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Seer666 06-24-2004 10:36 PM


Originally posted by JimmyTheHutt
Batman Forever.

I not only walked out, I did so cursing loudly the entire time, with most of the audience agreeing with me. That had to be one of the worst films ever made.

But it is topped by Manos: The Hands of Fate.

Veritas en Lux!
Jimmy The Hutt

Manos has NOTHING on Streetwalking Cannible Hookers. Trust. I love bad movies and even I couldn't take that one.

bigbad 06-25-2004 01:05 AM

Contact is the only one I've walked out of, that wasn't by choice though, I got outvoted.

Like a lot of people, I figure if I've spent the money I may as well stick around. DVD on the other hand, if I've rented something that sucks ass I return it and say it wouldn't work in my player, and they let me get something else.

ultra_agent9 06-25-2004 04:18 AM


Originally posted by XeroxPunk
I've never walked out of a movie for one reason: it could always turn out to be a zombie movie at the end. The end of Saving Private Ryan could have errupted in a Zombietastic orgy of mayhem and you'd never know.... its always worth sticking around just to find out.

Haha! I like your outlook on watching movies.

tropple 06-25-2004 09:11 AM

I walked out on the last Star Wars. War of the Clones? Something like that.

Even my daughter was bored to tears with it.

monkeydriven 06-25-2004 09:56 AM

I don't walk out of movies for the simple reason that when a movie is that bad, I want to see the whole thing so I can knowledgeably (is that a word) skewer anyone who tells me it was a good movie....

primal 06-25-2004 10:25 AM

I wanted to walk out of 8mm, but my friends and I just stayed to make fun of it. There were actually only 3 or 4 more people in the theater and I could hear them making fun of it to.

miggity99 06-25-2004 11:41 AM

I walked out of "The Care Bears Movie" and "101 Dalmnations," well, it was more like cried out of those movies. The freaky green head in a book scared the crap out of me in "The Care Bears Movie" and Cruela DeVille's freaky hair and eyes were burned into my retnas for at least 6 months.

What can I say, I'm a wuss when it comes to scary movies.

For the record, I was only 4 when I saw these movies...

noahfor 06-25-2004 10:55 PM

I've only walked out of one movie and that was Wing Commander.

frankx 06-29-2004 02:57 PM

- I walked out on a horrible piece of shit called One True Thing with Renee Zellweger. Let me clarify that a bit. It was a very well made film, with good actors and an actual plot...


It was the most depressing film I have ever seen in my entire life. It was one of those movies that makes you wonder why people see the need to make movies like this just to make people sad. No humor existed in this movie whatsoever.

- I went to see Dune (The David Lynch version) when it was first at the movies (1984-85). The theater was full of well-meaning folks who brought the kids and grandkids because they saw the commercials and thought it was going to be like Star Wars or something. During/after the Baron Harkonnen scene, I heard a mass exodus for the door. Out of an almost full theater, there were only five people left, me included.

Fremen 06-29-2004 04:44 PM


Originally posted by frankx
- I went to see Dune (The David Lynch version) when it was first at the movies (1984-85). The theater was full of well-meaning folks who brought the kids and grandkids because they saw the commercials and thought it was going to be like Star Wars or something. During/after the Baron Harkonnen scene, I heard a mass exodus for the door. Out of an almost full theater, there were only five people left, me included.
Funniest thing I've heard today. :D I would've like to have been there to see the exodus. (I would've made the sixth left there) :thumbsup:

optik_nerve 06-29-2004 04:47 PM

I walked out of League of Extraordinary Gentelmen. That was the dumbest movie ever. The effects sucked too. I could see the backdrop during scenes. So horrible.

Slauncha Man 06-29-2004 05:33 PM

I actually thought Dodgeball was hilarious. Lots of its humor was very subtle (the words "deux ex machina" on, well, the plot's deus ex machina), but even more of its humor was the slapstick stuff I love. It's all a matter of taste, I suppose.

I walked out of the room that Blade was on in. That was a Godawful movie.

-Ever- 06-29-2004 06:07 PM


Originally posted by Slauncha Man
I walked out of the room that Blade was on in. That was a Godawful movie.
I still really like this movie. Not so much for the story as I do for the art direction/cinematography. Action flicks are inevitable, so I say at least use cool cinematography to bring across whatever feel the movie is supposed to; In this case, it was a cool, fast paced, high-tech yet current feel.

Kazic 06-29-2004 06:37 PM

I wanted to walk out of battlefeild earth. but I stayed not sure why really.

I want my money back for going to see House of 1000 corpses. If I see you on the street Rob Zombie you owe me 12.95.

other than that I have seen some godawful movies but I usually stick it out. no idea why.

Nimbletoe 06-29-2004 06:44 PM

12.95? Dear god I hope that is the price for two tickets, not one.

thesupermikey 06-29-2004 07:42 PM

I went to see 5th elemant when i was 15 with a friend and his dad. He made us leave when Chris Tucker started going down on the woman before the ship took off.

skinnymofo 06-29-2004 08:41 PM

i would of walked out on contact but i was far too young at the time to have a vote.
that movie was 2 hours ( i think? maybe more it seemed like it anyway) of complete bore. you wait and wait and they rebuild that stupid ass swirling thing 3 times only for her to have a vision that no one can see and she ends up on a stupid beach. god damn just thinking about that movie gives me flash backs of the horrors.

Quadraton 06-30-2004 09:47 PM

Summer of Sam.

That was the only movie I've ever walked out on, and after that day, I vowed to <B>never</B> watch another Spike Lee movie again.

My friends had me all convinced it was going to be some cool slasher flick, but instead, it turned out to be some lame love story starring John Leguiziamo (sp?). My friends and I bitched for an hour after leaving that movie. We didn't want our money back, we wanted our two hours back. What a waste of film that movie was.

Church 06-30-2004 10:14 PM

The only one I walked out of was What Dreams May Come. It got a little too disturbing for me and it was NOT your regular Robin Williams movie.

Church 06-30-2004 10:15 PM


Originally posted by bigbad
Contact is the only one I've walked out of, that wasn't by choice though, I got outvoted.

Like a lot of people, I figure if I've spent the money I may as well stick around. DVD on the other hand, if I've rented something that sucks ass I return it and say it wouldn't work in my player, and they let me get something else.

Oh, too bad. I loved that movie. The ending was great in my books. I know many others don't agree with me, but something about that movie made me feel hopeful.

pinkie 07-01-2004 08:32 AM

Road House with Patrick Swayze. I don't even know why I was there.

pinkie 07-01-2004 08:36 AM


Originally posted by tropple
I walked out on the last Star Wars. War of the Clones? Something like that.

Even my daughter was bored to tears with it.

Yeah, that movie sucked. I was dragged there in the first place, and wanted to walk out so bad, but I stayed. I knew it would be that bad, but I went for my husband and his Star Wars addiction. :rolleyes: :D

roachboy 07-01-2004 08:38 AM

i walked out on "the crow"--and at the time i was working in a movie theatre and the screening was free. iw oudl think that makes it one of the wrost films i have seen.
that and the wretched version of "great expectations" with gwentyh paltrow.

the list of films i wanted to walk out on is much much longer.

pinkie 07-01-2004 08:45 AM


Originally posted by Fire
Road trip-
and I like tom green

Haha... I loved that movie. So, you liked Freddy got Fingered then? MUHOOHAHAHA!!

unoaman 07-08-2004 11:56 AM

I haver walked out of a movie, because I don't go to them in the first place. Too loud, popcorn is approximately $769.47 per pound, always some 8 foot tall asshole in front of you, or a blabber behind you. Like rented movies, but the second coming of Christ wouldn't be worth seeing in a theatre.

Kodega 07-08-2004 05:38 PM

I walked out on Star Wars Episode 1. That movie was just plain bad. I've never even bothered tring to watch episode 2.

I rented The Thin Red Line. Watched about 20 minutes before falling asleep on my couch. Boring movie.

SinisterMotives 07-10-2004 06:11 PM

I walked out of The Accused for a few minutes the first time I saw it. It was a good movie, but I couldn't stomach the rape scene. I managed to sit through it when I saw it again some time later.

-Ever- 07-11-2004 09:14 AM

Watched the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre the other night and almost turned it off simply cause the story was too fake (IMO)

wrongfullyaccuzd 07-11-2004 12:48 PM

Never walked out of a movie in the theater, but I shut off the "Me, Myself, and Irene" DVD I had rented pretty quickly.

repeater 07-11-2004 02:26 PM

I don't think I've ever really walked out of a movie. A few I've turned off are:

George Washington
Josie and the Pussycats- a gf wanted to watch it.. not me

that's all I can think of right now

micah 07-11-2004 05:20 PM

I walked out of the Yaya Sisterhood movie. I went to see Undercover Brother instead.

Casus Belli 07-15-2004 12:48 AM

I just don't walk away from films, because i am very picky wich films i visit. Unfunny: The only film i ever walked out of was Godfather III, because my dad (with whom i was at the cinema) hypervented. That sucked big time.

Blasphemy. 07-16-2004 11:39 PM

I walked out of the 2nd Lord of The Rings.

Fuck that was such a horrible movie.

MeltedMetalGlob 06-19-2011 04:31 PM

(looked like a fun thread to revive)

I ran, not walked, RAN out of "Navy Seals" before it was finished. Partly because it blew donkey balls, but mainly to piss off a buddy who dragged me (and two others) to see it. The three of us got up and ditched him, running all the way home. God, that was more fun than the movie itself.

I wanted to walk out of "Top Gun", but I was with other friends and the theater was too far to walk home from.

I've turned movies off that I rented. Here's a partial list:

-The Aristocrats
-A Fish Called Wanda
-Men in Black

noodle 06-19-2011 06:02 PM

I heart Men In Black... because the pug speaks and I love the old dude.

I fell asleep in Van Helsing and we left Spiderman 3 about 20 minutes early because it was boring. We don't go to movies that don't get more than 60% on Rotten Tomatoes with very, very few exceptions. Under 60% is for at-home, sheer-boredom review. :)

snowy 06-19-2011 07:50 PM

My best friend in high school and I walked out of The Talented Mr. Ripley after Matt Damon bludgeoned Jude Law to death with an oar. That was just more than we could take.

Honestly, these days it takes a lot for me to go to a movie in the theater.

fresnelly 06-19-2011 08:08 PM

I almost walked out of Boogie Nights towards the end when it turned from an interesting character piece into a violent botched-theft flick, a la Pulp Fiction.

And PT Anderson was telegraphing that shit too. When a very black Don Cheadle, wearing a very white suit walks into a neon-lit technicolor donut shop, you just know shit's gonna go bad. I was fuming by the end.

Speed_Gibson 07-03-2011 09:29 AM

I came damn close to walking out of the both of the first two Star Wars Prequels, it was scarcely worth it even with the military discount.

Grasshopper Green 07-07-2011 08:31 AM

The only movie I've walked out on is Michael Collins - it was too much of a snooze. I fell asleep during Contact, Lost Highway, and Amistad; went with friends, walking out wasn't an option as they had the transportation. Hubby and I both wanted to walk out of Brothers Grimm, but for whatever reason, we both thought the other was enjoying it.

I have no qualms about turning off a movie at home.

Plan9 07-07-2011 08:47 AM

The recent "A Nightmare on Elmstreet" remake made me want to walk out but I needed to see this horribly pussified version of Freddy Krueger get shanked by the budget version of the Twilight cast in what can only be described as another Michael Bay turd.

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