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Game of Thrones on HBO (spoilers)
I wanted to start a new thread, to focus more on the actual series, rather than the casting.
All I have to say right now is 'woooooooooooooooooooow." Watching the first episode for the second time right now, so I'll add a more in-depth viewpoint later. For now though: You'd think HBO could've sprung for purple contacts for Viserys and Dany. Such a little thing, but it bothers me. When Benjen came on the scene, I clapped, and Eden & I declared, "that's our puppy!" :lol: Direwolf puppy: WANT! I love Arya so veryvery much. The rest is an incoherent fangirl "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" for now. |
I'm really impressed with the acting so far. That's usually the kiss of death for fantasy on film.
I'm not going to say much now, as I'm still kind of digesting it. They really have the look of everything down. So now it's going to come down to the acting being consistently good. I'm not that concerned with the deviations from the book. I understand the decisions that get made when filming literature. Sometimes you write something for the screen and it doesn't come out right, so you write something different. Sometimes you try things and they don't work (e.g., maybe they did try the contacts on the Targaryens and it looked silly/fake). I've enjoyed the entire production. The soundtrack north of the Wall was eerie and spacious. Quite nice. Just one of many examples of what I notice and pay attention to. Oh, and Sean Bean rules. Anyway... SQUEE! |
It's killing me that this is sitting on my seedbox waiting for me to get home from dinner at my parents....sounds like a good excuse to grab a 720p copy while I wait to get home.
what a good first episode. I found it a bit hard to keep up with the characters, names and houses, but it will grow apparent over time.
I can't see Mark Addy and not think he's messing with his son Brian or daughter Jennifer. |
Everything I really had issue with was very minor-- the Targaryens not having purple eyes, for example, and Viserys not coming across as mean as he did in the book.
On the whole, though, I was very impressed. The acting was solid, the scenery and camera work were beautiful. It played out like a big screen epic, to the point that I was vaguely surprised when the credits rolled. Also--- had I not known exactly who Jon, Robb, and Theon are, I very easily would've gotten confused (well, Jon and Robb in particular. Which is awesome, since they're half-brothers and all.) And OMG THE DIREWOLF PUPPIES WERE ADORABLE. *** From one of the discussion forums I've been reading: "Joffrey is perfectly cast. How do I know? The instant he appeared onscreen, I wanted to punch him in the face, repeatedly." :lol: |
Wow, indeed.
I haven't read any of the books, and didn't really have any pre-concieved notions about the work, except for the excitement I read from y'all's posts in the other thread, so I have to say, I'm now gonna have to invest in me some more books, and possibly subscribe to HBO. (thanks for the freeview weekend, HBO) And thanks, guys, for drawing my eye to this series. |
I think that she doesn't know what she's talking about at all. I'm not familiar with the books since I've not read them yet, but taking the show on it's own, it seems to fare better than something that showed up on the CW or WB.
I hope I still have HBO tonight so I can check out the first episode. Might actually re-order it if its good enough.
Cyn, she lost me at "sweeping 'Braveheart' shots of warrior hordes." She either hasn't seen Braveheart, didn't actually watch the whole episode of Game of Thrones, or is exaggerating.
And "Dungeons and Dragons aesthetic"? Seriously? She has clearly not picked up and read a fantasy or historical novel, and I sincerely doubt she knows the difference between that and D&D. Meh. |
Successful troll is successful.
GRRM bashed this woman's review, cause it's just horrible. She looked at "fantasy" and just didn't care. She skipped watching the show and then wrote down everything she hated about fantasy. ***** I really liked the show, I thought they did a great job about introducing the characters that felt natural and kept the fans of the show happy. Now, to get a copy of it to watch later this week. |
I liked GRRM's response to the article: "if I am writing "boy fiction," who are all those boys with breasts who keep turning up by the hundreds at my signings and readings?"
I really need to watch this again. People were talking, and distracting me from stuff I really wanted to pay attention to (like the Dany/Drogo consummation scene. Is it just me, or did it seem less...rape-y in the book? Part of the reason she falls in love with him is that he shows a more tender side with her that I didn't really see onscreen.) I almost feel like I want to be watching with a notepad in hand, scribbling down thoughts as I'm watching. |
In the book, Drogo makes attempts to communicate and connect with his new bride when he discovers just how frightened and innocent she really is. He makes some concession with regard to his sexual aggressiveness; however, Dany makes the decision to allow Drogo to consummate their marriage and invites him to do so, and that marked a big turning point in her perception of how the power was going to shift between her, Drogo, and her brother. She wasn't necessarily "into it"; but I think she learns (and at a very young age, mind you) that sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what you want. |
Savor season one, confident in the knowledge there will be....season two!
HBO renews 'Game of Thrones' for second season! | Inside TV | EW.com |
A Lannister always pays his debts.
And in other news.... A grown man goes crazy over a tv show. *akhem* SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you, that is all. |
I would have to assume that Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage draw fairly decent salaries as well, but this brings up an interesting point about the future. It's interesting how much front-loading there is of "big personalities" in this series, who need some degree of stunt casting like Spoiler: Sean Bean or Mark Addy to give legitimacy both to the character and to the series. However, as people have observed, these people die relatively quickly in the overall timeline. It will be very interesting to see how quickly the other actors are able to rise to the occasion and carry the series forward on their shoulders once some of the bigger names have met their untimely demises. I don't think I exaggerate when I say the continued success of the HBO adaptation hinges on their ability to do so. |
There are so many intriguing characters, and the casting looks well-played all around. I don't think it will be a problem. The challenge is knowing where to put the emphasis with the constraints of filming literature.
I don't feel the show was much different from the book. I remember some more talking between them, but at the end of the day, does the amount of her resignation really change the power balance? Whether she "allowed him" or didn't I feel it was still rape. If anything the show was more realistic (and more likely to have had more minds involved in the handling of it). Also, since GRRM is so heavily involved in this, I wonder if he was consulted on some of the scenes and perhaps used this as a chance to refine the presentation of certain scenes. Would love to hear more female perspectives on this scene and Dany's arc. EDIT: oh and the Bellafante review... 1) claiming a global-warming allegory is very strange 2) why do critics bother reviewing serialized shows after the first episode? |
The resignation isn't what changed the power balance. I'm not sure I'd call it a resignation. I saw it more as a shift in perspective. She didn't so much as think to close her eyes and think of Westeros as realize that a part of a woman's politics in this world is through sexual unison. As a Khal, Drogo needs an heir, and by providing him with one, Dany establishes more influence and power than her brother could hope for in his exile. She could have resisted Drogo and essentially get raped, or she could just go with it. She could look at it as a resignation, or she could accept it willingly and work it to her advantage. EDIT: From the book: He stopped then [caressing her, and playing with her breasts], and drew her down onto his lap. Dany was flushed and breathless, her heart fluttering in her chest. He cupped her face in his huge hands and she looked into his eyes. "No?" he said, and she knew it was a question. Of course, this is my most elaborate interpretation. It's my view that Martin doesn't fare well with regard to writing women. He tends to write them as schemers, sluts, and/or outcasts (if they're ugly). They come to life on the page by descriptions of what they're wearing, whether they're fat or voluptuous, and the size of their tits. (In a way, much better written than Robert Jordan's "She crossed her arms beneath her breasts.") But as with everything I read, I try to get some value and meaning out of it. The Ice and Fire series is driven by plot and action. Characterization, while more elaborate than in a lot of epic fantasy, tends to get sacrificed in the end. |
I just want to put in my two cents. I've read the series and love them, and I thought the premiere was astounding. The details in the sets was amazing.
That is all. |
So I watched it with snowy and 4 other people. I was distracted by conversation (aka smart ass remarks) and kitties. I have no idea what happened. I might try to watch it again sometime.
As someone who hasn't read the books (I've been told I should but I havent yet) I'll say this. It was okay.
Not great, not bad but just okay. But then again it was just the first episode, and I am interested and do want to see more. I will say this, visually it looked fantastic. |
I was a little lost for the first bit of the show, but then googled the plot to get an idea of the characters and plot. Looks like it will be pretty entertaining! :)
For those of you who haven't read the book: you have no idea what's in store.
I hope the edge of your seat is comfortable. |
I haven't read the books and I was totally at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see more! :hyper: |
Woo! Who's watching tonight at 9pm?
:) |
I'm heading to my friends house around 8:30 for drinks and GOT. I can't fucking wait.
watching it maybe tomorrow... I want to watch Ep 1 again and skogafoss wants to see it back to back.
Wow. Just wow.
The way it's unfolding is nothing short of satisfying. |
On a completely different topic, if anyone wants to PM me for some information for purposes totally separate from those discussed in the comic, on wholly unrelated matters, feel free. |
Now that I've watched it: they seem to be doing a really good job of hitting the high points of the story. Very rarely do I have to explain anything to the wife. I read the book long enough ago that I remember details about what's happening, a general familiarity with the overall plot arc, but not specific details, so it has an odd sort of familiar feel to it.
Watched back to back ep 1 & 2. It was very good and the dialogue while hard to hear at times was very good putting many elements into the story in short quick sentences without long drawn out dialog. Ep 2 seemed a little predictable at the end scene. Nice wedges been driven early on in the series.
I find nothing wrong with predictable. Many things are predictable. I have a strong sense of presence when watching things and I don't try to solve things ahead of time; I let them unfold.
Predictable is not a concern of mine. Chaucer's audiences knew exactly the kinds of stories they were getting from him. What delighted them astoundingly was what he presented to them; it was his presentation and delivery. No, I don't mind predictable, but I do appreciate a solid presentation. |
Finally saw the second episode. I believe I said in another thread that I'd be alternating between yelling, "that's not what happened" and "that was AWESOME!" That's exactly what happened, to the point that Eden was getting annoyed with me.
I know literature doesn't translate to the screen perfectly...they need to move things along, and blah blah blah... but I was still a little annoyed with the Jon/Arya scene. One of my favorites in the series, and it felt like they just glossed over it. Also... I love Dany & Drogo. In the books. Onscreen, not so much (although omg he is so yummy.) If I'd started watching before reading, I'd probably write him off as a stupid asshole. And I cried for Lady. Again. |
Hijacking this thread very briefly to link this:
Update - A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin's Official Website Been waiting to see that for so long. I had to change my pants twice. COME SOONER JULY! Edit: And in honor of same, I can't let cinna be the only person who gets to show off her Ice and Fire pride. Been using that avatar/title on my guild/alliance forums for a while, but seems a good a time as any to start using it here. |
Not a threadjack.
/nerdgasm |
I'm showing my support.
I still have no idea what's going on. Instead of a discussion on Medieval Muffs we debated the meaning of Manboobs and pecs. The guy with the pecs is hot.
I should probably watch this by myself or read the books, but am enjoying man eye candy. You my continue with an actual discussion pertinent to the story. |
Btw, do you guys think they'll show a marathon of the first season on HBO once they air the last episode? If so, I think I'll wait to buy HBO til then. My budget's kinda tight. |
http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u...omoa-conan.jpg http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u...first-look.jpg |
Drooooool. ZS likey!
Thanks BG! |
Yum. Jason Momoa is hot.
I have to admit, I was really excited when I saw he was cast as Khal Drogo. I really enjoyed the second episode :D |
Is he shirtless in that stargate show? I'll watch it on mute if he is.
mmm, Drogo. Someone on lj pointed me to this photoshoot, for which I'm very grateful.
And HURRAH for the book being finished! Guess who's going to be waiting in line at the bookstore in July? :hyper: |
Damn, episode 3 was fantastic. It really sunk it's hooks into me and drew me in. I totally lost track of time and it ended before I knew it. It was the first time, too, that I thought ahead about how I really want to get the Blu-ray of this. (I don't have HBO HD.) The sets are absolutely stunning.
Oh.... Jon rocks. Tyrion rocks. Arya rocks. |
Yep, this is going to be on my 'to buy' list when the series finishes and I'll also be getting book 5 asap.
I'm also hoping he doesn't do a Robert Jordan or David Gemmell and die before the series is finished being written. |
I totally geeked out tonight when Syrio Forel made his first appearance. He is one of my favorite characters in the books.
In 3 hours I leave for my Monday piano-teaching session. I will definitely be quoting Syrio's teaching methods to my students.
I love that a lot of the characters are exactly how I pictured them in the books. Littlefinger was Little-motherfucking-master-of-yo-wallet-finger and it was awesome.
Like BG said, I lost tract of time and got lost in the episode. Syrio Forel is one of my favorite "minor" characters and his fight scene coming up will be awesome. He was EXACTLY how I pictured him. I can turn a blind fan-crazed eye to a lot of the "minor" changes in the books just because they have NAILED a lot of my favorite characters. Some people in my house can't *cough* cinn *cough*. Anyone else see that they gave the (castle black's) blacksmith's speech to Tyrion? |
Sorry. I am adding NO value to this thread. |
I'm obviously not enough of a fan, as I didn't remember that the blacksmith said that speech ;) though I do recall it now you pointed it out. Episode 3 seemed kinda slow to me. I'm also missing seeing Jon's wolf - apart frm the scene where they find them in ep 1, he is unsighted. In the books he is a constant companion - perhaps they couldn't find an albino to use in filming... |
Still waiting for Samwell to show up with the men in black. I always liked his points of view in the series. Not everyone is tough and brave. Some are good in heart but just scared.
---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ---------- Quote:
***** Anyone else find it discomforting that we don't see a lot of direwolves (unless there are people to fuck up)? I think it might be because they are not major characters in their selves (you only really hear about them when they are fucking things up or Bran is talking to or watching them). Ghost is the exception, I think he plays a major part in Jon's life and we haven't seen him but once (mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaayyyyyybbbbbbbbeeeee twice if you look real quick at the long shot of the forest scene between Tyrion and Jon [while journeying to the wall]). |
I'm happy - the white wolf made an appearance :)
http://relliott4.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/dargo.jpg It's interesting following all of these different stories. Normally, even more complex television shows really only have 3 or 4 stories. This one has like 8. Arya Stark, I have to admit, was the first character to really capture my interest. She reminds me a great deal of a young woman I used to know, assertive, strong, passionate, and headstrong. There's always something fun about young women challenging traditional gender roles, and the actress who plays Arya is absolutely knocking it out of the park. I've not had a chance to read the series of books yet, but I get the feeling there's a brave warrior princess in our future. The next character to interest me was Tyrion Lannister. I'm a big Peter Dinklage fan, particularly after Station Agent, and he's really captured this role well. Devious, intelligent, scheming , and yet possibly someone to secretly root for. The stuff with Khal Drogo and Daenerys is brutal. I have to admit to being a bit jarred by her being essentially raped by her husband. I was glad to learn the actress who plays Daenerys is only a few years younger than myself. Her learning to be assertive in the bedroom feels kinda dirty and wrong, too. Although her knocking the shit out of Viserys was nothing short of glorious. It's always fun when the pompous jerk gets some come-uppins. The more complex political interplay is just starting to become clear. Eddard Stark as the King's Hand, the Lannister's treachery with poor little Bran (the peeping Tom, if we're all being honest), the clear battle to come, and the farther-off danger from the North, is all interesting. I'm looking forward to Snow getting a chance to get out into the North and prove his mustard, if that's how the phrase goes, so he can get a bit more respect both from the fellow guardians and from back home. Mark Addey reminds me a bit of my id. Needless to say, the series has my attention. I may read the books if I get some time. |
Swords out!
I'm so looking forward to Episode 5!
You know someone's going to get hurt. (Though I must say that what The Mountain did to that "boy knight" in Episode 4 was deliciously gruesome.) Aaaand, in other news: Quote:
Game of Thrones, ftw! EDIT: I also notice there are some fan edits floating around, like the one below. I know, I probably shouldn't have found it so funny, but I literally LOL'd at it. |
Just found this, it's pretty awesome. It's a complete infographic about the relationships in the 1st season of GOT. Pretty freaking cool.
Click the picture to see the whole thing. http://tdwgeeks.files.wordpress.com/...b5fbb4179b.jpg |
Good find, Eden.
ooooo - I just watched the preview - I'm looking forward to this week's episode already. Let the bloodshed begin!
I threw that infographic up on FB. A friend of mine is really getting into the series and she keeps asking me questions. Not that I mind, but the infographic does a good job of explaining it visually.
It says spoiler-free, but includes the twincest...are they going to keep it updated as the episodes progress? If not, we should.
Also, things I'm looking forward to: Gregor Spoiler: losing to the knight of flowers and slaying his horse and rioting, Syrio Spoiler: being a ninja and the crowning of Viserys. |
You find out about the twincest at the end of chapter 3 or something. I guess it's a spoiler, but it doesn't come late enough (nor is it really much of a surprise) for me to think it's worth worrying about. It spoilers (less clearly) a number of other things, as well, but I think if you can enough to look at a chart like that you can't be too picky. I'd love to see one updated for each book, though. That would be immensely interesting.
Yes, I can't wait for the crowning of Viserys.
We might be getting actual cable. I wonder how much it would be to add on HBO. |
So tonight we had our first big difference from the books. Renley and Ser Loras are gay lovers (unless I missed something from the books and not that there's anything wrong with it:rolleyes:). Maybe this is a forewarner to some other changes that I would like. I don't know why they added this twist as it just seemed to take away screen time from the other characters. The end this week shows how much of a dick Jamie is and how much it pains me to grow to like him as the books go on.
Spoiler: Apparently it becomes evident in Clash of Kings that Renly secures the support of the Tyrells though a romantic affair with Loras and a marriage to his sister, Margaery. It kind of surprised me too. Either I had forgotten about it or maybe it was a bit forward to put actual scenes addressing this. I suppose much of this is merely implied. I'd have to reread the text to see for myself. It makes for an interested discussion, I'm sure. After going through this, it now becomes clearer (though not crystal): Are Loras and Renly Gay? (Multi-book SPOILER warning!) More generally, we're starting to get scenes that convey information that don't exist in the book....because it's information that was originally relayed in standard narrative, outside of scenes. Therein lies the major challenge of filming literature. |
We are also getting a lot of information that Martin wanted out there but never got around to.
Ex: I read an interview with him when he talked about the age of the Stark brood as it compared to the books ( I think Jon was 14 or something?). He said he had meant to age them a lot more as the books went on but found no way to make enough time pass with everything going on in all the various viewpoints, so he just made them older in the show. Apparently there are details HE changed to keep things more in line with his original intent, even if it differed from the books. |
I missed the Loras/Renly subtext...but there were people in my GoT discussion group who thought it was obvious and were looking forward to seeing it onscreen. I can KIND OF remember a few things, but a rereading will definitely be necessary. At any rate, it explains why Spoiler: he and Margaery never consummated their marriage.
Edit-- Thanks for that link, Baraka. |
I think maybe in my case I assumed the subtext was meant as humour and not to be taken literally.
Im glad to see the Mountain and Hound getting more screentime. I Hate/Love those guys they have some great moments in upcoming books/episodes.
Thanks for the link Baraka. Seems pretty obvious now but I still missed it.:mad:
I've read the books a few times and never really noticed the hints at the gay relationship - maybe I'm not so bright after all :)
It's just lines, I mean I didn't really pick it up til I re-read the books. It's not "OMG RENLY TAKES IT IN THE BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT", it's really just court gossip and various insults.
Speaking of in the butt, the show makes it look like Renly is the... catcher and Sir Loras is pitching while in the books I saw it the other way around. Seems like Renly seems less... manly in the show as I thought he was more of a fighter in the books. Then again, I maybe thinking to much about this. ***** Bronn! One of my favorite of the minor characters, he wasn't exactly how I saw him in the books. Thinking back, I didn't really have a clear image of what he looked like. I can't wait to see him kicking the shit out of the knight of the vale. I want a moon door to throw people out of my house I don't like. Maybe I'll just paint a sign over the front door and when the puppy goes to pee, I will yell "Fly Benjen FLY INTO THE BLUE!" I bet my neighbors are going to love that. |
Let's not forget that Loras is the "knight of flowers" and is known for flair. Renly is merely deemed handsome and charismatic. |
Preview: Episode 6 – A Golden Crown
holy shit. what an episode. Not only was the violence good but the repartee and dialogue was top notch!
I watched episode 1 on HBO GO the other day. Some interesting touches and facts to come up alongside. If you have access to it check it out. If you don't, you're gonna be sad because... As I was checking it out I was telling Skogafoss that it was pretty amazing that they had all this additional content that was filling up and if they leveraged it as an online only thing it would be a way to break or devalue their carriage contracts with MSO (cable operators) and go directly to the viewers just like Major League Baseball did with MLB.com and their MLB Advance Media division. And that's when at the end of the show they announced that after Ep 6 airs on Sunday immediately afterwards, Episode 7 will be available on HBO GO a full week ahead of the cable broadcast. Watch Episode 7 Advance Preview on HBO GO and other Game of Thrones videos online on HBO.com Suck it Cox Cable! I have Verizon FIOS but it doesn't sound as cool to say... |
Watch it again here: Littlefinger Talks to Varys - Episode 5: Game of Thrones - HBO.com (Except they left out the best parts.) Here's a comment from G. R. R. M. about it on his blog: Quote:
I wonder if I'd be enjoying this *more* if I hadn't read the books? Because I *know* what is going to happen, it does take the edge of some things. My wife keeps asking me questions like "When does Ned head back to Winterfell?" (this was half way through episode 5) and I keep deflecting the questions as I know what happens - I don't want to ruin the what follows with spoilers for her.
So, do those who have read the books feel like you might enjoy this more as a TV series if you hadn't read the book? |
Having read the book, I'm instilled with delicious anticipation, considering I know what's going to happen. I can't wait for events to unfold before my eyes. I want to see how it resolves on screen in comparison to the narrative and my mind's eye. We're now at the halfway point of the season. I have yet to see any serious detractors who are disappointed in the show. I think, generally, the production quality is high, the acting is great, the writing is where it needs to be. In execution, the show is a huge payoff. That said, I know what's coming. I know. It's killing me. I look forward to every Sunday night when I can finally see how they handle the story and make it come to life. At the end of every episode, when the credits roll, I'm on the edge of my seat and I sigh in anticipation for it to continue. Am I envious of those who don't know the story yet? Only as far as I will miss out on the shocking revelations. I know what's coming, and I can't wait for those who don't know to finally get smacked upside the head with it. I hope those people post here with their reactions. The other thing to realize is that these same shocking revelations were quite powerful in the book as well, so it's not like we're missing out on them. In a way, we can experience them again for the first time in a new form, with our eyes and ears. Episodes 6 through 10: This shit is about to get real. :oogle: |
I stopped reading the book. I have already been watching things and then going back to the books after I was totally impressed by the movies, like and I found it interesting to go to the source material and see where they added or removed and found appreciation for the work. Dexter I didn't see as good source material but did see how they were able to make the series so much better than the books.
I'm currently contemplating whether I should read The Hunger Games or just wait for the movie next year.
I have friends who have been reading the True Blood books and I read the first one, but only after I'd seen the whole first series, so the series was a spoiler for the book for me. I didn't think the book was particularly good, but may have enjoyed it more if I didn't know what was going to happen.
I turned me off reading any more of the books. I guess this anticipation of this is like the Lord of the Rings movies - more interest in seeing how a movie/TV maker converts the written word to screen, rather than plot per se. |
I very much enjoyed The Hunger Games and definitely recommend reading it. Take that with a grain of salt, though, especially considering what I'm about to say next... I haven't watched a full episode since the second one. I think, because I'm so into the books, it's hard for me to separate the two. And I just don't enjoy how some of the characters are onscreen as opposed to in my head. Cersei is too likeable. The bond with the wolves isn't as obviously apparent. Jon usually has a derpy look on his face, which makes him come off as an airhead. Less importantly, Tyrion is too pretty, and Jaime and Loras aren't pretty enough (the physical stuff is very minor, though. Obviously you aren't going to get actors that are identical to what you've imagined.) On the other hand, I'm fully enjoying the picspam, gifs, icons, and snark that comes along with having a television show. And some of the actors have really nailed the characters (Arya and Viserys come immediately to mind.) I'm probably going to have a mini marathon and watch episodes 3-7 back to back. In the meantime, I'm rereading A Feast for Crows. :) |
That was fucking awesome.
Crown for the Cart King! |
Ha! I guess Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts! What?!
Oh, and Bronn rocks. |
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