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Your Purse and What's In It!
Throughout the course of my day, I have noticed sometimes my purse accumulates all kinds of strange things. For example, today when I got home, I had in my purse:
- Wallet - Mirror - Glass Cleaning Cloth - One lipstick (Red), one lipliner (red), one lip gloss (red), one lipgloss (shiny Champagne), one tube of Burt's Bees lipgloss - One small notebook with pen - Cell Phone - One airplane-sized bottle of Ruby Port - One fat quarter from the quilt store - One chopstick - One Pencil Sharpener - Four White wood-free drawing pencils So... what's in your purse, ladies? What's the wierdest thing that's ever been in your purse? I feel like what's in my purse at the end of my day tells an interesting story about me and who I am, and I'd love to know all of your stories too! :D |
I have my:
wallet keys cell phone 5 lipglosses/chapstick and a tube of lipstick my passport bits of paper with phone numbers on it a couple of coupons a small tube of hand cream a pen and a pencil my name badge for work a package of gum my paycheck a roll of undeveloped film tampons my sons graduation badge from his ice skating lessons a small bottle of advil a spare set of contact lenses (I wear daily disposables, these are emergency replacements if necessary) face blotting papers and loads of loose change I think it may be time to clean my purse out. A guy friend of mine once described women's purses as a Bermuda Triangle...they suck all sorts of things in and then you can never find them again. I try to choose smaller purses that can't hold too much, otherwise I end up carrying books, my lunch, and the kitchen sink around. |
Not much:
Wallet Checkbook Chapstick Keys School ID Pen That's about it. |
Typically, I have about the same as rhaevyn. Since messed up my foot though, and been on crutches or in a wheelchair, I've been carrying a messenger bag lately, which really does suck in the whole world. Books, lunch, drinks, three or four tubes of chapstick, two or three different lipglosses or balms, cell phone, purse, wallet, some paperwork for our home loan, paystub, random receipts and papers with phone numbers on it, grocery list, my journal....
Wow... I need to downsize, huh? |
Damn, you ladies carry a lot!!
Let's see here.. Wallet(small folded thing with all my CC's and Driver's license) Cellphone gum matches lipgloss pen bandaid emery board Gas-x and a Benadryl Pictures in a little plastic sleeve Creme foundation compact Loose change(gets emptied out every day) And sometimes cigs and my lighter If I'm just running to the store or taking the kids somewhere, I just grab my wallet and leave the pocketbook home. Before my twins came, I carried a huge purse stuffed to the top with crap. But having that and a large diaper bag was a major annoyance, so I re-thought out what I really need. Now my pocketbooks are very small. I leave the grooming crap home unless I'm gone for a weekend. |
keys cell blush lip gloss pen elastics and hair pins gallore flyers from diff. events kleenex business cards wallet tickets from theatre shows or other events |
I don't carry a purse. I carry my debit card, my driver's license, and cell phone all in my pants pockets. I generally don't wear pants without pockets.
I do have a bag for work, though. That contains: my disk for my documents my lunch a book a bag of coffee |
I just cleaned out my purse yesterday. There were a lot of things that I removed that I don't normally carry in there and many things that I do.
I took out 2 chapsticks a package of smoothie skittles numerous receipts several cough drop wrappers a few mint wrappers odd coins in the bottom two little packets of honey a packet of catsup a couple pens and a pencil with no lead a crayon some gum some chewed gum wrapped up in paper What I left in there face powder concealer mint glass MK gloss one lipstick my wallet which contains -drivers licence -two library cards -grocery store club cards (two of them) -debit card -phone numbers of Dr's -family pics -medical cards for each family member -a condom -change -insurance card my keys a pocket knife a mini flashlight a small tube of hand cream a comb nail clippers a pad one pen a calendar a bandaid a little packet of antibacterial ointment a number of cleaning wipes (in single packets) a purse pack of kleenex my pill case with a list of the pills in it which include -Imitrex -Lamictal -Codine -Ibuprophen -Benedril -Tylenol -Claritan -Pepcid -Imodium -Children's chewable Tylenol Seems like a lot by comparison to what some of you carry. I'm never without a kid or two or three and kids require more preparation too. Wipes are a necessity as well as the tylenol, and the ointment. So I guess it's mostly needed. |
I don't carry too much in my purse and what is in there is typically trash (receipts, wrappers, etc.). I have a big purse and a small purse. The big purse has body spray, wallet, loose change because I'm always rushed at the lines when buying something, lighter (probably a few..I can never find them), lip gloss, candy, crackers, and a bunch of paper trash (I need to clean it out).
My small purse has a little change purse from NYC, lip gloss, and a lighter. I think the weirdest thing I probably had in my purse, but it's not really weird was my bra when the underwire kept jabbing me and it just had to come off. :p Nothing too exciting...the exciting things I conviscate from my students always go in my pockets. :lol: rubberbands, pokemon figurines, hair beads, etc. |
my wallet.
cell phone chapstick. a brush. :) sweetpea |
hehehehe :) that made me laugh. sweetpea |
Let's see:
Wallet Day planner PDA* Cell Phone Ipod Car remote Tampons Sanitary wipes Brush Face Powder/Compact Concealer Foundation 2 Lipsticks Eye liner Aspirin Hand cream Hand sanitizer Two pens and two pencils Flashlight Hair bands, bobby pins Pocket tissues Nail kit And various other things, depending on where we're going and what we're doing, but those are the basics. Gilda *Yeah, I know, who needs a day planner and a PDA? I certainly don't. Grace got one for me to make my life "easier", and programmed it for me, and updates it for me, and showed me how to use it. I dutifully paid attention, tried my best to learn, and promptly forgot how to use it the first time I tried, so it sits there taking up space and I use my day planner instead. |
cough drops
work ID badge tampons 12 pens checkbook wallet FM reciever for my mp3 player pad of blank paper latest kroger reciept telling me how much i have towards my 10cents off gas bottle of lotion bottle of heather oil a loose one dollar bill chapstick tube of lipstick i just bought a new purse last week so it hasnt had time to gain the wierd stuff yet |
In my purse currently:
- wallet - lotion - keys - chapstick - hospital ID - lipgloss * 3 - cinnamon gum - chloraseptic relief strips - tampon - watch - ink pen - spare change - ponytail holder - old receipts - nail file |
I think i've had a dildo in my purse before... that's probably my wierdest thing :)
Well, my purse is the diaper bag, so here we go!:
Keys 8 Diapers Wipes Baby Powder Butt Paste Hand Sanitizer Wallet Cell Phone Thermometer Nail Clippers Nursing Pads Nipple Cream Pacifier Bottle Gum Chapstick Pen Baby Tylenol PediaCare Work Schedule Work Nametag Baby Sunblock Work Schedule Bib Changing Pad Immunization Record Pampers Coupon Brush Bulb Syringe Nasal Saline spray Swim Trunks Lotion Hat 1 Pair of Pants 2 Onesies Sunglasses Weirdest thing I've ever had in my purse? I dunno, probably my french horn mouthpiece, or maybe some PFC rank. Not that out of the ordinary, I guess:-P |
The only constants in my purse (other than wallet & keys) are:
-All kinds of lipstick, chapstick, lip gloss, etc -Compact (facial powder, rarely used) -Movie ticket stubs (some are really old) -Way too many receipts (they all get thrown in there; also really old) -A carabiner keychain from REI -Loose change I think this assortment developed because I only use my purse for social occasions or shopping. I don't take it to work or school; for that, I take my backpack, which is full of even more random and useless stuff. (I don't really wear make-up to school/work, nor do I go shopping or to the movies with my backpack, so hence the division.) |
I can answer this now that I just cleaned it out, I should know what is in it.
my keys ~ on a good day that I remember them.
work cell phone personal cell phone work pager one blue gel pen my wallet ~ little folded chinese pocket thing hemp lip gloss from the Body Shop Rimmel lip gloss ~ neutral cigarettes and lighter sometimes a brush, again, if I remember. The weirdest thing? Probably a huge stack of McDonald's gift certificates. For work. And typically a glass or two will be found the morning after a trip to the pub. Feigling or Guinness. |
That and I like color-coding my appointments. |
In my purse I have my:
Wallet Cell phone Keys 1 tube of lipstick 1 tube of chapstick Sunglasses Pack of gum Ink pen Ponytail holder |
In my purse
wallet cell chapstick breath mints work id pen daytimer keys bus pass various receipts brush That's it. Just what I need really. A big change also since I switched to smaller purses. For me anyways, the bigger the purse the more junk inside. |
cell phone
wallet smokes and lighter pen day planner I watch clean sweep alot!! LOL |
For school I usually use a backpack. It can, and does, swallow a lot of random "useful" crap. I carry my wallet, cel phone and keys in my coat pockets. When I'm heading into town to shop or see a play I use a tote bag to carry bus and train timetables, programmes, intermission candy and such. I emptied the tote bag this morning and found:
a hair clip a pink sparkly brooch an "anatomy for the artist" book The last item was slightly bizarre to carry around at the Royal Dramatic Theatre. Found it at a book sale on my way there and couldn't resist. |
Believe it or not, I'm almost 21 and I've never had a purse. It's just an annoyance to me. I keep all my cards (debit, license etc.) in a tiny plastic sleeve, and I just throw that in my pocket whenever I leave the house. Keys and money go into the other jeans pocket. What else do I really need?
I like small purses so the list may be shorter than most:
Swiss Army Knife Wallet 1 pen 1 lipstick (clear) Travel size lotion Cell phone I never use Travel size aspirin/pain pill box 1 tampon Remote opener for hubby's car (stick shift I'm still learning to drive) Set of keys on a red caribiner (with a Leatherman multitool, mini maglite and smiley face fobs) Usually some kind of reminder post-it |
~Bra ~lipstick ~ Earings ~Epi-pen ~tampons ~ condom ~wallet ~Swiss army knife ~odd pens and pencils ~Spare key to house and car ~a lighter ~ a quick sketch pad ( never been used) ~Tooth brush ~ mint ~Gum .... and thas the top layer... |
In my purse
-wallet -rasberry chapstick (it smells like doughnuts) -spare keys to my house and truck -mints -5 tampons -a couple of debit card receipts |
Bra? Why do you have a bra in your purse? Should'nt that be like, in your lingere drawer or on your body? ;)
:) becasue i spilt stuff on me once and my bra soaked it up so now i always have a spare :)
Girl, that's when you just go without one! ;)
My purse is usually messy and full of odd bits of paper (notes, phone numbers, receipts), but besides that:
wallet (money, change, bank cards, store cards, receipts) keys cell phone small mirror moisturizer hand cream subway pass mascara foundation lip balm/gloss kleenex couple of pens couple of pain killers (mild, for headaches) hair band 4 hair clips I think that's it! Weirdest thing I have carried in my purse: my tooth? |
package of transparencies tampons pen lip balm keys eraser pack of colored pencils wallet checkbook piece of paper with calculations to study for Chemistry class green paper clip This is a fun thread! When I ride my bike to work, I keep a change of clothes in my purse. I tend to like small purses, so it's amusing to see what I can fit. Serpent7 once called me a druid for cautiously uprooting a 2" tall oak seedling and stashing it in my purse. |
A tree! How original!
Night before last I did an overnight-awake job at a rest home- I swiched to a bigger purse, and I had: -Three paperback books -Two vials of beads for making jewelry -my MP3 player -a deck of cards in addittion to all the normal stuff I carry! :) And this morning I put everything back into my regular purse, along with about fifteen packets of Splenda! |
My house keys/car keys.
My work keys. My schedule written down on a peice of scrap paper. My manager's phone number on another peice of scrap paper. Lip gloss. A blue pen. Part of a gum wrapper. My wallet which consists of: My checkbook/register a ten dollar bill The card from flowers my boyfriend sent me. My Debit card. A Body Shop discount card. My driver's license. Blockbuster card. Health insurance cards. Subway Card Victoria's Secret card My University ID card. Random business cards. |
Back at Christmas my hubby got me this cute little tommy hillfiger purse I wanted. "Little" being the key word. By caring larger purses I ALWAYS had it full of junk! Now I only have room for my:
wallet keys cell phone checkbook 2 pens some change and a couple coupons. |
Well, I carry a very big purse so I probably have at least 1 of each of the things mentioned above. I'm afraid to go in and look.
A bit of advice for you ladies that carry condoms in your purse. Be VERY careful when removing your wallet from your purse in the line up at A&P. There could be a bright orange condom hooked into the fold of the wallet that could (theoretically) be flung onto the floor at the feet of the person in line in front of you. Of course, that is strictly a hypothetical situation. It has never happened to me.... :hmm: |
:lol: I love threads like this
Purse has : Wallet House keys/car keys Work keys Cell Mp3 a handful of pens lighter change Digital Camera Gum |
Oh God let me find the darn thing. OK!!! In my purse:
a letter checkbook wallet first aid kit (it's small) Inhaler Pamprin Sunglasses pens LED flashlight disposable camera Creme De Orange Lip Balm Visine A.C. pill bottle w/ Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Benadryl (I've got a lot of allergies) two socks without their matches loose change a big clear die emory board chapstick Deck of cards Birth control patches (so I never leave them if I go on a trip) ipod V for Vendetta ticket stub pocket knife keys student ID Cell phone cell phone charger |
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