ok.. building on that theory..... WHAT IF..... Spoiler: the nuke isn't headed towards a New York/Washington D.C. (which it almost aussuredly is not anyway) but rather CTU headquarters Los Angeles itself. Jack and Tony are in the field in some suburb at the apartment complex, I can't remember which one, and they had to take a chopper there so it might be out of the blast radius. Michelle, and all the jabronies from this season (Curtis, Buchannon, Stiles, Audrey, and unfortunately Chloe) are incinerated in the blast. Bauer and Almeida have made it abundantly clear that they wouldn't want to work for CTU ever again, however this would destroy their lives and compell them to return to CTU.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 05-17-2005, 07:05 PM   #288 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ChrisJericho
Ok.. building on that theory..... WHAT IF..... Spoiler: the nuke isn't headed towards a New York/Washington D.C. (which it almost aussuredly is not anyway) but rather CTU headquarters Los Angeles itself. Jack and Tony are in the field in some suburb at the apartment complex, I can't remember which one, and they had to take a chopper there so it might be out of the blast radius. Michelle, and all the jabronies from this season (Curtis, Buchannon, Stiles, Audrey, and unfortunately Chloe) are incinerated in the blast. Bauer and Almeida have made it abundantly clear that they wouldn't want to work for CTU ever again, however this would destroy their lives and compell them to return to CTU.

That was awesome.. me likey!!
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Old 05-17-2005, 07:24 PM   #289 (permalink)
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*sigh* I love this show.

I have a feeling...Tony is going to die. Yes, it does seem too obvious but that could be the twister. The writers must know that people catch on to their twisty goodness and that we would assume that they wouldn't make it so obvious but wouldn't it be shocking if they really did kill Tony?? Plus, he and Michelle have made up and just made this vow to leave their jobs! What better time to die than now? How much more heart wrenching could it be??

So where is the nuke heading? CTU? doubt it. NY? C'mon, they've been through enough. DC? that's what I'm leaning towards. But of course it will be intercepted. Right? They wouldn't let it hit...would they? Hmm...That would be one hell of a season finale!

This will be the last week I'll have something to look forward to. Hooray for 24 on DVD!

It just wont be the same
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality. Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.

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Old 05-18-2005, 10:58 AM   #290 (permalink)
The Pusher
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It won't go to DC, they've already decided that it's the most likely target! It'll be something right out of left field I bet

Tony and Michelle make me melt, but I'm still a little unsure about Michelle. For some reason I forgive Tony and his drinking but I can't forgive Michelle. I remember she said that he was always drunk, but also that Tony found out that something happened between her and Buchanan while they were still legally married, I can't remember.

Heller's son turning out gay was just ridiculous. I guess you could say it was a character building scene or something, but instead it just felt so thrown in. Especially since he didn't have to say he was with the guy to satisfy his dad's questions. All he had to say was that they borrowed his phone, no big deal. If they really wanted to include that part then they should have worked the script a bit better.
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Old 05-18-2005, 10:04 PM   #291 (permalink)
Location: Title Town, USA
I think chloe will disarm the bomb and make it land safely into the ocean. Jack will shoot that girl, and save tony.
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Old 05-19-2005, 02:31 AM   #292 (permalink)
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jack will catch it with his bare hands and throw it into the nearest refrigerator to save the day! hehe...
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Old 05-19-2005, 08:02 AM   #293 (permalink)
Location: Title Town, USA
a refrigerator solves all of jack's problems.
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Old 05-19-2005, 08:37 AM   #294 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Rlyss
It won't go to DC, they've already decided that it's the most likely target! It'll be something right out of left field I bet

how about Cape Canaveral? that's out of left field. What is higher, taller than the WTC buildings? The collective american pride in their conquest of space.

then again, there's little real damage that can be done. so maybe the missile can reach Cuba, and cause an international domino effect, which the chinese will utilize to the best of their ability.
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Old 05-19-2005, 08:40 AM   #295 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Mount Rushmore... high in symbolism low in casualties....
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke
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Old 05-19-2005, 08:55 AM   #296 (permalink)
All hail the Mountain King
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Maybe it's going to Toronto... hmm. No at 600mph it would already be there.
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Old 05-19-2005, 09:45 AM   #297 (permalink)
The Pusher
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Location: Edinburgh
I thought that too Janey, that perhaps they're trying to attack another country to provoke a war. I can't remember if the missile can reach that far (it looks quite small). But I guess they already tried to do that with the Cypress audio, rehashing that storyline might be a little lame.

I have no idea where the missile is headed :S
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Old 05-19-2005, 10:05 AM   #298 (permalink)
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What if it's headed towards LA? It would take three hours to get there, it launched an hour ago, two hours left in the show...That would be one hell of a way to finish it off.
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Old 05-19-2005, 12:31 PM   #299 (permalink)
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Location: Los Angeles
Originally Posted by Moskie
jack will catch it with his bare hands and throw it into the nearest refrigerator to save the day! hehe...

Hahaha...or he'll hop on top and wrangle it onto a trajectory headed into space. And then he'll ride the nuke, a la Dr. Strangelove into the sunset.

The next season will open with Jack on the moon, holding the nuke up at gunpoint. He will then demand the nuke tell him what he needs to know, and when the nuke doesn't reply (because it's a freaking bomb and doesn't have a mouth) Jack shoots the nuke in the thigh and then fly back to Earth using his unlimited amount of badassery. He will then return to a post-apocalyptic Earth that is overrun by cyborgs with Austrian accents. Jack will then head up CCTU (Counter Cyborg Terrorism Unit), and double as the top field agent/time traveler. The new terrorist is Pedro Cerrano Palmer, part-robot, part-man, part-baseball player, part-ex-president, and part-allstate-insurance-spokesman.

Trust me on this. You heard it here first, folks. 24's finale is going to be a wild one.
To be great is to be misunderstood. -Emerson
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Old 05-20-2005, 07:39 AM   #300 (permalink)
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lol. I cant believe Marwan keeps getting away. He's even more craftier than Bin Laden. Somewhere in a cave in the mid-east Osama is like, 'Yeah that's my boy!'. lol

The nuke has been in the air for well over an hour. Where do you think it will land? on the white house? I have a feeling that the nuke will get shot down by the pilot of the stealth bomber. they cant leave that loose end like that. a mercenary just flying around in an armed fighter plane...Also, Jack will pop Tony in order to get a clear shot of the female terrorist.
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Old 05-20-2005, 11:18 AM   #301 (permalink)
Bodyhammer86's Avatar
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Originally Posted by crossova
they cant leave that loose end like that. a mercenary just flying around in an armed fighter plane
Actually, at the beginning of the episode after Air Force One was shot down, they reported that the escort fighters shot down the stealth fighter.
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Old 05-20-2005, 12:20 PM   #302 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crossova
[...]Also, Jack will pop Tony in order to get a clear shot of the female terrorist.

Haha. That's what I was yelling out right when Jack first saw Tony being held hostage. "Shoot the hostage! Shoot the hostage! Didn't Keanu teach you anything from Speed?! SHOOT THE HOSTAGE!!!"

Who could have known that Keanu Reeves would be so helpful?
To be great is to be misunderstood. -Emerson
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Old 05-20-2005, 02:21 PM   #303 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crossova
Somewhere in a cave in the mid-east Osama is like, 'Yeah that's my boy!'
Haha, that is a hilarous image.

I really have no idea where the show's gonna end up. There's a bunch of loose threads that they could randomly use. The stealth fighter pilot, Behrooz, the Chinese, Edgar, and now Mandy...

Speaking of Mandy, does any other character in the show actually know who she is? The only person who she's been with face to face with is President Palmer, as far as I know. I'm just wondering if anyone's gonna react to seeing her...
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Old 05-23-2005, 09:29 AM   #304 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Moskie
Speaking of Mandy, does any other character in the show actually know who she is? The only person who she's been with face to face with is President Palmer, as far as I know. I'm just wondering if anyone's gonna react to seeing her...
Definitely not. None of the "good guys" ever came into contact with her in season one. She did her job, killed her girlfriend, got paid and went her way. She's in season two for all of 10 minutes and I doubt Palmer remembers much, if anything, about that day. She was just another random face in the crowd. Of course, CTU might have a file on her if they do manage to apprehend her. Guess we'll have to see. I'm itching with anticipation about tonight.
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Old 05-23-2005, 10:41 AM   #305 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Mandy puts an interesting spin onto it.

IMO it's going to be like Xfiles, there's always a bigger conspiracy that's pulling the strings ala smoking man to the syndicate.
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Old 05-23-2005, 02:27 PM   #306 (permalink)
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omg I am so pumped for tonight! I wrote it down on my calendar and everything!
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Old 05-23-2005, 03:27 PM   #307 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ChrisJericho
omg I am so pumped for tonight! I wrote it down on my calendar and everything!
Me too. Some crazy shit's about to go down!

I heard a rumor that season 5 is going to be the very next day. Has anyone else heard this? That seems a bit unlikely. It's amazing that these people have been awake for 24hrs, let alone 48.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality. Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.

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Old 05-23-2005, 05:14 PM   #308 (permalink)
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with all that's happening, I wouldn't be surprised if Season 5 was the very next day.

god damn
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Bauer's the man.
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Old 05-23-2005, 06:28 PM   #309 (permalink)
Location: North Carolina
Wait, I don't remember her in Season One. Can someone explain in context?
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Old 05-23-2005, 08:02 PM   #310 (permalink)
Location: Title Town, USA
omg that was amzing. i loved that finale. best one yet!
i knew that they would destroy the missile. that was a sure thing. i also knew that you cannot have jack dead. i knew all of them were in it.
i think palmer should be back in presidency.
did anyone think the ending was badass where jack walks into the sunrise along the railroad tracks with his aviator sunglasses? that was sweeeeeeet. jack is definitely coming back for day 5, no matter what china does.
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Old 05-23-2005, 08:05 PM   #311 (permalink)
Location: Title Town, USA
Originally Posted by stonegrody
What if it's headed towards LA? It would take three hours to get there, it launched an hour ago, two hours left in the show...That would be one hell of a way to finish it off.
howd you know? i think u checked it somewhere. anyways, you wouldnt have known the speed of the missile because it was announced in the last episode. lol.
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Old 05-23-2005, 08:30 PM   #312 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
well.... I wasn't disappointed.... even did a kosher bbq around the event with some neighbors.

day 5... i can't even imagine.
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Old 05-23-2005, 08:44 PM   #313 (permalink)
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Definately a sweet episode. I was surprised the the climax of the main storyline happened pretty early on, with Marwan dying and the missile being destroyed. I was afraid the rest of the episode was gonna be sucky, but they definately played their cards right. Lots of stuff left just open enough for next season, too.

I have a feeling that won't be last we see of Mandy, either.

Oh, man, and did anyone else notice the total hotness that was Mandy towards the beginning of the episode? Holy crap, what I wouldn't give to be one of the guns on those leg straps....
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Old 05-23-2005, 09:00 PM   #314 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 0energy0
howd you know? i think u checked it somewhere. anyways, you wouldnt have known the speed of the missile because it was announced in the last episode. lol.
Trust me, I didn't look it up. I wanted to be surprised by the ending just like everyone else. When the nuke launched, it launched from the midwest. It would have taken three hours to get to either coast. They mentioned that. They left it open like that to keep us guessing. That was my guess.
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality. Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.

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Old 05-23-2005, 09:08 PM   #315 (permalink)
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Okay, so it doesn't seem like the next season will be the next day. They wrapped up enough stuff where it wouldn't make a lot of sense.

Overall, I think that was a great way to end the season. The nuke was eliminated, Marwan is dead (which was a pretty kick ass scene), Mandy is gonna get away with everything so her juicy self will be back for more in season 5, Michelle and Tony are back together and Jack is a free man.

The walk into the sunrise was quite an ending. Very cowboy-like. Only thing missing was a horse.

When he dialed his phone in the last scene, I was waiting for Kim to answer. How funny would that have been? I would have lost it.

Who knows how they're going to bring Jack back for season 5 if at all. It sounds like he's leaving the country. Michelle and Tony plan on leaving so who knows if they'll be in the next season. All I know is that if Chloe and Edgar are the only returning cast members next season, I'm not watching it!

No Jack Bauer = No Stone Grody

Here's to another great season of 24!
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality. Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.

Tool - Parabola
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Old 05-23-2005, 09:25 PM   #316 (permalink)
I really liked the way it ended. Sealed the last 4 seasons very nicely.

I suspect that Jack, Tony, Michelle, and Chloe should be gone by this season. So this gives the writers a chance to start again.

The last 4 seasons were just awesome. But I did find this final episode a bit predictable. Especially the plot of Michelle/Tony. Also, it was expected that Tony, Michelle, and Jack were not going to die since they were the main stars of the show. So by having them all gone, it leaves a whole new possiblity of things to happen for the upcoming seasons.

Love the way how everything was closed though. Nice and happy
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Old 05-23-2005, 09:32 PM   #317 (permalink)
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Location: Seattle
I dunno, after Curtis knocked Mandy the FUCK OUT, the rest of the episode was kind of 'eh' to me. Me and my friends saw the Michelle/Tony/Jack plot coming a mile away, one of my friends shouted 'Give him the epinephrine!' before they even took out the syringe.

And the missile being shot down was just too easy in my opinion. I was expecting a little more drama or creativity. I dunno, I guess in general I thought the first half of the finale was better than the second half.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 05-23-2005, 09:44 PM   #318 (permalink)
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the thing that bugged me about the first half was the ploy Mandy did with her neighbors. that was insanely obvious, and jack & co. shoulda figured that out a whole lot quicker. as soon as we saw the shadowed couple come out, it was obvious that it wasn't tony and her, and you knew that the rain was gonna give it away, since they specifically pointed out that it was starting to pour.

i don't know, maybe they just dragged that out longer than they did with jack's fake death. it just seemed like the show was (poorly) trying to get us to think that tony died in the explosion, but it wasn't really trying to make us think that jack had died.

and Curtis leveling Mandy was awesome.
Greetings and salutations.
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Old 05-23-2005, 11:08 PM   #319 (permalink)
Incredible Show...Incredible end
Lovely party Geoffery, but theres a turd in the punch bowl.
-George Carlin

Last edited by cockmonger; 05-23-2005 at 11:20 PM..
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Old 05-23-2005, 11:18 PM   #320 (permalink)
tonights season finale was amazing...sometimes i think that they could change the show into a cartoon and no one would notice a difference...but awesomely fun nontheless.

10 things to expect from the new season:
1. No Edgar or Chloe...new day mean new techies (every season has its own, even though they are my favorite sociopaths)
2. New CTU management(gives it a hey...this actually happens two years after day4 feel.)
3. Jack comes out of retirement...again
Director of CTU: Isn't there anyone who can stop this thing?
Curtus(if he's still around): there was one, but he died a year ago
Someone in the Know: thats not exactly true (change scene to a scruffy Keifer walking on an endless highway.)
3a. Tony and Michelle too
4. Jack doesn't die again but will in season 6...it seems to happen every other day
5. Hopefully not another nuke...
6. POWER STRUGGLE in the white house (should be the subheading of the show)
7. Some terrorist with a delightful name like Habib Marwan
8. How about some more of the little blonde girl from season 2 (they love throwing in people for nostalgic reasons (why should mandy have all the fun?))
9. KIM! (once she realizes that maybe HOUSE OF WAX wasn't a better idea)
10. Jack robbing more quickie marts.

Til next season 24kers!
Lovely party Geoffery, but theres a turd in the punch bowl.
-George Carlin
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