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Old 01-14-2008, 03:47 AM   #81 (permalink)
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
Actually Im talking about the schedule on BBC in the UK vs the schedule on BBCA here in the states,

Sci Fi runs the new seasons first there, then BBCA picks them up not the other way round

So...what I want to know is....When will Sci Fi start running season 4?
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Old 01-14-2008, 05:53 AM   #82 (permalink)
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I'm just ticked that the CBC didn't show this year's Christmas special at Christmas. They'll probably wait until Summer when Season 4 (I think) will air here. This would be both after Hockey and the BBC run are finished.

Shani, I suspect you'll have to wait at least until summer as well.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life
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Old 01-14-2008, 06:00 AM   #83 (permalink)
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oh well....at least its less than two weeks til the premier of Season Two of Torchwood!!!

One of my fav people is going to be on it this season:

James Marsters who plays Captain John, another Time Agent. He is set to have a "horny and violent" sexual encounter with Captain Jack.
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Old 01-14-2008, 06:10 AM   #84 (permalink)
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I liked the latest VOTD, minus Kylie Minogue going for the Doctor. Although, what woman could resist the charms of the coolest nine hundred year old bachelor? Eh? Eh!? I think the relationship issue stuff shouldn't be dealt with [as they have been] till the 13th life of the Doctor... so in not too long.
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Old 01-14-2008, 06:18 AM   #85 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Augi
I liked the latest VOTD, minus Kylie Minogue going for the Doctor. Although, what woman could resist the charms of the coolest nine hundred year old bachelor? Eh? Eh!? I think the relationship issue stuff shouldn't be dealt with [as they have been] till the 13th life of the Doctor... so in not too long.
la-la-la-la-la-la I'm not listening la-la-la-la-la-la...
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life
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Old 01-14-2008, 06:33 AM   #86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by fresnelly
la-la-la-la-la-la I'm not listening la-la-la-la-la-la...
Please that was hardly a spoiler. I told you who the main chickie of the special was. If I wanted to spoil it for you I would have said Spoiler: that I am getting really disappointed at the new episodes since they are recaps of older ones. Like VOTD, practical rip off of T. Baker's episode Robots of Death. Then there was a whole subplot in the special that reminded me of that craptacular Leprechaun 4: In Space movie, cyborg in the box, then tie that to the Dr. Who ep where the old guy turned young and into a scorpion... fucked up and I am tired of seeing the lines being drawn.
What do you think about that? Huh? Huh!?
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Old 01-14-2008, 09:38 AM   #87 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
oh well....at least its less than two weeks til the premier of Season Two of Torchwood!!!

One of my fav people is going to be on it this season:

James Marsters who plays Captain John, another Time Agent. He is set to have a "horny and violent" sexual encounter with Captain Jack.

I love Torchwood!
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 01-14-2008, 12:03 PM   #88 (permalink)
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Not sure about the schedules over here Shanni, but once I know, I'll pass it on, babe.
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The Echo of a distant time
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Old 01-14-2008, 12:41 PM   #89 (permalink)
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You know what still makes me sad to this day, they couldn't have gotten this started in the US:

I thought McGann brought something really unique to the Who-verse. He was everything about the 4th Doctor I liked, but had a twist on things. Sort of a childlike fascination of the universe and time and life. DAMNIT JIM IT WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT!
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Old 01-19-2008, 04:33 AM   #90 (permalink)
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Well, Torchwood has started up again and it's...well, everything I'm used to from Torchwood Entertaining enough, but it still feels like it was written by an adolescent, which is a shame. One day, RTD & Co. (but especially RTD) will learn that you don't make something more "adult" by throwing sexual references all over the place.

Still, like I said, entertaining enough. If you liked the first season of Torchwood, it looks to be more of the same this season. Personally, I was hoping they'd improve on the quality a bit...have more episodes like season 1's "Small Worlds"...but c'est la vie.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 01-19-2008, 06:48 AM   #91 (permalink)
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how did you see it already? it doesnt start until next saturday?
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Old 01-19-2008, 06:57 AM   #92 (permalink)
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FYI, Voyage of the Damned is currentlly on YouTube in seven parts. I'm surprised it hasn't been pulled but there it is. Poor CBC.

Anyways, I thouroughly enjoyed it, even as Augi said, it contained a similar threat to Robots of Death. Consider it an homage rather than a rip off. A lot of the Tom Baker era plots revolved around machina going mad anyway.

I thought the distorted Earth history and London's annual christmas plight were pretty funny.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life
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Old 01-19-2008, 07:07 AM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
how did you see it already? it doesnt start until next saturday?
Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Seriously, it's worth the extra effort to download the BBC episodes...they don't have parts cut out for commercials, and they air earlier.
I started a few days ago
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 01-22-2008, 04:52 PM   #94 (permalink)
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I want to give a very very very big thank you to the one tfp person that took the time to teach me about something I had no clue about...thanks to them I got to see Voyage of the Damned....and WOW what an episode...I enjoyed it almost as much as Blink lol. I even managed to figure out on my own how a simple little cable would let me watch it on my tv hehehe

so... to you.....you know who you are

Now if I can just learn how to burn the damn thing to DVD so it plays in my player (I did burn one that plays on the PC but my dvd player says it cant play the kind of disc I made) I can surprise Dave's dad with it!!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 04-05-2008, 03:47 PM   #95 (permalink)
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I realize the new season of Doctor Who starts in the UK tonite but wooohooo we arent gonna be far behind!! Sci Fi starts it here April 18th with the Christmas epi (which I've seen and its FANTASTIC)

Torchwood only has three episodes left thats sad. But Sarah Jane starts here next week
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 04-06-2008, 09:46 AM   #96 (permalink)
Evil Priest: The Devil Made Me Do It!
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Plenty of gay snogging in the Torchwood episodes left.

The new episode of DW is great. I especially liked the scene where Spoiler: Donna and the Doctor sign to each other through the windows.
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And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
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Old 04-06-2008, 04:16 PM   #97 (permalink)
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I get so giddy when I hear the Doctor Who theme music. Its actually quite embarrassing but I own a sonic screwdriver I picked up at a comic con lol
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Old 04-06-2008, 04:31 PM   #98 (permalink)
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it was funny.....we watch the run thats going on on BBCA right now on Saturday night...Utopia was on yesterday and I swear the closer it came to the "reveal" of who the professor was, Dave was bouncing on the couch and I bet if I checked he'd have had a hard on lol (and its NOT like we havent seen this one)

he's so cute
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 04-06-2008, 09:45 PM   #99 (permalink)
My friends decided I needed to watch DW so they showed me "Blink" and I was hooked. Another of my friends loves Torchwood and I like it but it doesn't hold a candle to DW. We now watch several episodes at a time on Friday nights. We are half way through series three. It is such a good sci-fi show.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"

"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."

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Old 04-07-2008, 11:52 AM   #100 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ColonelSpecial
My friends decided I needed to watch DW so they showed me "Blink" and I was hooked. Another of my friends loves Torchwood and I like it but it doesn't hold a candle to DW. We now watch several episodes at a time on Friday nights. We are half way through series three. It is such a good sci-fi show.
Steve Moffat who wrote Blink also wrote the BBC original of Coupling (one of my all time favourite comedies). It was utterly wankered by the US re-make, but the original is great.

And Shani? Are you sure Dave was getting a hard-on over DW, rather than the company he was keeping?
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
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Old 04-19-2008, 07:05 AM   #101 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I realize the new season of Doctor Who starts in the UK tonite but wooohooo we arent gonna be far behind!! Sci Fi starts it here April 18th with the Christmas epi (which I've seen and its FANTASTIC)
It was fantastic! Kylie Minogue's part wasn't as bad as I feared it would be, and the actor who played Richard on Keeping Up Appearances was on too. I'm so glad Doctor Who is back on Sci-Fi Fridays. There really is no other show I love to watch more after a long week. And every time the Doctor puts on his glasses...rawr.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 04-19-2008, 07:29 AM   #102 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Crap... I don't know how long it will take to get here...
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Old 04-19-2008, 08:59 AM   #103 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Charlatan
Crap... I don't know how long it will take to get here...
Doesn't Singapore use PAL TV format? You should be able to buy the UK region discs soon.

Failing that, if you have a proxy in the UK, you can watch each episode on the BBC iPlayer (you may be able to do this elsewhere in the world - check the BBC webiste for details).
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine

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Old 04-19-2008, 04:10 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Stupid CBC won't be playing it here in Canada until Hockey is over.

And they wonder why so many are turning to uh, other avenues in order to get it.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life
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Old 04-20-2008, 04:07 AM   #105 (permalink)
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This week's was good. Spoiler: The oponent was the evil corporation that controls and distributes the Ood to be servants

Next week's trailer looks cracking fun too. Spoiler: The Sontarans are back - last seen in the original run when I was a kid

Head Writer Russel T Daies is clearly working the story arc this year too Spoiler: Once again this week, there was talk of loss and all things must pass, which co-incided with use of Rose's theme from the BadWolf episode in series 1
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine

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Old 05-01-2008, 01:03 AM   #106 (permalink)
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This episode was great with the Sontarans. The cliff hanger was perfect. Spoiler: The general and the kid talking at the end, as well as the kid joining in with the Sontaran warriors' Sontar chant for some reason captured me. Just damned cool.
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Old 05-01-2008, 03:01 AM   #107 (permalink)
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I have now seen thru epi 4 and I honestly cant decide if I like Donna or not, Im leaning towards not...I cant put my finger on exactly whats bothering me about her
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Old 05-01-2008, 04:22 AM   #108 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I have now seen thru epi 4 and I honestly cant decide if I like Donna or not, Im leaning towards not...I cant put my finger on exactly whats bothering me about her
Aw she's good.

I loved the Spoiler: part in ep4 where she told the Doctor she was leaving and he got the wrong end of the stick

I like the fact she's a grown-up, and not a little girl who wants to bed the Doctor - Donna just wants to TRAVEL with him.
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine

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Old 05-01-2008, 10:48 AM   #109 (permalink)
Shani, I am with you on Donna. I have seen interviews with her on TV and she seems really sweet and cool but the writing/story arc they have for her seem really awkward. I am hoping the reason for this comes out in future episodes.
"Mommy, the presidents are squishing me!"

"Using the pull out method of contraceptive is like saying I won't use a seat belt, I'll just jump out of the car before it hits that tree."

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Old 05-03-2008, 05:45 PM   #110 (permalink)
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ok.....I just have to say.....the line in tonites epi (pt 2) Spoiler: when he put on the gas mask and said "are you my mommy" was genius lol
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Old 05-04-2008, 08:29 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Spoiler: MUMMY, damnit! Bloody Americans.

I thought the second part was very good. Next week we've got Spoiler: The Doctor's Daughter to look foreward to!
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And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
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Old 05-04-2008, 08:48 AM   #112 (permalink)
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ok ok, yes you're right...I typed it wrong lol

and yes Im interested in see how next week is going to play out
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Last edited by ShaniFaye; 05-05-2008 at 02:41 AM..
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Old 05-04-2008, 05:53 PM   #113 (permalink)
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some trivia: the actress playing The Doctor's Daughter (Georgia Moffett) is Peter Davison's (Doctor #5) real life daughter.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 05-04-2008, 09:47 PM   #114 (permalink)
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I think The Doctor's Daughter is on June 6th on SciFi.
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Old 05-05-2008, 02:42 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Yeah sucks for some people they are watching 3 weeks behind the UK ahahahahahaha
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 05-05-2008, 04:43 AM   #116 (permalink)
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Some people are watching IN the UK! Muahahahahahahaha!
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The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine

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Old 05-05-2008, 05:56 PM   #117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Yeah sucks for some people they are watching 3 weeks behind the UK ahahahahahaha
Doesn't suck for me. I know it's gonna be on SciFi, so I don't even bother downloading episodes anymore.
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Old 05-05-2008, 06:26 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Datalyss
Doesn't suck for me. I know it's gonna be on SciFi, so I don't even bother downloading episodes anymore.
The wait isn't what bothers me...it's the 10-15 minutes of missing episode cut for commercials. Totally ruins it.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 05-05-2008, 06:48 PM   #119 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
The wait isn't what bothers me...it's the 10-15 minutes of missing episode cut for commercials. Totally ruins it.
it might look that way, but the original BBC broadcasts (not including the Christmas specials) are 45 minutes long.
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Old 05-05-2008, 07:44 PM   #120 (permalink)
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You're right, my time was off, but I could swear they cut stuff. Even if they don't, it screws with the pacing. That's me being picky though.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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