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Old 04-20-2005, 11:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
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The anonymous "Drugs Tried" Poll

On another thread someone posted something about mescaline. It was closed and someone else posted "Who's tried it"? Well who's tried what. There are far more drugs out there than this list but here's your basic one.

BTW: I've done a few in my day but I don't anymore (No money, no desire). Feel free to leave a comment on why drugs should remain illegal or be legalized or that your friend overdosed.

My friend Bob drown in his own vomit after drinking whiskey.

Anyways on with the poll. You can list more than one.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:20 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: outside of Tulsa,Oklahoma
the drug war has failed and is failing miserably even with all the billions we are pumping into this failing attempt.prohibition didnt work with alcohol,and its certainly not working with drugs.it only increases organized crime,and the profits made by capitializing on an outdated concept like prohibition.

imo marijuana is much safer than alcohol,yet its still illegal.not one person has ever been documented from dying of a marijuana overdose.more people all killed by alcohol than by marijuana,illicit street drugs or all pharmaceutical drugs combined.yet the government overlooks this fact blindly.

More than 100,000 deaths per year are attributed to alcohol, in the United States. Alcohol-related auto accidents account for approximately 24,000 of these deaths (most often the victims are under 30 years of age), while alcohol-related homicide account for 11,000 and suicide 8,000 deaths.

makes you kind of sit back and question the reasoning of our laws.

as far as getting into the drugs ive done in my lifetime,i would rather not.
some the experience to me was mind expanding and rewarding,while others had the exact opposite effect.moderation,respect,and control as with anything can make the difference between being rewarding and becoming a full time burden.
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Last edited by hypnotic4502; 04-20-2005 at 01:27 PM..
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:36 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Everywhere, but nowhere
Thus far, the only drugs I have done are caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana (twice.) I would like to try shrooms and LSD, I just haven't had the chance yet.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:37 PM   #4 (permalink)
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too many to list, but nothing that required me to stick a needle into my body.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:39 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
too many to list, but nothing that required me to stick a needle into my body.
ditto - no crystal/crack stuff, but a varied assortment nonetheless.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:41 PM   #6 (permalink)
Suave's Avatar
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
The usual. Caffiene to marijauna and hash oil. Nothing exciting. Definitely never trying any manufactured drugs, nor anything requiring a needle, barring medical drugs.

Drugs should all be legalized simply so that they can be better regulated. Prohibition will not stem their usage, and means that organized crime becomes involved, and the product is less safe than it otherwise might be.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:46 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Nothing really. Mostly cause I want to keep my options open since I might work for the government. Once I decide what I'm gonna to i'd like to try some hallucinegens while camping or something. Another reason I havn't tried them is because I tend to react differently to drugs. A lot of pain killers that most people love just makes me dizzy and nauseus, same thing with alcohol.

And I think nearly all drugs should be legalized, trying to prevent them only makes it worse. Let people live or die by their own decisions so long as it doesnt affect me.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:57 PM   #8 (permalink)
The Pusher
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Is there supposed to be a poll? I can't see one.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:06 PM   #9 (permalink)
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You know, there's a surefire way to get rid of the underground drug cartel and international drug smuggling- make it all legal! Then, the war on drugs is over, and the goverment has lots of new and exciting things to tax. Plus, you wouldn't have to worry about little raver kiddies dying on "X" because you could regulate the manufacture of MDMA and make sure it's all pure. Same thing with everything else. I wonder if the rural Meth labs problem that has become huge all of a sudden would then go away.... I'd bet you would no longer get the crazy trailer explosions you had before because then the people making meth would be in buisness and would have to follow strict laws about saftey and such. As a matter of fact, wouldn't it then make sense, if you were to legalize drugs and put serious guidelines as to their manufacture, that everyone who still illegally manufactured drugs would be subject to like super serious fines and such? It'd be like making your own Viagra and then selling it on the street....
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:07 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I'm too much of an uptight control freak... Caffeine is my drug of choice... that's the only one I have ever touched...
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:09 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Marijuana, Yellow Jacket pills (now banned for Ephedra), Caffiene, and all headache medicines.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:14 PM   #12 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
Astrocloud's Avatar
Um, I never posted this. There were FAR more drugs than could be listed in 10 poll options.

I thought for sure I exited out before posting.... Oh well, seems a popular subject.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:23 PM   #13 (permalink)
Psycho Dad's Avatar
Location: Some nucking fut house.
Originally Posted by Rlyss
Is there supposed to be a poll? I can't see one.
You are taking the wrong drugs then.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:33 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Needless to say, i had a little teeny drugs problem a year or so back, but, thanks to alot of willpower, i'm just normal non-drug-enhanced crazy me

I'm also a little bit of a caffiene fiend.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:34 PM   #15 (permalink)
big damn hero
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I've never experimented with any drug that requires me sticking myself with a needle or snorting it up my nose.

Everything else was fair game.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:47 PM   #16 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
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Location: Washington, D.C.
None of my friends overdosed or anything, but my brother's heroin problem a few years back pretty much scared me away from everything. I think my other brother is still doing a bunch of random things (cocaine, "prescription" anti-depressants he gets from Mexico, marijuana, E, acid... who knows). And all three of my brothers had a lot of friends O.D. between high school and now (they're in their 30s). My best friend's mom had (has?) a nasty addiction to prescription pain killers that really messed up the family dynamic, to say the least for her health. Then there's my other best friend who started looking like an anorexic domestic abuse victim when she was doing cocaine a couple of years ago, but thankfully she's looking healthy again so I'm pretty sure she stopped.

I smoked pot for a brief time, but right now I'm going illegal drug free and I'll probably stay that way. My prescription Ambien is already starting to worry me (because it feels sooooooo good) so I try not to take it unless I really need a good night's sleep before an important day.
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:55 PM   #17 (permalink)
Addict ed to smack
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Plus, you wouldn't have to worry about little raver kiddies dying on "X" because you could regulate the manufacture of MDMA and make sure it's all pure. Same thing with everything else.
the kiddies dying on ecstacy are not dying because of stuff in the pill. they simply dance too much and way overhydrate themselves.
When heroin purity goes up, you see lots of addicts start dying.
Legalizng drugs is fine and dandy but i think they should instead Fix the drug schedules to make them much less fucked up.
move all opiates to schedule 2 as they are way too addictive to give out freely but highly taxed.
"Oh i scratched my knee, guess i better take a hydro" and bam you have opiate addicts just like the early 1900s everywhere.
I too am one to believe that drugs should be legal, but the populace is too full of idiots to do such unfortunately.
drugs ive done?
pills-amphetamine (ritalin, etc.) - opiates (perc, oxy etc)
all forms of marijuana
Salvia Divinorum
and some others
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Old 04-20-2005, 02:57 PM   #18 (permalink)
I've never had the desire to try anything, but even if I did have the desire my intense fear of needles would prevent me from taking anything requiring a needle
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Old 04-20-2005, 03:30 PM   #19 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
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I've never done illegal drugs, although I am curious. I react strongly to a lot of meds though, so if I ever did anything it would probably be marijuana and that's it. I don't do it now because my work has random drug tests.

I am a caffeine addict, take prescription anti-depressants, and drink once in awhile.

I think legalizing drugs is a good idea. It would free up some prison space for people who get out early like..oh, murderers, rapists, and the like. Think of all the tax dollars saved from not having to house drug offenders, pay for police officers to respond to drug crimes, not to mention the money made from the taxes on the stuff. Maybe we could even pay off the national debt in my lifetime!!

Seriously though...people are going to do it anyway. I just think it would be a lot safer if it were legalized, illicit and dangerous meth labs and such were out of business. Just my opinion.
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:14 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Norwalk, CT
Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, LSD, MDMA, percocet (wisdom teeth) and marijuana. I was thinking of trying ketamine but quickly changed my mind when I saw a guy in the process of dying in a bathroom stall at a rave. That's also the reason I stopped doing most of the aforementioned drugs.
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:29 PM   #21 (permalink)
Fledgling Dead Head
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Location: Clarkson U.
My list is pretty short... In no particular order:
Caffiene, nicotine, alchohal, opium, marijuana, viccatin (opiate.. so I guess thats the same as opium in effect) hydrocodones(again...opiate), Mushrooms, nitrous, tried salvia once, and I think that just once I ended up with a little coke...

Story on the coke... Unknown dealer, smoked some of the weed we just bought, and was definatly not high. Upon consulting a friend of mine that has done all the drugs, he said they probably shook some buds up in an empty coke baggy.

I regret the nitrous, everything else I've listed is more or less harmless when done in moderation. Ive had the opportunity for many many more drugs, but snorting anything up my nose never sounded like fun to me, and I'm really not into pills. FOr the most part I stick to my good ole standbyes... Weed and alchohal.
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:39 PM   #22 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
Personally, caffiene and alcohol are all that I've personally taken. I've gotten a contact high off of pot a few times. I've also been in the room with people snorting coke. They were really annoying because I was trying to fall asleep. Ahh Las Vegas.
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:42 PM   #23 (permalink)
Aladdin Sane's Avatar
Location: San Marvelous
Marijuana and all its derivatives, cocaine, opium, speed, downers, nitrous oxide, butal nitrate, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.

I haven't done any of that stuff (except alcohol) for years, afterall, I'm now a church-goin family man. Here Here.
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:00 PM   #24 (permalink)
Frontal Lobe
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Location: California
...sigh...I wasn't going to respond to this thread because I figured you'd all think I was a scumbag but what the hell, who cares. My list (as well as I can remember that is):

alcohol (I believe it's a drug)
psilocybin (mushrooms)
pcp (unwillingly dosed with it)
other speed (black beauties, whites, etc.)
amyl nitrate
Vicodin, codein, percocet, percodan, demerol, darvocet, norco, etc. etc. etc.
valium, xanax

Hope I didn't I miss anything...it's a little hard to remember.

Last edited by Squishor; 04-20-2005 at 10:32 PM..
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:13 PM   #25 (permalink)
Let's start from the top:
crack cocaine
Now after reading this list I think it is important to note a couple things. First I have not done any powders or anything up my nose in over six years. Second I am not proud of this list and actually am kind of disgusted by it. I have no regrets but I do feel like these are an ugly mark on my past and I sometimes wonder if the halluconigenics and ecstacy warped my mind.
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:14 PM   #26 (permalink)
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If it was around in the 70's and didn't require a needle, I probably tried it and liked it. These days it's caffeine and alcohol, though the alcohol consumption is dropping off.
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Old 04-20-2005, 06:35 PM   #27 (permalink)
Nobody Loves Me
Location: Irish In Madrid
3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (sp)
Crystal (orally)
Various Uppers & downers

Im clean as a whistle now, dont even smoke. I dont regret taking drugs & consider it a learning experience. Ive had some very good times on drugs. I recommend everyone to try it at least once, under the right circumstances.

I think illegal drugs are an established part of our society & they influence whole generations. I think the "war" on drugs is a futile one. Drug use is not confined to shady criminals on the fringes of society that can be stamped out. Drugs are everywhere! Simply because your son or daughter doesnt take drugs doesnt mean that millions of ecstasy tabs are dropped every weekend all over the world. Most people take drugs not because they are addicted but because drugs make you feel good. Its not a trap or a trick, if LSD really made you see bleeding maggots coming out of your friends skull nobody would take it.
Having said that I commend someone who has the balls to say no when everyone else is getting on one. It takes strength of character.
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Old 04-20-2005, 08:10 PM   #28 (permalink)
I'm just a stoner

I've tried
Hash Oil

I'm too afraid of the "harder" drugs to actually try it

I'd consider Shrooms one day, but not anytime soon

I believe that the "harder" drugs should stay illegal, these drugs have a dangerous effect on people, not all people, but still a few are affected in extreme ways.

As for Marijuana, that should definitely be legal, it seems to make more sense legal then illegal, especially around where I live, in Alaska, its hard to tell the legality of Ganja, and its odd how something so widely used can be illegal.

Especially since law enforcement almost never busts you on a drug charge as low as ganja.
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Old 04-20-2005, 09:06 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Hey, at least the list is easy to remember and quick to read!
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Old 04-20-2005, 09:18 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Illinois
Caffiene is all I've done-- and now I don't even consume much with that in it.
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Old 04-20-2005, 09:59 PM   #31 (permalink)
Frontal Lobe
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Will someone please tell me what the hell "keef" is?
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Old 04-20-2005, 10:11 PM   #32 (permalink)
Nobody Loves Me
Location: Irish In Madrid
Originally Posted by Squishor
Will someone please tell me what the hell "keef" is?
Dont sound right to me, bu tthis is what I came up with.
Kiff: Marijuana cigarette; very potent marijuana from Morocco, Lebanon and other Arab/Middle Eastern countries.
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Old 04-20-2005, 10:14 PM   #33 (permalink)
Frontal Lobe
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Location: California
Thanks Magpie0001.

And now from your list, what is "Bucky"? The only Bucky I'm aware of is Buckminster Fuller, and I hadn't heard he was a drug, although I suppose it wouldn't be too terribly surprising.
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Old 04-20-2005, 10:23 PM   #34 (permalink)
Nobody Loves Me
Location: Irish In Madrid

AAh sweet Buckfast Tonic Wine, Made by the Benedictine monks of Buckfast Abbey. Yum!
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Old 04-20-2005, 11:37 PM   #35 (permalink)
DJ Happy's Avatar
Well let's see now...


Only smoke hash now, although I would be sorely tempted to do acid or 'shrooms again if available. They are really a lot of fun (or I thought so anyway).

Would never touch speed or coke again. After a university ball where the speed was plentiful I raced a mate of mine up a hill, each of us with a girl on our backs. When I got to the top my heart was racing at such a rate I had to lie down for half an hour to slow it down to the point that I didn't feel I was going to pass out anymore. Not a pleasant experience.

I resisted E for a long time because of the horror stories about it in the media, but eventually tried it. It did nothing for me, other than blur my vision slightly and make me unbelievably horny. I later discovered that MDMA was originally developed as a "couple's aid" for those experiencing diminished sex drives. I imagine it would be remarkable effective at that.
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Old 04-21-2005, 03:01 AM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Leeds, UK
Originally Posted by DJ Happy
Well let's see now...

Ditto + Salvia

Originally Posted by DJ Happy

I resisted E for a long time because of the horror stories about it in the media, but eventually tried it. It did nothing for me, other than blur my vision slightly and make me unbelievably horny. I later discovered that MDMA was originally developed as a "couple's aid" for those experiencing diminished sex drives. I imagine it would be remarkable effective at that.
I highly doubt you did MDMA if you became unbelievably 'horny'. MDMA was originally developed to increase slimming, not libido:

"German company Merck first synthesized MDMA in 1913 as a drug to aid dieting and provide slimming effects, despite providing some interesting emotional side effects. (An interesting tidbit about Ecstasy is that there have been some unsubstantiated reports that the U.S. Army tried to test the drug for military or truth-telling purposes in the 1950s.)"

MDMA actually decreases your libido (take a look at your nob next time you get fucked on E and you'll understand).

You probably hit a dud or something that deffinately wasn't MDMA.
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Old 04-21-2005, 03:06 AM   #37 (permalink)
Stick's Avatar
Location: Sydney, Australia
Never liked alcohol, but I gave it a run anyway.
Didn't like the stone I got from heroin, but loved the meth. My nose couldn't handle the pace after a while, so I started whacking it.
Ahh! The needle is the way to go! It's a fucking blast!

Don't do anything now, but if I had my time over I'd do it all again.
Fuck yeah!
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Old 04-21-2005, 03:39 AM   #38 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Im going to just take squishors lists and delete the few I havent done, (and added one) so yes I copied it lol

psilocybin (mushrooms)
Vicodin, codein, percocet, percodan, demerol, darvocet, norco, etc. etc. etc.
valium, xanax

I would like to add that all the 'cet' pills (along with the others) were perscribed to me over various times, but the valium and xanax were not.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 04-21-2005, 03:54 AM   #39 (permalink)
Occasionally alcohol and the caffeine in dozens of cups of tea a day.

Arnt I bad
Old 04-21-2005, 04:30 AM   #40 (permalink)
DJ Happy's Avatar
A number of studies have been carried out on the sexual effects of MDMA. Some of them state that MDMA inhibits sexual performance (usually in habitual users) while others show a marked increase in sexual desire. However, almost all of them agree that MDMA enhances sexual intensity and feeling. This certainly has been the case for me and my friends.
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