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Old 04-18-2004, 12:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
hovering in the distance
Location: the land of milk and honey
I, Robot (new Will Smith) movie

coming out this summer, looks pretty good,

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Old 04-18-2004, 01:31 PM   #2 (permalink)
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
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Location: right here of course
my knee jerk reaction on thinking about Will Smith anywhere near an Asimov inspired production
edit: how amusing, clicked on that link on this main system and it just hangs on:
Media Helper is detecting your system's optimal media settings. Closing this window will cancel the test. Please be patient, this may take several seconds.

Checking media player versions...
must not like my "every last shred of WMP ripped out" WinXP installation.
Started talking to yourself I see.
Yes, it's the only way I can be certain of an intelligent conversation.

Black Adder

Last edited by Speed_Gibson; 04-18-2004 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 04-18-2004, 02:53 PM   #3 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
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Location: Wilson, NC
I'm not digging it. The graphics look pretty good, but Will Smith isn't the right man for the job.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 04-18-2004, 03:08 PM   #4 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
This has barely anything to do with the Asimov classic, apparently one studio had the rights to a film based on the Asimov story and another studio were in the process of making a big-budget evil-robot film. That studio then bought the rights to an I, Robot film and titled their evil-robot flick I, Robot. They then added a few Asimov details such as the three laws. Personally I think the film looks horrid from the two released trailers, especially the CG.

Will Smith can act, I just wish he wouldn't keep trying to do his MIB routine in every film he's in.

Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 04-18-2004 at 06:30 PM..
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Old 04-18-2004, 03:37 PM   #5 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Yeah, after seeing the two trailers, I can firmly say that it's gonna be a waste. Good concept, but it's a really bad idea to put sub-par CGI and Will Smith in it. It'll make a fucklode of money, but it'll still suck. Doesn't really matter...audiences like Will Smith and bad CGI, so most people will probably enjoy it.

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 04-18-2004, 04:25 PM   #6 (permalink)
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Speed_Gibson's Avatar
Location: right here of course
The graphics look pretty good,
the same could be said for Forest Gump, The latest Star Wars Films, Titanic, Gladiator, and other films that look good but are still dreadful (and not in that good "golden turkey" fashion either).
Started talking to yourself I see.
Yes, it's the only way I can be certain of an intelligent conversation.

Black Adder
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Old 04-18-2004, 04:48 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Oh God, the rain!
Dont like Will Smith preformance in this one
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Old 04-18-2004, 06:46 PM   #8 (permalink)
He's My Girl
Location: The Champagne Douche
Asimov is freakin rolling over in his grave. Do not fucking dumb down Asimov and get a toy robot with every Happy Meal.
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Old 04-18-2004, 08:18 PM   #9 (permalink)
hovering in the distance
Location: the land of milk and honey
i didn't make the correlation between Asimov's novel and the movie. guess i am not up on my science fiction literature
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Old 04-18-2004, 08:28 PM   #10 (permalink)
The Original JizzSmacka
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Looks terrible..
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.
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Old 04-18-2004, 10:28 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Portland
looks really bad... judging from the previews, it's staying pretty far from the point of the book. le*sigh... stupid hollywood will never learn...
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Old 04-19-2004, 12:05 AM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Sinaloa, Mexico
Damn it looks like the graphics are going to make this one dead in the water, just like the Hulk. They should have made a trailer where they show the robots minimally, to add suspense and not show anyone how fake it looks.
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Old 04-19-2004, 04:54 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Camazotz
Agreed with the dumbing-down of Asimov. I think it'll suffer from Matrix fallout, too. Man vs Machine, oooh! Been there, done that.
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Old 04-19-2004, 12:04 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: Orlando, FL
I've never read the Asimov book, but this movie looks pretty bad. Actually, it looks like it could be good, but the robots look horrible. Unless there are a ton of glowing reviews out there when it comes out, I'll be skipping it.
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Old 04-19-2004, 12:55 PM   #15 (permalink)
absolute relativist
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Location: D.C.
C'mon now folks, how can you dumb down Asimov? Turn him into Arthur C. Clarke.

Just Kidding. I'm really bored today and I thought a nice little flame war between the Sci Fi Geeks would really liven things up.
Neither rain , nor cold, nor dark of night shall.......ahh whatever, just get me a beer!
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Old 04-19-2004, 03:13 PM   #16 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
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Location: Seattle.
"The Second Renaissance"
This looks like a live action version.
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-Lin Yutang

hearts, by d.a.
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Old 04-19-2004, 03:36 PM   #17 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
Location: Stormwind, The Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth
It'll only be the second renaissance if there's gonna be humongous mecha and shit like that in it. But I can see the similarity.
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- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3

The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3
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Old 04-19-2004, 11:20 PM   #18 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by clifclav
C'mon now folks, how can you dumb down Asimov? Turn him into Arthur C. Clarke.

Just Kidding. I'm really bored today and I thought a nice little flame war between the Sci Fi Geeks would really liven things up.
%#^(&*$%Q#&$ %#@(^&*%^@()*% $@(*#^%)(@$#^)(% %&*(@)#$%^@#$%(^@Y %(@*^%)(*$@^%(^*@er!!!!!!!
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Old 04-20-2004, 03:41 AM   #19 (permalink)
Thats MR. Muffin Face now
losthellhound's Avatar
Location: Everywhere work sends me
Originally posted by clifclav
C'mon now folks, how can you dumb down Asimov? Turn him into Arthur C. Clarke.

Just Kidding. I'm really bored today and I thought a nice little flame war between the Sci Fi Geeks would really liven things up.
Must not get angry, must not use Tuesday morning angst to turn into flame..

Actually saw this preview for the first time last night. A few months ago I saw the teaser and my blood got pumping, because all it had was the three laws and a splash of "Now three laws safe".. Now, it looks like crap. This is NOT I, Robot.. This is Will Smith versus the evil red robots.. grrr
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
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Old 04-20-2004, 11:58 AM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Where everyone knows my name
Movie studio people should burn in hell forever for what they did to this story. Far be it that they create a physcological thriller/mystery like the oringinal storry and have the audience actaully THINK and be ENGAGED in the story. Nah, just have robots go ape shit, fuckers.
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Old 04-20-2004, 12:29 PM   #21 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
Location: Stormwind, The Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth
Originally posted by losthellhound
Must not get angry, must not use Tuesday morning angst to turn into flame..

Actually saw this preview for the first time last night. A few months ago I saw the teaser and my blood got pumping, because all it had was the three laws and a splash of "Now three laws safe".. Now, it looks like crap. This is NOT I, Robot.. This is Will Smith versus the evil red robots.. grrr
Yeah, I thought it had potential too, like Will Smith could be in a thinking man's movie, like he would be a scientist. Now it's just incredibly generic.
What do you say to one last showdown?
- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3

The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3
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Old 04-20-2004, 05:25 PM   #22 (permalink)
Thats MR. Muffin Face now
losthellhound's Avatar
Location: Everywhere work sends me
like Will Smith could be in a thinking man's movie,
Im sorry to inform you of the death of the concept "thinking man's movie".. It had a good life, but like all things worth anything in this world, it was beaten to death by the lowest common demoninator. Please line up behind the casket for your complimentary ticket to "white chicks" and "Soul Plane" thank you for coming..
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
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Old 04-20-2004, 06:54 PM   #23 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
Location: Stormwind, The Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth
Originally posted by losthellhound
Im sorry to inform you of the death of the concept "thinking man's movie".. It had a good life, but like all things worth anything in this world, it was beaten to death by the lowest common demoninator. Please line up behind the casket for your complimentary ticket to "white chicks" and "Soul Plane" thank you for coming..
Yeah, I guess I was expecting something like Requiem For A Dream or Pi, or maybe even A.I. Guess I was just hoping for too much.
What do you say to one last showdown?
- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3

The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3
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Old 04-20-2004, 06:59 PM   #24 (permalink)
Comment or else!!
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I'm thinking cross between T3: Rise of the Machine and Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

I'll probably be watching it any ways....regardless...yeah...
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Me: Shit happens.
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Old 04-20-2004, 07:03 PM   #25 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
Wow, it looks like they're raping one of my favorite books

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Old 04-20-2004, 07:06 PM   #26 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
Originally posted by Speed_Gibson
the same could be said for Forest Gump, The latest Star Wars Films, Titanic, Gladiator, and other films that look good but are still dreadful (and not in that good "golden turkey" fashion either).
oh snap! you thought forrest gump was a crappy movie?

that makes me a sad panda
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Old 04-20-2004, 09:28 PM   #27 (permalink)
It's all downhill from here
docbungle's Avatar
Location: Denver
Nothing like reviewing a movie before it even comes out. I think it looks quite entertaining. It surely won't match the book in thought-provoking insight, but then movies rarely do. Look at "The Beach." I think it has potential in a "Minority Report" kind of way.
Bad Luck City
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Old 04-21-2004, 11:21 AM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Atlanta, GA
I'll see it. I like the look of it, and I'll catch it while it's still in theaters. As for raping one of ol' Isaac's books, that crap happens all the time . . .
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Old 05-11-2004, 10:39 PM   #29 (permalink)
Location: Can't tell you, then I'd have to kill you.
Kinda looks like it's going to suck. I liked the book though.
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Old 05-12-2004, 08:08 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
oh snap! you thought forrest gump was a crappy movie?

that makes me a sad panda

I was gonna say it if someone else didn't. There were basically no "graphics" in Forrest Gump, and the entire film was brilliant.

As for I, Robot, I think that it going to be amazingly bad.
"We each have a star, all we have to do is find it. Once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded." - Earl Simmons
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Old 05-12-2004, 09:48 PM   #31 (permalink)
Oh dear God he breeded
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Location: Arizona
Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
Wow, it looks like they're raping one of my favorite books

I feel that way every time one of them morons desides to kill a Robert Heinlein book.
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!

I am the one you warned me of

I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.
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Old 05-13-2004, 03:15 PM   #32 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
quoted twice in two consecutive posts... i dont think that's happened to me yet... feels good in a retarded internet-ego-that-doesnt-really-matter kind of way

and yes, I also hate it when Heinlein books get raped... I just wish they had given Starship Troopers a different name... because they were totally different entities
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Old 05-13-2004, 10:53 PM   #33 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
quoted twice in two consecutive posts... i dont think that's happened to me yet... feels good in a retarded internet-ego-that-doesnt-really-matter kind of way

and yes, I also hate it when Heinlein books get raped... I just wish they had given Starship Troopers a different name... because they were totally different entities
Three times in one thread now, print it out and stick it on your fridge
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Old 05-17-2004, 12:22 PM   #34 (permalink)
agree with Mr.Deflok's first post in this thread, self. with what Hollywood's doing to classics, I wonder sometimes if they'll go so far as to make a movie of Asimov's "Lucky Starr" adventures, with, say, Eminem as a star. wouldn't suprise me, the way trends are going.
Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor.
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Old 05-17-2004, 02:06 PM   #35 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Three times in one thread now, print it out and stick it on your fridge
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:36 PM   #36 (permalink)
Location: San Diego
It looks a lot better then some of the other shit they are releasing this summer...The cronicles of riddick, don't even get me started!
If something seems too good to be true, then it probably is....
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Old 05-17-2004, 10:19 PM   #37 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Location: New Jersey
Originally posted by sadistikdreams
"The Second Renaissance"
This looks like a live action version.
Finally, I was looking for someone to say that! Even before I thought of Asimov, I thought Matrix prequel. I thought that was plainly obvious based on the trailers, or is it just me?
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Old 05-17-2004, 11:06 PM   #38 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
The only thing is... "The Second Renaissance" is going to end up being a better product
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Old 05-17-2004, 11:59 PM   #39 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
The only thing is... "The Second Renaissance" is going to end up being a better product
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Old 05-18-2004, 05:01 PM   #40 (permalink)
Location: New York
It looks good so far but we'll see.
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movie, robot, smith

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