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Old 12-31-2005, 05:13 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
I'm 27 right now. I finished up my Master's degree in August. Those are all student loans that I will be paying back forever through Sallie Mae.

I was one of the lucky ones who had my parents pay for my bachelor's degree as long as I stayed at home. I went to a branch of a state university and the price was pretty cheap. I was glad not to have any loans when I graduated. I still worked full-time through most of the 4-years. That was for anything else that I needed: food, clothes, school supplies, gas, insurance, traveling, etc.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it

Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company
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Old 12-31-2005, 07:12 PM   #42 (permalink)
keyshawn's Avatar
Originally Posted by flamingdog
Will I be the first poster to wonder why you want to know this, BOR?

BOR has a daughter nearing college-age, IIRC.

*bewildered on why I actually remember this*

catcha back on the flipside,
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Old 12-31-2005, 07:38 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
21, state (ASU) school. Cost is about $2300 per semester (classes only). Financial aid/scholarships usually pays for a lot of it (one semester only got 250), and I take out loans for the rest. I went to a community college for the first 64 credits so I havn't had to take much out on loans. Oh and Ill be paying the loans far as I know, so Im "footing the bill".
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Old 12-31-2005, 07:52 PM   #44 (permalink)
Lover - Protector - Teacher
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Location: Seattle, WA
Parents are giving me a four-year scholarship. Grades drop below 3.0, I'm cut off. Takes five years to complete my degree? They're still only paying for four.

I'm incredibly thankful for it, since I know I wouldn't do nearly as well if I had to be weighing sleep/studying against working full time..

..and I know when they're old that I can justify spending at least $16,000 on them without feeling bad.. they did for me, after all.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
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Old 12-31-2005, 09:22 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
Originally Posted by JinnKai

..and I know when they're old that I can justify spending at least $16,000 on them without feeling bad.. they did for me, after all.
That's funny in a bad way
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Old 01-01-2006, 06:38 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Location: Colorado
God bless the financial aid dept. at my school. It's paying most of my way with scholarships, I work on campus to pay for books and to earn a few bucks for myself, and some smaller loans cover the rest of the costs. My parents pay for transportation back and forth, and that's about it. If I play my cards right I'll have less than 25k in debt to pay back after college.
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Old 01-03-2006, 11:07 AM   #47 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Originally Posted by flamingdog
Will I be the first poster to wonder why you want to know this, BOR?
Originally Posted by keyshawn
BOR has a daughter nearing college-age, IIRC.
Close. She's actually in college now. Is...was...is...hell, I dunno. Let's just say that she's doing...wellll...let's just say markedly less than stellar.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.

Last edited by Bill O'Rights; 01-03-2006 at 11:11 AM..
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Old 01-03-2006, 11:12 AM   #48 (permalink)
Still fighting it.
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Oh dear...

Hope it all picks up, good buddy.
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Old 01-03-2006, 11:15 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Close. She's actually in college now. Is...was...is...hell, I dunno. Let's just say that she's doing...wellll...let's just say markedly less than stellar.
Here are a couple of ideas:

1) Put her on probation, just like the school would do. Tell her she has one term/semester to clean her act up, or else you're pulling the funding and she has to find her own way to pay for school.

2) Tell her for every credit hour she gets less than a C in (or C or less, you pick), she has to pay for. Tell her to consider the original payment for said credit a loan, and draw up a monthly payment plan. You could structure it like a school loan, if you like, with repayment to start post-college, or insist she start paying you back now.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 01-04-2006, 06:26 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Location: Denver
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
My parents made education a priority--so they paid for 4 years of school for me. Books, tuition, living expenses only. Any additional money I needed for fun had to be earned by me, which I did by working some interesting summer jobs. My fifth year of university (I dragged my feet a bit) was paid for by me via student loans. Right now, I'm looking at going back for another year to do my Master's in teaching, and it's looking as if my parents will help me out a bit with that, provided I lay out a budget. I think my father wants me through my Master's as soon as possible so he can help me find a job before he retires.
Same here. Mine gave me a break when I failed classes, as I honestly discussed the problems I had and came up with a good solution. It all worked out in the end: I went from a 1.0 semester GPA to >3.5 by the time I was a senior, and earned several awards in the process. Ended up with 2.77 overall. I still got myself a great job after I graduated. Now my parents don't pay a dime to support me. And like you, anything outside of school I had to pay for myself. So I had a part-time job for 3 full years out of the 4 1/2 I was in school. But there was no way it would have paid the cost of going to school or living. If it wasn't for my parents, I probably would have delayed going to college until I could pay for it.

I'll probably finance my own master's degree eventually, probably doing it part-time while I keep working. Hopefully, my employer will pay for it. After I've been working for them for 3 years or so.


I feel like I should embellish on this subject a little bit. Personally, I think parents are responsible for providing their kids with an education, as long as they do well, or are at least obviously making a serious effort to do well. I also believe kids should be required to live a considerable distance from home when they go to school. And they should be required to live alone for at least a year before they graduate. For me, that worked out pretty well: I do everything myself. I've seen far too many people who can't do their own budget, dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. How are you supposed to make it for yourself if you don't have the right attitude to be able to learn new things when you need to?
"There are finer fish in the sea than have ever been caught." -- Irish proverb

Last edited by oberon; 01-04-2006 at 06:35 PM..
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Old 01-04-2006, 06:40 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Location: Where the music's loudest
20, 2nd year of university.

Mostly loans from banks, though due to my horrible self control with those funds, my parents have chipped in as well. I need to smarten up.
Where there is doubt there is freedom.
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Old 01-04-2006, 07:19 PM   #52 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar
20 years old. I get a little less than half of my tuition paid for with scholarships and grants, a little less than half paid for with loans, and I work full time to pay for the rest of my tuition and my room and board and my books. A year of school costs me about $40k since I go to a private school, and I have extra costs for my flight courses.

My parents don't help me other than to co-sign for my loans.
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Old 01-23-2006, 01:19 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Im 21 years old and i've been out of school for 4 years now.im just starting my second year journalism. the year after i finished matric i took a gap year and i worked because i didnt know what i wanted to do. the year after that i decided to look at public realtions and journalism(a bridging course, a year long)that my parents decided they would pay for.the year after that i took another gap year so that i could work again to finance some of my studies.

i got enough money to pay for the registration and to support myself at technikon, you know, with stuff like transport money and text books, photocopies and stuff like that.i am still working as a waitress to pay off some of the other stuff this year so that im not such a heavy burden on my parents seeing as i am the oldest of three sisters.

i try and help out wherever i can. although some people may think that it is their duty as parents to put you through tertiary education the onus is also on you to help them out with the little things.

i will be the first to say that i was one of those people who thought that it was thier duty but then i realised just recently that they have 2 other kids to provide the basic education rights to and i cant expect them to do evrything for me anymore.they have however decided that they will finance most of my studies this year because i had such a good pass

there will come a time when i will leave my parents home and when i do i will have to know how to take care of and provide for myself.

there are still times when i think that it is unfair but then i also think that i wouldnt have been as independent from my parents as i am now.

i dont think that i could ever go back to that.

Last edited by mandy; 01-23-2006 at 01:22 AM..
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:07 AM   #54 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
BS in Chem, parents.
Pre-reqs for Doctorate, out-of-pocket.
Doctorate in Pharmacy, loans.
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Old 01-23-2006, 02:54 PM   #55 (permalink)
Location: RI
I'm 22 and it appears that I'll be getting my BS(it really is) in Network Engineering this spring. My mom is quite quite poor so the only thing she could give me was advice. Other then that though, about a 1/4th is paid in scholarships and the rest will be loans. Damn being a poor kid and going to school! I think though that I'm glad I'm paying for it because I appreciate it much more then many of my classmates. There are just so many kids in everyone of my classes that you can tell how it's being paid for. Some of these kids are also getting scholarships from the school or loans and it annoys the ever-living hell out of me because were they not there, there's a possibility that I'd get more help.
The other day we were in a Law class, and a kid went on for 20 minutes on why this guy who grows pot was arrested. I just sat in my chair and was thankful that I am almost done.
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Old 01-23-2006, 04:46 PM   #56 (permalink)

I'm 23 and in my last year of college at a state school. My parents help me with (some) living expenses and rent, and I pay for my tuition with a combination of loans and grants. I'll be about $25K in the hole when I graduate.
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Old 01-23-2006, 07:46 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
loans and scholarships.

I am on my fathers health and car insurance though.

The majority of my debt came when I was a freshman and had no car, and no job. I used loans for everything. I also sold blood.
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Old 01-23-2006, 07:54 PM   #58 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar
How can you sell blood? I donate blood regularly, but I never knew I could be sellin the shit.
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:10 PM   #59 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
Currently I am 20 and still live at home. I do not want the parents to pay the bill so I am earning as much as I can for school. Right now I have managed to save enough to put me through school and get myself a brand new mountain bike. My plan was to save enough money so that I do not have to work while attending school so I can put forth all my effort into my education. I suppose the parents arnt actually paying the school bill but they are giving me free housing, a mostly free car, and they buy about 70% of my food. So I would say I got it pretty good
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Old 01-24-2006, 02:23 AM   #60 (permalink)
Location: Norway
I'm 20 and attend a state university in Norway. The university is free and I pay my rent and food through student loans and scholarships.
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Old 01-25-2006, 07:59 AM   #61 (permalink)
Location: Shalimar, FL
21 senior private small university..expensive

Base Tuition $18,401/year(for me, it has since increased by $5,000 so I hear)
Fees $4,331
Insurance $150/year
Books they tell you to budget for at least $2000/year because of edition changes and the fact that we have books that are exclusive to our university so they cost a lot

if you live on campus housig is approx. $9000 with $50 for food a week

my total usually runs about $25000 because I always have things added to my fees because I do a lot of special functions. I get about 12k in grants and scholarships and 12k in loans. It pays only for my education and books.... I have a full time job(40+hours a week) which is in my field of study. Im a line cook at the Hyatt in Ft Lauderdale. My parents help where they can and my maternal Grandparents(my grandmother is now the only one living) gave me 20k CD when I turned 18. I used it to pay back my first year loans and I took the leftovers and spent some on myself and moving out on my own and the rest I used to make the deposit, first, last and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th months rent. I also didnt have to work for 3 months of my sophomore year while I was waiting to go to my internship. I got to have tons of fun and relax!!! That was awesome and while some people said I wasted the 6k I had left I dont feel I did. I paid all my utility deposits and enjoyed myself. I also lived on campus my first year so I didnt work the last month of my first year thanks to the money I had saved from my job and the leftovers from my CD. I also worked 2 jobs the summer after my first year and saved 4k which left me with about 10k in savings.

My parents help where they can, like they pay my cell phone, car insurance, give me money here and there... they've paid for my books, uh hrm... they have loans in their name for me... they make the payments on them sometimes. They pay for my car repairs... so they do what they can. I work to pay my rent, credit cards, loan payment and fun.

Unfortunately my parents have not always been blessed with money so they only do what they can. My Grandmother helps me out a TON, she bought my car and has helped me out countless times when Im in a pinch.

My Parents are paying my GRE study guides, my GRE fees and my application fees for grad school...which is going to save me a ton
the voices in your head are not real--but they still have some really great ideas.

always remeber you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. But..you CAN choose the insane asylum where you have them all put away!
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education, paying

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