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mew 05-24-2003 08:37 PM

Hehehe, No! No asian pics here boys and girls, just one asian girl that needs to be enlightened.

1.What is the huge lust after asians? What is it that makes guys(or girls) go freaky over? Honestly, I think were as "unique" as Middle east asians, africans, or any other race. Arent they all unique?specific details would be helpful.Even if your not intrested in them do you have a perspective/idea?

2. Is it one particular East Asian that intrests you? Like those from the Phillipeans, Korean,Japanese,Chinese?Why?

3. Do you find the same attraction towards asian men as much as you do women? I noticed that its mostly women, but it could just be me.

4.What (if you had) do you do or had done to be with an asian or screw an asian? (ie:move to asia just to have a perma-hardon).

5. If not, how far would you go for an asian?(ie:join the Triad gang to be with asian models).

6. One more thing: Is there a particular body part/personality trait you like?
Thanks all.

mew 05-24-2003 09:02 PM

LOL!! I find it so Hilariouse that there are so many views on this thread, but no responses..! Not the thread you were hoping for huh people?!Sorry!

0001 05-24-2003 09:20 PM

I couldn't tell ya; I love 'em all :)

Phaenx 05-24-2003 09:37 PM

1. I like all chicks almost equally myself, just women in general floats my boat. The attraction to asian women by most guys I would assume (note that I am in no way qualified to give a psychiatric evaluation of the masses, let alone an individual) it's because they're generally smaller, slimmer, and have that neato exotic look about them, these all being traits one looks for in a womans physical appearance.

2. I think this question is more directed towards one of the chinese/islander asian loving guys, which I am a part of, but as I said earlier I like all of them equally, so I may not be the person to answer.

3. Not for me, no.

4. Nothing, I just hang around talking to people to get any action thrown my way.

5. Probably not very far, I prefer people to enjoy my prescense rather then my wallet.

6. Asians have nice faces, nice skin. Then of course there's those other parts, but they are standard issue parts mostly, for those I prefer black girls/ middle eastern girls/latin girls.

Halx 05-24-2003 10:01 PM

I didn't read the whole post, but I did read one sentence that I wanted to reply to...

Asian women look younger than women of other blood lines. It's this coupled with the human instinct to be attracted to youth (which is the classic source of physical beauty) that in general makes asian women so attractive. I'm capable of going deeper into this point, but I dont think you want to be reading my shit for hours.

tdcivicsi 05-24-2003 11:04 PM

I really had no extra attraction to asian girls until I dated one. In fact, I would say that growing up I was culturally biased against asian women, finding them less desireable just because I was "trained" socially to like girls who looked like me (girls who were white).

But after finding out an asian girl liked me I decided to take a chance and we went out for awhile. Now I would have to say that I am skewed toward asian women and would def. like to date another one.

I guess this is also related to the fact she was the last girl that I had strong feelings for, and you usually dont forget or lose those feelings until you meet another person.

Anyways, my friends always are giving me trouble and proding me when ever an asian girl walks by, etc, but I think they are just too afraid and culturally close minded to date outside their own ethnic group.

Physically I guess it would be the dark hair and nice skin, and (stereotyping mode on) asian girls seem more laid back, smarter, and less concerned with things that don't matter than other girls (sterotyping off).

Also I have been drinking :D

Synopsis: Didn't have a thing for asians, went out with one, now would like chose one over another non-asian girl.

forseti-6 05-24-2003 11:13 PM

This doesn't quite answer your question...

But I'm asian myself, and don't find myself attracted to asian women. Why is it? I don't know. I've always dated caucasian (white sounds weird doesn't it? I mean I don't call indians reds or asians yellows...). I think it probably also has to do with where I was brought up. I was always the only asian in my class until college. Some of my best friends are really good looking asian girls, but I just can't see myself in a relationship, and some of my friends think I'm stupid not to. But that's me...

Phaenx 05-24-2003 11:16 PM

I once knew a korean girl named joo. I almost got my ass kicked one day when I lost her in a crowd and started yelling for her. True story.

KeyserSoze 05-24-2003 11:17 PM

My X was Korean/American and the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was love at first sight :) When my friends would meet her they all said the same thing "run for your life...this girl is going to do a number on you"...SHE DID!!

She had the softest skin and she tasted.......A W E S O M E!!

When she would give oral I swear her mouth felt like silk.

Her daughter made my decade, and I actually miss her the most.

We broke up and got back together twice, both times with her leaving me for a guy with more money.

Sometimes I really hate the bitch, but if she knocked on my door right now I would be thankful....especially after writing this and me thinking about her body..........fuck it..........I'm gonna call her :)

Lebell 05-24-2003 11:20 PM

I'm pretty much an equal opportunity person, but I think that some people get infatuated with the culture (a la Shogun) and an Asian woman embodies the mistique of the East.

Other people may just develop a fetish for Asian features much as some guys are turned on by English accents.

mrap1 05-24-2003 11:21 PM


Originally posted by Phaenx
I once knew a korean girl named joo. I almost got my ass kicked one day when I lost her in a crowd and started yelling for her. True story.
OMG thats so f*ckin hilarious, I can imagine what would happen if you tried that in some neighborhoods in NYC. LMAO!

XenuHubbard 05-25-2003 04:00 AM

My fiancee's Taiwanese. I'm together with her because I love her. As for asians in general, most of them do nothing for me. I usually don't like the "come and help me" doll style most asian girls have.
I normally don't have any preference. I've never dated a black girl, or a North American girl, but it never had anything to do with preferences.

How far I would go to be with one is an irrelevant question. That depends on somebody's personality, not what they look like. If a girl wanted me to do stupid or dangerous crap just to prove my love for her, I'd dump her. My fiancee has my best in mind, as I have hers. That's why I moved to Taiwan. I want to be with her, so all other girls don't matter, unless they want to be friends and nothing else.

Satsuma 05-25-2003 05:06 AM

I'm not attracted to Asians. They're just not my cup of tea.

ninety09 05-25-2003 05:33 AM

I'm caucassian but I've always had more asian friends.. For some reason, I just seem to get along better with them. It probably has something to do with the fact that I'm very interested in their culture and what comes from their countries (food, martial arts, anime, etc)

As for women, well I do prefer asians. I really like the way they look; very cute ^_^ I'm currently dating a Chinese girl and I'm extremely happy with her.

damhna 05-25-2003 06:04 AM

My SO is Korean American, I do have something of a pechant for asian women however it is simply a matter (for me) of the pursuit of the exotic . Different equals good in my book.

Assuming you are a Caucasian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 76%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%

Assuming you are a Caucasian male, which of the following most attracts you to Asian females?
Their facial features | 66%
Their physique | 14%
Their attitude and personality | 17%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

I would tend to agee with this stats. Asian eyes for me have a distinctly alluring quality and skin tone and condition is particularly excellent among the majority of asians that I know.
(Again wildy crazily generalising there)

There is also a slightly aloof and knowing quality to the almost demure and deferential look that Asian women have (by and large) , so that would tie in with the first statistic.

Anyone here who has dated asian women will know for a fact that the 'demure''subservient''willing to please' sterotypes are just that....streotypes. Asian women (in my experience) present just as great a challenge and just as wonderful rewards as your average Finn or Argentinan or Russian or .....

A lot of work has been done in the area of analysing the undeniably strong attraction that Asian women have for Cauc men . Ill ask the missus tonoght for some psychology piece she was reading on that and post back .

My Source on those stats

Krutch9 05-25-2003 07:13 AM

When you have a majority of one race it can sometimes become boring or you can be burned out. I like exotic looking women and that often comes in Asian or African American and some latino women. Again all minorities when it comes to an overpopulated amount of European women.

Change is always good. Sometimes a mixture of races produces a attractive person that others find just as desirable.

matteo101 05-25-2003 02:02 PM

I love Japanese women the most...

ratbastid 05-25-2003 03:34 PM

There's also the whole submissive geisha thing. I think a lot of guys get off on that too, though few might admit it. Certainly <i>I</I> would never admit it. ;)

I never really thought about this until high school, where I made friends with a Chinese American girl named Grace. Grace was totally hot, a blast to be with, smart, funny, and super cool. So I don't know if I like asians per se, or if I just liked Grace....

chiefslappajo 05-25-2003 03:49 PM

I like asian girls' skin and how soft it is. My girlfriend (Plummie) is half chinese and I think she's beautiful. :)

nefarious 05-25-2003 03:53 PM

I didn't really have a preference .. then someone got me into Manga and Anime .. and from there i fell in love with japanese girls.
i can't really explain why .. because i have no idea why .. but i think it has to do with Halx's point.

i just love their language (i'm learning) their looks, their voices .. etc..

qpid 05-25-2003 07:23 PM

I'd say it would have to do with wanting to try something different and exotic. Also I was never really attracted to asians at all until

(easily offended people may want to skip the rest)

I was looking for new porn to download and grabbed a bunch from a guy with a fast transfer on kazaa and there was a lot of asian porn and seeing an asian woman being sexy and beyond when typically they are shown as quiet, timid, etc was amazing

mew 05-25-2003 08:06 PM

forseti-6: Im in the same boat with you! I live in a town where everyone is white or some african americans, but no other asian people. As I grew up, white men just became my attraction. So i dont find myself attracted to asian men at all..they actually kinda turn me off or irk me a bit.. *gasp* I know Im horrible.
Halx: You know what?Your theory was something I was kind of juggling round a bit. I agree with you..I suppose asians generally have a youthful look that is appealing to men who subconsciously are seeking a healthy mate.

tdcivicsi: Im really glad you told us your story. Im happy that your openness has led you to somewhat greener pastures that enables you to enjoy all friuts of life..in not just meaning women..though being directed straight to only asians is kind of halted that..er..well, i suppose whatever works for you!Ill shut up now..lol

Wow all! Thanks for your opinions and theories..It does make a lot of sense, when all tied in together..culture(ie:manga,language..), and different physique, though exotic..im not quite convinced because perhaps aboriginals are exotic..quite more I find, and yet they arent being oogled over..(or are they?).

oblar 05-25-2003 08:50 PM

Ok, overall I would say the most attractive type of girl is a really beautiful Middle Eastern girl ;) don't know why, but it just is..

as far as Asians though, I would say what attracts me to them is their skin and their eyes. I love the eyes.. I also like the fact that they will basically look very young until they are in their late 50's :D

as far as how far I would go to date one.. Well, I haven't dated one yet, and don't see it happening anytime soon..

I basically date people I feel connected to, I really don't think of race when it comes to that..

Radio Monk33 05-25-2003 09:36 PM

Meh. Girls: They're all the same color on the inside. :)

I'm an asian guy, but have grown up in Canada with western media all my life, so I guess I feel more attracted to white girls. I must admit that there is a very beautiful, exotic look of asian girls. Err don't tell my white gf that, or she may beat me down. ;)

Hmm, my white friends don't show any preference of asians, and there are alot of them in Vancouver. Probably because many asians don't really assimilate well, and prefer to just hang out with people of their race.

mew 05-26-2003 06:08 PM

Aw~Radio!That is soo sweet!!! All the same colour on the inside!That is soo ...wonderful..it should go on a hallmark card or something!

Unfortunately, I look 14 when really Im 21. A lot of people are surprised about my age when they meet me or get to know me. But yes, when Im 50 ill look 20..Hopefully! but when your old boy the wrinkles do show..Prune anyone?

Halx 05-26-2003 06:11 PM

I think that color is 'pink'


And I dont think that comment was as sentimental as you wanted it to be, mew.

Kllr Wolf 05-26-2003 06:19 PM

Me personally I dont have a set perference If she is nice ( good personality) It is fine with me

krwlz 05-26-2003 06:44 PM

Halx has itr completly right...they just look young...

Peetster 05-26-2003 06:59 PM

1. Cute Asians are cute. I don't know why, thay just are. ;-)
2. Nope, you are all yummy.
3. When I see Asian men I think "Small penis". Hmm, that could be a tie in.
4. I've gone out of my way to keep daily contact with Asian women... This could be a character flaw. For example, the girl that does my hair is Viet Namese. I studied a few lines (in her dialect) for no other reason than to impress her, in her own dialect. I'm hopeless, I know.
5. On the rare times I've wanted the services of a professional, mamasan has always hooked me up.
6. Yes, Listening. Asian women are good at it. Also being respectful. They shine here. I believe that it is important to be respectful and to heed your mate, Asian women make it an art form.

Radio Monk33 05-26-2003 07:32 PM

Shhh Halx. So cynical. :)

mew: Yeah, I'm just a sweet guy. Sensitive and emotional too. :)

440sixpack 05-26-2003 07:54 PM


Originally posted by KeyserSoze

We broke up and got back together twice, both times with her leaving me for a guy with more money.

Not to perpetuate a stereotype, but my buddy who is Korean says a lot a Korean women are like this (go for the guys with money). Gross generalization, and certainly not limited to Koreans, but then, he says that's why his wife is with him! :)

Jesus Pimp 05-27-2003 05:39 AM

If you're a white guy dating or married to an asian girl, all they want is your money. They don't care about you :p BTW asian guys have big cocks. Maybe not business men but us regular asian guys.

Daval 05-27-2003 05:43 AM

As someone stated above, I think the attraction for me (white canadian male) is that asians are exotic. I also find that Indian girls and Spanish girls also look exotic and lust after them just as much :)

End User 05-27-2003 06:35 AM

I'm asian, and would love to try dating a non-asian. Seems like all the asian chicks that are really hot dont have very much going for them. From experience, they are needy, bitchy, snobby and generally not that much fun to be around.
However, I do have to agree with what others have said regarding the slimness of their bodies, the silkiness of their long hair, and the clarity of their complection. It sucks me in everytime! Damn my penis!
I think that asian females have a infinately better chance at picking up a non asian, when compared to the chances of a man.
The normal combo is Hot asian chick with above average non asian guy and ugly asian guy with ugly non asian chick.

suviko 05-27-2003 09:11 AM

"1.What is the huge lust after asians? What is it that makes guys(or girls) go freaky over? Honestly, I think were as "unique" as Middle east asians, africans, or any other race. Arent they all unique?specific details would be helpful.Even if your not intrested in them do you have a perspective/idea?"

I am a girl and intrested in various sorts of female beauty. I like classic western brunettes, goth chicks with red or black hair and can find many ethnic features sexy. Middle-asians or africans or african americans or indians or indian indians or or or.. What caughts my eye is a person, whose personality and looks seem to be in balance, who is intelligent and social, curious about the world and open for ideas, not religiously or politically untolerant for lifestyles or beliefs other people have. That goes in real life. What comes to watching porn, it would be really boring to watch just western bodies which are like my own and like most people I know, and I guess I am also a bit intrested in seeing what differences bodies have when clothes come off.

"2. Is it one particular East Asian that intrests you? Like those from the Phillipeans, Korean,Japanese,Chinese?Why?"

No and yes. All those types are intresting as bodies, but I am intrested in Japan, culturally & historically. I have even bought a vintage kurotomesode kimono so I am quite a severe case then. :) Intreste in japanese women comes as biproduct.

"3. Do you find the same attraction towards asian men as much as you do women? I noticed that its mostly women, but it could just be me."

There's not much porn around which really would flaunt and show asian men? They are less hairy which looks like a bonus, but I am 170 cm tall and I would generally be intrested in men that are taller than I am and then comes the other size-matter. :) But basically, they are dark and exotic like the women so why not if there is a chance to explore..

"4.What (if you had) do you do or had done to be with an asian or screw an asian? (ie:move to asia just to have a perma-hardon)."


"5. If not, how far would you go for an asian?(ie:join the Triad gang to be with asian models)."

Not any further than with anybody else. *shrug*

"6. One more thing: Is there a particular body part/personality trait you like?"

It's not anything in their personality. For me it's aesthetical thing. Long black strong hair, darker skin and oh yeah, the eyes. What I don't like: boyish bodies and that hellish giggling, it is a total turn off. Argh!

Sensei 05-27-2003 02:08 PM


Originally posted by mew
forseti-6: As I grew up, white men just became my attraction. So i dont find myself attracted to asian men at all..they actually kinda turn me off or irk me a bit.. *gasp* I know Im horrible.
I don't know if forseti should feel bad for the people she's attracted to especially since she is not the only Asian girl who is not attracted to us Asian men at all :( This makes me wonder 1) Why some Asian girls are only attracted to white men and 2) how many WM/AF relationships are due to the girl only being attracted to white men and how many don't mind but just happen dating white men. Any ideas?

Casdin 05-28-2003 12:50 AM

Hmm...I've often wondered what my fascination with asians is myself :P

For me, it is one particular type of asian. I dig Koreans. My current girlfriend is Korean, as was the one before.

The body part I am attracted to most? Well, I love the straight dark hair, but #1 would have to be the eyes. There's just something about my girlfriend's eyes that drives me insane.

A nice ass, and a good pair of knockers doesn't hurt either ;)
(both of which she has! woohoo!)

I wouldn't go extremely out of my way to find an asian girlfriend/wife. I've gone on dates and had girlfriends of other races, so I'm not an exclusive-type.

To be honest, I wasn't looking for asian girlfriends in either case, it just turned out that way. Needless to say, having two Korean girlfriends in a row caused a ton of joking among my guy friends about me having some weird fetish or something.

Some people just have the fever though! :p

Vaultboy 05-28-2003 04:48 AM

1. In general, I think Halx's hypothesis is correct. Asian women look healthy, nubile and "pure". There's also a lot of mysticysm associated with Asian females that add allure, especially middle eastern and subcontinental women. (7 veils, etc, etc etc.) THis is also true for far-eastern women to a degree, given the closedness of their societies. It could also have to do with the fact that asian women are portrayed as being sexually subservient(sp?) to men, leading do domination fantasies, etc etc.

2. Personally, I prefer Middle Eastern women (the ones with less body hair. :D) Honestly, though. Ever watched Al Jazeera? Hot chicks. And Indians too. I find Japanese women probably most attractive among far-eastern women. My racial group has got strong malay heritage, and the mix of malay/caucasian/aboriginal has led to quite exquisite women (they look similar to Brazilian women), but in general, I find malays not that attractive. (big stereotype, I know)

3. No.

4. Nothing. That said, you could probably go to Thailand for a holiday and pick up cheap pochangchang. I mean like for 50c. (really.) I was really into a Korean-American chick once. I could easily have had a serious relationship with her. Too bad she was born-again. No pussy for me. :( So I didn't bother. Gawd, I'm shallow.

5. Is this a serious question?

6. Personality? That doesn't figure into this equation. Its purely a sexual thing. For some, it might also be the novelty of scoring some Piston undo with an asian.

Cynthetiq 05-28-2003 05:05 AM


Originally posted by mew
forseti-6: Im in the same boat with you! I live in a town where everyone is white or some african americans, but no other asian people. As I grew up, white men just became my attraction. So i dont find myself attracted to asian men at all..they actually kinda turn me off or irk me a bit.. *gasp* I know Im horrible.
Halx: You know what?Your theory was something I was kind of juggling round a bit. I agree with you..I suppose asians generally have a youthful look that is appealing to men who subconsciously are seeking a healthy mate.

tdcivicsi: Im really glad you told us your story. Im happy that your openness has led you to somewhat greener pastures that enables you to enjoy all friuts of life..in not just meaning women..though being directed straight to only asians is kind of halted that..er..well, i suppose whatever works for you!Ill shut up now..lol

Wow all! Thanks for your opinions and theories..It does make a lot of sense, when all tied in together..culture(ie:manga,language..), and different physique, though exotic..im not quite convinced because perhaps aboriginals are exotic..quite more I find, and yet they arent being oogled over..(or are they?).

Being of Filipino descent and the first of my family line to be born in the USA, I'm an american first and foremost. Pisses off my cousins and "brethren" I have no Filipino pride, nor nationalistic pride in my heritage. I do not subscribe to the taglish that is spoken, but can speak tagalog when needed.

Like you I am not attracted to Asians. In fact I don't care for the black straight hair, almond eyes, and olive/yellowish/brownish skin tone. I grew up going to family parties, and would always see Asians and got sick of the cliques and games they would play. I wasn't interested then and not interested now.

That is not to say that I don't have Asian friends, but I do. I have friends that melt and blend into the group. I don't have and Puerto Rican, African American, German, Israeli, or Italian friends that have nothing to offer but their heritage pride that they wear on their sleeves and chastise or look down upon others who aren't.

American is a melting pot, not a layered cake.

bishop7 05-28-2003 02:56 PM

Ah, my favorite subject:


Asians are usually slimmer/smaller. That's a plus. (I dig most women who have this build)

They have great hair... great eyes...

and nice voices!

... and yet, so unattainable! Hehe

Ok, that sounds like sappy love poetry...

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