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thumper69 10-21-2003 03:03 PM

Walked out of 2 Fast 2 Furious mainly for 2 reasons
1) Sex, had the urge to just get it on
2) i heard the word "bra" to much (if you don't get it, see it again) damn that guy... LOL it's all good

Nimbletoe 10-21-2003 03:17 PM

Down with love, during that stupid 10 minute monolouge near the end. I can't believe I got dragged to see it.

txlovely 10-21-2003 05:54 PM

Kiss of the Spider Woman and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - both incredibly painful.

wrongfullyaccuzd 10-21-2003 07:23 PM

i've never walked out of a movie on principal but iirc i turned off me myself and irene when i rented it...that was just bad.

Church 10-21-2003 09:33 PM

I walked out on Malibu's Most Wanted. Bleh. Stuuupid.

Fire 10-21-2003 11:52 PM

Road trip- SO
and I like tom green

ARTelevision 10-22-2003 12:53 AM

The second Matrix film.
The 3 of us decided after 45 minutes. it was unremittingly dreadful.

Spartak 10-22-2003 02:37 AM

I was under the influence of a lot of things and I fell asleep while watching The Fast and the Furious.. does that count as "walking out" :p ?

jvwgtr 10-23-2003 06:18 AM

I think the only one was Teenage Mutant Ninga Turles II.
I have a really hard time walking out, it just feels funny.

When I worked at a cinema, the movie that had the most walk-outs was Mixed Nuts. People demanded a refund. It got so bad, that we warned people before they bought tickets.
I had to see the whole thing.

God of Thunder 10-23-2003 09:22 AM

Never walked out, but I turned off "Airforce One" during the middle.

Just too unrealistic to me.

BeatBox 10-23-2003 10:19 AM

Bruce Allmighty

That movie should have been 15 minutes shorter. What a stupid film, it's Morgan Freeman's fault I stayed till 20 minutes before the end of the movie...

petergriffin24 10-23-2003 11:08 AM

Panic Room

I left and threw up in my mouth twice and had to choke it down I wouldn't make my worst enemy sit through that predictable piece of garbage!!

K-Wise 10-24-2003 03:08 AM


Originally posted by mattevil
Good rule of thumb never watch a movie starring jason lee and tom sizemore together(by themselves is usally ok)
I thought that movie was hilarious. Dreamcatcher was indeed a large dose of "GOD WHY?" but I could watch Big Trouble over & over again. I don't recall ever walking out of a movie no matter how stupid it was but a couple a times we've completely been watchin movies at home and just turned em off....example....Kids...but I was really young and my mom was like "Wtf is this? I'm not watching this" and she turned it off right at the begining. I still wanna check it out. The Killing Club with Tracy Lords is just a fuckin piece a shit I don't give a shit how hot people think Tracy Lords is ya couldn't pay me to watch the whole thing...it goes against my morals. I also have never finished Kung Pow either. Thats one a those movies where ya start watching them and ya get a hint in the beginning and then somewhere towards halfway ya just think "UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE!!" and shut it off and look for something good on Cable...I mean it had a few little moments in there that take you by surprize and are very funny but they are scattered hours from each other so for the life of me I can't understand why someone finds this shit funny. Must be easily amused mindless morons.


stinkynutz 10-27-2003 08:41 AM

Hmmm.....no one mentioned "Gods and Generals."
I've managed to sit through 1 hour of it. After that i've reached my threshold of pain and had to leave because I was about to claw my eyes out. It was soooooo boring. the guy kept babbling and babbling every 5 minutes about god and his family. i coudn't take it anymore.

I do like history, but the movie was way too detailed for me. Maybe i just don't get it since i'm not American.

AlCap0wn 10-27-2003 10:28 AM

I've stayed in every movie I entered.

Despite nearly 90% of the theatre walking out of Kill Bill (Pansies) I stayed the whole length.

rockzilla 10-27-2003 11:05 AM

I've seen about 10 movies in theatres in the past 5-6 years, and at least half of those were free passes. I won't spend money on a movie if I have any doubts about whether I'll enjoy it or not.
The closest I've come to walking out was when my gf got sick while we were attending a free preview of Zoolander. She went to the bathroom about 20-25 minutes in, and about 20 minutes later I went out to check on her and ended up taking her home. We ended up going back to see it a few weeks later, so maybe it doesn't really count.

sailor 10-27-2003 12:37 PM

Ive never walked out, but I turned off "Windtalkers" after about 20 minutes. Horrible movie.

fhqwhgads 10-27-2003 06:41 PM

I went to a free screening of "Very Bad Things" quite awhile ago. Never got past the part where they cut up the security guard. Not only did I walk out, but I threw away the free tshirt they gave me...

Melllvar 10-27-2003 06:51 PM

Star Wars: Episode 1. I was looking for the ejection seat button on my chair. That movie was so boring. Trainspotting was a movie that I stayed for, but strangly enough a group of slack jawed kids walked out of it. ha!

mew 10-27-2003 07:07 PM

I never walked out of a movie. Im not that picky. I usually like movies people find crappy, or Im just too cheap to waste a movie ticket. But this one movie Ghost Dog:Way of the Samurai, was the crappiest movie I had ever seen. My bf's wanted to go see it so I went, and we didnt even pay attention, we just goofed off since we were the only ones there. It was the single most boring movie I had ever witnessed. I was very disappointed. It was worse than all those movies listed above that I have seen (and agreed they werent the best), but man, no wonder it hadnt been properly advertised. Cause I never heard of it until those guys told me they wanted to see it. YUCK!

rs8001 10-27-2003 07:30 PM

Almost walked out on Star Wars Episode I. I probably should have as I had to bitch about it for a good week afterwards.

I did walk out on Ocean's Eleven. Admittedly, it was very close to the end anyway. I should have left earlier.

Chingal0 10-27-2003 07:48 PM


Originally posted by sailor420
Ive never walked out, but I turned off "Windtalkers" after about 20 minutes. Horrible movie.
Haha I forgot about this piece of shit. Nicholas Cage was horrible in this movie, IMO. I cried myself to sleep the night that I watched this. Horrible.

Also, as K-Wise said, Kung Pow. Fuck me. Honestly, I think MAYBE 45 seconds after I turned to the PPV that had this movie on, I turned it off because I knew that my IQ would be lowered.

And I will re-inforce to the end of my days, NOONE, I mean NOONE rent THE PLEDGE. It is the biggest bag of shit movie ever. WORSE then that lawyer movie with John Trivolta. Worse. And that JT movie, I fell asleep in the theater to. A Civil Action I think was the name. Dont see either of those, especially The Pledge. I thought it would be decent cause of Jack Nicholson being in it. Fucking A was I wrong. I want my 2hours back.

sTghezzo 10-28-2003 01:32 AM

ive never walked out of a movie, partially because i try not to go see something in theater without it knowingly being good, and because if it does turn out to be bad, im gonna get my moneys worth, ill stick through it just sittin there with a hope that it will turn around and get good.

K-Wise 10-28-2003 01:51 AM


Originally posted by mew
I never walked out of a movie. Im not that picky. I usually like movies people find crappy, or Im just too cheap to waste a movie ticket. But this one movie Ghost Dog:Way of the Samurai, was the crappiest movie I had ever seen. My bf's wanted to go see it so I went, and we didnt even pay attention, we just goofed off since we were the only ones there. It was the single most boring movie I had ever witnessed. I was very disappointed. It was worse than all those movies listed above that I have seen (and agreed they werent the best), but man, no wonder it hadnt been properly advertised. Cause I never heard of it until those guys told me they wanted to see it. YUCK!
Hmm....I actually liked Ghost Dog a whole lot. Of course I am a HUGE Wu-Tang fan so that mighta had something to do with it. Another movie I forgot about was Mission Impossible 1 with Tom Cruise.....First time I watched it I fell asleep at the beginning and woke up somewhere towards the middle or end....I thought hmm maybe I was just tired but I think I watched it at least 2 more times again and still fell asleep. To this day I haven't been able to get through the first parts of that movie without it putting me to sleep. Being somewhat of an insomniac I should probably look into purchasing the movie now that I think about it. Much quicker than sleeping pills.


supafly 10-28-2003 02:39 AM

Ghost Dog, what a lame movie.

Ripsaw 10-28-2003 11:20 AM

I fell asleep during Kung Pow.
When my buddy nudged me awake, it was time to walk out.

burntmonkey 10-28-2003 04:07 PM

I wanted to walk out of "To Die For". I thought, "Surely this movie will get better." No such luck.

I did walk out of Me, Myself, and Irene. Much too crude humor for me.

riptide4070 10-28-2003 04:30 PM

My ex-girlfriend (gf at the time) and best friend went to see "Unfaithful."

The last thing we all wanted to think about was cheating because it disgusts us and we don't find it provocative in the least.

iktoweya 10-28-2003 06:24 PM

i walked out of the newest romeo and juliet the whole talking in english just pissed me off so i just up and outted

mtsgsd 10-28-2003 07:35 PM

"Murder in Sanfrancisco" A chinese-made kung fu movie that was re-credited to give the 2-bit thug role the top billing so people would want to see the movie. The actor? Chuck Norris, who was big at that time. Only thing is the movie was from his early days as a nobody playing 2-bit parts. A description of the crimes this movie committed would be too long I think.

Also walked out of "Blow" with Johnny Depp. How you're supposed to sympathise or in any way get behind the his character in the movie is beyond me.

Astros67 10-29-2003 01:24 PM

lawnmower man
never tried to see it since....

Evil Milkman 10-29-2003 06:15 PM


Originally posted by clonmult
I would've walked out on the Big Lebowski (which is seriously lousy IMHO), if it wasn't for my G/f at the time giving me one seriously good hand job ....
Oh give me a break...like you were paying attention to the movie anyway. :p

Evil Milkman 10-29-2003 06:25 PM

I walked out of A Knight's Tale. I guess I was in a bad mood or something that night. The most embarrasing thing was that after I walked out of that movie, I snuck into Mummy 2. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Cycler 10-29-2003 08:33 PM

Well I fast forwarded through a parts of The Postman (Costner), Only movie I ever have skipped parts of on the first go through.

heccubusiv 10-29-2003 10:18 PM

Bringin' Down the House... no I did not pay to see it, it was playing at our campus theatre and I walked out about 30 minutes into it

InTeGrA77 12-17-2003 08:26 AM

I remember when I was younger...a lot younger, I was with a bunch of friends and we went to go and see Never Been Kissed, and during the banana scene when the condom snaps into the guys face, we all started laughing really really hard! I mean...we couldn't stop, and everyone was looking at us because we were so loud. My friends mom that we went with us had to drag us all out of there because we were "causing a scene." I also went to see The Southpark movie, and alls that I remember is the screen be overwhelmed with something huge and pink. My friend drove out of the drive-in lot almost instantly. Later we cracked up about it, and I saw the whole movie later, it was hilarious!

Jam 12-17-2003 11:13 AM

well theres this one scene on my van wilder dvd i skip... but i havent walked out of anymovie... and i want whoever made kung pow shot

InTeGrA77 12-17-2003 02:01 PM

I bet that the scene you skip is the part with the dog and the....donut like things that are filled with yummy goodness. I know, I can hardly stand it whenever I see it!

tooth 12-17-2003 02:32 PM

'Dick Tracy'
- twice.

Neither were technically walk-outs though. First time was at the drive-in, so it was more of a drive-off. Second time, it was on TV. I thought I would give it another shot, couldn't stand it. I might have made it through all of 15-30 minutes both times.

amge 12-17-2003 05:08 PM


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