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Old 03-07-2004, 08:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Sopranos Season 5 (possible spoilers)...

... Well, its finally here. I saw the show tonight and really enjoyed it. Tony was cracking me up at times while he was chasing the doc. That Tony is a f'ing pimp! I also almost died laughing when Paulie and Cristopher popped the waiter in the parking lot. Paulie grabs the cash from dinner and Chris is yelling that it is his money as he's running away. I'm really excited about Steve Buscemi being involved this season as Tony's cousin. I am kinda bummed however that this season is only going to ten episodes long as oppossed to thirteen. But I'll take what I ca get. So lets hear some opinions about what you liked or disliked. If you dont, I'll just have to throw a brick atcha in the parking lot.
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Old 03-07-2004, 08:35 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: Denver City Denver
They always start out slow. That kind of bugs me. I wanna know why Steve Buscemi wasn't introduced in the first episode... they've made such a big deal about him being in the show now. And it's also good his name was in the opening credits... that means he won't get killed off half way through the season.

All in all I'm way happy to have it back on the air.
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Old 03-07-2004, 08:45 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally posted by The Original King
All in all I'm way happy to have it back on the air.
Holy crap! The OK doesnt hate something! I knew you were a big ol softy all along!
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Old 03-07-2004, 09:01 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
My predictions: Adrianas is getting whacked along with Paulie! Buscemi's character is going to have a problem with Chris sometime down the road and obviously Carmine has to be outed by the end of the season.
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Old 03-08-2004, 02:16 AM   #5 (permalink)
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They introduced Buscemi on the TV, they probably thought there was enough they had to establish without bringing him in too. Tony and the doc parts were excellent, and I was laughing my ass off at the bear parts and the waiter part, but it did seem kind of slow. Plus it was a bit short, it usually goes to like 10 past.

And I heard season 6 would be 10 episodes, are you sure 5 is too?
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Old 03-08-2004, 06:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
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You can see possible story lines developing. Power struggles will dominate this season, I think. The addition of Loggia and Buscemi increases the mob part of it.

What the odds on Tony getting in Dr. Malfi's pants? He's got her fantasizing about it.

Its going to be a good season.
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Old 03-08-2004, 07:01 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally posted by bigbad
And I heard season 6 would be 10 episodes, are you sure 5 is too?
All the rumblings I hear in the rumor mill is that this is most likely the last season. And yeah, it only ten episodes this weekend.
Check it out here:
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Old 03-08-2004, 10:25 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: NJ
I thought it was too slow as the last couple of seasons have been. I hope it picks up.

The scene with the waiter was definitely the best part although I think it would have been better if the waiter started kicking Christopher or Paulie's ass and whoever wasn't involved had to get involved and they bonded by beating the hell out of the guy.

There's lots of potential with all the paroles going on I just wish they could focus on one or two story lines and bring one to a conclusion rather than throwing out a hundred more possibilities.
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Old 03-08-2004, 10:53 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally posted by bparker805
Holy crap! The OK doesnt hate something! I knew you were a big ol softy all along!
You're gonna call me a big ol' softy because I like the Sopranos? It's about a Italian Mafia family. Reminds me of my family. My Mom laughs at all the stuff that reminds her of her childhood. It's the only thing on TV that I can relate to. It's not like I'm crying over Sex in the City leaving. Fuckin' mook.
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Old 03-08-2004, 03:03 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally posted by bparker805
All the rumblings I hear in the rumor mill is that this is most likely the last season. And yeah, it only ten episodes this weekend.
Check it out here:
From your link... The sixth season, which will be an abbreviated 10 episodes rather than the traditional 13, will probably mark the end of this series. Gandolfini has said that playing this tortured character has been difficult for him, and the other cast members seem ready to move on. But the end will not come easy for anyone.
This was the same article I read, you musta misread sixth as fifth
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Old 03-08-2004, 03:17 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: West Coast
I don't care for the Tony chasing the Doc stuff. Although, it does make me uncomfortable at times and that may mean it is effective. She certainly made the mistake in answering Tony's questions re why she won't date him. Opened the door for more violence between them.

I can see the power/control aspect and the tie in with the gangster mentality, but overall, I think it is getting too much emphasis.

I think the relationship (strained) between Tony and Carmela is excellent. Very raw and realistic. Overall, a slow opener, but with the long layoff, probably necessary to get people back into the story lines.
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Old 03-14-2004, 07:52 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: Denver City Denver
Episode 2

What the fuck was up with the Movie Night thing? It was like the evil version of Sex in the City.

I almost died laughing when Steve Buscemi walked out in the Miami Vice suit. Classic.

And yet again... slow show. Not much action... still setting up for the season.
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Old 03-14-2004, 10:35 PM   #13 (permalink)
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They had seriously be building to something HUGE!!! I felt that it was pretty slow too. The teaser for next week was more exciting, IMHO.
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Old 03-16-2004, 06:34 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Perhaps Tony will get back into Dr. Melfi's good graces after capping that punk who raped her.

. . . . or have the writers forgotten about that . . .?

It'll start moving faster now that the subplots have been set up.
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Old 05-24-2004, 05:46 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Location: Donkey
Damn, 2 months and no replies! I'm surprised.

I SO knew Adrianna was gonna get blasted the second Tony called her. Good stuff. It's about time she died.

Also kinda stupid how they're skipping a week for no good reason. What's the point in that?
I love lamp.

Last edited by Stompy; 05-24-2004 at 05:49 AM..
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Old 05-24-2004, 06:00 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: NJ
Originally posted by Stompy
Damn, 2 months and no replies! I'm surprised.

I SO knew Adrianna was gonna get blasted the second Tony called her. Good stuff. It's about time she died.

Also kinda stupid how they're skipping a week for no good reason. What's the point in that?
It was pretty obvious when Christopher was looking at the guy with a couple of kids and all their belongings strapped to the roof of their beat up car. He was stroking his Hummer a bit too much to ever think about driving something like that.

Overall a really good episode last night. I missed last week's and the reviews from others of it made me not want to make time to catch it.

Also very glad Tony's gonna go to war with the NY family. Hopefully they'll follow up that story line for a while and not just let it fall like they do with so many others.
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Old 05-24-2004, 11:40 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Location: Denver City Denver
Well, they can't fallow that storyline too long. There is only one episode left.

And someone is gonna die... Like Tony... whichever one you want.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 05-24-2004, 07:49 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: VA
Originally posted by ToolBag
My predictions: Adrianas is getting whacked along with Paulie! Buscemi's character is going to have a problem with Chris sometime down the road and obviously Carmine has to be outed by the end of the season.
You da man!
"In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. It's - and it's hard work. I understand how hard it is. I get the casualty reports every day. I see on the TV screens how hard it is. But it's necessary work. We're making progress. It is hard work."
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Old 05-25-2004, 05:53 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: NJ
Originally posted by The Original King
Well, they can't fallow that storyline too long. There is only one episode left.
Yeah but they need to make it a cliffhanger ending so the storyline will likely flow into next season to some extent. I hope it lasts for the whole rest of next season since what they've been doing for the last couple ofseasons has been boring as hell.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.
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Old 05-25-2004, 05:36 PM   #20 (permalink)
Here's a bummer to go along with the season finale--season six is not going to start until early 2006! There will be a number of cliffhangers since there is way too much going on for much resolution in one show. The whole next season will have to be taken up with the war with Johhny Sack (unless Tony whacks Tony B himself to make peace).
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:05 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: NJ
Originally posted by felixn
(unless Tony whacks Tony B himself to make peace).
I could see Tony killing him if he goes to see him and Tony B isn't sufficiently appreciative of Tony S standing up for him but I can't imagine he'd do it to make peace.
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Old 05-26-2004, 06:34 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Al Swerengen said that Johnny Saks was a cocksucker.
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Old 05-26-2004, 07:54 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: On the path to Valhalla.
I didnt even see Adrianna getting one in the back... I really thought Chrissy was gonna give his Hummer to the poor faamily and skip town. Im glad I was wrong. I also thought it was cool to see Tony tell the NY guy (forgot his name) to go fuck himself and see Tony stay loyal to his family. I thought it was emphasized even more by Chrissy staying loyal to Tony and dropping the dime on Ad. I missed some of last season, does anybody know what happened to Furio? Is he dead or just in hiding?
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Old 05-26-2004, 01:16 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally posted by bparker805
. . . I missed some of last season, does anybody know what happened to Furio? Is he dead or just in hiding?
Furio went back to Italy - to avoid the temptation of letting "Little Furio" do his thinking for him with Carmella. Although I'm sure he's not looking forward to any future meetings with Tony, he's not in hiding, to my knowledge.

Originally posted by cameroncrazy822
Al Swerengen said that Johnny Saks was a cocksucker.
You owe me a keyboard and 1/3 of a can of Pepsi for that
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"If your ridiculous pants are too loose, you're definitely going to lose them. Tell your two loser friends over there that they're going to lose theirs, too."
It won't hurt your fashion sense, either.
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Old 05-27-2004, 05:24 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally posted by yournamehere
Furio went back to Italy - to avoid the temptation of letting "Little Furio" do his thinking for him with Carmella. Although I'm sure he's not looking forward to any future meetings with Tony, he's not in hiding, to my knowledge.

You owe me a keyboard and 1/3 of a can of Pepsi for that
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Old 05-27-2004, 03:03 PM   #26 (permalink)
Location: trying to avoid being groped
Originally posted by bparker805
I didnt even see Adrianna getting one in the back... I really thought Chrissy was gonna give his Hummer to the poor faamily and skip town. Im glad I was wrong. I also thought it was cool to see Tony tell the NY guy (forgot his name) to go fuck himself and see Tony stay loyal to his family. I thought it was emphasized even more by Chrissy staying loyal to Tony and dropping the dime on Ad. I missed some of last season, does anybody know what happened to Furio? Is he dead or just in hiding?
C'mon...did you really think that selfish prick was going to give up everything for her??! I mean, yeah, he loved her...loved her so much he punched her in her face on a few separate occasions
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Old 05-30-2004, 10:09 AM   #27 (permalink)
I knew she was gonna get it as soon as I saw her on a promo for "Joey" (Friends spinoff). It all made perfect sense then. Seriously, that was the clue that tipped me off.

Shame we probably won't get to see her parading around in her undies on the new show. Fantastic body.

How are they going to explain it to everybody, I wonder?
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Old 05-31-2004, 05:20 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Gimli
I knew she was gonna get it as soon as I saw her on a promo for "Joey" (Friends spinoff). It all made perfect sense then. Seriously, that was the clue that tipped me off.

Shame we probably won't get to see her parading around in her undies on the new show. Fantastic body.

How are they going to explain it to everybody, I wonder?

No explanation required, really. Just say she went missing. Like Big Pussy or something.

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Jimmy The Hutt
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Old 06-02-2004, 09:07 AM   #29 (permalink)
Dumb all over...a little ugly on the side
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Originally posted by Stompy
Also kinda stupid how they're skipping a week for no good reason. What's the point in that?
it was Memorial Day weekend. not much tv watching going on. better for the ratings to delay by 1 week.
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Old 06-07-2004, 05:45 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Location: Donkey
Interesting finale.

They did a nice job of making it appear that the feds were comin after Tony when they were after Johnny Sack.

Guess it gives Tony free reign over NY, right?
I love lamp.
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Old 06-07-2004, 09:04 AM   #31 (permalink)
Swollen Member
Location: Northern VA
Well....thats what I was thinking too. But we don't know if someone is stepping up in Johnny's place i.e. Phil.

I don't want to wait another two years for the next season dammit!
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Old 06-07-2004, 09:37 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Location: Donkey
Next season is actually scheduled for 2005, so about a year to go. It doesn't take long to film & release. Remember, they were still in salary disputes exactly a year ago today and didn't film a single episode, and the season just ended.

I love lamp.
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Old 06-07-2004, 10:44 AM   #33 (permalink)
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I thought this season was by far the worst yet. Way too much domesticity and too little mob land. I think the season finale was horrific. It was a big let down from beginning to end for me.
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Old 06-07-2004, 11:14 AM   #34 (permalink)
No. It's not done yet.
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Originally posted by Stompy
Guess it gives Tony free reign over NY, right?
Tony is Jersey mob. It would take a lot for a "suburban" boss to take over as the big boss. The key question is if Phil gets busted. If he doesn't, could me some real bloodshed. Oh well, time to go into hibernation for a year and a half.
Back into hibernation.
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