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fugue_life 09-27-2004 05:23 PM

what would be pimp is if wonderwoman came on the show, then that whole argument from mall rats could be settled :)

Mondak 09-30-2004 08:53 PM

So freaking weak last night. The writers are wimps that are afraid to take risks after all. Chole is not dead and neither is Lex. Same old borning stuff in every other show.

I may watch it in the future, but I am not going to go out of my way to do so.

Oh yeah - except I want to have sex with Lois. There's that. . .

Horrendous 10-02-2004 01:39 PM

it's kinda hard to kill lex when he's gonna be superman's adversary in the future =) i wouldn't have mind if lois replaced chloe though =P lana sure was lookin' good in paris gettin' that tattoo...

diergray 10-02-2004 06:19 PM

Lana's character annoys me so badly that I wish they would just write her out of the show.
I thought for sure when Lana was looking at the female warrior grave that they were setting up a way to introduce wonder woman into the story line.

Mondak 10-11-2004 09:57 AM


Where is black? Just kidding. I like that they make up new stuff, but thought this was an interesting thing.

holtmate 10-11-2004 11:53 AM

I thought that there had been black kryptonite in the comics...maybe I'm just going crazy...
Anyways, I like the new season so far. Lois is hot, and the dynamic between her and Clark is great. I'm just wondering how they're going to handle Christopher Reeves' death. I think that they will do it justice.

Willravel 10-11-2004 11:57 AM

Good post, Mondak. I wonder if we'll see pok-a-dot k (makes clark want to decorate), pink k (which turnes lana into a popular character), or clear k (a refreshing sports drink for the kriptonian on the go).
I hope we get to see the predominance of Lois, and the dismissal and leaving of Lana this season. I have nothing against Kristen Kruek, but the character is too far gone to truely become likable again. Also, I am in love with Erica Durance. Or is it Erica Parker?

mystmarimatt 10-11-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
I have nothing against Kristen Kruek, but the character is too far gone to truely become likable again.?

See, maybe i'm just this shallow. but I don't have to like her character. I just think she's purty. So I can just drool whenever she's on screen, and turn off the sound.

fhqwhgads 10-13-2004 05:11 PM

Not a bad episode tonight. Is it just me, or have they turned up the naked factor on Smallville this season?

The preview for next weeks episode looked awesome. Spoiler: The Flash!

pocon1 10-13-2004 05:13 PM

Thats right, I cannot wait to see what they do with next week's episode. I am getting a little tired of the freak of the week episodes.

Willravel 10-13-2004 09:41 PM

OH NO!!! LOIS IS LEAVING!!! They better deliver on the flash (WHO GOT HIS SUPERPOWERS WHEN HE WAS AN ADULT).
I am truely dissapointed...

MPower 10-14-2004 02:21 PM

I think Flash is going to be Bart or maybe a young Wally. No way it is Barry (who did get his powers as an adult)

Lois is gone to college(maybe setting up next year as freshman yr at Metropolis U?), Lana is a freak, get with Chloe who is better looking anyhow.

Willravel 10-14-2004 03:35 PM

That's true, but I figured that this series really didn't delve into specifics like the fact that the Flash was not one man. If it is Barry (the Flash 2), then that's a huge mistake. If it's Wally West (the Flash 3), it might actually fit with the storyline shown for next week. After Wally took over for his mentor, he went through a difficult period of emotional instability during which he used his power irresponsibly.

According to kryptonsite.com, it's going to be Bart Allen (a.k.a. Impulse/Kid Flash, the grandson of Barry Allen). As I recall, however, Bart never actually became the Flash. He was a member fo the Teen Titans, Young Justice, and New Titans. He was also born in the year 2980. He did go back to the present to get better control of his powers, but I seriously doubt that Smallville would go into that.

Speaking of which, I wonder if it's time to bring the Flash back to tv? If they made it serious, and less Dawson's Creek-ish, it might do well.

Edit: If you saw that Barry and Wally were labeled Flash 2 and 3, and were wondering, Jay Garrick was the original Flash. The Golden Age of comics debued the Flash in Flash Comics #1, in January of 1940. He was also featured on Earth-2 (DC's setting of the Golden age, beginning with Action Comics back in 1938) during the Crisis.

Willravel 10-17-2004 08:48 AM

Aparently, Smallville is being kept on for 7 seasons. I always figured that they'd finish their senior year (season 4). Maybe we'll get to see Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman after all.

Pendejadiota 10-18-2004 06:18 PM

Smallville's Season 4 is 100% garbage compared to its other seasons. I only like the season premiere but that's it.

ChrisJericho 10-16-2005 03:02 AM

Wow, I can't believe no one has commented on this season yet. I admit I lost interest in the series over the past 2 years or so... but this season is starting out BIG. I mean freaking-a, CLARK AND LANA DID THE NASTY !!!

Shadefire 10-16-2005 11:07 AM

I got one thing to say about this weeks upcoming episode:

Aquaman: Hello Fish

Fish: Hello Aquaman

Aquaman: Seen any evil today?

Fish: Hello Aquaman

mystmarimatt 10-16-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisJericho
Wow, I can't believe no one has commented on this season yet. I admit I lost interest in the series over the past 2 years or so... but this season is starting out BIG. I mean freaking-a, CLARK AND LANA DID THE NASTY !!!

The '[doing] the nasty' wasn't quite as fun to watch as the 'getting caught in the morning by jonathan and martha.'

That scene was 5 years in the making.

Willravel 10-16-2005 03:12 PM

Still waiting for the Clark/Chloe moment. Chloe is so hot.

So when does John Kent die?

ChrisJericho 10-17-2005 03:25 AM

You know, I think Martha and Jonathan should have been a little more happy for Clark. I mean freaking-a his mom has been pushing him in the direction of lana for the past 4 seasons. He finally gets to get it on with THE FINEST chick in smallville and they're MAD at him !? Do they not want little quarter azn babies or something? If I was Jonathan I might give Clark a lecture about being "safe" but after that I'd give him a high five !!

pocon1 10-17-2005 04:35 AM

nothing to say

ChrisJericho 10-17-2005 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by pocon1
Remember, in a small town you can only bang the girl after prom. Then when she is pregnant you can have a summer wedding right after graduation before she begins to show. So Clark and Lana were screwing with the natural progression in the small town.

HAHA ! Roger that!

micah67 10-17-2005 03:03 PM

It's a good thing they did the "nasty" while Clark was robbed of his power. Otherwise he might've killed her with his super-sperm!

pocon1 10-18-2005 07:12 PM

nothing to say

micah67 10-18-2005 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by pocon1
Ah yes, the classic tale from Larry Niven "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex".

Bingo. (and thanks, I was too lazy to look it up)

Stiltzkin 10-18-2005 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisJericho
Do they not want little quarter azn babies or something?

Pure genius.

I missed this episode ; ; and I regret it horribly, but I had midterms to study for >____<;;;

Shadefire 10-22-2005 08:18 AM

So, who thought it was cute that they had Aquaman wearing orange and green? Not to mention the whole "Junior Lifeguard Assosiation"

Atropos4 10-24-2005 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shadefire
So, who thought it was cute that they had Aquaman wearing orange and green? Not to mention the whole "Junior Lifeguard Assosiation"

I loved it. I have always been more of a batman fan but have watched this show on and off. Some seasons are better than others. When I saw that Aquaman was going to be on I was really exicted. When I was a little girl I had such a crush on aquaman haha. He didn't dissapoint. I thought he looked familiar, so I looked him up and turns out the guy that played aquaman was on AmericanIdol. Don't know what season, don't watch it but that could be why I thought he was familiar.
Another thing that completely psyched me out was James Marsters (aka Spike from Buffy or Angel) is now on the show as a professor! I heard his voice before I saw him.

Shadefire 10-26-2005 03:17 AM

Is it just me, or did the guy who formed out of the black ooze from the spaceship look like James Marsters too?

Atropos4 10-26-2005 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Shadefire
Is it just me, or did the guy who formed out of the black ooze from the spaceship look like James Marsters too?

I must've missed that part. Was it on last weeks episode or the week before? I missed the week before's episode.

The preview for tomorrow's episode had me laughing so hard. The Professor (James) actually says to Clark "There is no such thing as vampires" :lol: I found that really amusing.

Shadefire 10-27-2005 03:24 AM

It was the first episode of the season.

simonrex22 10-27-2005 06:49 AM

I missed the episode where the guy oozed out of the spaceship, but i was told it was James Masters. I guess Clark's college professor is the spaceship guy? Wonder what will happen with that.

I was also disappointed with seeing Clarks parents so mad about him waking up with Lana in the house. That was really unexpected. It was great to see some real heroes (aquaman). I hope there are more. It'd also be cool to have some kind of reference to Gotham or Batman. Like Clarks dad reading in the newspaper about a "Bat Man" running around fighting crime in Gotham City. Oh yeah, "Im not quite ready to join the JLA right now". That was awesome.

Atropos4 10-27-2005 12:32 PM

I watched the first episode but missed the first 15 to 20 minutes. Thanks :)

What I'm curious about is when he finally becomes superman. In other shows and origional comics of course noone recognizes him and all he's wearing is spandex haha Now seeing how this show is really modernized, will they stick with that or come up with something else. Does anyone have the same thought or question?

*edit/ Tonights episode was very interesting. Anyone catch it? What are your thoughts on the Professor (James Marsters) now?

Shadefire 10-28-2005 04:51 AM

My thoughts on James Marsters is that he's Zahd (sp?)

Atropos4 10-28-2005 12:27 PM

But why didn't they get rid of him with his "deciples?"

Oh and the episode I missed; Did Jonathan Kent die?

Willravel 10-28-2005 12:36 PM

I hope Masters is braniac. I really really hope he's braniac.

Zahd died in Superman 2 (I think).

John Kent is fine (for now).

Fremen 10-28-2005 04:47 PM

It's spelled Zod ;), and Marsters' character, Professor Milton Fine, is Brainiac. (according to IMDB.com)

Moskie 10-28-2005 10:09 PM

Maybe I'm just slow, but I completely missed that the man we saw come from the spaceship was the same person teaching Clark's class. Now, are we to assume that he's just taken the form of Clark's professor? Because he's apparently been at the university for a while... but then he also just came from space... or something.

But yea, this season kicks ass. The taking down of the nuke was awesome. Jor-El inhabiting Lionel was perfect. And I guess he's still in Lionel? Who knows. Not to mention the girls have been verrrry nice on the eyes so far. I approve. :)

Shadefire 11-08-2005 06:09 AM

Did anyone see last weeks episode? I missed it and was wondering exactly what Lois was doing posing as a stripper.

I must say the commercial looked really funny when she started giving Clark a lap dance. :)

Willravel 11-08-2005 10:19 AM

It was pretty stupid, as far as I'm concerned. Spoiler: A sripper gets murdered. Chloe convinces Lois to go undercover. Clark is also investigating because the Dukes of Hazard refuses to just die, and Tom Wopat (Luke Duke from the old Dukes of Hazard) plays John Kents oldest friend/senator in trouble for loving a stripper. The Lois stripping part is awkward and transparent. Okay, WB, we get it, she's hot and you need ratings. I'll admit she looked pretty good, but I couldn;t get into it.

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