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View Poll Results: Please select your three favorite genres, only. This is going on the honor system .
Fables/Fairy Tales 6 7.14%
Fantasy 35 41.67%
Fiction (Realistic or Historical) 49 58.33%
Horror 18 21.43%
Humor 35 41.67%
Mystery 21 25.00%
Nonfiction (Biographical, Educational, etc.) 32 38.10%
Poetry 11 13.10%
Romance 4 4.76%
Science Fiction 42 50.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 84. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-22-2005, 07:03 AM   #1 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
School Project Survey: "How to Write an Award-Winning Novel"


Thanks to everyone that helped out and made the research what it is. To all the mods that make-shifted my threads around, thank you!

Thanks again. I am going to go get some sleep.

Last edited by Hain; 05-16-2005 at 11:09 AM.. Reason: Your answers will be anonymous. No names will be used in the paper.
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Old 03-22-2005, 07:18 AM   #2 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
So not to upset my own survey I'll post my thoughts later on. Thank you again.
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Old 04-03-2005, 12:25 PM   #3 (permalink)
Forget me not...
Amnesia620's Avatar
Location: See that dot on the map? I don't live there.
1) What is your favorite genre of literature? Do you have a favorite author or novel?
Epic, Fiction or Poetry: Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, V.C. Andrews, Stephen King

2) Why do you write? What encourages you the most to write, as in elements of your life or personality?
Poetry and short stories. My past experiences are what encourage me to write.

3) What inspires you most to write or what environment do you write the best in?
Love, emotion, conflict; a quiet one or one where music is playing....

4) What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Please explain.
Poetry and Fiction...

5) Who do you write for? What audience is your work intended to be read by?
Myself, my son and my friends...those that mean the most to me...Everyone and anyone who can appreciate it for what it is...6) What do you try to accomplish when you write? When you write, what do you hope the reader is absorbing as your work is presented before them?
The twist (unseen), irony, sarcasm, justice, etc...

7) Would you take up writing as a serious career or is it one now? Please explain the reasons for choosing so.
I would love to. I love to write, a lot.

8) Do you hope to one day publish a novel or collection of your short writings or have you? If you have please list them.
I would love to be published seriously someday, that would be so cool.

9) Imagine please that such a publication is taken in these different ways and how would your life be different: if the work is a success? If it is a failure? If either has occurred, how did it alter your life?
Surprise, Heartache and disappointment. Helps me to write better, to grow and change some.
For example, I find that a lot of college girls are barbie doll carbon copies with few differences...Sadly, they're dumb, ditzy, immature, snotty, fake, or they are the gravitational center to orbiting drama. - Amnesia620

Last edited by Amnesia620; 04-03-2005 at 07:49 PM..
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Old 04-17-2005, 12:15 PM   #4 (permalink)
has a plan
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Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
I am thanful for the feed back I am getting through email as well as here. Thank you and hope to get more to come in.
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Old 04-17-2005, 07:02 PM   #5 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Originally Posted by Augi
1) What is your favorite genre of literature? Do you have a favorite author or novel?
I would have chosen sci fi 3 times if I could. I've been addicted to sci fi since before I could read or write, when my dad used to read me to sleep with everything from Isaac Asimov to Aurthur C. Clarke to Ray Bradbury to Frank Herbert. It's nothing short of an addiction, and I always look for it in a good novel. If I ahd to choose a favorite....I don't know if I can do this....Orson Scott Card or Aurthur C. Clarke.
Originally Posted by Augi
2) Why do you write? What encourages you the most to write, as in elements of your life or personality?
Partly I want a decent creative outlet that can be purely from me; no collaboration. My wife friends and family are really supportive of my writing. Sometimes in my line of work, I have to take a good hard look at the least favorable sides of humanity. Science fiction is about the creation and saving of hope. Hope for science, hope for society, hope for humanity, hope for existence.
Originally Posted by Augi
3) What inspires you most to write or what environment do you write the best in?
I love rading throught science journals and reading published papers comign from all over. I have a network of friends who circulate all the new frontiers of science, anthropology, psychology, sociology, etc. I also look at current events and history. It's amazing how much stuff hass happened.
Originally Posted by Augi
4) What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Please explain.
Sci fi. But I'm not afraid to do mysteries, dramas, action, suspense, thrillers, and such. I still haven't tried anything mainly romantic yet.
Originally Posted by Augi
5) Who do you write for? What audience is your work intended to be read by?
I write mainly for myself, but recently I've started writing for my daughter. I want her to understand my perceptions and interpretations from my varoius phases of writing when she gets older.
Originally Posted by Augi
6) What do you try to accomplish when you write? When you write, what do you hope the reader is absorbing as your work is presented before them?
I want people to think. I want my readers to stop and consider possibilities that never occoured to them before, and for them to allow those ideas to evolve in their minds. I want their horizons to grow, and mine aswell.
Originally Posted by Augi
7) Would you take up writing as a serious career or is it one now? Please explain the reasons for choosing so.
I am a veracious writer. I'll finish a novel in 2 or 3 days of writing straight. I'm not sure how often an author is expected to write, but it drains me completly. I can't do it very often. If I was to become a writer as a profession, I wouldn't want to write more than 2 or 3 books in a year. I hope they'd sell enought ffor me to be able to do that.
Originally Posted by Augi
8) Do you hope to one day publish a novel or collection of your short writings or have you? If you have please list them.
When I was in high school I wrote a novel about a connection betweren subatomic physics, the nature of the universe, and music. It had a Mozart-like character who found a direct link between the theory of music and quantum theory. I was really pround of it. My physics teacher shot it down a few times, but by my 5th or 6th reweriting, he thought it was worth trying to get published. I haven't thought about getting it published for years, but I might do it if I have the time to update the science. Quantum physics has changed even in the past 4 years.
Originally Posted by Augi
9) Imagine please that such a publication is taken in these different ways and how would your life be different: if the work is a success? If it is a failure? If either has occurred, how did it alter your life?
I would be happy if people I'll never meet were able to enjoy something I wrote. If it failed, I'd probably be dissapointed but I wound't stop writing. I'd like to think I'd never sell out.
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Old 05-11-2005, 07:43 AM   #6 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
This member is close to completion of a school project and Really wants to get input into this poll.....any help is appreciated

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 05-11-2005, 07:55 AM   #7 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
1) What is your favorite genre of literature? Do you have a favorite author or novel?
Fiction - Stephen King's The Stand
2) Why do you write? What encourages you the most to write, as in elements of your life or personality?
I don't really write, and I'm not good at it, more spew forth the random jumbled thoughts. Generally what inspires me to spew forth those random thoughts is when something or someone during the course of my day does something so mind numbingly irritating that it amuses me and I want to share the things I find funny. Or I'll just write when I'm being whiney, but that's not very funny.

3) What inspires you most to write or what environment do you write the best in?
I can spew forth anywhere.. and things that amuse me are what inspire me.

4) What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Please explain.
Humor or Technical Writing
5) Who do you write for? What audience is your work intended to be read by?
People who have a personality similar to mine (because more than likely they will find the same things funny that I do.
6) What do you try to accomplish when you write? When you write, what do you hope the reader is absorbing as your work is presented before them?
To entertain, and to make people laugh at the absurdity of life, or when I'm whining, to get people to see a me that they didn't realize was there, that I am sensitive or something like that.
7) Would you take up writing as a serious career or is it one now? Please explain the reasons for choosing so.
Nope because I like paying rent and I suck too badly at it
8) Do you hope to one day publish a novel or collection of your short writings or have you? If you have please list them.
Nope, because no one would buy it

9) Imagine please that such a publication is taken in these different ways and how would your life be different: if the work is a success? If it is a failure? If either has occurred, how did it alter your life?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 05-11-2005, 11:46 AM   #8 (permalink)
superiorrain's Avatar
Location: London
1) What is your favorite genre of literature? Do you have a favorite author or novel?
JRR Tolkien and better than he is Philip Pullman of His Dark Materials fame, now thats one bloody good book. Guessing Fantasy is my fav.

2) Why do you write? What encourages you the most to write, as in elements of your life or personality?
I wish i had the time to write seriously, all my time is taken with writting stuff for collage, so the only encouragement currently is my environment. Though i have played around with a film script idea with a friend for two years or so. Being creative is the driving force behind that and hoping it will launch a career of a life time.

3) What inspires you most to write or what environment do you write the best in?
Environment to write in, i'm not too fussy, generally like to have music going helps stimulate the mind and fi you know what you'll be writing about you can almost have a theme tune to inspire and get you in the mood.

4) What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Please explain.
I have dabled in a few genres and to tell you truth, i could give a definate one, i like to be factual and realistic (i.e the reverse to what i read), writing about the things going on around me is also fun.

5) Who do you write for? What audience is your work intended to be read by?
As i say current Uni work. But the more creative side of me does it really just for me, whether someone else happens to like it, is just a pleasant suprise.

6) What do you try to accomplish when you write? When you write, what do you hope the reader is absorbing as your work is presented before them?
I just want the person to lose themself in whatever i have done, a page turner must be the ultimate goal. For my Professors i just want to agree with everything i say and sometimes say "oh thats interesting, i hadn't thought of that".

7) Would you take up writing as a serious career or is it one now? Please explain the reasons for choosing so.
Good question, currently that lies in the balance, have always considered journalism but that would be the only writing career i would consider, books and films yuo just need too many orginal ideas.

8) Do you hope to one day publish a novel or collection of your short writings or have you? If you have please list them.
Hope is a strong word, i guess i would like something to be published, but would not feel a failure if nothing were.

9) Imagine please that such a publication is taken in these different ways and how would your life be different: if the work is a success? If it is a failure? If either has occurred, how did it alter your life?
If a success then i'd gain a sense of achievement, which would be great. Failure would not stop me from writing and i'd carry on just the same.
"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke
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Old 05-11-2005, 12:26 PM   #9 (permalink)
big damn hero
guthmund's Avatar
1) What is your favorite genre of literature? Do you have a favorite author or novel?

If I had to choose, I would say that fantasy is probably my favorite genre followed very closely by horror fiction. I don't have one particularly favorite author or novel.

2) Why do you write? What encourages you the most to write, as in elements of your life or personality?

I write for me. Sometimes I get these fantastic ideas that need to be written down and explored otherwise they drive me crazy. Sometimes they pan out, sometimes they're utter shat, but they have to be written for my sanity's sake.

3) What inspires you most to write or what environment do you write the best in?

Usually what I write comes from my dreams. Sometimes it's a set of scenes that played out in my head, sometimes it's a glimpse of some fantastic scene that gets my attention. That being said, I write best if the enviroment is simliar to how I sleep, dark and cool.

4) What genre do you enjoy writing the most? Please explain.

I used to write exclusively in the fantasy genre. Over the past few years, I've started delving into the sci-fiction realm and even more recently detective stories. Of the three, I like writing fantasy the most. I enjoy creating worlds. I'd like to say I prefer fantasy because it allows me to delve the depths of my imagination, but, in reality, it's because I'm lazy on research and prefer to make shit up as I go along.

5) Who do you write for? What audience is your work intended to be read by?

My writing is for me and me alone. I sometimes share it with those who ask, but I don't intend my work to be read by anyone.

6) What do you try to accomplish when you write? When you write, what do you hope the reader is absorbing as your work is presented before them?

Absolutely nothing. My writing is solely to keep it temporarily out of sight and out of mind. As I do not write for anyone, I have no expectations or hopes of the reader absorbing anything at all.

7) Would you take up writing as a serious career or is it one now? Please explain the reasons for choosing so.

No. Right now it's a fun diversion from the real world. As much as I would love to write for a living, I imagine it would take all the fun out of it for me. Deadlines to manage, constantly trying to sell yourself and ideas for profit? I shudder to think.

8) Do you hope to one day publish a novel or collection of your short writings or have you? If you have please list them.

Yeah, I think I would like that if I could put together something good enough to meet my standards.

9) Imagine please that such a publication is taken in these different ways and how would your life be different: if the work is a success? If it is a failure? If either has occurred, how did it alter your life?

Well, I would be pleasantly surprised if my work was a published success and I would probably be a little upset if it were rejected, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it would alter my life in any significant way. I mean, I don't need validation from someone else, if I think the work is good. If others enjoy it, well, then that's great, if they don't, they can kiss my shiny metal ass. /Bender
No signature. None. Seriously.
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