I second the votes for Spike from Cowboy Bebop and Vash from Trigun.
The rock dude in Ninja Scroll was nice, but Jubei was so much nicer - "You can't be hard everywhere! /fling"
Oh, the old man was badass too.
I still love DBZ - but mainly because it's so fun and easy to watch, and kinda fun to make fun of. We love to imitate the announcer... and make lots of references to the fact that each episode is maybe 2-3 minutes of DBZ time.
"On the next episode of DRAGON BALL Zeeeeeeeeeee! Goku powers up some more!"
Krillin: "I don't know Goku! He's pretty strong!"
Vegeta: "It's IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Kakarat cannot possibly defeat me!"
That pretty much sums up 90% of the episodes.
Okay, maybe not. But it's fun to make fun of it sometimes.