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Old 08-28-2005, 05:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
Beware the Mad Irish
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New Orleans - The Big "Breezy"

This storm as a CAT 5 will pack wind gusts upwards of 200mph. New Orleans is essentially a fish bowl that actually sits below sea level which means that the storm surge generated by this storm will result in massive flooding. Katrina has the potential to be one of the most powerful storms to hit the US in recorded history.


By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer
11 minutes ago

NEW ORLEANS - Hurricane Katrina strengthened to a dangerous Category 5 storm on Sunday with 160 mph sustained wind as residents of south Louisiana jammed freeways in a rush to get out of the low-lying region and head inland to higher ground.

A hurricane warning was in effect for the north-central Gulf Coast from Morgan City, La., to the Alabama-Florida, meaning hurricane conditions were expected within 24 hours, the National Hurricane Center said. Tropical storm warnings extended east to Indian Pass, Fla., and west to Cameron, La.

Katrina had been blamed for nine deaths in South Florida.

The hurricane's landfall could still come in Mississippi and affect Alabama and Florida, but it looked likely to come ashore Monday morning on the southeastern Louisiana coast, said Ed Rappaport, deputy director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami. That put New Orleans squarely in the crosshairs.

"If it came ashore with the intensity it has now and went to the New Orleans area, it would be the strongest we've had in recorded history there," Rappaport said in a telephone interview Sunday morning. "We're hoping of course there'll be a slight tapering off at least of the winds, but we can't plan on that. So whichever area gets hit, this is going to be a once in a lifetime event for them."

He said loss of life was "what inevitably occurs" with a storm this strong.

"We're in for some trouble here no matter what," he said.

At 8 a.m., Katrina's center was about 250 miles south-southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River, the hurricane center said. It was moving west-northwest at about 12 mph and a gradual turn toward the north-northwest was expected. Hurricane force-wind of at least 74 mph extended up to 85 miles from the center.

The storm had the potential for storm surge flooding of up to 25 feet, topped with even higher waves, as much as 15 inches of rain, and tornadoes.

Only three Category 5 hurricanes — the highest on the Saffir-Simpson scale — have hit the United States since record-keeping began. The last was 1992's Hurricane Andrew, which leveled parts of South Florida, killed 43 people and caused $31 billion in damage. The other two were the 1935 Labor Day hurricane that hit the Florida Keys and killed 600 people and Hurricane Camille, which devastated the Mississippi coast in 1969, killing 256.

New Orleans is especially vulnerable because it sits below sea level, and needs levees and pumps to keep out water.

New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin was exploring the idea of ordering a mandatory evacuation.

Katrina formed in the Bahamas and ripped across South Florida on Thursday as a Category 1 storm before moving into the Gulf of Mexico where surface water temperatures were as high as 90 degrees — high-octane fuel for hurricanes.

Nagin said he spoke to a forecaster at the hurricane center who told him that "this is the storm New Orleans has feared these many years."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a test. This is the real deal," he warned Saturday. "Board up your homes, make sure you have enough medicine, make sure the car has enough gas. Do all things you normally do for a hurricane but treat this one differently because it is pointed towards New Orleans."

Making matters worse, at least 100,000 people in the city lack the transportation to get out of town. Nagin said the Superdome might be used as a shelter of last resort for people who have no cars, with city bus pickup points around New Orleans.

Louisiana and Mississippi made all lanes northbound on interstate highways. Mississippi declared a state of emergency and Alabama offered assistance to its neighbors. Some motels as far inland as Jackson, Miss., 150 miles north of New Orleans, were already booked up.

Some tourists heeded the warnings and moved up their departures, and lines of tourists waited for cabs on New Orleans' famed Bourbon Street.

But plenty of people in the French Quarter stayed put, and bars were rocking Saturday night.

"The only dangerous hurricanes so far are the ones we've been drinking," said Fred Wilson of San Francisco, as he sipped one of the famous drinks at Pat O'Brien's Bar. "We can't get out, so we might as well have fun."

New Orleans' worst hurricane disaster happened 40 years ago, when Hurricane Betsy blasted the Gulf Coast. Flooding approached 20 feet deep in some areas, fishing villages were flattened, and the storm surge left almost half of New Orleans under water and 60,000 residents homeless. Seventy-four people died in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida.

Katrina is the 11th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, which began June 1. That's seven more than typically have formed by now in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, the hurricane center said. The season ends Nov. 30.
What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?
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Old 08-28-2005, 05:49 AM   #2 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I was watching coverage on CNN this morning -- and it's really kinda scary to think about -- the claim was made, that if New Orleans did end up underwater, it would be at least a month or more with no clean drinking water, or sanitation, any building that ended up under water would not be habitable until it was proven to be structurally sound....

What's fascinating though, is to watch the real weather people talk about this hurricane, it's been described as beautiful... the pictures from it are amazing... the devastation however...

Good luck to all those folks in LA - they say that God protects idiots -- for those idiots that remain by choice... Hope that'd the case..
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-28-2005, 06:01 AM   #3 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
Grasshopper Green's Avatar
Location: Where morons reign supreme
I can see where people would say it's beautiful mal. When Floyd hit NC, I remember watching it and looking at how enormous it was and thinking...that storm is as big as Texas. Mother Nature can produce some awe inspiring things, that is for sure. It certainly isn't beautiful to go through one though...anything but.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"

Formerly Medusa
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Old 08-28-2005, 06:45 AM   #4 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
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Location: Where morons reign supreme
Mandatory evacuation just ordered:


NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- Emergency officials along the Gulf Coast urged residents to move to safer ground as powerful Hurricane Katrina churned toward shore with maximum sustained winds of 160 mph.

The National Hurricane Center in Miami said low-lying areas along the Gulf Coast could expect storm surges of up to 25 feet as the Category 5 storm makes landfall early Monday.

"It has the potential for a large loss of life," said Max Mayfield, director of the NHC. (Watch CNN meteorologist explain storm outlook)

Katrina is blamed for at least seven deaths in Florida, where it made landfall Thursday as a Category 1 hurricane. As much as 18 inches of rain fell in some areas, flooding streets and homes. (See video of the damage floodwaters left in one family's new house)

"The time has come to evacuate," Louisiana National Guard Lt. Col. Pete Schneider told CNN on Sunday. "This is a dangerous, dangerous hurricane, and it poses a huge threat to southeastern Louisiana." (See video from New Orleans, where not all are ready to leave)

At 8 a.m. ET, Katrina was centered about 250 miles south-southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River. It was moving to the west-northwest at about 12 mph.

NHC forecaster Ed Rappaport said Katrina's strength could fluctuate before it reaches shore but noted the difference between a high Category 4 and a low Category 5 was practically inconsequential.

"There will be extensive to potentially catastrophic damage to many structures ... and inland," he said. "We'll have a lot of trees that are going to come down, perhaps millions of trees. But the first threat is going to be the storm surge. You must get away from the coast now."

By 8:30 a.m. ET, the first bands of rain were falling over extreme southeastern Louisiana.

CNN meteorologist Brad Huffines said the Katrina would come ashore "sometime between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m." Monday.

"The news doesn't get good, unfortunately," he said. "These rain showers will slow down the evacuation process, and that means you need to hit the road quickly, very quickly."

Officials fear New Orleans is vulnerable because it sits an average of 6 feet below sea level. (Watch video of how New Orleans reacted to warning)

Worst case scenario
In worst case scenarios, most of New Orleans would end up under 15 feet of water, without electricity, clean water and sewage for months. Even pumping the water out could take as long as four months to get started because the massive pumps that would do the job would be underwater.

New Orleans was under a voluntary evacuation order Sunday morning, but city officials were meeting and expected to issue a mandatory order later in the morning. Interstates into the city were turned one-way out to facilitate evacuations.

City officials told those who cannot evacuate, such as tourists, to stay at least at third-floor levels and stay away from windows. A shelter was set up at the Superdome.

Traffic out of the city was bumper to bumper -- but officials were concerned too many people might not take the warnings seriously.

"People in New Orleans tend to think that the storm we've always planned on would never come," said Schneider. "But people need to heed that warning."

Rappaport cautioned that New Orleans was not the only area threatened -- the storm's hurricane winds spread out as far as 100 miles. As far east as Mobile, Alabama, warned of storm surges reaching 8 to 10 feet.

Hurricane warnings were posted from Morgan City, Louisiana, eastward to the Alabama-Florida state line, including New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain. A hurricane warning means hurricane conditions, including winds of at least 74 mph, are expected in the warning area within the next 24 hours.

A tropical storm warning and a hurricane watch from the Alabama-Florida state line eastward to Destin, Florida, and from west of Morgan City to Intracoastal City, Louisiana. Another tropical storm warning was issued Sunday from Intracoastal City, Louisiana, west to Cameron, Louisiana, and from Destin, Florida, eastward to Indian Pass, Florida.

A tropical storm warning means tropical storm conditions, including winds of at least 39 mph, are expected within 24 hours. A hurricane watch means hurricane conditions are possible, usually within 36 hours.

Governors of both Louisiana and Mississippi declared emergencies Friday in anticipation of the strengthening storm.

Robert Latham, director of the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, said the state was recommending evacuations along the coast "and even several counties inland." Mandatory evacuations could follow later, he said.

Category 5 is the highest category on the Saffir-Simpson scale of hurricane intensity. Only three Category 5 hurricanes have made landfall in the United States since records were kept. Those were the Labor Day hurricane of 1935, 1969's Hurricane Camille and Hurricane Andrew, which devastated the Miami area in 1992. Andrew remains the costliest U.S. hurricane on record, with $26.5 billion in losses.

Camille came ashore in Mississippi and killed 256 people.

Oil rig evacuations
Some oil platforms and rigs in the Gulf of Mexico have been evacuated.

Six oil companies operating offshore facilities evacuated a total of at least 150 people. Most of those employees were described as "nonessential" to production, and rigs and platforms continued to operate.(Watch the video of drilling crews securing rigs and seeking safety.)

Two companies -- Newfield Exploration and Murphy Exploration -- said they may pull out production workers and shut down some facilities Saturday, depending on the hurricane's path.

At least 12 platforms and nine oil rigs in the Gulf have been evacuated, a small portion of the 953 manned rigs and platforms operating there, according to the Interior Department's Mineral Management Service.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"

Formerly Medusa
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Old 08-28-2005, 07:38 AM   #5 (permalink)
Born Against
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It's incredible. FEMA in 2000 did an analysis in which it described the three worst disaster scenarios possible in the U.S.: the first was a category 5 hurricane hitting New Orleans, the second was a major earthquake in San Francisco, and the third was (ironically) a terrorist attack in New York City. This has the makings of one of the worst disasters in the history of this country.

We live in Miami, and our house was in the eye of Katrina. At 10PM Thursday night we were hearing deafening wind and sheets of rain blasting sideways into our house like ocean surf, trees were bent over, the house was shuddering, lightning and thunder every 20 seconds or so all around us, and the kitchen filled with about an inch of water. After the hurricane passed there were occasional tornadoes, one of which ripped through a local park and uprooted about 20 trees. That was just a category 1 hurricane, and we were 10 feet above sea level.

I can't imagine what would have happened if we were 14 feet below sea level, under a category 5 . . . . .
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Old 08-28-2005, 08:49 AM   #6 (permalink)
I'm baaaaack!
On a related note, my mother just called me to warn me that since all of the oil rigs in the gulf have evacuated, I should get gas today. Funny how any disaster can be related to gas prices. I seem to remember a huge rush to the pump on the night of 9/11.
You don't know from fun.
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Old 08-28-2005, 08:57 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
I've been watching coverage of this as well. It's unbelievable how huge this storm is...sustained winds of 175 mph. Sustained! Even watching the news now, meteorologists are saying that the conditions in the gulf are ripe for even more strengthening. If there are any TFPers in New Orleans, I wish you the best and hope those who can't make it out of the city get through this.

raveneye: I remember just a few months ago watching something on the Science Channel about the outcome of a Category 5 hitting New Orleans. Their prognosis wasn't good. I've never been through a hurricane before. I can't begin to imagine what it's like. Was this your first?
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses
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Old 08-28-2005, 09:24 AM   #8 (permalink)
I got blisters on me fingers!!!
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Originally Posted by Rubyee
On a related note, my mother just called me to warn me that since all of the oil rigs in the gulf have evacuated, I should get gas today. Funny how any disaster can be related to gas prices. I seem to remember a huge rush to the pump on the night of 9/11.
Keep in mind this part of the US produces about 30% of domestic oil. Last year Ivan grazed this area and the price of oil went up $10. Now a bigger Hurricane is hitting the area. There is a good chance that oil production could be fucked for a month or more. Not only pumps, but refineries are going to be affected. Gas could go up 1.50 to 2.00 by the end of the week.
If you are not outraged than you are not paying attention!

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Old 08-28-2005, 09:25 AM   #9 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
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Originally Posted by Rubyee
On a related note, my mother just called me to warn me that since all of the oil rigs in the gulf have evacuated, I should get gas today. Funny how any disaster can be related to gas prices. I seem to remember a huge rush to the pump on the night of 9/11.
Yeah, my dad warned me of this yesterday...better get goin'...
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 08-28-2005, 09:38 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Location: In my angry-dome.
I love that city. Good to see people are taking this seriously.

<img src="http://www.foxnews.com/images/175587/19_2_katrina_hwy.jpg">

Hate to think of it turning into another Venice should the warnings come true. The next half-day will be an eternity. My thoughts are with anyone thereabouts. I can't imagine how frightening and disruptive this would be.
There are a vast number of people who are uninformed and heavily propagandized, but fundamentally decent. The propaganda that inundates them is effective when unchallenged, but much of it goes only skin deep. If they can be brought to raise questions and apply their decent instincts and basic intelligence, many people quickly escape the confines of the doctrinal system and are willing to do something to help others who are really suffering and oppressed." -Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media, p. 195
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Old 08-28-2005, 11:15 AM   #11 (permalink)
Born Against
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JumpinJesus -- yep this was the first hurricane that passed over us. We've been here for 10 years, so we've seen a lot of storms, but this one was the worst. We still have a full two months left in the hurricane season though, so it's not over yet. . . .

I'm profoundly worried about those folks in New Orleans . . . a hurricane is one of the most frustrating phenomena on the planet -- you know exactly what's going to happen, in great detail, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Just watch and hope.
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Old 08-28-2005, 12:24 PM   #12 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
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Location: Oregon
In an interview later with CNN, the mayor also referred to the potential impact the hurricane could have on the oil supply from the vulnerable area.

"The real issue - that I don't think the nation is paying attention to - is that through the city of New Orleans, through the Gulf of Mexico, we probably deal with almost a third of the nation's domestic oil that is produced. And that will most likely be shut down," Mr. Nagin said.
This is going to be a mess for everyone, not just New Orleans or Louisiana. Let's hope that somehow the worst is avoided.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 08-28-2005, 01:30 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: TN
Whats really scary is the posted a Tropical Storm Watch for us here in Nashville, the counties in Southern Tennessee are under a Hurricane Warning... Thats hundreds of miles south of where its making landfall...
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Old 08-28-2005, 03:16 PM   #14 (permalink)
That's what she said
dirtyrascal7's Avatar
Originally Posted by raveneye
It's incredible. FEMA in 2000 did an analysis in which it described the three worst disaster scenarios possible in the U.S.: the first was a category 5 hurricane hitting New Orleans, the second was a major earthquake in San Francisco, and the third was (ironically) a terrorist attack in New York City. This has the makings of one of the worst disasters in the history of this country.
This will definitely be devastating, but at least with a hurricane you know it's coming. What makes the other two so dangerous is that they typically catch everyone off-guard.
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Old 08-28-2005, 07:08 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Location: The Cosmos
I just heard about this, and wow, what a powerful freaking storm.
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Old 08-28-2005, 07:14 PM   #16 (permalink)
My sister evacuated N'awlins this morning at about 4. I believe she rolled into Houston around 9 PM, a 17 hour drive. It usually takes about 7 hours.
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Old 08-28-2005, 11:05 PM   #17 (permalink)
I made my first-ever trip to New Orleans just a couple of months ago. I can't imagine such a beautiful, historic city being completely demolished... and all the lives that might be lost, wow. I just saw a video clip of a weather expert saying, "This is a 1-in-500-year event."
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Old 08-29-2005, 01:55 AM   #18 (permalink)
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It's weakened to category 4 now as it's making landfall, let's hope it continues to weaken.

You can see from these elevation maps how vulnerable this city "bowl" is to flooding.

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Old 08-29-2005, 05:58 AM   #19 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Katrina batters roof of Superdome
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- Hurricane Katrina flogged Louisiana's southeastern shore Monday morning with sustained winds in excess of 135 mph as it moved inland, the National Hurricane Center said.

New Orleans, braced for a catastrophic direct hit from the powerful Category 4 storm, hunkered nearly 10,000 people in its mammoth Superdome, but Ed Reams of CNN affiliate WDSU reported that the structure has begun leaking as the winds damaged the roof letting daylight and rainwater in the darkened arena.

"I can see daylight straight up from inside the Superdome," Reams reported.

National Guard troops moved people to the other side of the dome. Others were moving beneath the concrete-reinforced terrace level.

"This is only going to get bigger," he said. "We have another two hours before the worst of the storm gets to us."

City officials estimated that 1 million people had evacuated the area as the storm approached.

About 70 percent of New Orleans is below sea level and is protected from the Mississippi River by a series of levees. (Full story)

Forecasters predicted the storm surge could reach 28 feet; the highest levees around New Orleans are 18 feet high.

At 9 a.m. ET, the storm was centered about 40 miles southeast of New Orleans, Louisiana, and 65 miles southwest of Biloxi, Mississippi. (Watch video update on Katrina's path)

Hurricane force winds extended about 125 miles from the storm's center.

The storm was moving toward the north at 15 mph.

Hurricane Katrina made landfall Monday between Grand Isle, Louisiana, and the mouth of the Mississippi River -- and the worst is yet to come, National Hurricane Center forecaster Richard Knabb told CNN.

Katrina jogged to the north in the night, early enough to push the massive storm just off what had been a direct line to New Orleans, moving its eastern eye wall instead toward Biloxi and Gulfport, Mississippi, where CNN's Gary Tuchman found a boat washed onto a normally busy street.

"This is not the strongest part of the hurricane yet," Tuchman reported, battling the wind outside his truck. "This is the street where this boat is now. It's completely flooded. It's only going to get worse."

The counterclockwise spin of a hurricane makes the worst damage on its eastern edge, but CNN meteorologist Chad Myers cautioned that "there's not really an easy side of a Category 4 storm" on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

The Hurricane Center said that a 113 mph wind gust was reported in Pascagoula, Mississippi. (Watch video report from Biloxi, Mississippi)

In Biloxi, CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano reported that wind gusts topping 100 mph were starting to pull the roofs off of nearby buildings.

Hurricane warnings are posted from Morgan City, Louisiana, eastward to the Alabama-Florida state line, including New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain. This means winds of at least 74 mph are expected in the warning area within the next 24 hours.

A tropical storm warning and a hurricane watch are in effect from the Alabama-Florida state line eastward to Destin, Florida, and from west of Morgan City to Intracoastal City, Louisiana. A tropical storm warning is also in effect from Intracoastal City, Louisiana, west to Cameron, Louisiana, and from Destin, Florida, eastward to Indian Pass, Florida.

A tropical storm warning means tropical storm conditions, including winds of at least 39 mph, are expected within 24 hours. A hurricane watch means hurricane conditions are possible, usually within 36 hours.

Isolated tornadoes are also possible Monday across southern portions of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, forecasters said.

Three deaths in New Orleans
Three residents of a New Orleans nursing home died Sunday while being evacuated to Baton Rouge, said Don Moreau, chief of operations for the East Baton Rouge Parish Coroner's Office.

The 23 residents were supposed to stay at a church, where one of the bodies was found. The other body was found on a school bus and a third person died at a hospital, Moreau said.

The others were found to be suffering from various forms of dehydration and exhaustion, he said.

Moreau did not know whether authorities would term the deaths storm-related. "These people are very fragile," he said. "When they're loaded up on a school bus and transported out of New Orleans ..."

One person died in similar circumstances during evacuations from Hurricane Ivan, he said.

Katrina is blamed for at least seven deaths in Florida, where it made landfall Thursday as a Category 1 hurricane. As much as 18 inches of rain fell in some areas, flooding streets and homes.

Category 5 is the most intense on the Saffir-Simpson scale. Only three Category 5 hurricanes have made landfall in the United States since records were kept. Those were the Labor Day hurricane of 1935, 1969's Hurricane Camille and Hurricane Andrew, which devastated the Miami area in 1992. Andrew remains the costliest U.S. hurricane on record, with $26.5 billion in losses.

Camille came ashore in Mississippi and killed 256 people.


they were saying on the news last night, they weren't sure if the superdome could take the battering, this is after 1000's of people were being pushed inside...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-29-2005, 07:28 AM   #20 (permalink)
Born Against
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It's now down to a category 3 as the eye passes just to the east of the city, and the storm surge prediction has been downgraded to 15 feet -- good news! (relatively speaking ...)
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Old 08-30-2005, 08:44 AM   #21 (permalink)
damnit dont say CAT5 unless we are talking about a specifacation for unshielded twisted pair cabeling. I got excited when i saw it and the title didnt make sense to me without thinking about the hurricane. Im off to skulk in a technologic forum now, thanks for listening to the rant
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big, breezy, orleans

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