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JStrider 12-02-2005 02:51 PM

PETA: Your Daddy Kills Animals
So Peta has come out with a comic book....



PETA’s New Comic for Kids: Taking Aim at Dads Who Fish
Your Daddy Kills Animals! comicMost people wouldn’t expect PETA activists to visit the local fishing hole or hang out in front of tackle shops at fishing tournaments, but starting on September 24, Fish Amnesty Day, activists will take to the water with their sights on dads who are teaching their kids to abuse animals.

PETA’s pro-fish leaflet reminds fishers and their families that fish feel pain and fear when they are impaled in the mouth and ripped from their underwater homes and that they deserve to be treated with kindness, just like all animals.

Before they are desensitized to the suffering of animals, PETA aims to help kids see the violent bloody truth behind their fathers’ outdoor pastime.

Children will read: “Imagine that a man dangles a piece of candy in front of you. ... As you grab the candy, a huge metal hook stabs through your hand and you’re ripped off the ground. You fight to get away, but it doesn’t do any good... That would be an awful trick to play on someone, wouldn’t it?”
and you can download a .pdf of the comic book at

I thought this was pretty funny...just another example of PETA being their usual selves... i especially like the "Until your daddy learns that it’s not “fun” to kill,keep your doggies and kitties away from him.He’s so hooked on killing defenseless animals that they could be next!" part :crazy:

ok well its time for me to go eat some fish!

Martian 12-02-2005 03:01 PM

Wow, this is pretty gutsy even for PETA. I understand standing up for what you think is right, but isn't attempting to turn children against their parents taking it a bit far?

I suspect they may have overdone it on this time; the public will be more outraged by the material that PETA is attempting to put into children's hands than they will about the ramifications of fishing on the well-being of fish. If PETA keeps up these extreme acts they're going to end up as a fringe movement that nobody takes seriously at all. Last I checked, that's not a very good way to affect change.

As an aside, my daddy does, in fact, kill animals. He's a butcher. I've been on the kill floor and I've watched him work. So far as I can tell I turned out okay.

spectre 12-02-2005 03:10 PM

Chalk another stupid move up for PETA. If anyone ever saw the episode of "Penn & Teller's Bullshit!," you'll know some of the crazier examples of the BS that they try to pull. If they'd only get sane leadership, or even better, just go away. I'm not against protecting animals from extreme cruelty, but an organization that compares chickens to holocaust victims needs a kick in the ass.

Coppertop 12-02-2005 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by spectre
Chalk another stupid move up for PETA. If anyone ever saw the episode of "Penn & Teller's Bullshit!," you'll know some of the crazier examples of the BS that they try to pull. If they'd only get sane leadership, or even better, just go away. I'm not against protecting animals from extreme cruelty, but an organization that compares chickens to holocaust victims needs a kick in the ass.

Amen. I especially love how PETA euthanizes animals. Guess we'd better keep them away from our dogs and cats too.

sadistikdreams 12-02-2005 03:23 PM

LOL!. I think in 03 they came out with one called "YOUR MOMMY KILLS ANIMALS". I handed them out in my store to all the kids. It was pretty funny, what the mothers did.

snowy 12-02-2005 03:27 PM

PETA could do so much good...unfortunately, it seems all they are interested in is "shock and awe." Yeah, they've shocked me right into a desire to go fishin'.

Willravel 12-02-2005 03:44 PM

PETA= morons. I'm going to go start my own PETA.

Ishmal 12-02-2005 03:56 PM


i'm speechless at their stupidity

Lebell 12-02-2005 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Martian
If PETA keeps up these extreme acts they're going to end up as a fringe movement that nobody takes seriously at all.

You mean there are still folks out there that take them seriously?

Who'dathunk?? :crazy:

Toaster126 12-02-2005 04:28 PM

PETA has put themselves into a position where they only people who believe or care about anything they say is already a believer in their causes. That's a terrible way to get people to change the way they behave.

eribrav 12-02-2005 04:36 PM

I've already formed my "own " PETA


Anyone want to join?

Psycho Dad 12-02-2005 04:39 PM

My sister-in-law claims she is a member of PETA. I doubt she is, she is simply just wacko enough to be a member.

skier 12-02-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by eribrav
I've already formed my "own " PETA


Anyone want to join?

I'm up for it. Much better acronym for PETA. Plus i'm tired of teenage girls telling me they became vegetarians because they read a leaflet from PETA.

Actually, i'm probably more pissed at the teeny boppers than PETA. Does it really take on propaganda leaflet to change the way you live your life?!? Do some research and understand what you're supporting or trying to abolish.

MSD 12-02-2005 08:25 PM

Whoever wrote this book needs to spend some quality time hugging endangered tigers.

JumpinJesus 12-02-2005 08:41 PM

I read an article a while ago about PETA and its practices. While the content of the article escapes me, there was one quote from a farmer that has stuck with me from that day that I find hilarious. I don't know if he was being serious when he said it or was making a joke, but I think it's perfect.

He said, "If god didn't want us eating animals, then why are they made out of meat?"

I'm imagining PETA interviewing a fish. The fish is wearing a sling on one fin, an eye patch, and is on crutches, detailing its harrowing experience to the fawning members of PETA. Someone in the crowd saying, "There must be something we can do about this....I know! Make a comic book."

I wonder if, in their zeal to print all those comics, they even for one second took into consideration how those trees felt being dismembered and ripped from their forest-y homes just so they could tell us how mean our daddies are.

I would like to remind PETA and their families that trees have feelings too. Hell, they even cry. Look at all that sap.

Sage 12-02-2005 09:15 PM

Man, let us not forget that PETA does (or did at one point) sell T-shirts at Hot Topic.

Hot-Fucking-Topic. The quinessential store for angsty teenagers just looking for the next big thing to be different.

I HATE PETA. I am all about some ethical libertarianism all up ons, but PETA is just wayyyyy too left-field for me.

Elphaba 12-02-2005 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
PETA= morons. I'm going to go start my own PETA.

I'm ready to join, if it isn't about animals.

"Petting Elphaba 'til Arousal" sounds like a worthy cause. :D

feelgood 12-02-2005 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by eribrav
I've already formed my "own " PETA


Anyone want to join?

Hook me up, on my menu for tomorrow:

Chicken wings
And of course:

Milk ;)

Menoman 12-03-2005 02:23 AM

Anyone who puts that thing under my door will have a hard time walking off my property.... well... they'll have a hard time walking at all for that matter.

Menoman 12-03-2005 02:25 AM

Don't even bring up that PETA kills more animals per year.... That is right... PETA "KILLS" more animals per year, than they save.

If you're an animal and PETA takes you in, chances in more in favor that they will kill you.

Reese 12-03-2005 03:28 AM

Where can I get my hands on one of these comics? I really want to give it to a friend as a xmas present!

squirrelyburt 12-03-2005 05:43 AM

My kids laughed...but then, I'm probably the reason they'll need therapy

lukethebandgeek 12-03-2005 06:47 AM

Peta is just an outlet for vegans who think it's totally sweet to push views on others.

The fact that most of these people hate organized religion because it forces views on others is irrelavent.

Rhynome 12-03-2005 07:10 AM

Great point Luke, obvious but not mentioned before.

And also those that reject religion only to follow what they call 'logical' science. Now I'm not denying that it is logical, but the only reason they follow it is faith, exactly the same as religion. Next time someone says 'Creationism is bollocks, Evolution is where it's at.' get them to prove it.

I have my (partially) own views on Evolution, I don't believe it's survival of the fittest I believe it's selection of the fittest. The person that you're more likely to pro-create with, via physical attraction, 2 year relationship ('love') or 'til death do us part' love, is the person that would best fit your genetics to create succesful offspring. You find people undesirable because they just wouldn't fit with you to create the next generation.

Not necessarily ugly, but undesirable.

shakran 12-03-2005 07:48 AM

There's an anti abortion group that uses a similar technique - they'll hand out comicbooks to little kids outside elementary schools showing the abortion process. The last page shows the abortion doctor putting a gun in his mouth and blowing his head off.

IMO kids do not need to be exposed to imagery like this. If one of these guys gave one to my kid I'd sue the shit out of 'em.

CSflim 12-03-2005 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Menoman
Don't even bring up that PETA kills more animals per year.... That is right... PETA "KILLS" more animals per year, than they save.

Just curious, but what do you mean by that?

EDIT: And I think that this is a really stupid move by peta (another in a long line). If I was a supporter of their aims, I'd be pretty angry at them for acting in such an absurd manner.

hulk 12-03-2005 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Rhynome
And also those that reject religion only to follow what they call 'logical' science. Now I'm not denying that it is logical, but the only reason they follow it is faith, exactly the same as religion. Next time someone says 'Creationism is bollocks, Evolution is where it's at.' get them to prove it.

It's quite simple. Looks at virus mutations - penicillin used to be the wonder drug and now it's effects are vastly reduced, due to those strains of certain viruses that were resilient to it's effects. Just apply that on a mammalian scale and viola - evolution.

shakran 12-03-2005 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by hulk
It's quite simple. Looks at virus mutations - penicillin used to be the wonder drug and now it's effects are vastly reduced, due to those strains of certain viruses that were resilient to it's effects. Just apply that on a mammalian scale and viola - evolution.

See, the difference between evolution and creationism is that there are MOUNDS of evidence pointing toward evolution and the only real evidence we have for creationism is the bible, which was written by a bunch of guys who told people they talked to god. But we have no proof that they actually talked to god.

serlindsipity 12-03-2005 09:44 AM

I pissed those guys off once while they were on my campus with this booth that had a video playing of how they kill animals. i stood there watching the chickens drown while eating chicken (granted it was hard to do) but the look of complete horror on their face was well worth the slightly upset stomach.

Ustwo 12-03-2005 09:50 AM

By doing this crazy shit they get a lot of free publicity and 1000's of people talking about them for doing crazy shit. Sure their target audience is really that 1 in 1000 who is crazy/ignorant enough to join up but my guess is it works.

Peta is one of those groups best ignored.

flstf 12-03-2005 11:53 AM

Peta is fighting a losing battle. The kids raised on "first person shooter" video games will find this comic rather mild and silly. Reminds me of the "Unicef Bonbs Smurf" thread not so long ago.

snowy 12-03-2005 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by shakran
There's an anti abortion group that uses a similar technique - they'll hand out comicbooks to little kids outside elementary schools showing the abortion process. The last page shows the abortion doctor putting a gun in his mouth and blowing his head off.

IMO kids do not need to be exposed to imagery like this. If one of these guys gave one to my kid I'd sue the shit out of 'em.

Here on my university campus they don't hand out comic books...no, they put up huge photographs in the quad of aborted fetuses alongside Holocaust victims, and announce that abortion=Holocaust. Granted, there is a warning outside of the quad about the graphic photos, but as it is a main traffic path through the university, it's rather hard to get around. There's also another group around here that on every anniversary of Roe v. Wade they put hundreds of white crosses in the quad's lawn. That also annoys me--I can't help but think what they're doing to our lawn. Ugh.

Martian 12-03-2005 12:16 PM


Indeed, scientists tell us that fish brains and nervous systems closely resemble our own.
From the linked site.

That is the most misleading piece of propaganda I have ever seen.

In function, fish nerves are the same as human or chimpanzee or crab or lion nerves. Or the ones in earthworms, for that matter.

Wow, an earthworm must be an intelligent creature with a personality that feels pain, just like us!

Or maybe a dendrite is a dendrite is a dendrite.

A fish brain is little more than a glorified hypothalamus. In fact, a fish brain is the least complex brain in the animal kingdom that can still be classified as such (discounting the neural nets seen in animals like crustaceans). A fish has a large cerebellum and visual cortex in relation to the rest of it's brain and a very small cerebrum (commonly called the 'forebrain'). A fish doesn't even have a cerebral cortex. A fish is not capable of complex thought. The parts of the brain necessary for such are simply not there.

A fish is much closer to a very complicated machine than a thinking creature. It responds to stimuli and uses encoded behaviour to form a complex behavioural pattern. In that sense, a fish does not feel pain the same way we do at all, except how we do in a reflex reaction. You touch a hot stove, your hand moves away. You don't have to think about it, you don't even actually feel pain - your body takes a stimulus and formulates a response, entirely without conscious input on your part. This is how a fish goes about it's daily life.

The human body is designed in such a way so as to require amino acids that are very difficult to acquire from plants. We are herbivores, whether we were designed as such by an intelligent higher power or we simply evolved into it. And frankly, if it's a question of a fish's well-being over that of a human, I'll kill a thousand fish for one man.

shakran 12-03-2005 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Here on my university campus they don't hand out comic books...no, they put up huge photographs in the quad of aborted fetuses alongside Holocaust victims, and announce that abortion=Holocaust. Granted, there is a warning outside of the quad about the graphic photos, but as it is a main traffic path through the university, it's rather hard to get around. There's also another group around here that on every anniversary of Roe v. Wade they put hundreds of white crosses in the quad's lawn. That also annoys me--I can't help but think what they're doing to our lawn. Ugh.

Yeah the group I mentioned does the same thing. They set up on the college campus in the morning with the signs (most of which are photochopped) where they and bored college students have a good time making mutual asses of each other. Then in the afternoon they put the signs away, pull out the comic books, and head for the elementary school in time for dismissal.

viejo gringo 12-03-2005 02:35 PM

anyone know what to do with a bunch of cats with 5MM pellet holes in them???? they take way to much Bar-B-Q sauce...:D

I hope they don't come to south Texas and try to tell one of these guys not to catch
a giant red in the Laguna Magre....

raeanna74 12-03-2005 03:00 PM

Me - I eat fish, beef, venison, and multiple other edible beasties. I have hunted and fished. I've killed, cleaned, and butchered the the critter's myself. I have a sheepshin and a fur coat that I relish wearing in hopes that I will offend a PETA supporter. I care for animals but people who go to this kind of extreme irritate me so much that I can't resist flaunting things like that.

Oh and what's up with the evolution/creationism debate HERE? I thought this thread was about a underhanded PETA ad?


Originally Posted by serlindsipity
I pissed those guys off once while they were on my campus with this booth that had a video playing of how they kill animals. i stood there watching the chickens drown while eating chicken (granted it was hard to do) but the look of complete horror on their face was well worth the slightly upset stomach.

That was pure gold. I would have enjoyed that so much.

mrklixx 12-03-2005 03:20 PM



Rhynome 12-03-2005 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by hulk
It's quite simple. Looks at virus mutations - penicillin used to be the wonder drug and now it's effects are vastly reduced, due to those strains of certain viruses that were resilient to it's effects. Just apply that on a mammalian scale and viola - evolution.

Evolution was one example. But prove to me that the Earth orbits the Sun and not the other way round. (I believe it does, but I want proof nonetheless).

Have you ever seen resistance to penicillin happen? Now I don't know if you're a doctor, or a nurse, or so on. But if you were not then the only way I could imagine that you come to that conclusion is because someone told you.

I want proof that the Earth orbits the Sun, and I will not accept 'so and so said this' because in that case, 'Abraham said this, Moses said that'. It's the same thing.

Menoman 12-03-2005 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by CSflim
Just curious, but what do you mean by that?

From the literature that I saw on the subject, since PETA is a non profit organization all of their records are public domain, and can be viewed by anyone with an interest.

These numbers are just for example since I don't remember the exact numbers, but:

PETA takes in 80,000 cats and dogs per year, strays, owners don't want, etc etc.

More than 50% of those cats and dogs taken in, will be Euthanized (if I spelled that right).

In otherwords. They kill them.

shakran 12-03-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Menoman
From the literature that I saw on the subject, since PETA is a non profit organization all of their records are public domain, and can be viewed by anyone with an interest.

These numbers are just for example since I don't remember the exact numbers, but:

PETA takes in 80,000 cats and dogs per year, strays, owners don't want, etc etc.

More than 50% of those cats and dogs taken in, will be Euthanized (if I spelled that right).

In otherwords. They kill them.

But you need to find out WHY they euthanized them before you use that figure to attack them. Often times it IS much more humane to euthanize an animal than to let it suffer. I'm not a fan of PETA myself because they're a load of bloody loonies, so it'd be ashame to weaken the position against them by attacking them for doing something right for once ;)

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