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mrap1 06-01-2003 08:34 PM

I'm 23 although I feel like I identify equally with younger and older people. I still laugh at stupid fart jokes, but I also realize that they aren't always appropriate.

Vaultboy 06-01-2003 08:42 PM


Memalvada 06-01-2003 08:47 PM

18 here, although people tell me i look as if im 15... but I actually feel older :confused:

lady 06-01-2003 10:50 PM

<--- 25

Who are the geniuses that admitted they're under 18... :rolleyes:

sbscout 06-02-2003 05:00 AM


rockogre 06-02-2003 05:08 AM


Originally posted by rogue49
hmm...still growing older
anyone else?

Approaching 50 this month. (June) I hope to grow older still.

After spending all day yesterday on my SeaDoo I'm a feeling every year this morning.

Bill O'Rights 06-02-2003 05:23 AM

I'll turn 41 in August. I kinda figured I'd be one of the oldest in here, but I was rather surprised to see so many, so young. Some of the most insightful comments, I can now see, come from some of the youngest among you. Kinda gives me a little hope for the future...*sniff*

Cynthetiq 06-02-2003 07:02 AM

34 here.... finally going to be 35 at the end of the year.

Peetster 06-02-2003 07:04 AM

Closing in on 43. :-)

teflonian 06-02-2003 07:51 AM


I like your out look ~springrain and TheIceMan.

joshibahn 06-02-2003 08:05 AM


Plummie 06-02-2003 08:10 AM

24 :)

Lebell 06-02-2003 08:51 AM

38 physically, but no one has been able to pin me down mentally.

gonadman 06-02-2003 09:08 AM

Throwing in my lot with the grayhairs....I'm 41

Alot of times I feel like I'm 141

bender 06-02-2003 09:36 AM

A full 2/3's of people here seem to be under 30 !!
As one of the " Old folks " here I've just got one question
is there some sort of pension plan here

Sticky 06-02-2003 11:08 AM

27 (almost 28)

I just realized from the results of the poll above that I am no longer in the largest group anymore.

Troublebot 06-02-2003 11:27 AM

32. I'll be 33 in about six weeks.

Working hard to make sure the next 33 are as flexible and pain-free as the first 33. Wish me luck.

denim 06-02-2003 11:47 AM

I be 38 almost all year.

Ogre840 06-02-2003 02:31 PM

wooo 19 here, just like a bunch of you guys. But if your counting birthdays... im 4 and 3/4. But of course I feel older, well ok... Mature, at times. my old high school buddies i relieze are idiots alot, and i get annoyed with them really fast. Tis weird, i allways wondered why people lost contact with hs friends... lol

I'm glad to see a diverse age group, wonder what the "racial breakdown" would be like (90% white geeks? lol j/k) thats allways interesting to me along with ages, and gender (yeah some of your names confuse me... thats when i feel old lol)

focalevo 06-02-2003 02:34 PM

21 years today!!!

Kinda sucks that I'm at work now, and will be til around 10 or so tonight. O.K. though, already hit the distributor before work.

Sensei 06-02-2003 02:38 PM

21; the thing I wonder is whether there really are more <18 year olds here that don't vote or vote than they really are. Of course, voting is anonymous but, hey, they're used to clicking "over 18" like a million times anyways (I know I did).

zf0enix 06-02-2003 03:17 PM


Originally posted by Troublebot
32. I'll be 33 in about six weeks.

Same here. By the way, isn't this a Tim McGraw tune?


Working hard to make sure the next 33 are as flexible and pain-free as the first 33. Wish me luck.

brandon11983 06-02-2003 04:20 PM

good ol' 20.

Loup 06-02-2003 04:21 PM

Closing in on 26 I am.

Atropos4 06-02-2003 04:45 PM


31----->Alpha phi

I've had people tell me I look 14 but that's usually when I cut my hair to give myself bangs. hmm I guess it makes a difference. Even alpha phi thinks it makes me look young.
I'm starting to feel old.
I usually want to take a nap in the afternoon and I have a hard time staying up late unless I've napped. I think this is because I have to get up at 5 am almost everyday and I don't go to bed until after Alpha phi goes to work. Leaves me pretty exhausted.

~springrain 06-02-2003 05:42 PM

the poll so far is about where i expected it to be...

i'm pleased to see all the diversity as well... makes for a more well rounded point of reference :)

Carma 06-03-2003 06:47 AM

31 here! Wow where does the time go!

BigBlueWrecking 06-03-2003 06:54 AM

I am a ripe old 26 (soon to be 27) I guess I am an old fart around these parts.

06-03-2003 09:12 AM

I'm 23 - although i feel about 50 lately :S

eyeseepeedude 06-03-2003 09:23 AM

I remember this thread coming up on the old board, and yet again I am amazed at how many people voted that they were not even 18 yet... (*I am glad that they are honest, but that's about all I'm happy with...*)

22 BTW... :)

warrrreagl 06-03-2003 09:24 AM

Will smash into 43 later this year.

Get off my lawn, you damn kids!

Jack Ruby 06-03-2003 09:26 AM

18. I can smoke weed legally here yay

LutherMac 06-03-2003 09:29 AM

26... going on 27 next month. Getting way too old! :)

rainincarnate 06-03-2003 01:50 PM

24 here, like someone said earlier - it sucks to be not in the largest group anymore - does this mean advertising is going to stop having an efect on me >

"must kill abraham lincoln"

BuDDaH 06-03-2003 02:38 PM

over 35, but I ain't saying by how much...

Pyrate 06-04-2003 02:12 AM

Please, someone say they're 0!


Pyrate 06-04-2003 02:12 AM

I'm 18 btw

troit 06-04-2003 06:33 AM

32 and going strong -- no regrets. I agree with a few other above who stated they feel like they are in their prime -- my feeling is I'm just appraoching mine -- got a little money in my pocket and the freedom to do whatever it is I want -- life at the moment is good! :)

Prophecy 06-04-2003 06:41 AM


Originally posted by gonadman
Throwing in my lot with the grayhairs....I'm 41

Alot of times I feel like I'm 141

I'm 22 and I already have a few silver strands :hmm:

vermin 06-04-2003 06:46 AM

I'll be 36 on July 6th

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