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Smallville (spoilers)
Who watches Smallville?
What do you think about it? What are some things your really like or dont like? Its one of three shows that I try to watch every week, the other two are The Dead Zone and Monk. (They aren't in season, and Smallville season Finale is next week.) As a superman fan I like that the actors are also fans. I like little things like Annette O'toole was Lana Lang in Superman 3, Lex Luther as a Good guy(most of the time) Chloe uses an "Alienware" computer at the school newspaper. These small things, plus the good acting and story telling make it very attractive. The things I don't like are the things that can't possibally change. Like Clark should end up with Chloe, not lana, or lois. Lionel Luther Needs to get it out in the open and start trying to dispose of clark instead of countless accidents and whatnot they need to start doing things on purpose(ie clone clark) I hope they don't turn chloe into a badguy(girl) What do you think about previous and upcomng episodes and the show in general? |
I think its sad how chloe always gets cheated. Like at the end of that last episode and when she was revealing her feelings to Clark when he was barely concious and blurted out Lana. Other then that the show is getting kinda sappy its still pretty good.
* spoiler *
i saw the episode last night where he was going into a cellar? im not sure what thats all about. maybe its because i havent been keeping up on it. can anyone put me up to speed? appreciate it. |
Great show... good writing.
I too like all the small SUPERMAN innuendos.... |
This is one of my "don't miss" shows. The first season had a lot of the so-called "freak of the week" shows where some poor kid had some form of Kryptonite poisoning and ended up becoming a monster that died, but the second season has had more elements revealing who Clark will become and the turmoil he is going through when coming to grips with who he is.
The two most interesting characters, though, have got to be Lex & Lionel Luthor. It's fascinating to see Lex go from a "good" guy into small periods of darkness and wonder what's going to send him over the edge. Lionel is a real snake, and you have to figure that he'll play a huge part in Lex's undoing. There's a lot to offer in this show, and I hope the WB doesn't screw it up by tinkering with what works. |
All right...I just saw last Tuesday's episode, the one before the season finale...Loved it!! I'm a Superman fan, as well as a fan of the show. I loved how the original Superman theme kept playing lightly in the background throughout the episode.
I can't wait for the finale...it looks great! |
I watch the show every week. I agree that Clark show go with Chloe. Lana just has too many problems. What's interesting is in the comics Lana eventually marries Pete!
I would also like to see them get Clark out of Smallville. Let him explore the world a little bit. Also, I think they are going to have Chloe turn on Clark. |
*minor spoilers*
Great episode last night (season finale). They left us with a couple of great cliff hangers! I don't know if I can wait until next fall to find out what happens with Lex. Clark's run off...the Kents are grieving, Chole took a turn towards the darkside... great chaos going on. |
Yah, the season finale was great. There is going to be alot fo look forward to next season. Chloe and Clark are both going to be in metropolis for a while and I have no idea what lex's storyline is going.
Do you think Lex's wife betrayed him? Is that what she was talking about with the father or was it not really her but some doppleganger?
Hmm a Doppleganger, Thats pretty interesting considering Lionel has been playing with cloning. I didn't think about that. I was kind of thinking that she had always been conspiring to kill lex but seeing how nice she seems to be I think its very possible that either she didn't kill him, it could be a doppleganger or she could have been kidnapped.
Lionel only successfully cloned people via the refined kryptonite. As Dr. Bryce didn't show any overt signs of mutation i dont think that was the case. I think she did do this and that it is another part of Lex's road to the dark side. *sigh* having to wait all summer long to find out = not cool
I think his wife definitely set him up, but you know that Lionel's hands have to be all over this. I wonder what will happen to Lex.
Obviously, he has to survive the crash. Do you think that it'll be a quick story line where a search and rescue plane picks him up in the first or second episode, or do you think that this will drag on? Kinda coincidental that Papa Kent just gave him a compass, 'eh? I'm not all that interested in the other story lines, to tell you the truth. I could care less about what happens with Chloe. Martha and Johnathan will take the highground as usual and forgive Clark. Lana will wait for Clark to return, and then deny him as usual. I am worried about Pete though. Pete will be lost, searching for another superhero to play sidekick to. :) |
I think that Lionel was behind that crash...she came back a bit too soon after being so mad. And I thought that Chloe turning to the dark side...especially her wearing all black was a nice ending. I can't wait for next season.
I was lost about one thing, primarily because I didn't follow the whole series. When Clark left, he put on the Kryptonite ring and it seemed to have changed him in some way. Can anyone tell me what this is all about?
While green Kryptonite physically harms him, red only changes his attitude. There was a whole episode dedicated to him getting his class ring and changing into "Bad-Boy Kent". Mildly amusing, but the episode didn't sit right with me for some reason.
I sure had a good time catching up the last few weeks with this show. It is one of those things where you don't sit down intending to watch the show per se, it just happens to be on and you watch it. For me it has been Wednesday nights and the last few weeks they have played all the episodes from the previous season two at a time every Wednesday on WB. I have watched this show from time to time, but not with any level of continuity until now.
****************HUGE spoilers ahead*********** Well, now I can't wait until the season Premier on the 22nd of September (1 week). I will actually be on a plane when it is on, but I will use my VCR for the first time in years to make sure I get this thing. (Anyone know when they show replays if they do?) Either way - last season every event led up to the last 90 seconds of the finale. WOW! Not expected at all. Seemed like they would just keep going in the circle that they did with Lex / Lana / Lionel - unfinished conversations and business just so they could keep having episodes. Then - Lionel has Lex and Chloe killed and Clark is gone into the fissure in the cave. Crazy. When you see Lionel getting his head shaved, it all comes together. For years you ask yourself in the background <i>I know Lex Luthor is Clark's enemy and yet how does he become the evil villan that he does. It seems like there is some good in him. </i>Well, looks like he doesn't. He is freakin Dead and Lionel becomes Lex in a way somehow. Maybe he just takes his name but whatever. It will be really cool to see what happens next with this stuff. Anyone else like this show? Seems like some of you do - although this thread is pretty crusty and old. |
There's no way that they are going to kill off Lex...he's way too strong of a character.
Oh yeah - you might know this, why is Lex Bald again. I know it is something from the day Clark came to earth, but I don't know exactly what. |
One of the best shows on tv. Personally, I love all that sappy stuff too, but damnit I wish Clark would go out with Chloe and she could express her true love for him. Didn't she use the pen name of Lois Lane in one of last season's episodes? I missed that part and my wife told me about it.
I think from watching the previews, he flies this season. Damn I can hardly wait for the new season. |
Good thing Sargeman didn't read my previous post or he would be bummed.
Hey Sarge! You better get caught up quick. Next Wednesday is the new season. |
My husband & I absolutely love that show, but at the end of last season we were so busy and we missed what I think were the last two episodes of last season that were on back to back last night so that we could have caught up somewhat...I don't care, I'm still gonna watch it.
I don't think there was a better explanation other than "green rocks do strange things". |
ok then - thanks. I got that part and thought there was something else.
Dammit...the season premiere is this wednesday and i'm going to have to miss it. :( ! anybody want to tape it for me....?
I'll Tape it for you mystmarimatt :)
I barely got to watch last season, I checked almost every wedensday but there was rarely a new episode wtf? was it just my local station not showing them or did they only show a new episode every 2-3 weeks? There didn't seem like many episodes either? |
that was the station pontificating, because it's their biggest hit. they know if they hit us up with a few reruns and and every so often, a new episode, it's easier to dangle this tiny string of hope in front of us and then we'll actually keep tuning back in...damn them...
I sometimes love it, most times hate it. Pretty piss poor writing staff that can deliver one or two solid moments within an episode and then fill the remaining 42 minutes with pure shite. The actors are better than their scripts allow them to be.
Well, I have to say I was really impressed with the season premiere! They definately got Lois right, and I'm looking forward to her being in the show more.
And I was really surprised with how the writers created great chemistry between the characters, namely between Clark and Lois, and between Lana and... the dude in Paris (Josh? i forget). Usually Smallville is loaded with awkward and unnatural moments, but Clark and Lois really played well off each other, and Lana and Josh seemed to be a real couple. Oh and what's up with what happened to Lana? Any ideas on what her role is going to be, with that whole tattoo showing up on her back and all? My first instinct was something along the lines of Clark's kryptonian mother becoming a factor, through Lana, sort of like how Jor-El did through Jonathan. That might be a stretch though. And I think we need more Lana shower scenes. http://www.computerpannen.com/cwm/cwm/cwm/eek2.gif |
I've fallen in love with Lois Lane.
Krisitin Kreuk....SOOO hot!
They really showed a lot of Lana, more than usual...I HOPE THEY KEEP DOING IT!!! I dunno her face just makes me think that she would be really kinky in bed.
Yeah, the women are great in the show. Lana is so pretty and wholesome looking, chloe has a great ass, and she seems like she would be the bi-curious one who would go to a strip club with you, lois has great cans, and personally, I would tap martha kent.
So let me get this straight.. Superman is in a Wheelchair but he's not superman anymore... lois works for him, but she's not lois anymore, Lana is now Superman's Mother, and some other people are now Lana and Lois and Clark...
Great Season premiere but I don't know who the hell josh is, or what happened last year at all.. I think I need some black Kryptonite to refresh my memory... |
General Zod being his father has a starwars feel to it...
i thought I read somewhere that the Flash will be a regular on the show starting this season. anyone else hear that too?
I heard the same thing about the Flash. Just a rumor. Also, Burce Wayne is a rumor (don't hold your breath). No conformation as of yet.
Well, Shit!!! Unfortunately, I was away on a business trip and was going to get my wife to record it but forgot to tell her. I'll have to catch it on a rerun at the end of the season unless it'll come up againg before then.
what would be pimp is if wonderwoman came on the show, then that whole argument from mall rats could be settled :)
So freaking weak last night. The writers are wimps that are afraid to take risks after all. Chole is not dead and neither is Lex. Same old borning stuff in every other show.
I may watch it in the future, but I am not going to go out of my way to do so. Oh yeah - except I want to have sex with Lois. There's that. . . |
it's kinda hard to kill lex when he's gonna be superman's adversary in the future =) i wouldn't have mind if lois replaced chloe though =P lana sure was lookin' good in paris gettin' that tattoo...
Lana's character annoys me so badly that I wish they would just write her out of the show.
I thought for sure when Lana was looking at the female warrior grave that they were setting up a way to introduce wonder woman into the story line. |
Where is black? Just kidding. I like that they make up new stuff, but thought this was an interesting thing. |
I thought that there had been black kryptonite in the comics...maybe I'm just going crazy...
Anyways, I like the new season so far. Lois is hot, and the dynamic between her and Clark is great. I'm just wondering how they're going to handle Christopher Reeves' death. I think that they will do it justice. |
Good post, Mondak. I wonder if we'll see pok-a-dot k (makes clark want to decorate), pink k (which turnes lana into a popular character), or clear k (a refreshing sports drink for the kriptonian on the go).
I hope we get to see the predominance of Lois, and the dismissal and leaving of Lana this season. I have nothing against Kristen Kruek, but the character is too far gone to truely become likable again. Also, I am in love with Erica Durance. Or is it Erica Parker? |
Not a bad episode tonight. Is it just me, or have they turned up the naked factor on Smallville this season?
The preview for next weeks episode looked awesome. Spoiler: The Flash! |
Thats right, I cannot wait to see what they do with next week's episode. I am getting a little tired of the freak of the week episodes.
OH NO!!! LOIS IS LEAVING!!! They better deliver on the flash (WHO GOT HIS SUPERPOWERS WHEN HE WAS AN ADULT).
I am truely dissapointed... |
I think Flash is going to be Bart or maybe a young Wally. No way it is Barry (who did get his powers as an adult)
Lois is gone to college(maybe setting up next year as freshman yr at Metropolis U?), Lana is a freak, get with Chloe who is better looking anyhow. |
That's true, but I figured that this series really didn't delve into specifics like the fact that the Flash was not one man. If it is Barry (the Flash 2), then that's a huge mistake. If it's Wally West (the Flash 3), it might actually fit with the storyline shown for next week. After Wally took over for his mentor, he went through a difficult period of emotional instability during which he used his power irresponsibly.
According to kryptonsite.com, it's going to be Bart Allen (a.k.a. Impulse/Kid Flash, the grandson of Barry Allen). As I recall, however, Bart never actually became the Flash. He was a member fo the Teen Titans, Young Justice, and New Titans. He was also born in the year 2980. He did go back to the present to get better control of his powers, but I seriously doubt that Smallville would go into that. Speaking of which, I wonder if it's time to bring the Flash back to tv? If they made it serious, and less Dawson's Creek-ish, it might do well. Edit: If you saw that Barry and Wally were labeled Flash 2 and 3, and were wondering, Jay Garrick was the original Flash. The Golden Age of comics debued the Flash in Flash Comics #1, in January of 1940. He was also featured on Earth-2 (DC's setting of the Golden age, beginning with Action Comics back in 1938) during the Crisis. |
Aparently, Smallville is being kept on for 7 seasons. I always figured that they'd finish their senior year (season 4). Maybe we'll get to see Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman after all.
Smallville's Season 4 is 100% garbage compared to its other seasons. I only like the season premiere but that's it.
Wow, I can't believe no one has commented on this season yet. I admit I lost interest in the series over the past 2 years or so... but this season is starting out BIG. I mean freaking-a, CLARK AND LANA DID THE NASTY !!!
I got one thing to say about this weeks upcoming episode:
Aquaman: Hello Fish Fish: Hello Aquaman Aquaman: Seen any evil today? Fish: Hello Aquaman |
That scene was 5 years in the making. |
Still waiting for the Clark/Chloe moment. Chloe is so hot.
So when does John Kent die? |
You know, I think Martha and Jonathan should have been a little more happy for Clark. I mean freaking-a his mom has been pushing him in the direction of lana for the past 4 seasons. He finally gets to get it on with THE FINEST chick in smallville and they're MAD at him !? Do they not want little quarter azn babies or something? If I was Jonathan I might give Clark a lecture about being "safe" but after that I'd give him a high five !!
nothing to say
It's a good thing they did the "nasty" while Clark was robbed of his power. Otherwise he might've killed her with his super-sperm!
nothing to say
Pure genius. I missed this episode ; ; and I regret it horribly, but I had midterms to study for >____<;;; |
So, who thought it was cute that they had Aquaman wearing orange and green? Not to mention the whole "Junior Lifeguard Assosiation"
Hehehe |
I loved it. I have always been more of a batman fan but have watched this show on and off. Some seasons are better than others. When I saw that Aquaman was going to be on I was really exicted. When I was a little girl I had such a crush on aquaman haha. He didn't dissapoint. I thought he looked familiar, so I looked him up and turns out the guy that played aquaman was on AmericanIdol. Don't know what season, don't watch it but that could be why I thought he was familiar. Another thing that completely psyched me out was James Marsters (aka Spike from Buffy or Angel) is now on the show as a professor! I heard his voice before I saw him. |
Is it just me, or did the guy who formed out of the black ooze from the spaceship look like James Marsters too?
I must've missed that part. Was it on last weeks episode or the week before? I missed the week before's episode. The preview for tomorrow's episode had me laughing so hard. The Professor (James) actually says to Clark "There is no such thing as vampires" :lol: I found that really amusing. |
It was the first episode of the season.
I missed the episode where the guy oozed out of the spaceship, but i was told it was James Masters. I guess Clark's college professor is the spaceship guy? Wonder what will happen with that.
I was also disappointed with seeing Clarks parents so mad about him waking up with Lana in the house. That was really unexpected. It was great to see some real heroes (aquaman). I hope there are more. It'd also be cool to have some kind of reference to Gotham or Batman. Like Clarks dad reading in the newspaper about a "Bat Man" running around fighting crime in Gotham City. Oh yeah, "Im not quite ready to join the JLA right now". That was awesome. |
I watched the first episode but missed the first 15 to 20 minutes. Thanks :)
What I'm curious about is when he finally becomes superman. In other shows and origional comics of course noone recognizes him and all he's wearing is spandex haha Now seeing how this show is really modernized, will they stick with that or come up with something else. Does anyone have the same thought or question? *edit/ Tonights episode was very interesting. Anyone catch it? What are your thoughts on the Professor (James Marsters) now? |
My thoughts on James Marsters is that he's Zahd (sp?)
But why didn't they get rid of him with his "deciples?"
Oh and the episode I missed; Did Jonathan Kent die? |
I hope Masters is braniac. I really really hope he's braniac.
Zahd died in Superman 2 (I think). John Kent is fine (for now). |
It's spelled Zod ;), and Marsters' character, Professor Milton Fine, is Brainiac. (according to IMDB.com)
Maybe I'm just slow, but I completely missed that the man we saw come from the spaceship was the same person teaching Clark's class. Now, are we to assume that he's just taken the form of Clark's professor? Because he's apparently been at the university for a while... but then he also just came from space... or something.
But yea, this season kicks ass. The taking down of the nuke was awesome. Jor-El inhabiting Lionel was perfect. And I guess he's still in Lionel? Who knows. Not to mention the girls have been verrrry nice on the eyes so far. I approve. :) |
Did anyone see last weeks episode? I missed it and was wondering exactly what Lois was doing posing as a stripper.
I must say the commercial looked really funny when she started giving Clark a lap dance. :) |
It was pretty stupid, as far as I'm concerned. Spoiler: A sripper gets murdered. Chloe convinces Lois to go undercover. Clark is also investigating because the Dukes of Hazard refuses to just die, and Tom Wopat (Luke Duke from the old Dukes of Hazard) plays John Kents oldest friend/senator in trouble for loving a stripper. The Lois stripping part is awkward and transparent. Okay, WB, we get it, she's hot and you need ratings. I'll admit she looked pretty good, but I couldn;t get into it.
Sounds like I might have enjoyed it. I'm more tolerant of idiocy in my TV than most people. :)
Anybody else watch Smallville last night? They previewed the teaser trailer for Superman Returns. It looks pretty cool and the guy they got playing Superman really looks the part.
holy..... holy shit.
tonight's episode has completely floored me. i think i'm still in shock over Pa Kent's death. (i sincerely hope the writers don't undermine this episode by bringing him back somehow). but... wow. Clark dealt with a life's worth of tragedy in this episode, it's gut-wrenching. After finally building up the courage to tell Lana the truth, his worst fears are solidified, and he learns he can never open up to her, nor be with her. His father dies in his arms. On top of that, it doesn't look like Lionel will be wasting any time to move in on Martha. I really appreciated Clark's reaction to Lana's death as a perfect counterpart to Lex's reaction in the Lexmas episode. Lex instantly focused on how Lana's death was a personal tragedy to himself and how much grief it caused him. Clark, on the other hand, focused on how her death was an injustice to Lana herself and offered to sacrifice anything to bring her back. Absolutely one of the best episodes of the series. |
Why couldn't it be Lana!? It was a good episode and It'll be even better if he stays dead even though he was a great character. I really hope he ends up telling Lana because having him lying to her every 2 seconds is getting pretty damn annoying becuase he really sucks at it.
It terms of the show being more bearable week to week, it would probably be better off without Lana, than without Jonathan. So in that sense, I guess it sucks. But in terms of what's going to affect Clark's outlook on life in the longrun (to the purpose of him becoming Superman), having his father die seems more relevant. Now he has Jonathan's legacy as an upstanding man to live up to. If it were Lana, he'd focus more on his anger and vengeance.
I read too much into this show, I know. |
Maybe the writers at Smallville will finally start reading the comic book. How strange.
I think it's about time for Lana to leave... Give Chloe a chance, dammit! And bring back Pete. Perfect time to mix things up again.
Thread resurrection, engage.
Anyone still watching? I'm enjoying this season a lot, actually. Lana's preggers, with Lex's kid, no less. They're engaged. Hints of Lex doing something evil with the child are afoot. Chloe is revealed to be a "meteor freak" with unknown powers. There's also hints of a budding romance between Clark and Lois (who have much more chemistry than Clark and Lana ever did, in my book). Jimmy Olsen and The Green Arrow are now recurring characters. The Martian Manhunter has made a few appearances. Not to mention the "Justice" episode, which kicked some serious ass. One of my favorite seasons to date, I must say. No matter how far this show is straying from canon, each episode makes it easier to belive that this farmboy might become a superhero. I hope to see more Martha and Lionel in the storylines. They're relationship, along with Lionel knowing Clark's secret and his ties to Lex, could make for some fun. They haven't tapped into it enough. |
Massive Spoiler: Lex will alienate Lana, Clark will visit someone in the hospital, an antagonist, which will be either fueled by or use kryptonite, will attack Clark's friends and family.
This Thread kinda died and I'm compelled to ask, who still watches smallvile? I do, avidly and I think it has started becoming slow, like a soap!!! For your safety, if you ever accuse me of watching a soap........
I still watch it for 1 reason. It comes on before Supernatural.
i'm still a fan. i've got some ideas of what they're actually gonna do with teh show next season, especially now that lana and lex are leaving the show. and rumor is that doomsday is gonna be the big villian next season, which may also be their last...
Tonight was the series finale for Smallville. I never really liked the series, but the last ten minutes were fucking awesome. Spoiler: Superman, in his suit, flew up and pushed the entire planet Apokolips away from the earth saving everyone. Fast forward a few years, and Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and a fumbling Clark Kent are all at the Daily Planet. It's the day of Clark and Lois' wedding, but there's a bomb on an elevator, so Clark has to don the cape and go save the day. Then the classic John Williams score kicks into high gear and nerds all over the world nergasm. Was it worth waiting all these years? No. Still, this is what we have to hold us over until the next Superman movie, which I believe comes out next year.
I predict Tom Welling's acting carrier is over. (or should be)
He may be a fine producer, though. I have collected the whole series because I watch TV by downloading episodes. At some point I may go through it from the start but have no idea if or when. |
I found out recently that Superman Returns' Brandon Routh auditioned for Clark back before Smallville started. I think they made a very serious mistake passing on him.
Hey, I made this thread almost over 8 years ago! Can you believe that?
I'll say that I lost interest in Smallville during its penultimate season but did manage to enjoy a few of the final episodes. I loved the scene in the future with "Jimmy" and the John Williams music but I kind of felt like it was unnecessarily trying to fit itself back into the existing Superman lore that it disregarded and used in its own storylines in the past. I guess that doesn't matter. I got what I wanted. Clark wore the suit, flew and stopped being such a whiney bitch. :P |
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