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Old 05-18-2004, 12:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
la petite moi's Avatar
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Do your thighs rub?!

Sorry, I'm a curious monkey. My legs rub slightly, just so you all know. I was just wondering if this happens to other girls too, so that I'm not as selfconscious. Heh.
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Old 05-18-2004, 12:30 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Yes dear, it happens to other girls sometimes too
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Old 05-18-2004, 12:33 PM   #3 (permalink)
I think it happens to most people, at least a little.
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Old 05-18-2004, 12:34 PM   #4 (permalink)
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I think it's nearly universal. And even if it wasn't, big deal! You are who you are, and you're beautiful.
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Old 05-18-2004, 12:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Location: I'm workin' on it
Of course they do. Because I don't weigh -100 lbs. I'm a woman and I have thighs damnit.
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:20 PM   #6 (permalink)
<3 Peetster
Location: Peetster's house.
WEll.. considering that legs are the two long things that stick out from very close to each other under an ass....and the thigh being the widest part.....Dont everyones at one time or another?Maybe if your tiny hips were bigger it would hold em farther apart? : X I wouldnt know.Mine touch,but not if I wear tall shoes.
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:28 PM   #7 (permalink)
Mine also touch, and I do weight a 100 pounds, although I am short with large thighs from riding eventing horses. I think everyones do to some extent.
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:33 PM   #8 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I think if they don't the person looks like one of the Olsen twins and they need to be fed hamburgers and cheescake...
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Old 05-18-2004, 01:47 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Native America
Mine always rub, but I have big ol' thunder thighs. I just hate it because certain shorts will ride up in the middle and the "goat will get in the garden"
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Old 05-18-2004, 02:20 PM   #10 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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Yep, I don't think mine ever stop rubbing together. No shame in that, seems to be pretty universal.
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Old 05-18-2004, 04:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
Horseback riding thighs here. I think everone's do. I know my brother's have mentioned that theirs do too. Maybe it's not just a chick thing!
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Old 05-18-2004, 05:08 PM   #12 (permalink)
I'm baaaaack!
Mine didn't so bad for a while- at least not to the point where I would notice, but they do now. Back to the gym!!!!!!
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Old 05-18-2004, 06:08 PM   #13 (permalink)
diddagirl's Avatar
Location: Calgary, AB
Yes, yes...there is definitly some rubbage.
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Old 05-18-2004, 06:32 PM   #14 (permalink)
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anti fishstick's Avatar
Location: oregon
yes. i thought that was normal. it's not?

i think it looks abnormal when thighs don't touch. it creeps me out.
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Old 05-18-2004, 07:05 PM   #15 (permalink)
Unga's Avatar
I dont think mine rub together
They more so let's say.. glob together? :P
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Old 05-18-2004, 07:57 PM   #16 (permalink)
Nope,in jeans with my knee's together you can see a triangle of light at the juncture where thighs and groin area meet.However,I workout and am trying to cut bodyfat so this is a good thing for me.
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Old 05-18-2004, 09:15 PM   #17 (permalink)
<3 Peetster
Location: Peetster's house.
Originally posted by maleficent
I think if they don't the person looks like one of the Olsen twins and they need to be fed hamburgers and cheescake...

** Applause**

Leglifts ladies!!!
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Old 05-19-2004, 06:11 AM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Corpus Christi Texas
My thighs rub.....who's dont?? Anorexic people?
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Old 05-20-2004, 05:25 AM   #19 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
Mine rub. I've even gotten chaffed from sweating and then them rubbing in the summer time. I'm not even overweight at all. It happens to the best of us. Unless you walk like a cowboy I think it's inevitable.
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Old 05-20-2004, 08:24 AM   #20 (permalink)
shannon's Avatar
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i like this thread. my thighs rub all the time but i'm overweight and i kinda assumed it was only because of that. this makes me feel much better. i love you girls
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Old 05-20-2004, 08:31 AM   #21 (permalink)
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...I forgot to look in my pants before posting...

Last edited by SiN; 05-20-2004 at 09:48 AM..
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:10 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Native America
Originally posted by hossified
...in the bars...guys refer to this as gap! If a girl has gap....she's got empty space between where her crotch stops and thighs begin touching. More gap means less thigh contact

Do guys think that's good or bad? Just curious since you seem to be in the know! I never thought guys even noticed shit like that.
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:15 AM   #23 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Glad you asked, I was wondering the same thing... Guys notice, only because they're checking out the behind... KInda like they notice cleavage too. (but they won't know what color eyes she has
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:19 AM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Native America
BTW: I have a sinking suspicion Hossified is a dude. I just read another post made by them in a forum and it sounded very manly. But maybe he could answer the question before we kick him out?
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:24 AM   #25 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Based on the thread Is this Cheating, I'm thinkin' you are correct. maybe we could put make up on him and paint his toenails red before we sent him out? Braid his hair?
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:29 AM   #26 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Location: I'm workin' on it
Originally posted by hossified
...in the bars...guys refer to this as gap! If a girl has gap....she's got empty space between where her crotch stops and thighs begin touching. More gap means less thigh contact
Somebody forgot to check his penis at the door
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:34 AM   #27 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
Originally posted by Averett
Somebody forgot to check his penis at the door
Yup The Commando thread says it all "If I were a girl..."
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:47 AM   #28 (permalink)
hip mama
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Mine don't rub, but I'm pretty slender all around.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:47 AM   #29 (permalink)
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/me takes care of it
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Old 05-20-2004, 10:01 AM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Native America
Dangit SiN, now we'll never know the answer to the gap query!


*hit's the pm button*

Never fear, ladies, I shall report back on this "gap" thing...
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
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Old 05-20-2004, 10:11 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Of course he's going to say more gap is better. Please.
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Old 05-20-2004, 10:14 AM   #32 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Why would more gap be better?

wouldnt that mean she had skinny legs?
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Old 05-20-2004, 10:35 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Native America
Yeah I was kinda thinking he would say less gap would be better, too. More womanly or something? I pm'd him but he hasn't answered yet.

*taps foot impatiently*
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
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Old 05-20-2004, 11:30 AM   #34 (permalink)
Location: Native America
Whoa- we got 2 replies to our question regarding Gap. I'm sorry to say, Averett is right. They both vote Gap is Good!! Oh well, guess I better hit that thigh machine a little harder at the gym.


hossified wrote on 05-20-2004 02:22 PM:

Alot of guys think some gap is sexy....because it coincides with a skinny girl. Too much though is kinda freaky...like where a girls legs never touch at all. I would definitely say though that more gap is more attractive than less.....but not to the point where it's freaky???.....does that make sense? Think of it this way.....if a girls has got real nice legs....and wears shorter shorts...and her thighs are touching all the way.....that's a turnoff.....if she's got some substantial gap though.....that is friggin hot!


mirevolver wrote on 05-20-2004 02:13 PM:

Hello Redgirl

Just cruising through the Ladies Lounge (as a guy I find it very informative and educational to read through the posts there). I noticed you were waiting for a response on the gap issue regarding thighs.

As a guy I would have to say that having a gap is good, but a large gap is not so good. The larger the gap is, the more the girl's legs look like toothpicks sticking out of her torso.

Hope that helps.
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
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Old 05-20-2004, 01:01 PM   #35 (permalink)
young and in bloom
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Location: under the bodhi tree.... *bling*
Im a dancer and mine do =) 5'5'', brown eyes, and thick thighs!

and a smile like the sunrise =) nothing wrong with it hun, embrace your thighs!

[edit- mirerevolver is so true. thats why he's a keeper! =P]
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Old 05-20-2004, 01:13 PM   #36 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
The boys had a poll as to whether the ladies preferred beefy or skinny, maybe it's time for us to have the same poll -- ermmmm-- do we wanna know the results?
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Old 05-20-2004, 01:17 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Fuck the results - doesn't matter what they prefer, I am how I am and it's not going to change regardless of what they think, so why should I care?
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- Anatole France
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Old 05-20-2004, 01:19 PM   #38 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
excellent point...
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Old 05-20-2004, 01:21 PM   #39 (permalink)
Location: Native America
That was a cute little rhyme you made there, Minyn. I personally don't mind my thighs being kinda thick, but I fucking hate the cellulite!! That's what I'm really trying to get rid of.

Mal- Hmmm... yes there may be poll potential here. Should I ask - "gap/no gap" or "do guys really care about thighs at all?"

Maybe we're the only ones who obssess over our thighs? Maybe all guys care about is if they're spread open or closed?
Thought for the day: Men are like fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it's up to the women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
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Old 05-20-2004, 01:23 PM   #40 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I'm not sure the guys, except for hossifer, would even know what the heck we're talking about
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rub, thighs

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