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Frosstbyte 06-11-2008 11:39 PM

I suppose this is something of a threadjack (maybe not) but I really wish Joss had had the decency to let the series be what they were instead of all this stupid comic book nonsense. That goes for Buffy and Angel, too. They were great, I love watching them, but they ended. Decisions were made about how, where and why to end them. I don't know if it is money or hubris or what, but the comics feel to me just as bad as Lucas changing and adding scenes to the original Star Wars Trilogy. They're not necessary. They're not really true to the stories or th characters the TV series told. Ah well.

I suppose there's a lot of demand for those universes and characters to go on existing. I'll watch my box sets and be happy with what they were.

m0rpheus 06-12-2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
I suppose this is something of a threadjack (maybe not) but I really wish Joss had had the decency to let the series be what they were instead of all this stupid comic book nonsense. That goes for Buffy and Angel, too. They were great, I love watching them, but they ended. Decisions were made about how, where and why to end them. I don't know if it is money or hubris or what, but the comics feel to me just as bad as Lucas changing and adding scenes to the original Star Wars Trilogy. They're not necessary. They're not really true to the stories or th characters the TV series told. Ah well.

I suppose there's a lot of demand for those universes and characters to go on existing. I'll watch my box sets and be happy with what they were.

You mean the decision that was made was by FOX to cancel Firefly?

How the heck are the stories not true to the TV series??? To me it felt like meeting back up with old friends. Yeah Better Days isn't really that important to the overall arc of the story but then again neither were some of the episodes. Those Left Behind links the TV show to the movie and is way more important to the overall story than, say, Heart of Gold.
Joss didn't get the chance to tell the stories that he wanted with Firefly because Fox screwed the show and then the movie wasn't a mega success.

I hope you continue to enjoy the box set and the movie but you really are missing out on the rest of the story he would have told on TV given the chance because of your anti-comic book bias. Hopefully others can get past it because when I read Mal in the book it I hear Nathan Fillion speaking the lines.

xepherys 06-13-2008 10:14 AM

must... get... the books... :|

Redlemon 07-02-2008 09:15 AM

Hey, why didn't anyone here tell me about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? Joss Whedon! Nathan Fillion! Neil Patrick Harris! Superheros! Songs! Free online streams!

* Part 1 - Tuesday July 15
* Part 2 - Thursday July 17
* Part 3 - Saturday July 19

These episodes will “air” online only until July 20. Follow the link above for the trailer.

Frosstbyte 07-02-2008 02:21 PM

m0rpheus, I haven't actually read too many of the Firefly books, so they might be different. I was mostly speaking to my experiences with the Buffy and Angel continuations. I know for a fact that the series resolved certain character storylines (Wesley's and Anya's, for example) specifically because the shows were ending, when they had planned to do something else with them had the show continued.

Firefly really never had the chance to establish itself or the time to develop the characters and their stories enough, so I suppose there was a lot more unexplored material just kind of left hanging and out there, but with his other series, I think he should have let things be.

The decisions I was referring to was not the decision to cancel/end the show but rather the plot decisions made in response to cancellation/termination in order to wrap up storylines.

Strange Famous 07-04-2008 12:21 PM

I never saw the show at all and had no idea what the background to the movie was.

I liked it, it was pretty cool - my fave bit was:


When River raced into the room to get the medicine bag with the antidote to save her brother, and then got caught by the reavers... I figured she would get killed and have a heroic death cos she wasnt exactly a sympathetic character... but in the end turned out all those reaver motherfuckers simply got merked and fucked up and laid out on fucking platters.... haha... was a good "yeah!" kind of moment.

xepherys 07-04-2008 03:18 PM

SF, that IS a great part. I wish the second season would've come to light. Before the movie, nobody really knew that River had it in her. Wait, the part at the bar was in the movie too, right? Yeah, I think so. Anyways, it was a great part. The "Ballet of Death" as we call it here in the Williams' household.

CinnamonGirl 06-09-2009 05:59 PM

So, I finally watched the movie. Wow. Just...wow.

Totally cried. Wash was definitely my favorite. Now I need to get the comics!

guy44 06-09-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2648938)
So, I finally watched the movie. Wow. Just...wow.

Totally cried. Wash was definitely my favorite. Now I need to get the comics!

Welcome to the cult. We typically meet here.

CinnamonGirl 06-09-2009 11:51 PM

:lol: Well, as a longtime Buffy fan, I think I've been in the "cult" for a while now.

Definitely need to catch up on the Buffy comics... my local comic shop closed down, and I'm at LEAST ten issues behind.

Sigh....really, REALLY wish there'd been more Firefly.

FuglyStick 06-10-2009 12:04 AM

Firefly was my first exposure to Christina Hendricks' awesome bewbs, and for that I will be forever grateful.

CinnamonGirl 06-10-2009 12:08 AM

Ah, yes.... that whore..

lol...no, her character was cool. Beautiful, obviously. And I loved the way Mal played off/responded to her in "Trash."

ratbastid 06-10-2009 04:37 AM

We've JUST discovered Firefly in the last few weeks. We've been slowly doling out episodes to ourselves. Completely love it. Completely.

We seem to spend a lot of time discussing who our favorite character is, too. I've concluded that I love most whoever spoke last. Jayne will say something and I'll be a Jayne fan, then Wash will pipe up and I'm all about Wash, etc, etc. We've gotten to the same place we're at with 30 Rock--we watch it with a finger on the pause button, because at least once an episode we have to stop the tape and scream about something.

Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir!
Mal: Ain't we just?

vinceco252 06-10-2009 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2649112)
Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir!
Mal: Ain't we just?

Just reading that makes me want to watch the whole series and the movie again...

Baraka_Guru 06-10-2009 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by vinceco252 (Post 2649117)
Just reading that makes me want to watch the whole series and the movie again...


This has to be one of the best tv shows ever. The one thing I always go on about when it comes to this series is that as a sci-fi it stands out as one that somewhat abides by Newtonian physics (no sound in space) and is an anti-space opera...no sweeping vistas of the big, bad empire; believable characters with real flaws and failures; a dedicated focus on the characters' point of view vs. the enemy; etc.

Although I'm not sure I would call it "hard" sci-fi, I like the attention to detail in regard to how they approached the filming and special effects.

Of course, that it's a space western doesn't hurt.

I need more sci-fi like this.


Redlemon 06-10-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2648938)
So, I finally watched the movie. Wow. Just...wow.

Totally cried. Wash was definitely my favorite. Now I need to get the comics!

Y'know, I was disappointed in the movie. I thought it had too much action and not enough personality. Loved the series, never saw the comics.

CinnamonGirl 06-10-2009 12:06 PM

Well, I very much prefer the series over the movie. Thinking I'm going to go back and watch it all the way through again.

Did anyone else think Mal came off waaaaaay more asshole-ish at the beginning of the movie than anytime in the series? When he was arguing with Simon, I kept thinking about how, in the series, he considered Simon & River part of his crew.

squeeeb 06-10-2009 12:27 PM

CinnamonGirl - i don't think Mal came off anymore assholeish than he sometimes was. while he always considered simon part of his crew, he wasn't always "super nice" to him. but i only saw the movie once, in theaters, so i might be forgetting exactly how he was.

either way, i liked the movie very much, i was afraid they would ruin it, but they seemed to stay pretty true.

i FUCKING LOVED the show. it pisses me off that the one damn show on tv i actually wanted to watch and would actually sit through got canned. "Trash" and "Objects in space" were the best episodes. now there are books? i didn't know about the books. i shall look into them and obtain them.

vinceco252 06-10-2009 12:39 PM

I AM watching it... couldn't resist.

LordEden 06-12-2009 05:38 AM

The Sci-fi channel will be showing the Serenity movie this Saturday @ 6:30 and once a month for the next 2 months. Great chance for people to show the movie off to others who haven't been pulled in and for those who haven't seen it enough.

Sci-fi Forum Post

Baraka_Guru 06-12-2009 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by FuglyStick (Post 2649050)
Firefly was my first exposure to Christina Hendricks' awesome bewbs, and for that I will be forever grateful.

I just wanted to say that she's one of the few celebrities that I can honestly say make me go ga-ga. I should really watch Mad Men.

ratbastid 06-12-2009 06:29 AM

We just finished the series last night. AWESOME.

River: I'm not on the ship. I AM the ship.

n0nsensical 06-12-2009 06:07 PM

Loved the series, the movie was good but I think it was just more suited to TV format. Apparently someone has the rights to make an online RPG for the Firefly universe but it may not happen, I thought that would be pretty cool.

Fremen 03-07-2011 03:19 PM

It seems the Science Channel will start airing Firefly starting next Sunday night.
Although they start off with the episode "The Train Job" and not Serenity, I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

Willravel 03-07-2011 06:42 PM

Actually, it started last night with the two-part pilot and the train job episodes.

Fremen 03-07-2011 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2879909)
Actually, it started last night with the two-part pilot and the train job episodes.

Ahh, my mistake. Cool. They actually get it, then. :)

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