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Old 09-13-2004, 09:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Davidson, NC/ Manassas, VA
Most badass anime characters

They had a thread for the most badass character (hero or villian) in video games in Tilted Gaming, so I thought I'd start a thread for the most badass anime characters.

My top 5: (no particular order)

Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)- little fast dude, with sword and glowing eyes of doom

Vash the Stampede (Trigun)- super smart plant dude, with BIG gun

Gene Starwind (Outlaw Star)- all-around cool guy bad-ass fighter

Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)- fluid like water, cool demeanor, kicker of asses

Legato (Trigun)- made a guy rip his own heart out, dimented, freaky, hard core bad ass

**list is subject to change as I increase my anime library and encounter new badasses
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:23 PM   #2 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
I haven't watched enough Anime Series to fairly annoint a single someone as bad ass but the main character from Blood was pretty bad ass, as was Jubei from Ninja Scroll. Also, Motoko Kusanagi is incredible in all her incarnations, as is Batau (only in the films though).

Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 09-13-2004 at 10:36 PM..
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Old 09-13-2004, 10:57 PM   #3 (permalink)
Stare At The Sun's Avatar
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
Dunpeal- Vampire Hunter D/Bloodlust. Simply a badass.

Alucard- Hellsing Another badass Vampire.
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Old 09-13-2004, 11:29 PM   #4 (permalink)
hilbert25's Avatar
Location: nOvA
Gatsu from Beserk
Vicious from Cowboy Bebop
The Pirate King from FLCL (well only because of his taste in guitars)
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Old 09-14-2004, 12:19 AM   #5 (permalink)
Bim's Avatar
Location: Onett, EagleLand
Nicolas D. Wolfwood - Trigun
Yusuke Urameshi - Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei - Yu Yu Hakusho
Vash - Trigun
Ein - Cowboy Bebop

I don't watch many animes.
"If you stay here too long, you'll end up frying your brain. Yes, you will. No, you will...not. Yesno, you will won't." -Guy in Moonside
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Old 09-14-2004, 02:20 AM   #6 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Thanks for reminding me, one of my girlfriends keeps telling me how much of a bad ass Alucard is, and how sexy he is... that's why I hate him

Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 09-27-2004 at 08:19 PM..
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Old 09-14-2004, 03:06 AM   #7 (permalink)
Spike Seigal - Cowboy BeBop
Najica Hiiragi - Najica Blitz Tactics
Maya Jingu - Burn Up Excess
Rally Vincent - Gunsmith Cats
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Old 09-14-2004, 04:38 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Davidson, NC/ Manassas, VA
AHH! How could I forget the Hellsing organization's pet monstrousity? Alucard far exceeds at least someone on my list....but who?

Revised Top 5: (again subject to change)

Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)

Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Spike Speigel (Cowboy Bebop)

Legato (Trigun)

Alucard (Hellsing)- for crying out loud he's the Prince of Fucking Darkness!
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Old 09-14-2004, 05:23 AM   #9 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
Lasereth's Avatar
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bebop
Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, etc. - DBZ (it may be an amateur anime, but there's no getting around the fucking awesome fight scenes)
Kakashi-Sensei - Naruto
Sasuke - Naruto

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 09-14-2004, 07:30 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Davidson, NC/ Manassas, VA
definatley can't count out Goku, the most raging badass of them all, especially in SS4.
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Old 09-14-2004, 07:58 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Iowa...sometimes
This guy

followed by this guy
Watch More TV

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Old 09-14-2004, 04:25 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: About 50,000 feet in the air... oh shit.
I can't believe you almost forgot Alucard your shmuck. Also, Legato is not a badass. He's a tool. Good call on Ein Starman Deluxe. Well, there are so many, so I'm going to try to pick ones not listed above. (Spike is there like 800 times, which he deserves to be, but I'ma go for diversity.)

Ban Mido - Getbackers - Evil eye? Most badass power ever!

Jackal - Getbackers - He has knives in his fucking body and he uses them to kill for fun. Now that's badass.

Vegeta - Dragon Ball Z - I know DBZ characters aren't typically badass, but Vegeta just is. He kills his own teammate for one thing, but more importantly, he's the only Z-Fighter who will kill the peons that are trying to kill him, even when they pose him no threat. Plus, he ate those mantis people which was just cool.

The Rock Dude - Ninja Scroll - He spilt more blood than anyone except maybe Alucard. Plus, he punched Jube through a frickin' rock.

(Was gonna put Vicious here, but he's already there.)

The Butler - Hellsing - Damn. Wires in the gloves. Slicey Dicey. Old man kickin some ass. That's badass.

Last edited by Amarth; 09-14-2004 at 04:27 PM..
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Old 09-14-2004, 10:07 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Plano, TX
I second the votes for Spike from Cowboy Bebop and Vash from Trigun.

The rock dude in Ninja Scroll was nice, but Jubei was so much nicer - "You can't be hard everywhere! /fling"

Oh, the old man was badass too.

I still love DBZ - but mainly because it's so fun and easy to watch, and kinda fun to make fun of. We love to imitate the announcer... and make lots of references to the fact that each episode is maybe 2-3 minutes of DBZ time.

"On the next episode of DRAGON BALL Zeeeeeeeeeee! Goku powers up some more!"
Krillin: "I don't know Goku! He's pretty strong!"
Vegeta: "It's IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Kakarat cannot possibly defeat me!"

That pretty much sums up 90% of the episodes.

Okay, maybe not. But it's fun to make fun of it sometimes.
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw
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Old 09-15-2004, 07:47 AM   #14 (permalink)
1.) Sarutobi (3rd Hokage)-Naruto
2.) Itachi Uchiha-Naruto
3.) Toguro-Yu Yu Hakusho
4.) Spike-Cowboy Bebop
5.) Seshomaru-InuYasha
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Old 09-15-2004, 02:55 PM   #15 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Most a my faves are from DBZ/GT and Yu Yu

<img src="http://www.lucabattistoni.supereva.it/gotenks.jpg">

<img src="http://www.myfavoritegames.com/dragonball-z/Images/Transformations/Janemba.gif">

<img src="http://www.geocities.com/joyofmints/Brolly_s_Transformation_Punch.jpg">

Majin Buu (of course)
<img src="http://imaginaryboys.altervista.org/english/DragonBall/characters/majinbu.jpg">

<img src="http://www.shinryuu.hpg.ig.com.br/yuyu/Galeria/Inimigos/toguro-full_x_yusuke.jpg">

Hiei (of course)
<img src="http://images.auctionworks.com/hi/62/61664/yu-yu-hakusho.jpg">

Definitely Dunpiel
<img src="http://nielsenhome.net/animereviews/d02.jpg">

I guess his name is Grove...he's incredible
<img src="http://www.projectbag.com/vhd/pics/bloodlust/grove/grove12.jpg">

<img src="http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~hobbez/aisha2.jpg">

<img src="http://www.animetrain.com/TM/!ryoko.jpg">

Zero Gundam and the Epion
<img src="http://www.arquisoft.brtdata.com.br/papel/gundam-1-arquisoft.jpg">

<img src="http://www.theotaku.com/trigun/pictures/trigun10/image_19.jpg">

And of course the obvious ones...Goku, Gohan, all the Z fighters, Kenshin, Inuyasha, Vash etc. I'm forgetting some I know it....thing is I keep forgetting which actual anime MOVIES I've seen and not just shows....hmm oh well.

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!

Last edited by K-Wise; 09-15-2004 at 03:01 PM..
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Old 09-19-2004, 02:38 PM   #16 (permalink)
The Funeral of Hearts
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Location: Trapped inside my mind. . .
Ok. . . Let's see what I can come up with here.

D - Vampire Hunter D

Alucard - Hellsing

Kenshin - Rurouni Kenshin

Vegeta - DBZ

Brolly - DBZ

Deathscythe - Gundam Wing (not really a 'character', but damn cool.)

And, his name currently slips my mind, but the butler from Hellsing was a complete and total badass.

Until we meet again. . .
"So Keep on Pretending.
Our Heavens Worth the Waiting.
Keep on Pretending.
It's Alright."

-- H.I.M., "Pretending"
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Old 09-19-2004, 04:10 PM   #17 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Bateau- Ghost in the Shell 1&2 (GO SEE 2 NOW!!!)
Akira- Akira; Unequaled power and perfect storyline
Naruto- Naruto
Jubei- Ninja Scroll
Yoko Kanno- Cowboy Bebop; I am of the opinnion that the very popular and stylistic Cowboy Bebop series and movie are made great by the perfect music written by prodegy Yoko Kanno. I know Spike is the popular pick here, but I feel that the futuristic funk and synth jazz makes this series singularly original.
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Old 09-19-2004, 05:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
Lasereth's Avatar
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
I have a new one due to me watching about 20 episodes of Naruto this weekend:

Rock Lee from Naruto.

"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 09-19-2004, 05:50 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: www.state.tx.us
My vote is Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop
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Old 09-19-2004, 06:34 PM   #20 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Just about all of the DarkStalkers

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
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Old 09-19-2004, 07:03 PM   #21 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
Redjake's Avatar
Location: Wilson, NC
Sasuke - Naruto

Rock Lee - Naruto

Spike - Cowboy Bebop

Goku, Vegeta - Dragonball Z
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 09-19-2004, 07:17 PM   #22 (permalink)
Motoko Kusanagi
Spike Spiegel
Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
Jin (same)
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Old 09-19-2004, 07:24 PM   #23 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
sadistikdreams's Avatar
Location: Seattle.
Jet Black - Cowboy Bebop
Faye Valentine - Cowboy Bebop
Haruhaha Haruko - FLCL
Lord Kanti - FLCL
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hearts, by d.a.
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Old 09-20-2004, 11:44 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Where everyone knows my name
His name is D people, not dunpeal, just D. (as far as I know)

Some of my current favs which havent been mentioned yet:

Hyugo from Samuari 7

Maki from Airmaster

Big props to the guy who mentioned Ban and Jackal, two of my favorite characters.
"Hike up your skirt and show the world to me"
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Old 09-21-2004, 08:19 PM   #25 (permalink)
The only possible number one(for me anyways) is Gatts from Berserk.

Following him:

Karou from Ai Yori Aoshi (to resist all those girls that want him....he must be a badass).

All joking aside:
Alucard from Hellsing
Walter(the butler) from Hellsing
Mamoru Takamura from Hajime No Ippo

There are plenty more, but i cant possibly fit them all into one message board service
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Old 09-21-2004, 09:35 PM   #26 (permalink)
Comment or else!!
KellyC's Avatar
Location: Home sweet home
In terms of destructive power, it's Goku from DBZ all the way.
In terms of attitude, it's Vegeta from DBZ and Gaara from Naruto, what with their "I'm going to kill you" look and anti-social behavior...
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.
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Old 09-21-2004, 10:06 PM   #27 (permalink)
Holy Knight of The Alliance
Location: Stormwind, The Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth
Sasuke, Kakashi - Naruto
Every major character from DBZ
Spike Siegel, Vicious - Cowboy Bebop
Dunpeal - Vampire Hunter D
Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise(sp), Trowa Barton, Treize Khushrenada, Chang Wufei - Gundam Wing
Caneda, Tetsuo - Akira
Yusuke Urameshi, Kazana Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama - Yu Yu Hakusho
InuYasha, Sesshomaru, Naruku, Kikyo - InuYasha
What do you say to one last showdown?
- Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid 3

The password is "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha.
- The Colonel and Snake, Metal Gear Solid 3
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Old 09-22-2004, 12:07 AM   #28 (permalink)
"Alucard- Hellsing Another badass Vampire"

There ya go, thats my vote too
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Old 09-24-2004, 09:26 PM   #29 (permalink)
Oh dear God he breeded
Seer666's Avatar
Location: Arizona
Kirika Yumura from Noir. School Girl of Death.
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!

I am the one you warned me of

I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.
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Old 09-27-2004, 01:47 PM   #30 (permalink)
Draconis's Avatar
Location: Normandy, June of '44
I think this one may have been overlooked.
Akito Tenkawa - Nadesico

Also, there's a few other cool ones.
Shinji (honestly, he becomes God) - from eva
Alex Rou - Last Exile

That's all for now
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Old 09-28-2004, 06:19 AM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Barbados
i would have to say Kazuma from Scryed for male and Saya from Blood: The Last Vampire for female
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Old 09-28-2004, 03:21 PM   #32 (permalink)
bundy's Avatar
Location: Tokyo
the name is DORAEMON people.

nothing/noone is badder.

no, seriously, biggest baddass would probably be D the Dunpiel or Saya from Blood.
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Old 09-29-2004, 06:59 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Davidson, NC/ Manassas, VA
touche' Draconis....tocuhe'....Shinji is quite the bad-ass. I mean, come on, smiting people on a global scale...jeez, need I say more?
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Old 09-29-2004, 02:17 PM   #34 (permalink)
skier's Avatar
Location: Edmontania
Tagura from hajime no ippo
he's a fucking badass/pervert
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Old 06-08-2005, 04:48 PM   #35 (permalink)
akito's Avatar
Location: Colorado
Originally Posted by Draconis
I think this one may have been overlooked.
Akito Tenkawa - Nadesico
SO TRUE!! Particularly from the Nadesico movie, he's such a badass.

My selections for "most badass anime character" include:

Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bebop
Akito Tenkawa - Martian Successor Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness
Lucy - Elfen Lied
Vicious - Cowboy Bebop
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Old 06-08-2005, 05:21 PM   #36 (permalink)
Telluride's Avatar
Location: California
Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Mad Pierrot and Vicious, from Cowboy Bebop.

Vash the Stampede, from Trigun.

Jubei and Mujuro (the blind ninja of the Devils of Kimon), from Ninja Scroll.

Kusanagi and Bateau, from Ghost In The Shell.

Aeon Flux and Trevor Goodchild, from Aeon Flux.
"I am certain that nothing has done so much to destroy the safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice." - Friedrich Hayek
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Old 06-08-2005, 06:13 PM   #37 (permalink)
MiSo's Avatar
can't think of much right now but one comes to mind.

Kurono (Gantz)
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Old 06-08-2005, 10:17 PM   #38 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Amarth
Jackal - Getbackers - He has knives in his fucking body and he uses them to kill for fun. Now that's badass.
I agree. Plus, his voice just makes him that much more psychotic.
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Old 06-08-2005, 10:32 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Optimus Prime
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"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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Old 06-09-2005, 01:57 AM   #40 (permalink)
Oh dear God he breeded
Seer666's Avatar
Location: Arizona
Originally Posted by Suave
Optimus Prime
Can I get an Amen?!
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!

I am the one you warned me of

I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.
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anime, badass, characters

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