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#121 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
"Not always, but the vast majority of the time they are. Also the majority of the time even when they are bigger, they are still weaker; and I didn't say harmless, I said they are less likely to inflict serious harm, which is true."
_____________________________________________________________ Women to make up for their smaller size use the element of surprise, (attack a sleeping spouse) a weapon or (frying pan, baseball bat) in some cases boiling water. Men make up 35% of REPORTED domsetic violence incidents in America. http://www.glennsacks.com/domestic_violence_series.htm http://www.glennsacks.com/plaintiff_in_suit.htm http://www.ifeminists.net/introducti...13roberts.html http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm ->>> my favorite http://www.ifeminists.net/introducti...09schuett.html IT IS NEVER RIGHT TO HIT A SPOUSE/BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND/PARTNER If you dish it out you should expect the person on the receiving end to respond in some way. |
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#122 (permalink) | ||
Location: Greater Harrisburg Area
The answer to that boils down to how you view violence as a means. Personally I firmly believe violence or the threat of violence works in most cases to get your point across. Whether or not your intent justifies the use of violence is entirely based on your own morals which are in turn entirely subjective, carved from your life experience. So it's at the individuals call based on the situation. I gave an original example of when I thought it may be ok for a man to hit a woman, later an example of when it would not be ok for a man to hit a woman(and what I feel is not an inappropriate response). I attempted to explain my reasoning for both(but I often do not articulate well so the reasoning may be lost) to the ends of showing intent. If the intent is to cause harm with violence then there is a problem, if the intent is education then it depends on the situation (at least for me). So, finally in your latest question, if the parent is just trying to hurt the kid in retaliation then no it's not ok. If the kid gets his butt smacked with a good talking to about why its wrong to hit your parents then that would be ok. You(not you as in sixate, but you as in any person at all) dare disagree and say hitting your kids is always wrong, what I know is I believe it worked for me(I think I turned out ok)
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game. |
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#123 (permalink) | |
Location: bangor pa
When my girlfriend smacks me, i smack her back just as hard. i dont expect to take her shit just as she shouldent expect to take mine
you get what you give
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#124 (permalink) | |
Location: Edmontania
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim |
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#125 (permalink) |
We seem to have a chasm filled with false dilemmas and misunderstandings here.
1. Very few people fault anyone for stopping a guy from smacking a girl around in a parking lot. In fact, I'll call that admirable. That's assault. It's happening you can stop it. But if the only reason you stop it is because it's a girl, well you're a dick. No one is fond of getting beaten. 2. The violence that is being decried is pre-meditated. For example, girl shows up to school with a black eye, says her boyfriend did it. Posse rounded up and boyfriend is beaten up. This creates two problems. The first being vigilante justice. We have a court system and cops to take care of this sort of thing. The second problem is that the posse is uninformed and highly biased. What if she did hit first? Pulled a knife? She won't tell you that if she wants his ass kicked. You just play right into her estrogen laden tentacles. It won't stop any situation in this case. It might just escalate it.
- people who have fallen into solitary, half-mad grooves of life and given up trying to be normal or decent. George Orwell Last edited by Mbwuto; 04-19-2005 at 07:26 PM.. |
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#126 (permalink) | |
And for those who preach anti-violence to me, I say this: Shame on you for being the type to stand there and watch while the helpless are beaten further, or while the assailant gets away. Shame on you for being too much of a pussy to do something or, if you're incapable, too much of a complete peace-loving retard for telling me i'm a "violent person" because I'll step up for the safety and security of another human being. Irishsean, I applaud you. On-topic: Doesn't seem like he really "hit" her. If he had, he'd likely not have been so candid about it. However, if it were the case, i'd have given him a good beating and then seen about getting him help for his violence against his girl. |
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#128 (permalink) | |
"Without the fuzz"
Location: ..too close for comfort..
my whole point was just that...he didnt have anymarks..and and she had a black eye...thats wrong to me..why didnt he restrain her, leave or just liek push her away? just personally i think that men shouldnt hit women ..besides the fact that i was raised to think that thats wrong ..guy ARE more likely to hit harder..and girls are more likely to have real damage done. we tend to be more fragile. a slap probably isnt going to be that hard ... and i've never had a bruise from being slapped. and just to clarify i dont think domestic abuse should happen on EITHER end of the gender spectrum. i really do think sometimes violence works (as either intervention or to knock some sense into someone) and i applaud you irishsean,analog,hektore,xepherys and seaver
Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps. Play with each other. Play with yourselves. Just don't play with the squirrels, they bite. |
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#129 (permalink) |
This seems to have become a debate over the size of men and women and how hard we hit, and administering beatings on people for doing it...
Please understand that, at the age of 24 i'd like to believe that i've grown out of the violence phase that I had when i was at school... sure I hit a few people when i was younger, and took a few beating myself - I look at it as a life experience, and it taught me that if i need to stick up for myself, I know what to do, and also know my limitations... However, I would NEVER try to beat up a friend who i've know since i was 7 yrs old even in this situation, and added to that the fact that he could probably lay me out (i'm 6' 2" but not built like a brick shit house)- I don't want the pain and bruising afterwards and have to explain it to my work colleagues. It seems that some people here are just trying to show their machismo which no-one actually gives a damn about
'Everything that can be invented has been invented.- - 1899, Charles Duell, U.S. Office of Patents. 'There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.' - Ken Olson, 1977, Digital Equipment Corporation |
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#130 (permalink) |
Location: Long Island, NY
Some have already said.....
with the execption of VERY VERY few circumstances... ie(she is attempting to kill you, or you feel your life is truly in danger) there is absolutly NO REASON WHATSOEVER to strike a woman. If my woman were to come after me... I might give her a nice bear hug to restrain her, but never strike her back..( I can't tell you I havent wanted to though) Violance or not.. I would stand up for any women being wrongly abused. I watched my mother being physically abused by her ex-boyfriend. This stuff definetly doesent sit well with me. If a man came up to my girl, or I whitnessed a man striking a woman, I would stand up for her in a heart beat. If a girl were to attack me in public, I would simply have my SO take care of it, and I'm sure I would not have to get to the point of having to ask.
"Its better to be hated for who you are, then loved for what your not" --Van Zant "Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." |
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#131 (permalink) | |
Location: Fort Worth, TX
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#132 (permalink) | |
Location: Vermont
If she's using the crow bar do you simply disarm her? Or do you "teach her a lesson" as seems to be a popular response? /Half playing devil's advocate |
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#133 (permalink) |
This is exactly my point. There seems to be a mind-set here that a man beating a woman is doing so wrongfully and must be taught a lesson, whereas a woman beating a man must just be restrained before she goes too far.
The random displays of internet machismo that we've seen on this thread don't particularly impress me. By 'handing out an ass-kicking' to anyone you are effectively judging and sentencing someone for something that you have absolutely no prior knowledge of whatsoever, which (to quote my parents) is neither big nor clever. Last edited by DJ Happy; 04-20-2005 at 11:00 PM.. |
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#134 (permalink) |
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Look I'm finished with this. I've said my side, and I'm sick of being accused of being a violent person, or of waving my penis around in hopes of being seen as a manly man. That's not true, I'm sick of the veiled attacks. I'm done.
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#135 (permalink) |
I flopped the nutz...
Location: Stratford, CT
to quote Chris Rock:
"I would never hit a woman. I would never, ever EVER hit a woman." "But I'll shake the shit outta her.........what's the matter with you girl, are you crazy? You crazy girl!?" I've been in a couple relationships with women who made things violent, and as much as I might've wanted to knock 'em out, all I ever did was restrain them - if they're throwing punches or just going cuckoo, give 'em a bear hug, take 'em down to the floor until they chill the fuck out, then get the hell outta there.
Until the 20th century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the charted electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one millionth of reality |
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#137 (permalink) | |
who ever said streaking was a bad thing?
Location: Calgary
Damn straight.... no excuse for it. |
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#138 (permalink) | |
Location: Check your six.
Wasn't it Willravel, who said in another thread, that his wife (a cop) reported that cops wait until people quit fighting to do anything? |
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#139 (permalink) |
follower of the child's crusade?
If I knew of a person who had hit a girl, I personally wouldnt try and jump him and give him a punishment beating... Im not a violent person. But if I was to witness a girl getting hit by a guy, as it actually happened, I would have no real problem with kicking the shit out of him, and it wouldnt necessarily have to be a fair fight... he might be bigger than me, in which case I'd just have to cheap shot and make sure the first shot was hard enough that he wont be fighting back.
real men dont hit girls. If a girl hits you, you dont hit back. if she attacks you very aggresively, you are allowed to use as much force as you need to get away, and no more. And maybe Im a sexist for saying this, but Ive never really felt threatened by a woman, in terms of physical violence, and I really couldnt imagine any situation where I would. As far as Im concerned, any guy prepared to tee off on a girl is fair game, and will be treated accordingly
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered." The Gospel of Thomas |
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#140 (permalink) | |
Location: Greater Harrisburg Area
Time for another moral gut check I guess. For me against most women, I would probably just disarm her, but I would go to town on the guy...Why? Basically for me it boils down to this(Call it machismo if you want, it isn't): Of all the guys I am friends with I hit them 5 or 6 times as hard as I can various places, they lay there for a while, get up dust themselves off, hurt for a few days, maybe bleed a bit but aren't that much worse off for it. I do the same thing to about any of the girls I am friends with; I send them to the hospital for a day or two, possibly longer. So yeah, I am more willing to hit a guy than a girl, but I consider myself on more equal footing with guys in a fistfight. I think that is where the difference lies. In a fight I try to teach the guy a lesson he is more likely to be able to defend himself. Just because I start a fight with a guy getting physical with a girl doesn't mean I'm going to win that fight, even if it is the right thing to do. It's not the same with a girl, I have yet to meet a girl that could possibly beat up both her boyfriend and myself. That is why I say I would only disarm her. Once the crowbar is gone, it's(to me) no longer a fair fight. *shrug* Maybe I have some growing up to do, but this is what I think is right, at least for now.
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game. |
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#142 (permalink) |
Four of Wands
Location: Somewhere entirely too hot.
Disarm, bear hug, etc. I expect a man to respect my own being and I will grant him the same respect for his. If I were to ever hit a man, I would expect the worst in return just to prepare for my own safety. I'm a woman who doesn't believe in men hitting women, but I also don't believe in women hitting men. Violence as a last resort such as when your life is in question.
A hard man is good to find. ~Mae West |
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#143 (permalink) | |
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Why give him a hug?? I have beat the shit out of people I though where friends for hitting there GF....but I don;t hug them I leave them laying there to think about wat they have done! |
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#144 (permalink) |
*edited for content*
Location: Austin, TX
If hes a friend, you've seen some type of worth in them as a person. 1 mistake can be dealt with, counseling, and what not. If it happens again, thats when you leave them lying in the street.
There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances. Leon Trotsky |
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#145 (permalink) | |
Helplessly hoping
Location: Above the stars
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#146 (permalink) |
I aim to misbehave!
Location: SW Oklahoma
When I was in grade school, that's when the dinaosaurs ruled the earth for some of you, a girl at school beat me up almost daily. I didn't defend myself because "you don't hit women".
One day my dad took me aside and added a little to that. He told me that you don't hit a lady, as soon as a women hits you she is no longer a lady and you do what you need to do. Ended my problem and gave me a wider view of how life worked. Personally I couldn't have a friend that would hit a woman or a child just because he could get a way with it. Those kind of people are bottom of the gene pool.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American G. I. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom |
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#147 (permalink) |
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
Location: Upper Michigan
As a teacher my rule was "Nobody hits."
Anyone hit someone else - they got severely punished. As an adult - My brother (19 yr old) was punching my husband. I (the woman) intervened. My neighbor's boyfriend was beating her up. I did what I could. It doesn't matter to me who does what. Violence must needs be stopped with all the force necessary. As for ass kicking. I've never gone beyond the necessary steps to halt the violence until authorities arrived. That may partly because I'm not a big woman and taking things any farther then necessary is not wise on my part but it should be the MO for anyone. Though it's deplorable the state of our justice system I don't think it wise to take justice into my own hands in most cases. edit: And don't say I stopped my brother because I believed as a woman I wouldn't get hit. I have been hit on more than one occasion.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama My Karma just ran over your Dogma. ![]() Last edited by raeanna74; 04-25-2005 at 08:12 AM.. |
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#148 (permalink) | |
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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#149 (permalink) |
Location: Canada
I just wanna jump in here and say that this is exactly the reason that I would never date a guy that is bigger than me. Women and men fight different - they both fight - they both are dangerous in their own right but they fight DIFFERENT. Men will punch/kick ect. while women are more likely to throw things, slap ect. And in an adrendiline induced fight size really does not matter that much. Never underestimate the power of adrendiline.
"You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec |
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#150 (permalink) | |
So, because I have muscles, and like boxing and judo, I am 'undatable' because you can't beat me up? I mean, if that's your preference, whatever floats your boat, but don't think that every guy bigger than a twig is some murdering psychopath who is going to beat you senseless at the drop of a hat. In fact, my being the combative sort has saved at least one of my girlfriends from being raped by a drunk fratboy who thought he was a better fighter than I am. Personally, I don't like abuse. On either side of the equation. Play-fighting is one thing, but actually beating up your partner is something else completely. And, to be completely frank, while I'm honestly not a violent person, when required I will defend myself with all necessary force against an aggressor, regardless of gender. |
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#151 (permalink) |
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
Location: Upper Michigan
[QUOTE=Matadon]Speaking as a fairly built guy, I take a lot of offense at this.
So, because I have muscles, and like boxing and judo, I am 'undatable' because you can't beat me up? I mean, if that's your preference, whatever floats your boat, but don't think that every guy bigger than a twig is some murdering psychopath who is going to beat you senseless at the drop of a hat. QUOTE] True. Size is not what matters in the least. As a girl I'm pleased to have learned self defense and size doesn't intimidate me as much. What matters in any relationship is how people respect each other. If the guy doesn't respect you, get out. If the girl doesn't respect you, get out. A lack of respect is where the violence begins. People don't need to resort to violence when they respect others and are willing to restrain themselves and talk things out or walk away until they've cooled down. Respect matters, size doesn't.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama My Karma just ran over your Dogma. ![]() |
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#152 (permalink) | |
Location: Canada
long answer = It has to at least be a fair fight. But also note that there are not a lot of guys that are bigger than me. I am 5'9 and 170 ish pounds. I can hold my own fairly decently. I would just rather not put myself in those sorts of situations. Situations being places in which I can not defend myself.
"You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec |
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#153 (permalink) |
on fire
Location: Atlanta, GA
I sometimes wonder why it is okay for a woman to hit a man but not the other way around. Women are not weak. Most of them can handle themselves. I have never laid a hand on a woman in my life, but then again it is very rare that I lay a hand on anyone in a manner in which is hurtful. If a girl were to hit me that would be the end of it. She would stop or I would never see her again. A girlfriend of mine once slapped me. I simply looked at her and said, "Do not do that again. EVER." and for the remaining year or so of our relationship she never once hit me again. Violence is never the answer to an arguement. I love a good friendly fight with a friend, but I never would fight out of rage. All conficts can and should be worked out through calm, mature conversations.
I would suggest you tell your friend to get out of the relationship right now. |
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friend, girlfriend, hit |