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#1 (permalink) |
Eccentric insomniac
Location: North Carolina
Dealing with an idiot for a professor (rantish)
Being a hard science person, I put off taking the basic required history courses until the last possible minute, and now I am stuck taking history 101 over summer school. I knew it wasn't going to be fun, but I did not expect this.
My professor (who talks like Mayor Quimby) gave us a lecture on prehistory and early man yesterday on the first day of class. To keep a long story short, I will go over some of the key things he told us: The big bang was caused by exploding gasses, and celestial bodies formed as they cooled. And scientists don't understand why everything just exploded [into existence?] at a random point in time. Since the law of entrofy (yes, entrofy) says that order always increases, scientists cannot explain why there is so much disorder in the universe. (talking about big bang vs. creationism) When I said something to the effect of "actually, the law of entropy says pretty much the exact opposite" he said "whatever, I am not a scientist." At about this time, he took a class poll (had everybody raise their hands) to see how many christians we had. Fish and turtles are mammals, and we know we evolved from mammals in the sea because fetesuses initially breathe through gills in the womb. (I tried to say something here too, but he said "I'm just a history professor") The neolithic stone age was characterized by the use of better, harder stones, like shale, for chipped tools. We evolved from monkeys in the trees, and our earlobes give us our balance, that's why all apes have earlobes. -------- How am I supposed to deal with this guy? It's bad enough that I just have to sit there and groan, but most of the kids in this class are freshman who failed it the first time around....and who will take him at his word. Is it unreasonable for me to expect that this guy stick to facts when I am paying upwards of a thousand dollars to take his course? I think he has a responsiblility to accurately represent these concepts, if he is going to go over them at all. Granted, it is not a science class, but still, he should just not discuss them, or he should STUDY up on them first. What am I supposed to do when the first test has a question like: The big bang was caused by exploding gasses. T/F? or: We are descended from mammals in the sea, such as fish. T/F? or neolithic man used hard, chipped stone tools made out of materials like shale. T/F? Argghhhh! The worst part is I have to keep my mouth shut. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Intently Rocking
Location: Davey's
Actually, I don't know that you have to keep your mouth shut Greg. I think it's your duty to go to the Dean and talk to him about this guy. I don't know if he has tenure or not, but if he's teaching classes incorrect facts, then he needs to be shut down.
Back in the day, we had a new teacher for our beginning journalism classes. The first I'd heard of her, she had picked up a column I had written for the newspaper and called me a "child molester or abuser" (never met the lady, didn't know her from Adam.) She started spouting off in class about how the yearbook and newspaper on campus were a cult. So, students started to talk to the Vice President of Academics. Everyone started writing down the things she said in her classes and handing them in as testimony. She had started teaching in January and was given her walking papers just before spring break. I'm not saying your situation is exactly like this, but you are paying money, so you should be happy with the service. Talk with someone higher up and see what can be done.
Howard Moon: The wind is my only friend. Wind: [whistling] I hate you. |
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#3 (permalink) |
pinche vato
Location: backwater, Third World, land of cotton
I am a college administrator.
My first idea would be to drop the section and add a different one with a different instructor. Even if it costs you money, it would be worth it. If that's not possible or practical, my next advice is to write down everything you just posted (and anything else you can think of), and make an appointment to meet with his department head. DON'T meet with the dept. head using a belligerent tone; merely express your concerns that you are being given some information that you know to be incorrect, and you are fearful for your grade. What will likely happen is nothing...at first. The dept. head may speak to the instructor (do not fear reprisals from the instructor, because that would be libelous), or he may file it in a large folder he already has concerning complaints about that instructor. Either way, if your grade comes back screwed at the end of the semester, you will already have a documented case for appealing and overturning your grade. Save all of your exams and graded work to use in your defense. And a follow-up appointment with the department head at mid-term would help your case nicely. As a former professor, I am deeply incensed by those who tarnish the profession. Good luck.
Living is easy with eyes closed. Last edited by warrrreagl; 05-28-2003 at 05:35 AM.. |
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#4 (permalink) |
Location: The True North Strong and Free!
Debate him, challenge him in class and prove him wrong. But be careful to do it in such a way that you don't embarass him publicly though.
He may choose to stay away from those types of topics for fear of challenge. It could backfire though and he could fail you miserably ![]()
"It is impossible to obtain a conviction for sodomy from an English jury. Half of them don't believe that it can physically be done, and the other half are doing it." Winston Churchill |
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: Somewhere... Across the sea...
Greg700- You may be right, except it doesn't matter. This is something you will run across for the rest of your life, so how you deal with it now will set the tone for your future.
An idiot that has power is a powerful idiot. NO ONE likes to be told (or worse- proven) that they are wrong, especially not in front of those over whom he has power, by one over whom he has power. Your best approach is to listen to what he says, regurgitate what he wants. I know that is distasteful, but it is better to have an A and retain your superior knowledge, than to get a D because you're a snotty know-it all (in the prof's eyes). As you stated, this class is a required course for graduation, but not for your major. Let this idiot be an idiot and get on with your life. If you MUST correct him in order to sleep at night, DO NOT do this in class when he has no defense and you have no opportunity to enlighten him without wasting all the class time. Instead, make an appointment to see him in his office. Tell him that you are confused because of conflicting information given in your other classes, and could he please help you to understand. Do not attack him, or his views, as asinine as they may be. He still has the power to flunk your ass and hurt your GPA, or even your graduation. I know you are a hard science guy, but take this from a soft science diplomat with hard science background. The real challenge in telling someone to go to hell is leaving them looking forward to the trip. If you are confrontational, you will lose, even if you are right. Edit: I posted this at about the same time as warrrreagl, and wasn't able to read his post first. Of course you have the options he suggested. It's up to you to decide if carrying this fight beyond graduation, while you are possibly trying to get ready for work or grad school, is worth it. I would suggest so if it weren't (I assume) your last term. You may be asked to appear before an academic review committee, which if you are not living in the same town as your college, could be an inconvenience. Just my two cents: grin and ignore it.
The difference between theory and reality is that in theory there is no difference. "God made man, but he used the monkey to do it." DEVO Last edited by Ratman; 05-28-2003 at 06:16 AM.. |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Steel Town, Ontario
Are recording devices allowed in lectures? If so the tape will add weight to your previously transcribed notes on the Professor.
I will also agree with warrrreagl and suggest watching your tone in the meeting(s) with the higher ups. It's very easy to get drawn out and undo all your hard work. Good luck
After all is said and done, more is said than done. |
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: Midwest
I respect the opinion of warrrreagl in this matter. That is the best advice to follow.
What would I do? I'd sit right through it, and ace his course and get the hell out. If a professor tells me the sky is purple, the sky is purple. When I leave the class after finals, I know its blue. Its a short summer class. Listen to him blow hard, give him what he wants, get an A and get the hell out. You'll be no better for it, but it doesn't sound like that was your expectation going in anyway. But thats what I'd do. Warrrreagl is probably right. |
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#8 (permalink) |
comfortably numb...
Super Moderator
Location: upstate
i was attempting to formulate a response to this thread this morning, but warrrreagl said what i was going to say very succinctly...my advice is to go with his advice...
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous casualties...in a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done." - Robert S. McNamara ----------------------------------------- "We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches... We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles." - Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message" ----------------------------------------- never wrestle with a pig. you both get dirty; the pig likes it. |
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#9 (permalink) |
big damn hero
Allowing someone to blatantly shovel ignorance to students....students! should not be tolerated.
Get together some evidence and go to his department head. If the department head doesn't want to listen then go see his boss. Normally I would say just suck it up because you know better, but you're in college. You're paying him money to teach you, the correct information, not some shit he made up before class as filler or worse yet, actually believes. He's a professor. period. He's teaches college students. period. He should know better. period.
No signature. None. Seriously. |
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#10 (permalink) |
I agree with warrrreagl. It's tough b/c some professors can be so egotistical. to the point where they are never wrong. If you challenge him publically, he may hold it against you. Just be careful what you say out loud in class. While you may be right, you dont want any of that to come back and haunt you. Just talk to his department head. That is the best advice.
Good Luck |
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#11 (permalink) |
Fledgling Dead Head
Location: Clarkson U.
My advice? Do all that dept head shit like everyone else said. But as long as you are in the class...keep your fuckng mouth shut, and suck it up. THe last thing you want is to be singled out as the chalenger! That is how you end up graded harder, and geberaly given a hard time!
Im with ya in spirit man, I hate to shut my mouth, but sometimes its worth it. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Location: MI
I would have to agree with Ratman and krwlz....just go along, give him what he wants. Slam him on the evaluations at the end of the class when there is no way he could "punish" you. Even go to the Dean like wrr said...just wait till you have the grade.
It will teach you a valuable skill...keeping your mouth shut when you have nothing to gain except a few pride points, which are just not worth it. Anyway, to commisserate, as a social science guy myself, I am embarassed that this guy is just talking out of his ass....why he would venture out of his narrow area of expertise is inexplicable. Someone else briefly mentioned the tenure issue. If he is an adjunct and you complain and make a cogent case, he probably will not return. If he is tenured, then he is virtually bulletproof. Finally, Troublebot said: QUOTE]I'm not saying your situation is exactly like this, but you are paying money, so you should be happy with the service. Talk with someone higher up and see what can be done.[/QUOTE] I so disagree with this service model of education, treating it like a fast food restaraunt...this is the process that leads to grade inflation and the declining standards that everyone complains about! For every student like Greg that desires a more rigourous education, there are 8 that would be content to sleep through every class and have the professor give them little note sheets to memorize and regurgitate at test time. That service model is just not viable. |
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#13 (permalink) | |
big damn hero
If I go to the steakhouse and pay $18 for a steak then I expect the $18 steak, not the $4.99 special they hawk up at lunch. I pay for college, I expect my college professors to know what they're talking about and not spew an unending line of uneducated estimations. If I didn't expect this standard, why spend thousands of dollars going to college, when I can learn just as much from $20 book at the bookstore? Sure I won't get the nice diploma, but I'd have learned more and isn't the purpose of college to learn? to better oneself through knowledge? The diploma and subsequent payraise is secondary.
No signature. None. Seriously. |
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dealing, idiot, professor, rantish |