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joeyaz 11-04-2004 01:45 PM

Being Late to Work?
How many people arrive late to work? At previous jobs I would see it happen all the time and I would be guilty of it once in awhile but now at my current job I have never been late usually everyone will get their 10-20 minutes early.
We are guaranteed 40 hours per week some weeks we only work 20-30 hours but if you are late you lose that guarantee for the week. Its a good motivator.

Cadwiz 11-04-2004 01:48 PM

After being in the military, you get used to not being late for anything. I've been late twice in the last 6 years. Once when my car was snowed in, and once wit a flat tire.

Redjake 11-04-2004 01:50 PM

I'm never late to anything. Ever. I think it has something to do with my obsessive-compulsive thing. I don't know. But I'm very, VERY rarely late to anything. I usually get to movies 30 minutes early. Class 10-15 minutes early.

Redjake 11-04-2004 01:51 PM

And I just realized this thread said "Work." The same applies for my job on campus during the school year.

But, during the summer, I am completely burnt out of my job before I even start the summer (been working there for 4 years), so I usually stroll in about 30 minutes late every day.

ShaniFaye 11-04-2004 01:55 PM

when I was growing up my mother never got us anywhere on time...so when I got to where I was responsible for getting myself place I became compulsive for getting there early....I get to work 1/2 early every morning...I work 7-330 and if have a fit if I get stuck in traffic and get there at 640 or later lol

stonegrody 11-04-2004 01:59 PM

Damn, I must be a slacker. I'm late to work sometimes. I tend to stay late without pay quite often so no one really cares. I have the type of job where the work is going to be there no matter what time you show up so it's not a big deal with my boss. It's a nice luxury but I do my best not to abuse it. As far as everything else is concerned like events or dates or anything, I am very punctual.

sapiens 11-04-2004 02:02 PM

Like Redjake, I am never late for anything. I'm always about 10 minutes early to work I'm also early to social gatherings. I hate being late and I hate it when others are late.

grendel 11-04-2004 02:04 PM

we don't necessarily have a set arrival time at work. you get in when you get in and work your 8 hours and leave after that. folks are getting in to work at my office anywhere from 6:30am to 10am.

Coppertop 11-04-2004 02:16 PM

I'm late just about every day by 5 - 30 minutes. But my job is cush and my friends all ate that. Of course, when I do get in the first thing I usually do is come to TFP so being on time wouldn't really affect my performance all that much.

ironman 11-04-2004 02:32 PM

I'm always late. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that i'm guatemalan, we even have what it has become to be known as "hora chapina" or "guatemalan time" that is at least 30 minutes after the time you're supposed to arrive.

maleficent 11-04-2004 02:36 PM

I am never late.

Punctual could be my middle name, in fact I am generally early.

Drives me nuts at client sites, when meetings are scheduled for a specific time, and people start wandering in 5 - 10 minutes past that time. Hello? my time is important too. Being late is something that just makes me nuts, because, unless it's a flat tire there's no excuse at all for being late.

Nazggul 11-04-2004 02:37 PM

I work whenever I have too. I am always in early and rarely leave at 5:00 PM. If you are an exempt employee it doesn't really matter, you do what you need to do to get the job done and take pride in your accomplishments as well as move your career along.

If you are non-exempt then you probably punch a clock and it matters far more to be on time. If you aren't you'll just lose your job and be replaced.

Edit: Typo.

Dingo2879 11-04-2004 02:41 PM

Unfortunately is seems I am consistently 5-10 minutes late to work. It's not a huge deal here, and since I am so consistent, people don't have a problem with it.

Frowning Budah 11-04-2004 02:59 PM

I am almost never late for anything. We have a two hour range we can start 6:30 AM until 8:30 AM, then we stay until 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM accordingly. I am usually there by 6:20 AM and sometime stay as late as 5:00 PM.

big perm 11-04-2004 03:20 PM

well i haven't had a schedule for work since april, so no problems being late. But being in the auto sales industry, you generally don't have a uniform "quitting time" so I think its ok to show up when its prudent

dogzilla 11-04-2004 03:20 PM

I'm usually early for things I want to do and late for things my wife makes me do. I'm usually at work a bit earlier than the suggested starting time. My job has no set hours though, and the company doesn't care when I show up as long as the work gets done or if I have meetings to be at.

PayUp 11-04-2004 03:30 PM

I set my own schedule, I show up, 8hrs later I go Home. Never late. I dont always get there at the same time though.

spindles 11-04-2004 05:31 PM

I work from home. I'm never late ;)

World's King 11-04-2004 05:34 PM

I don't really have a time that I have to be to work. As long as I open the bar at 2pm then I'm fine. There's always a homeless fuck that needs a drink right away. Which never made sense to me because there is about five bar on the same block that open before I do.

Cynthetiq 11-04-2004 05:38 PM

I range from 15 minutes early to 10 minutes late. It just depends really on me knowledge of the area I'm going to and traffic/public transportation. I try to pad time for it but sometimes it doesn't work out.

viejo gringo 11-04-2004 08:06 PM

one day my boss asked me if I was getting a strange piece of ass on the way to work every morning, because that was the only excuse he was going to acept for me punching in late....

I never punched in late again------

Rodney 11-04-2004 09:56 PM

I generally worked desk jobs in the software industry where you basically set your own schedule; some people got in at 7, some at 8, some at 8:30 or later. All that mattered was that you were consistent, were easy to get ahold of, and were usually on site for "core hours," that part of the day (usually 9 to 4) in which most meetings are scheduled.

But now I'm in education, and you can't be late, because the students are waiting.

Halx 11-04-2004 10:20 PM

I'm a punctual guy, but I never show up to work at the same time any two days.

darens42 11-04-2004 10:34 PM

i take the boys to school in the morning & if mama's feelin frisky i'll stop back by the house & "be a little late for work"...

FngKestrel 11-04-2004 11:17 PM

I'm a non-exempt employee in a sea of exempt employees. As such, I'm almost always in my chair by 10 AM, while people around me wander in at various times, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. But everyone thinks I'm exempt, so they don't really care if I trickle in late on occasion.

k925 11-05-2004 01:42 AM

If I may ask- what, in your mind, makes you get to work early or late?

I'm late much more often than I'm early, and attribute it to my loathing of waking up without enough sleep. In other words, I'm not a morning person.

I have absolutely no problem staying up 3 hours later than usual, but if my alarm clock is set for a certain time and you try to get me out of bed 10 minutes before that time, I’ll rip your head off in anger.

Also, in the morning I always think I can drive faster than I really can, and think I can sleep another few minutes as long as I make it up later by speeding like a fiend to work. Unfortunately, that screwed up theory has actually worked a number of times, but it usually doesn’t and I end up being late more often than not.

If the job I love had later hours of operation, I'm sure I'd be much more punctual.

What kind of internal, senseless rationalizations do you have, if any?

avhg1 11-05-2004 03:10 AM

I have to say I'm like k925 and hate mornings. I'm not the nicest person in the morning and the kids and wife stay way from me during that time. I'm only late in the morning. If it is some where I have to be at night, I'm always on time.

Being late for work doesn't have anything to do with me not being a punctual person; it's only if I can roll my butt out of bed in the morning. Unfortunately, driving faster doesn't help when you only live 4 miles from your job!

Wheat King 11-05-2004 03:15 AM

I'm early for work, usually by half an hour.

It's funny how the opinions are polarized into the two camps, generally. Always early (and very early) or always late.


Cynthetiq 11-05-2004 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by viejo gringo
one day my boss asked me if I was getting a strange piece of ass on the way to work every morning, because that was the only excuse he was going to acept for me punching in late....

I never punched in late again------

HAHAHAHAH that's something that I told the people who have worked for me... that's the only real excusable excuse. :thumbsup:

Unright 11-05-2004 05:24 AM

I usually have to walk my dog at about 7:30 every morning, and I don't have to be at work until 10.

And I'm not the kind of person to go back to sleep after I'm up, so I'm always early.

Destrox 11-05-2004 06:51 AM

I have always made it a personal goal to never be late for anything and arrive early.

So far so good. :)

absorbentishe 11-05-2004 07:50 AM

As long as I'm at the office by 9 am, I'm not late. Even if I run a few minutes late, no one notices. I try hard to get in by 8:30, but most days that doesn't happen. I work late almost every day, plus take stuff home, so it's cool if I'm a few minutes late now and then.

Charlatan 11-05-2004 07:59 AM

My office is very casual... I can pretty much stroll in anytime I want, leave when I want, etc.

I generally work from 8:30 to 5:00 but frequently stay past 6:00. The thing is, I like to be home to have dinner with my kids. By 8 or 9pm I am usually back on the computer, dealing with my clients in Asia (they are getting into the office about then).

The opposite is true in the mornings. There are some mornings where I get up early and make a number of calls to my European clients...

The only thing my office expects from me is results. If my numbers are consistent no one bats an eye at my comings and goings.

warrrreagl 11-05-2004 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
when I was growing up my mother never got us anywhere on time...so when I got to where I was responsible for getting myself place I became compulsive for getting there early....I get to work 1/2 early every morning...I work 7-330 and if have a fit if I get stuck in traffic and get there at 640 or later lol

As I notice that you live near Atlanta, I wonder if you have to leave at 5:30 in order to get there by 7:00.

I have a very unusual situation where I live in Central Time Zone and work 45 minutes away in Eastern Time Zone. That means that in order to get to work by 7:30 EST, I have to leave home at 5:45 CST. However, the payoff comes in the afternoon when I leave for home. I get to time warp and I arrive home 15 minutes before I even left work....

Wheat King 11-05-2004 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by warrrreagl
I have a very unusual situation where I live in Central Time Zone and work 45 minutes away in Eastern Time Zone. That means that in order to get to work by 7:30 EST, I have to leave home at 5:45 CST. However, the payoff comes in the afternoon when I leave for home. I get to time warp and I arrive home 15 minutes before I even left work....

Very cool.

d*d 11-05-2004 08:44 AM

I am always late to anything, people get used to adding on 10-15 minutes to the time I say I'm going to be, but I swear (this should probably go in paranoia) that when i do make provisions to be early some malevolant force conspires to make me at least 5 min late, luckily I have one of those jobs where so lomg as I put the time in and get the job done 5 - 10 min here or there doesn't matter

Bill O'Rights 11-05-2004 09:02 AM

In 26 years, I have been late to work twice. Both times were weather related. I'm generally 20 minutes to 1/2 hour early, every morning. Gives me time to have a cup of coffee, and read the paper, before kicking it in the ass.

laconic1 11-05-2004 09:06 AM

Punctuality or the lack of it is a major pet peeve of mine. For me on time is at least 10 minutes early. If I'm only 5 minutes early I get frustrated and panicky, and if I'm stuck in really bad traffic or something like that that actually makes me late, I blow a gasket.

ShaniFaye 11-05-2004 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by warrrreagl
As I notice that you live near Atlanta, I wonder if you have to leave at 5:30 in order to get there by 7:00.

I have a very unusual situation where I live in Central Time Zone and work 45 minutes away in Eastern Time Zone. That means that in order to get to work by 7:30 EST, I have to leave home at 5:45 CST. However, the payoff comes in the afternoon when I leave for home. I get to time warp and I arrive home 15 minutes before I even left work....

Nope I only work 11 miles from home (in Tucker if you know where that is) I leave the house house at 610 and stop and get breakfast and I pull in the parking lot at work at 630 and since I get off at 330 traffic isnt TOO bad...Im usually home by 350

irseg 11-05-2004 10:55 AM

I tend to run about 10 minutes late every day. Fortunately out of 4 people in our department one guy is always 5 minutes late, my boss is 15 minutes late, and the last guy gets here 20-25 minutes late. So I fit right in. :)

I don't like running late and I try not to abuse it, but I run a business on the side which keeps me up all night and I'm a very deep sleeper. This morning I woke up after the two cell phones and two alarm clocks right next to my bed had been going off for the past 40 minutes.

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