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Ganguro 08-27-2003 08:59 PM

So, you guys want an Anime forum? Prove It!
This thread is a test to see if there could be enough intereest in anime, manga and related topics to merit it's own forum. I was very much against it at first, but in light of recent topics.. i think it could work. Please do your best to stay on topic and post relevant posts not just "oh that show is cool" types of posts.. Also please post anything new that is related to anime, or animation, or manga in this thread.. I.E. all the spaceghost and futurama threads, etc...So here is your chance fellow TFP'ers.. If you want an anime forum so bad.. you've got to work for it.

To paraphrase Spleen:

"Here is a possible topic starter..What do you like anime, or manga?What are some of your favoire anime OVA's or series? What are you reading or watching now? Are you into fansubbing at all, what are your hopes for anime in the mainstream culture? Know any good "unkown" series to get into? What is your favorite character and why? How long have you been into anime? Notice any differenced between japanese and korean manga/ series? Is Hentai anime? I am wondering because I am a otaku myself, and I would like to talk with other fans out there."


EDIT: Sorry guys i may not have been too clear on the purpose of this thread.. this isnt a poll to ask you if you want a forum or not, it's to see if there is enough intellectual interest to merit Halx creating one. If you really want a forum, please start discussing and participating.

im2smrt4u 08-27-2003 09:55 PM

Well, I'm no big fan of anime, but does anyone know when we will see season 2 of Hellsing in the US?

auswegian 08-28-2003 02:38 AM

I would like an anime forum, in order that I could bath in the superior knowledge of more developed fanboys and improve my anime/manga tastes. So yes.

Mehoni 08-28-2003 05:34 AM

Anime-forum yes please.. or one for books. You know, those things with paper in it.. lets call them "movie scripts" ;)

Stare At The Sun 08-28-2003 01:24 PM

There is a season 2 of hellsing!?!?!?!?!!?

O GAWD! kick ass.

Ganguro 08-28-2003 02:47 PM


Originally posted by UnlikedOne
There is a season 2 of hellsing!?!?!?!?!!?

O GAWD! kick ass.

Technically not yet. I kept hearing about it for a long time, but it's proally never going to get made. The manga is a little more in depth than the anime because some of the topics it address ed were "too controversial for japanese television", and there is a trailer going around the internet for a Hellising: Dark Psalms or something like that, but.. that trailer is also like a year or more old. There is a Van Hellsing movie comming out soon, but it's live action and stars hugh Jackman (Xmen, X2) and is not related to the anime. Oh well.. :(

On a related note, does anyone know who the band is that plays the music in the series? I know the english song "SHINE" was played by some 80's band.. rush or something :) I heard they were very popular in japan for a loong time after their careers died stateside, but i'll be damned if i know who does the other music.. and i have the sdtk too.
Anyone know?

Renegade 08-28-2003 04:50 PM

I'm just getting into Anime here. I've seen Vampire Hunter D + Bloodlust, Ninja Scroll, all of Beserk, M.D. Geist, Record of Lodoss War, and I was really enjoying Cowboy Beebop until they introduced Ed who in my opinion is trying to beat Jar Jar Binks as the most annoying jackass ever. I was looking at picking up Hellsing next and from yours and other opinions sounds like a good bet.

gnort 08-28-2003 05:24 PM

Ive never really been into Anime. Ive seen a few movies, but not much of the different series that are out there. All i have to say is that Akira was great!

sadistikdreams 08-28-2003 10:02 PM


im2smrt4u 08-29-2003 06:58 AM


Originally posted by Ganguro
Technically not yet. I kept hearing about it for a long time, but it's proally never going to get made. The manga is a little more in depth than the anime because some of the topics it address ed were "too controversial for japanese television", and there is a trailer going around the internet for a Hellising: Dark Psalms or something like that, but.. that trailer is also like a year or more old. There is a Van Hellsing movie comming out soon, but it's live action and stars hugh Jackman (Xmen, X2) and is not related to the anime. Oh well.. :(
So it won't even happen in Japan!? Bummer...:(

lafemmefatale 08-30-2003 05:21 PM


Originally posted by Renegade
I was really enjoying Cowboy Beebop until they introduced Ed who in my opinion is trying to beat Jar Jar Binks as the most annoying jackass ever. I was looking at picking up Hellsing next and from yours and other opinions sounds like a good bet.
I love ed! she's so cute! But then, i love all comic relief characters heh. :p

Peutetre 08-30-2003 07:12 PM

i have only been watching anime for maybe 2 years now.. but i really enjoy everything that I see. Some of my favorites series are Hellsing, Chobits, Karekano, Saikano, Azumanga Daioh, Photon, Shinesman, Slayers, Lain, Digi Charat, Pita Ten and many others. I also really enjoy Manga as well. I have been reading Chobits, Karekano, Mars, Peach Girl, Wish and Real bout high school.. I usually try to pick things that i can read at Barnes and Nobles for free! Anyway.. I really think that I prefer Manga to Anime because I enjoy reading so much and I think I get more out of the Manga.. but I also really like watching the characters and hearing the Japanese language.. plus for some reason I really like watching stuff with subtitles!

t3m3st 08-31-2003 06:26 PM

go anime forum! ya

Mr.Deflok 08-31-2003 06:41 PM

Has anyone here seen Gasaraki? I'm into Anime but not as much as most, I find the fact that most a series which'll cost you hundreds to complete quite off-putting.

trench 09-01-2003 12:49 AM

I'm probably an anime poseur since the only stuff I see is on Cartoon Network but in the 80's there was a cratoon shown in the U.S. called Star Blazers and I never got to see the final episode of season one to this day and it haunts me.

ZeliG 09-01-2003 09:46 AM

I would have to say yes to an anime forum. well... a blend of anime/manga really damn though I am getting fairly dissapointed from the stuff I have seen/read lately....

jhericurl21 09-01-2003 05:49 PM

has any read the manga's of battle royale and Alive?

CapnWaffle 09-02-2003 09:41 AM

I do enjoy digisubs and scanlations... Although I respect to discontinue searching for a series once it's liscensed.

For commercially available, right now I like Scryed (anime - don't know about the manga),and Big 0 2 on Cartoon Network owns you.

For fansubs and scanlations, I like Naruto (anime - the manga's great too, and you can get it stateside), Hunter X Hunter (manga - only seen bits of the anime), and a manga called Bleach.

Peutetre 09-02-2003 04:24 PM

There is a magazine that manga fans would be interested in.. it is called Shonen Jump and contains Naruto, One Piece, YuYu Hakusho, Dragonball Z, yu-gi-oh, Shaman King. Also Suncoast has a free Manga preview book you can pick up by purchasing manga or apparently the Shonen Jump magazine.. It has some pretty interesting previews in it...

Asshole Lover 09-02-2003 04:57 PM

Love Hina is done: any suggestions?
i think Love Hina was funny and touching and the conclusion after #13 surprised me. i thought it was making money and therefore lasting into many years to come.

so what do you reccomend to replace it in my comic buying? i already buy ranma 1/2. i like ken akumatsu's art, is he doing another new series?


Czernobog 09-02-2003 05:26 PM


Originally posted by Renegade
I'm just getting into Anime here. I've seen Vampire Hunter D + Bloodlust, Ninja Scroll, all of Beserk, M.D. Geist, Record of Lodoss War, and I was really enjoying Cowboy Beebop until they introduced Ed who in my opinion is trying to beat Jar Jar Binks as the most annoying jackass ever. I was looking at picking up Hellsing next and from yours and other opinions sounds like a good bet.
don't give up on the bebop. ed may be annoying, but she doesn't pop up that much, and the rest of the series is absoloutly phenomenal.

other animes enjoyed by Czernobog are:
Lupin III
Furi Kuri
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Ghost in the Shell
Ninja Scroll
and a bunch of others I can't recall right now.

txd 09-03-2003 01:20 AM

Well I'm currently working my way thought the Love Hina Series as well, and I am thinking about starting Chobits after.

I'd love to hear other suggestions also

Asshole Lover 09-03-2003 03:00 AM

i suggest you enjoy every single panel of LH while you can. it gets really good and really satisfying towards the end.

i looked through chobits and i stll may buy a book but the thought of a dude and his computer hooking up make me feel sad reading it.

txd 09-03-2003 03:04 AM

Yeh it is a bit of an odd topic, but I figure I'd give it a chance, also going to get the first 2 battle royale books (3rd may be out by now)

Ganguro 09-03-2003 06:47 AM

The chobits manga is actually VERY well done, and is cute. If you liked Hina, you'll more than likely appreciate chobits. Sure Hideki is "hooking up" with his computer (persocom) but it's not as cheesy as it sounds. Have you seen the anime at all? it's out on DVD now and is worth a peek. Heck.. so is Mahoromatic (which combined with Hand Maid May..makes for 3 android/man shoujo animes that came out around the same time).

Have you looked at Mars?, or Kodocha? those are good series to pick up as well.

Asshole Lover 09-03-2003 02:33 PM

this is going to sound weird...but love hina and ranma and even chobits is not as "girly" as the ones u just mentioned.

i just can't even look past the cover of those even though i am sure it is decent. also i am very picky about the art. i like a clean style like akamatsu and takahashi as opposed to girly stars in their eyes manga.

DownwardSpiral 09-03-2003 04:14 PM

Anime forum. . . yes, good idea.

hawkeye 09-03-2003 06:11 PM

Re: Love Hina is done: any suggestions?

Originally posted by Asshole Lover
i think Love Hina was funny and touching and the conclusion after #13 surprised me. i thought it was making money and therefore lasting into many years to come.

so what do you reccomend to replace it in my comic buying? i already buy ranma 1/2. i like ken akumatsu's art, is he doing another new series?


I havn't read Love Hina, so I don't know if I can reccomend a specific replacement, but I would unreservedly reccomend Bastard!! (published by Viz) Cannon God Exaxxion (Dark Horse) and Lone Wolf and Cub (also DH) .

Side Note: I haven't read any yet, but if the Inu-Yasha Manga (written by the Ranma 1/2 writer) is half as good as the anime, it will be awesome (Viz)

cowlick 09-03-2003 06:49 PM


Originally posted by Renegade
...I was really enjoying Cowboy Beebop until they introduced Ed who in my opinion is trying to beat Jar Jar Binks as the most annoying jackass ever.
I could not disagree more. Ed was in my opion the best part of Cowboy Bebop.
However, I didn't like the movie nearly as much as the episodes.

Peutetre 09-03-2003 08:13 PM

Re: Love Hina is done: any suggestions?

Originally posted by Asshole Lover
i think Love Hina was funny and touching and the conclusion after #13 surprised me. i thought it was making money and therefore lasting into many years to come.

so what do you reccomend to replace it in my comic buying? i already buy ranma 1/2. i like ken akumatsu's art, is he doing another new series?


I would recomend Kare kano.. it's cute, funny, touching, and not to girlie.. also be sure to check out the tokyopop website they have great summaries of all the manga that they offer..

Shauk 09-03-2003 08:22 PM

i vote yes for the anime forum.. big fan of cowboy bebop and virus buster serge

ninja scroll and ghost in the shell were my introduction to the anime community as well :)

Asshole Lover 09-04-2003 03:03 AM

Re: Re: Love Hina is done: any suggestions?

Originally posted by Peutetre
I would recomend Kare kano.. it's cute, funny, touching, and not to girlie.. also be sure to check out the tokyopop website they have great summaries of all the manga that they offer..

thanks...KK seems to sound ok. i'll check it out at the store. but i think chobits is sounding better once i read a storyline.

Renegade 09-04-2003 03:11 PM


Originally posted by Czernobog
don't give up on the bebop. ed may be annoying, but she doesn't pop up that much, and the rest of the series is absoloutly phenomenal.

I haven't given up on Bebop yet, but the introduction of Ed made me cringe. I picked up all the dvds after watching the first disc, but have slowed down watching them after meeting Ed. I think I'm currently in the middle of disc 4. Go Anime forum!

holtmate 09-04-2003 07:02 PM

An anime forum would be a great idea! It could really help introduce casual fans, like myself, to other things that we might regularly overlook.
I must say, though, ever since I saw FLCL on Adult Swim, I have been in love with it. I only caught the first episode, and I am currently reading the manga, which is already different, but in a great way.
I am also looking forward to the Trigun manga...does anyone know when that will be released stateside?

gwr_gwir 09-04-2003 08:37 PM

myself, I'm an anime freak - much like hawkeye. I would want an anime forum, simply because there's so much anime (and manga)out there (though hentai others like it could go to Tilted Sexuality). Also, since anime spans the genres - comedy, tragedy, adventure, romance - as well as books, movies, series, and various other publications, it doesn't really fit into any set ... definition that I've seen thus far for a forum in TFP (i.e. Entertainment, Literature, etc). In the possible anime forum, anime fans could talk-rant about the various anime available, as well as post recommendations of the various anime or manga that they have seen or read - such recommendations would likely be taken seriously, if they're intelligent. as to my introduction to anime, that was Cowboy Bebop (excellent), Akira (a true classic), and Jin-Roh and the Wolf Brigade (depressing as all bloody h3ll, but a true classic nonetheless). Since those days, I've watched pretty much any good (I know, a relative term) anime I could get my hands on, and currently, Naruto seems to be a good (ongoing) series.

Discipline 09-04-2003 09:40 PM

hey, I haven't watched anime for a while now. But, that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to watch a good anime film.

If there was an anime forum, I'm sure it'd get me back into anime a bit.

gwr_gwir 09-05-2003 11:09 AM

good films, hm? off the top of my head... good movies not related to series: Jin-Roh and the Wolf Brigade, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Perfect Blue, KITE, Memories, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll (I'm not listing Resurrection here because it sucked. long and hard)... that's about all I can think of right now. There's also a bunch of good series movies, too, though those are a lot more.. numerous, to say the least.

Asshole Lover 09-05-2003 05:06 PM

about the actual forum...i think making a sticky and combining all manga/anime threads into it is not gonna show the need for the forum. i think testing it for a month or so in it's own sector would be better. i'm not sure what this thread is accomplishing.

Ganguro 09-05-2003 05:29 PM

did you read the first post?
a whole lot of other people havent apprantly..
the purpost of this thread is to see if there is enough interest in anime/ manga/ related subjects to warrent a forum via TOPICS OF DISCUSSION, , CONVERSATIONS, QUESTIONS, not saying "yay i want a forum"

It's up to Halx if he wants to make the section ro not, and he's not making a forum for a month just to see if titakes off or not w/o actual evidence thatit would be used. Similar to spleen's WWE thread, this is supposed to be a collection fo questions and conversations about one topic.. not a poll.

So far.. i dont think the members of the board are doing a very good job convincing Halx to make anything.. especially if they cant follow a simple direction(request).

I merged your one thread with this one because it was related to the topic, (i felt) but there are still other anime threads that were prexisting that are in the entertainment forum. If those are more related to something on your mind, by all means respond there. I just though if someone liked anime and manga enough to start a new thread about it.. maybe it would do better here.

Asshole Lover 09-05-2003 06:08 PM

yeah but this has pretty much turned into 'yay i want a forum thread"

the posting done in here is sort of everybody knows about how brilliant the beatles are, we all listen to them and there isn't much to say about the beatles anymore. so a thread entitled "beatles thread - discuss" is only going to get you a nominal amount of hits

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