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double 05-14-2003 08:29 AM

i have a cam... :D lemme think about it... but i dont know where i can host it..

Plummie 05-14-2003 01:58 PM


Originally posted by Halx
streaming takes up bandwitdh for the webcam user and needs to be on 24/7 in order for it to work.. that's simply not feasible.

interval uploading is best for pages like this.

Ah, I see what you are saying now. So the camera takes a pic every 90 sec and refreshes?

Is there a way to line up images or do you actually have to be there in front of the cam all the time?

Halx 05-14-2003 02:12 PM

The cam takes a pic whenever I want it to (maybe specifically, maybe once a day, maybe every 30 seconds), and uploads it to my webspace.

The page refreshes every 90/20 seconds on the off-chance that the picture has been updated that recently.

jujueye 05-14-2003 02:15 PM

Hey Halx,

I didn't know they existed until I saw your link. I don't recall seeing a link from the main index. If ti were more visible, perhaps we could get more people hooked up.

just a thought.

Halx 05-14-2003 02:25 PM

all in due time

R-Dubb604 05-14-2003 04:59 PM


Originally posted by World's King
I'm down for this.

I've always wanted to jack off live over the internet.


Xapphire 05-15-2003 01:05 PM

Once I get my computer out of the room where we sleep, I'll set my cam back up. Should only take... 3 months or so *sighs*

cheese 05-15-2003 10:13 PM

ok sence this 1st post i have created a public FTP for the cam page

a few rules apply though name your pic accordingly EG mine would be named cheese.jpg you get the idea. secondly no explicit pitcures (no cock/tits shots please) my host will shut me down if they find out i have porn on their servers. if ppl do post noughty pics i will have to shut this down, i am doing this out of the my love for tfp and for camportals. PLEASE dont ruin this for every one treat my server with the same respect as you do TFP.

FTP address: ftp.deadsluts.com

login: tfp@deadsluts.com
pass: webcam

the link you will have to send hal will be www.deadsluts.com/tfp/*you picname here*

EG www.deadsluts.com/tfp/cheese.jpg

Happy caming

blindawg 05-16-2003 10:11 AM

I have a cam on the way. and web space. I could have it online ina few days - of course thats dependant on damn UPS getting it here in a timely manner.

Halx 05-16-2003 10:21 PM

Hey, we're startin' to rock. We got 5 cams... big thanks to cheese for his help

Plummie 05-17-2003 11:02 AM

Yes, many thanks to cheese for providing a host! :D

Doc_34465 05-17-2003 11:24 AM

Cheese is the man.. As long as he doesn't wear the hat..

<CENTER>Thanks cheese!!!</CENTER>

Halx 05-18-2003 01:22 PM

let's not stop here... we need more cams

Wile E 05-19-2003 03:33 AM

Okay, now up to six

Doc_34465 05-19-2003 07:06 AM

How about I hook up another cam, and put it behind me. Then you can see two sides of me.. Or perhaps an "under the desk" cam.. Noooooo... I wouldn't do that..

denim 05-19-2003 10:39 AM

Any Mac people got recommendation wrt which cam to get? I'm looking with lust at the Firewire-based ones.

Frosstbyte 05-19-2003 06:06 PM

Up to six. I'm on a bad loser suck computer right now which would explain my sudden lack of posting. Well, the bigger problem is not the computer but the fact that I'm on dial up and not my nice network that I'm used to so it's just hard to browse. Good idea, Hal.

denim 05-20-2003 10:49 AM

Question: do cams have to be
  • available at all times?
  • hosted on Cheese's server?

Plummie 05-20-2003 11:06 AM

Your cam is available when you want it to be. Whenever you log into your pic uploading software, it will become available for the public to view.

When you close down your software, it automatically uploads the last image it caught and displays that until you return again.

Of course you don't HAVE to host your cam on cheese's server, but it's free so why not?

denim 05-20-2003 11:10 AM


Originally posted by Plummie
Of course you don't HAVE to host your cam on cheese's server, but it's free so why not?
Because I've already got web hosting and there are restrictions on what he's allowed to have available on his hosting site.

Plummie 05-20-2003 11:30 AM

Feel free to use your own server then. :)

denim 05-20-2003 12:14 PM

I'm waiting for them to get back to me, just in case there are issues. I've ordered a couple of webcams, one as a gift.

Ganguro 05-21-2003 10:31 AM

ooh a Plummie cam! Now yer talkin.. :)
When we move to and get the internet access all set up.. I'll talk to Peuetre about getting a cam set up in the computer room..

Reese 05-21-2003 06:25 PM

I don't have a webcam but I think this is a fun idea. I'll look into getting a decent camera.

phredgreen 05-21-2003 09:06 PM

i'm gonna publicly heap my praise and adulation at cheese as well. we're up to seven, let's get a couple more and make it square at nine...

and the program he recommended was pretty nifty too... beats the hell out of paying for it. :)

guenwyv 05-22-2003 04:21 PM

Hey Cheese... is that a shotgun in the background???

Doc_34465 05-23-2003 05:50 PM

Yeah, the vision program is pretty nifty, and very easy to use..

cheese 05-23-2003 05:56 PM

Yes that is a shotgun behind me, SO WATCH IT :)

denim 05-23-2003 06:14 PM

Okay, I'm up.

Halx 05-26-2003 01:23 PM

whee.. up to 9

Plummie 05-26-2003 05:25 PM

Hal, how many cams are needed for a Tilted Webcams link on the main TFP index?

I think more people would view / participate if it were more noticeable.

No rush, just curious.. :) Thanx.

Halx 05-26-2003 05:27 PM

it's coming, hon

galaxygirl 05-26-2003 05:42 PM

Between us i8 and I have at least one web cam and web hosting. It would be far more interesting to have it set up at his place - unless you all want to see my six year old pick his nose and listen to my nine year old fart. I'll see what i8 has to say about it when I talk to him later.

05-27-2003 10:31 AM

min'e sitting in a drawer right now - I'll have to get it set up so everyone can see me do nothing but view the TFP at work..

JStrider 05-28-2003 06:23 PM

welll i just got back to the dorms and hooked up my webcam... know what that means?...

phredgreen 05-30-2003 12:03 PM

okay, cheesedaddy... what's the dealie with yoru server? it seems to be down about half the time... any hints?

Plummie 05-30-2003 05:07 PM

I am having the same problem as phred..

JStrider 05-30-2003 08:07 PM

i had noticed that server was down a lot also...

if i could i would let yall use mine... but since its with the school... and it doesnt have ftp... it would be pretty difficult to do...

denim 05-31-2003 06:57 AM

Looks like Hal has removed the broken webcams.

MontanaXVI 05-31-2003 03:16 PM

I gotta look into this one and investigate a bit more. I have a cam altho not great it works, and I also have a camarades.com page (which was said earlier will not work)

I might be wiling to let people into my boring life every so often

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