View Poll Results: What makes us fat?
Maybe We're Too Stressed
angelpain, Baraka_Guru, Bear Cub, Bilbert, BogeyDope, Catdaddy33, Cynthetiq, freeload, gigas21, God of Thunder, guthmund, Jenna, little_tippler, LutherMac, Nisses, QuasiMondo, Randerolf, Reese, Ruken, saffire, SecretMethod70, Shauk, snowy, TheProf, thingstodo, Willravel, Xazy
27 |
50.94% |
Maybe A Virus Is To Blame
1 |
1.89% |
Maybe The Temperature Is Just Right
1 |
1.89% |
Maybe It's All That High-Fructose Corn Syrup
abaya, angelpain, BadNick, Baraka_Guru, Bear Cub, big dog, BogeyDope, BurntToast, Catdaddy33, coldhands, Cujo, Cynthetiq, freeload, frydryce, Gabbyness, God of Thunder, GSRIDER, guthmund, Herk, Jenna, jewels, Lasereth, little_tippler, lurkette, LutherMac, Moses1987, newtx, Nimetic, Nisses, QuasiMondo, Randerolf, Randle2I, rashorangutan, Reese, roachboy, Ruken, saffire, SecretMethod70, Shauk, snowy, thingstodo, Vended, Willravel, Xazy
44 |
83.02% |
Maybe Low-Fat Foods Made Us Eat More
angelpain, Baraka_Guru, BogeyDope, Catdaddy33, Cynthetiq, freeload, Herk, jewels, Lasereth, QuasiMondo, snowy, Vended
12 |
22.64% |
Maybe We Take Too Many Drugs
7 |
13.21% |
Maybe We Were Doomed Before Birth
angelpain, Bear Cub, BogeyDope, Cynthetiq, garbarek, Herk, little_tippler, lurkette, QuasiMondo, Randerolf, Reese, ryfo, saffire
13 |
24.53% |
Maybe There's Too Much Pollution
2 |
3.77% |
Maybe We're Not Sleeping Enough
Baraka_Guru, BogeyDope, Catdaddy33, freeload, garbarek, genuinegirly, Grasshopper Green, guthmund, Jenna, little_tippler, LutherMac, QuasiMondo, Randerolf, Ruken, SecretMethod70, Shauk, snowy, TheProf, thespian86, thingstodo, Xazy
21 |
39.62% |
Maybe We Shouldn't Have Stopped Smoking
5 |
9.43% |
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