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Old 03-31-2004, 08:37 PM   #41 (permalink)
Homey_V's Avatar
Location: Canada
Gah! This pisses me off. Yes, you're ancestors were brought over as slaves, yes it sucked, yes they were unfairly treated, and yes it was immoral. Now that thats out of the way, Quite making excuses for you're own problems. Suing some company will not make things better.
Sweet merciful crap, just drop it and move on, you only make the black community look bad.
You did what with a duck?
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Old 03-31-2004, 10:11 PM   #42 (permalink)
Location: Boone, NC
sounds like greedy people trying to get some easy money to me. Hey, at least they tried, but no cigar.

I'm also glad the courts found the allegations to be ridiculous
"the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was making the world believe he didn't exist" -Kevin Spacey 'The Usual Suspects'
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Old 03-31-2004, 10:30 PM   #43 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
Well, I guess the fact that these companies have been BUILT on and have PROFITTED on slavery has NOTHING to do with it... with the intention of PROFITTING by forcebly keeping people in slavery isn't a factor either..

Here's an DOCUMENTED FACT: They came and "bought" people who clearly did not belong to them, ship them half a world away, make then pick their cotton and tobacco and all that whatnot, never paid them a cent, forced long hours on them, beat, raped, killed, lynched for sport, force them into servitude, made them even breed to make more slaves for them (Do this for about 7 generations..) Tell them they have no rights and never will be "equal", steal their culture and make them understand yours, all the while the "owners" are doing it all just to make money and become multimillionaries, and you tell me you have a "problem understanding why this lawsuit is happening.

How blind some of you can be, it isn't about "payback".

Look between the lines..

Now, they have the "hand caught in the cookiejar".

This is a "genetic fingerprint" that big business went only with the intention of getting slaves...

And "IF" I made a product that clearly causes death and sickness, and then injected more chemicals just to make it even more addictive, how quick would they pull it off the market and I'd get sued?
Big money talks..
Ray Charles is blind, are you too?

I guess if I took of you over there to work a diamond or gold mine and hit it big and made millions and didn't pay you anything at all, you'd sue..

Oh... DeBeers Diamond Inc. has already done that.... and Exxon.. and Mobil... and BG.... and...
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 03-31-2004 at 10:41 PM..
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Old 03-31-2004, 11:22 PM   #44 (permalink)
Location: uhhhh
Ah-I think that's crap. No harm done to them, or their parents, or their parents.
Still Looking
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Old 04-01-2004, 12:50 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally posted by BuDDaH
Well, I guess the fact that these companies have been BUILT on and have PROFITTED on slavery has NOTHING to do with it... with the intention of PROFITTING by forcebly keeping people in slavery isn't a factor either..

Here's an DOCUMENTED FACT: They came and "bought" people who clearly did not belong to them, ship them half a world away, make then pick their cotton and tobacco and all that whatnot, never paid them a cent, forced long hours on them, beat, raped, killed, lynched for sport, force them into servitude, made them even breed to make more slaves for them (Do this for about 7 generations..) Tell them they have no rights and never will be "equal", steal their culture and make them understand yours, all the while the "owners" are doing it all just to make money and become multimillionaries, and you tell me you have a "problem understanding why this lawsuit is happening.

And "IF" I made a product that clearly causes death and sickness, and then injected more chemicals just to make it even more addictive, how quick would they pull it off the market and I'd get sued?

I guess if I took of you over there to work a diamond or gold mine and hit it big and made millions and didn't pay you anything at all, you'd sue..

These companies' names were built on slavery yes. They profited from it. The people working there now, years later, have nothing in common with the people then, they are mostly not even related. They are just as much opposed to slavery as you are, as are we all. They supplied the BOATS, they didn't sell any slaves, they didn't buy any slaves, they supplied boats and insurance for them, as they did for other trading routes just the same (spices, soap, ... ) Slavery wasn't illegal then, and for most people not even morally reprehensible at that time ( different times, different morals).
So the people working there at that time, were only indirectly involved, and the people working there now, are not even directly involved with the people that were indirectly involved then.

The people sueing now, are not the grandchildren, or even the great-grandchildren of those slaves.
They can very well be genetically linked to those slaves over several generations, I agree. But how did it affect them? really? Explain to me how it had an influence on *their* lives?

If you're going to say that afterwards for generations they were put down, and kept small and such... that's a thing society did called racism, not something the FedEx of the time did..
Moderation should be moderately moderated.
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Old 04-01-2004, 11:57 AM   #46 (permalink)
yatzr's Avatar
Originally posted by Nisses

The people sueing now, are not the grandchildren, or even the great-grandchildren of those slaves.
They can very well be genetically linked to those slaves over several generations, I agree. But how did it affect them? really? Explain to me how it had an influence on *their* lives?

I can tell you how it affected their lives. It affected their lives in a positive way too. IT LET THEM LIVE IN AMERICA, which i'm sure the majority of black people would agree that it's a hell of a better place than africa. The fact of the matter is that african's enslave each other all the time. It's not like we ripped them out of the "black utopia" that many people seem to think africa was. Back then slavery was just a part of culture. We just jumped on the bandwagon. If they're still pissed off about it, I would be more than happy to give my tax dollars to let them go back to africa. But if they enjoy their lives here in america then they need to STFU!! My ancestors had rough times too beyatch.
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Old 04-01-2004, 01:24 PM   #47 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
Listen, first clean up your post.

2nd: Back then living in America wasn't a pleasure, so take your flag waving and shove it. They weren't given a choice, the same choice you choose to exercise right now. Tobacco and shipping became the BIGGEST industry in the world at that time because of slavery, and all those companies that still exist, wether or not if the people who work there now have nothing to do with what went on.
Your ancestors might have had it rough, but yours weren't forced into being slaves. Yours weren't denied equal rights until about 30 odd years ago.

But yet the first person to die for YOUR rights as an AMERICAN and for what became the Proclamation of Independence and the Constitution
in the American Revolution wasn't one of "you's", it was a FREED AFRICAN.

Now, between the 1st President to the 15th, slavery prospered, the businesses then are those mentioned now. The 16th President put it in WRITING to abolish slavery and the Civil War was created by people who want to keep the Black Americans in chains. He even gotten assasinated by another so called American who wanted slavery to continue because of these same businesses was losing profit. From the 17th to the 37th President, the ammendments in place FINALLY took effect. So, in a nutshell, you have over 400 years headstart on indifference to the Black American for them to achieve equality. You think big business shouldn't compensate for SOMETHING for 400 years work they got for free?

Historically proven, the American Navy got so big back then not to patrol and keep America safe but to make bigger ships to carry SLAVES, financed by the BANKS for a percentage of the SLAVE trade, and morgaged the BOATS to the TOBACCO growers, who provided the cash. Now it is PROVEN through forensic evidence that these companies were there.
I want to see them squirm..

The Jews, who were persecuted and forced into forced slavery during the Holocaust, had their cases heard and many companies were caught profitting from them, and they got fined and had to pay compensation. Why not America's turn?
They have been doing it much longer than what they German's did to the Jews.

Your history lesson is over.
You just got 0wn3d.

*continue your debate, if you can.*
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 02:11 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 01:44 PM   #48 (permalink)
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Originally posted by BuDDaH
[ Tobacco and shipping became the BIGGEST industry in the world at that time because of slavery, and all those companies that still exist, wether or not if the people who work there now have nothing to do with what went on. [/B]
OK, but why do these 8 individuals deserve anything at all?
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Old 04-01-2004, 02:11 PM   #49 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
BuDDaH's Avatar
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Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
It's a CLASS ACTION suit, not only for just the 8 of them... And it seems like they can actually PROVE with evidence how these companies affected them and their ancestors. They will most likely get laughed and ridiculed because IF they CAN prove it and it held weight, imagine the floodgates it will open. Almost EVERY BLACK AMERICAN can PROVE it just by showing his linage 5 generations back. Thats why we might forgive how we were treated then, but NEVER forget "OUR" history.


Every President that has tried to enforce equality to Black Americans has been ASSASINATED.

Things that make you go "Hmmmmmm....?"

Ask yourself "Why"? The answer might scare you...

.... and SLAVERY was NEVER a culture, dude.

It's like the German's were saying, "Sticking the Jews in an oven is quite the fashion this time of the year...."

Excuse me for being blunt, but this is a very serious topic, and I need to point out the severity of this charges being made against "Big Businesses" that has profitted because of slavery..

I wonder what book you are reading that from?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 02:31 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 03:13 PM   #50 (permalink)
hannukah harry's Avatar
Originally posted by BuDDaH
Yours weren't denied equal rights until about 30 odd years ago.

but this lawsuit isn't about equal rights. it's about the slave trade.

But yet the first person to die for YOUR rights as an AMERICAN and for what became the Proclamation of Independence and the Constitution
in the American Revolution wasn't one of "you's", it was a FREED AFRICAN.

sorta. crispus attucks death in the boston massacre is often cited as the first. others consider the battle of lexington, 6 years later, to hold the first death. doesn't really matter. you know how crispus died? he and a lot of other people were taunting the british gaurds throwing sticks and one of the guns was accidently fired. doesn't sound like he died some noble death.

Now, between the 1st President to the 15th, slavery prospered, the businesses then are those mentioned now. The 16th President put it in WRITING to abolish slavery and the Civil War was created by people who want to keep the Black Americans in chains. He even gotten assasinated by another so called American who wanted slavery to continue because of these same businesses was losing profit.

not to be rude/mean, but if you think this was the cause, then you have a very juvenile understanding of the causes of the civil war and the reason for the emanciption proclimation. it's much more complicated than that, and slavery was merely a piece in the pie.

From the 17th to the 37th President, the ammendments in place FINALLY took effect. So, in a nutshell, you have over 400 years headstart on indifference to the Black American for them to achieve equality. You think big business shouldn't compensate for SOMETHING for 400 years work they got for free?

well, last time i checked, indifference to a group doesn't hold them back. also, if big business got 400 years of free work, then they must have been around and america colonized and ready for slaves by 1463. slavery in america lasted about 200-250 years, when you consider the first colony at james town was in the early 1600's, and slaves did not arrive right with them, nor did they arrive in any real numbers right away.

Historically proven, the American Navy got so big back then not to patrol and keep America safe but to make bigger ships to carry SLAVES, financed by the BANKS for a percentage of the SLAVE trade, and morgaged the BOATS to the TOBACCO growers, who provided the cash.

okay, you're gonna need to do some proof show'n, cause i've studied pre-civil war american history in college, and i've never heard that.

Now it is PROVEN through forensic evidence that these companies were there.

i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't really mean this. there is no forensic evidence. there are records and files. that is not forensic evidence. forensic evidence would be hair and fingerprints and blood left at a crime scene.

I want to see them squirm..

so your (appearantly) biased desire to see them squirm makes you more right then us?

The Jews, who were persecuted and forced into forced slavery during the Holocaust, had their cases heard and many companies were caught profitting from them, and they got fined and had to pay compensation.

they did not sue because they were put into slavery. they sued because they were robbed of their possesions and put into concentration camps and killed. it is not the same as owning a slave in order to get work out of him. those that went to the camps were put there to be productive until they died of illness or starvation. slaves were not treated nearly as bad as the jews were. also, the world there was a different place and time, with different moralities. no laws were broken. you may not like it, and it may have sucked majorly for them, but that was the way of the world. the african's enslved the africans too. actually, until the 14-1500s, slavery was not race based and anyone could be a slave. i'm not sure what caused the change, but it's not america's fault.

also, you can compensate a holocaust survivor or direct descendent for the loses caused by the nazi's. how do you compensate someone for something that may or may not have been lost, how much is not known, and a direct relation cannot really be proven? i know that if my dad dies, my mom, or the next direct surviving relative gets an insurance check and inheratance. but someone 10 generations away? no, they wouldn't get squat. especially if you can't prove a direct relationship. hell, why not give me compensation for the Spanish Inquisition. I'm a jew, their stuff was stolen and they were killed if they didn't convert. since i'm a jew, i must be elegable.
They have been doing it much longer than what they German's did to the Jews.

Your history lesson is over.
You just got 0wn3d.

*continue your debate, if you can.*

i would have to say that you got owned, if for no other reason then claiming owned status before owning occured, and the debate can continue.
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer

Last edited by hannukah harry; 04-01-2004 at 03:28 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 03:22 PM   #51 (permalink)
hannukah harry's Avatar
Originally posted by BuDDaH
It's a CLASS ACTION suit, not only for just the 8 of them... And it seems like they can actually PROVE with evidence how these companies affected them and their ancestors. They will most likely get laughed and ridiculed because IF they CAN prove it and it held weight, imagine the floodgates it will open. Almost EVERY BLACK AMERICAN can PROVE it just by showing his linage 5 generations back. Thats why we might forgive how we were treated then, but NEVER forget "OUR" history.

did you even read the article? it's not a class action suit. there are only 8 plaintiffs. and they are "accusing them of profiting by committing genocide against their ancestors." i'd have to say bringing them over to work, while not caring too much about their welfare, is far from genocide. going out and trying to kill them all would be genocide.


Every President that has tried to enforce equality to Black Americans has been ASSASINATED.

if you're gonna throw that out, please, back it "f" up.

Ask yourself "Why"? The answer might scare you...

especially when you realise it's not quite that simple.

.... and SLAVERY was NEVER a culture, dude.

no, but it's been apart of the ruling culture since the beginning of times. it's just a matter of whose on top and whose on bottom at the time.

It's like the German's were saying, "Sticking the Jews in an oven is quite the fashion this time of the year...."

don't throw jokes into a serious debate, it makes me smile and that just throws off my A game. jk... and i don't think that's a real german saying, sounds more like a joke said about them.

Excuse me for being blunt, but this is a very serious topic, and I need to point out the severity of this charges being made against "Big Businesses" that has profitted because of slavery..

you're right, it is a serious topic. and "big business," other than tobacco, did not profit off of slaves. they profited off of trading and insuring merchandise. if it wasn't slaves, it would have been tea, or ink, or any number of other things. not that that makes slavery right. but it was legal...
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer
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Old 04-01-2004, 03:31 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Location: tentative, at best
Monetary awards from lawsuits only come in two categories - compensatory and punitive.

So which is it they're claiming - do they deserve compensation for the way people 7 generations removed from them were treated? Can they even prove that lineage? I certainly couldn't.

Or is it punitive - to prevent people who have been dead for 150 years from repeating their misdeeds?

Yes, slavery was a very bad thing. It was also the norm for thousands of years. Without slavery, there would have been no Greek culture to sow the seeds of democracy; no Roman culture to civilize Europe and the Middle East; no Egyptian culture to build the pyramids. And no - that still doesn't make it right. I'm not defending it - it was how the world functioned for millennia.

And please don't compare slavery to the Holocaust - wrong as it was, slavery was legal until 1865; what the Nazis did to the Jews and others was genocide - there was no other reason for it other than the annihilation of a people. No commerce; no profit; no food production. Just death.
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Old 04-01-2004, 04:24 PM   #53 (permalink)
kutulu's Avatar
If these losers put as much into their jobs or education as they put into getting free money, they wouldn't need the money.
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Old 04-01-2004, 07:33 PM   #54 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Moderator Emeritus
Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.
hannukah harry,

I didn't insult your intelligence, don't try to play with mine.

You obviously DON"T KNOW JACK about Black American history.

Don't worry, I do.. It's people like me that will be RIGHT here to remind people like you who needs "PROOF". We have shit-loads of history AND proof, but can you accept it? You have documented history that will make your head spin. And still, all you can say is "You want proof?"

First this is what the lawsuits are about these Issues:

Determining whether or not the descendants of African slaves brought to the U.S. should be repaid for the work and suffering of their ancestors.

Determining who should be held accountable for the repayment.

Determining who would be eligible to receive any such payment.

And determining how any such payment would be made to those eligible, e.g. in the form of cash, governmental benefits, a verbal apology, land grants, education benefits, etc.

History Lesson #2

Originally posted by hannukah harry
i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't really mean this. there is no forensic evidence. there are records and files. that is not forensic evidence. forensic evidence would be hair and fingerprints and blood left at a crime scene.
Lawyers for the eight plaintiffs said the complaint _ unlike past suits seeking reparations for slavery _ was the first to use DNA to link the plaintiffs to Africans who suffered atrocities during the slave trade. ..
DNA testing has made a "direct connection" between Farmer-Paellmann and the Mende tribe in Sierra Leone, whose people "were kidnapped, tortured and shipped in chains to the United States," the suit said.

Scientific evidence also has linked the other plaintiffs to tribes in Niger and Gambia, the suit said. ...

Originally posted by hannukah harry
sorta. crispus attucks death in the boston massacre is often cited as the first. others consider the battle of lexington, 6 years later, to hold the first death. doesn't really matter. you know how crispus died? he and a lot of other people were taunting the british gaurds throwing sticks and one of the guns was accidently fired. doesn't sound like he died some noble death.
The American Revolution started way back, BEFORE 1776, look up the history.

How the hell you get "accidently" shot TWICE?

I know, I know!! The soldier had his finger stuck on "Auto-fire" and it shot until the clip emptied..
Read, dude.. http://search.eb.com/blackhistory/micro/40/36.html

(b. 1723?--d. March 5, 1770, Boston, Mass. [U.S.]), American hero and martyr of the Boston Massacre.
Attucks' life prior to the day of his death is still shrouded in mystery. Most historians say that he was black; others argue that his ancestry was both African and Natick Indian. In any event, in the fall of 1750, a resident of Framingham, Mass., advertised for the recovery of a runaway slave named Crispus--usually thought to be the Crispus in question. In the 20-year interval between his escape from slavery and his death at the hands of British soldiers, Attucks probably spent a good deal of time aboard whaling ships.

All that is definitely known about him concerns the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770. Toward evening that day, a crowd of colonists gathered and began taunting a small group of British soldiers. Tension mounted rapidly, and when one of the soldiers was struck the others fired their muskets, killing three of the Americans instantly and mortally wounding two others. Attucks was the first to fall, thus becoming one of the first men to lose his life in the cause of American independence. His body was carried to Faneuil Hall, where it lay in state until March 8, when all five victims were buried in a common grave. Attucks was the only victim of the Boston Massacre whose name was widely remembered. In 1888 the Crispus Attucks monument was unveiled in the Boston Common.

Originally posted by hannukah harry

not to be rude/mean, but if you think this was the cause, then you have a very juvenile understanding of the causes of the civil war and the reason for the emanciption proclimation. it's much more complicated than that, and slavery was merely a piece in the pie.
Dude, what the hell you think "Emancipation Proclimation" was all about? The States fought a Civil War because Abraham Lincoln ABOLISHED SLAVERY and the southern states REBELLED against AN EXECUTIVE ORDER. Don't belittle it, too many dead AMERICAN soldiers and my family STILL waits for that 40 acres and a mule..

Background: During the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War, slaves were promised "forty acres and a mule" to help them start their lives as 'free men'. The promise was never kept and the idea of reparations began to grow. The debt owed to African-American descendants of slaves for work and suffering has been estimated anywhere between $1.6 and $777 trillion by those in favor of reparations.
The Case For: Those in favor of slavery reparations argue that compensation promised to slaves upon their release was never paid. Proponents cite the years of labor, horrendous conditions, rape and beatings at the hands of their owners and veritable construction of the country as reasons for the debt that is owed. Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, the plaintiff in the most recent case against U.S. corporations for slavery reparations states, "These are corporations that benefited from stealing people, from stealing labor, from forced breeding, from torture, from committing numerous horrendous acts, and there's no reason why they should be able to hold onto assets they acquired through such horrendous acts." Farmer-Paellmann's case cites "unpaid labor" as the cause of the compensatory damages she and her lawyers are seeking.
Originally posted by hannukah harry
well, last time i checked, indifference to a group doesn't hold them back. also, if big business got 400 years of free work, then they must have been around and america colonized and ready for slaves by 1463. slavery in america lasted about 200-250 years, when you consider the first colony at james town was in the early 1600's, and slaves did not arrive right with them, nor did they arrive in any real numbers right away.
Slaves came over on the same ship as Christopher Columbus and in fact it has been recently PROVEN that he was too busy chasing savage ass and a slave "found" America, but to get back on point at hand...

The practice of capturing Blacks from Africa, to use as slaves began with the Portuguese, who introduced African slaves to Europe in the 16th century. European countries, such as Spain and England, introduced slavery to their colonies in the New World. Many explorers had African slaves on their voyages.

Another excerpt: The transatlantic trade in black slaves began in 1517, when the first slaves were shipped to American colonies. It endured until the threshold of the 20th century. By then an estimated 11 million Africans had been SOLD..

Lemme see... 1517 + 400 = 1917.... That's about right....
400 years.

(This is when Big Business in America got into making slavery PROFITABLE.

In 1637 the first slave ship was built in Massachusetts. The slave ships sailed from America to the west coast of Africa. It is important to understand that the Africans living on the west coast of Africa, did not consist of primitive tribes, but was a well developed civilization, with complex economic and political institutions.

The slave traders acquired their Africans in one of two ways. One was very simple. The slave trader would lie in wait until an African would come along, and capture them. The other was a little more complicated. The slave trader would make an alliance with a tribal chief. This tribal chief would wage war on a neighboring tribe. Any of the enemy that the chief captured he would trade for goods, such as tobacco, and liquor, with the slave traders.

The means of acquiring the Africans was kind compared to how they were treated once aboard the slave ship. The more Africans the slave traders crammed into the ship, the more profit they would make once they sold their goods in America. Africans were chained together and made to lie shoulder to shoulder in the dark hull of the ship, where no fresh air ever found its way. So stifling was the air, that some Africans actually suffocated during the long voyage.
*I don't see where they really had the opportunity for luxury...*
An estimated 15 million Africans were transported to the Americas between 1540 and 1850. To maximize their profits slave merchants carried as many slaves as was physically possible on their ships. A House of Commons committee in 1788 discovered that one slave-ship, The Brookes, was originally built to to carry a maximum of 451 people, but was carrying over 600 slaves from Africa to the Americas.

Chained together by their hands and feet, the slaves had little room to move. It has been estimated that only about half of the slaves taken from Africa became effective workers in the Americas. A large number of slaves died on the journey from diseases such as smallpox and dysentery. Others committed suicide by refusing to eat. Many of the slaves were crippled for life as a consequence of the way they were chained up on the ship.

By the 17th century slaves could be purchased in Africa for about $25 and sold in the Americas for about $150. After the slave-trade was declared illegal, prices went much higher. Even with a death-rate of 50 per cent, merchants could expect to make tremendous profits from the trade.

*Even Insurance compnaies was in on this*
Already, research has determined that several insurers were involved in providing slave insurance policies to slave owners. Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, an attorney, has discovered an 1852 circular that named some of the insurers that serviced these policies. The National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company of London distributed a circular entitled "A Method by Which Slave Owners May Be Protected From Loss" in which it named The Merchants Bank and The Leather Manufacturers Bank as institutions able to pay and adjust claims. The circular also included the names of medical examiners in Virginia, Washington DC, and North Carolina who were authorized to examine slaves and offer insurance policies. Under a typical policy, a 30-year-old slave could be insured for $500 with an annual premium of about $11.25.

The circular has exposed that Chase Manhattan was connected with slave insurance policies based upon its merger with two of the banks named in the circular. In 1920, the Merchants Bank merged with The Bank of the Manhattan Company, and in 1955 it merged with Chase. In 1904, The Leather Manufacturers Bank merged with The Mechanics National Bank, and then in 1926 merged with Chase. However, Chase is not alone, it has also been uncovered that Aetna was involved in slavery as well. In March of 2000, Aetna issued a public apology for its involvement in underwriting policies in the 1850s. Other companies include, New York Life, American Life Insurance Co., and Baltimore Life Insurance Co., which is not related to the present day insurer, The Baltimore Life Companies.

The lawsuit is the first of its kind and accuses insurer Aetna, railroad firm CSX and financial-services firm FleetBoston of profiting from the slave trade before it was abolished in 1865.
Ms Paellmann's complaint contends CSX, FleetBoston and Aetna were "unjustly enriched" by "a system that enslaved, tortured, starved and exploited human beings".

Some 35 million African Americans are the descendants of the eight million men and women who were enslaved from 1619 to 1865. The suit against FleetBoston alleges that the founder of the predecessor firm, Providence Bank, made much of his fortune in the slave trade.

According to the complaint, Rhode Island businessman John Brown owned slave ships and benefited from loans made by Providence Bank to help finance the voyages.
Originally posted by hannukah harry
they did not sue because they were put into slavery. they sued because they were robbed of their possesions and put into concentration camps and killed. it is not the same as owning a slave in order to get work out of him. those that went to the camps were put there to be productive until they died of illness or starvation. slaves were not treated nearly as bad as the jews were.....
I almost want to tell you shut up and realize how stupid that sounded.... Jews were forced to work....

Ever heard of Volkswagon?

In a similar legal manoeuvre, survivors of the Holocaust secured $4bn in reparations from firms that used Nazi-era slave labour.

Those companies included Deutsche Bank, conglomerate Siemens and carmakers Volkswagen and DaimlerChrysler.
You go and think about it a while before rebuting me, I know MY history abit too WELL for you to tell me what you'd think you know against WHAT I do know...

Somebody needs to read the WHOLE article and it ain't me.
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 07:52 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 07:36 PM   #55 (permalink)
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just like phyzix525, i have to say i'm speechless
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Old 04-01-2004, 07:45 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Originally posted by BuDDaH
Thats why we might forgive how we were treated then, but NEVER forget "OUR" history.
By this statement I am assuming that you are black. I am also just assuming you live in america. If slavery never happened, you wouldn't live here. You would live in africa. If you want to argue this fact, go ahead and try, but if you like here, don't get too pissed that slavery happened.

It doesn't matter what it was like then, it matters what is like now considering the lawsuits are happening now and people involved exist now. So I'll refrain from shoving my flag waiving.

The jews got compensated because it happened to them, as in the people who received compensation experienced the holocoust. These people sueing did not experience slavery so they should not receive compensation.

As for continuing my debate, my last post still stands as your rebuttle didn't prove a thing. It just made you seem like you're making up facts to help your point. That and you went on about things i never said anything about. I really don't see how you could've OwnEd me when you never proved me wrong. Try again.

oh yeah, I'll clean up my post when you back up your facts.
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Old 04-01-2004, 07:58 PM   #57 (permalink)
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I don't have to prove what is ALL READY PROVEN by HISTORY..
Read my last post.
Jews were sent to slave camps..
And gotten compensated, so did the Japanese.

GO look for it, it's out there..

On a lite, personal side of me:

And I got both sides of my ancestors fucked over if you want to know me personally, American Blackfoot Indian and Black American.... So tell me, which way you want me to correct you? I got my Indian ready to go....

And your last post DOESN'T stand because it has been rebuted and can be proven.

Just "GOOGLE" slavery and enjoy your reading...

Nobody can be your "beyatch" when you been "0wn3d" in a conversation.....

I refuse to allow anyone rewrite history without hearing both sides, and I won't let this thread go while there is an injustice to it.. Especially from people talking and replying to something I see they have no clue what it is all about. Just replying without understanding what things are about.....
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 08:13 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 08:35 PM   #58 (permalink)
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hold on, let me go over the post in question
Originally posted by yatzr
I can tell you how it affected their lives. It affected their lives in a positive way too. IT LET THEM LIVE IN AMERICA, which i'm sure the majority of black people would agree that it's a hell of a better place than africa. The fact of the matter is that african's enslave each other all the time. It's not like we ripped them out of the "black utopia" that many people seem to think africa was. Back then slavery was just a part of culture. We just jumped on the bandwagon. If they're still pissed off about it, I would be more than happy to give my tax dollars to let them go back to africa. But if they enjoy their lives here in america then they need to STFU!! My ancestors had rough times too beyatch.
yep, pretty sure you never disproved a single thing i said. I never tried to rewrite history either. A lot of what you're saying is true, but it doesn't mean that these people deserve any compensation.
as for the beyatch said in my post, that was in referral to the title of the thread. It was never directed to you. However your "0wn3d" was clearly directed at me. You still have yet to "0wn3" me though.
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:00 PM   #59 (permalink)
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How can YOU say how SLAVERY affected Black Americans is a POSITIVE thing? Who the hell are you to judge THAT? You just said being forced to come over to America to work under very horrible conditions in bondage was a beneficial. Are you insane?

Even if the Africans had enslaved other Africans, where did it give you IMMIGRANTS the right to put people in bondage, SELL them, make money and not even pay them a wage, build companies and buy more slaves, kill and rape slaves, put the children in born into slavery... Bah, you just proved how ignorant you really are..

"0wn3d" as in your opinion was disputed with FACTS.
"0wn3d very badly" when you don't even notice it.

"0wn3d" wasn't directed to you exclusively, just the overall discussion of this topic.. We had the same exact thread topic before and I hit it just as hard.. Don't take offense...

You talk about what you don't know, even with facts presented to you, you refuse to acknowledge them. Even when you been shown that your opinion was flawed.. Especially your use of "we" in a sentence.. "WE" who?

How far you want to drag this out, because I have lots of facts to knock whatever you bring out of the ball park..
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 09:09 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:09 PM   #60 (permalink)
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sorry buddah... but I'm with the Sage of South Central Larry Elder...

I think that any of those reparations for the Japanese and the Jewish families were wrong and set the wrong precedent. I was against those too.

Note that the jewish people and the japanese people do follow a majority of the 32 listed below than any of the blacks complaining about their sitaution in the ghetto.

I think you yourself has demonstrated over the past year that I have known you that you too believe a number if not a majority of these 32.


Personal Pledge 32
by Larry Elder

1. There is no excuse for lack of effort.
2. Although I may be unhappy with my circumstances, and although racism and sexism and other "isms" exist, I know that things are better now than ever, and the future is even brighter.
3. While I may be unhappy with my circumstances, I have the power to change and improve my life. I refuse to be a victim.
4. Others may have been blessed with more money, better connections, a better home environment, and even better looks, but I can succeed through hard work, perseverance, and education.
5. I may be a product of a single- or no-parent household, but I will not hold anyone responsible for my present, or allow anyone to interfere with my future. Others succeed under conditions far worse than mine.
6. Some schools and teachers are better than others, but my level of effort, dedication, curiosity, and willingness to grow determine what I learn.
7. Ambition is the key to growth.
8. I will set apart some time each day to think about where I want to go, and how I intend to get there. A goal without a plan is just a wish.
9. "Luck" is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
10. If suitable role models are not nearby, I will seek them out.
11. A role model is someone who, through hard work and a positive outlook, has achieved.
12. A role model may be a parent, relative, friend, church member, judge, doctor, attorney, businessperson, or someone I've read about in the newspaper or seen on the local news.
13. I will contact role models and seek their advice, guidance, and counsel. People remember when they were my age and are eager to help.
14. I will seek out recommended magazines, articles, books, biographies, videos, and motivational and how-to books, and use them for education and motivation.
15. The light is always green. You cannot go full speed with one foot on the brake.
16. I am always "in school," and I will not waste my summer by failing to read about and speak to people who can inspire me.
17. I will avoid friendship with people who do not share my goals and commitments. Nonsupportive relationships waste time and energy.
18. I will not seek immediate results, as I understand life is a journey and not a destination.
19. I will read a newspaper each day.
20. I will entertain myself in ways that challenge and expand my mind. As someone said, a mind once expanded never returns to its original size.
21. I will pay attention to my diet and overall fitness, as they are the keys to a healthy and productive body and an enthusiastic mind.
22. Drugs are stupid. People who believe in drugs don't believe in themselves.
23. I understand that jobs of the future require more preparation and training than ever, and I am determined to obtain the necessary background.
24. A well-rounded, competent student studies math and science.
25. People are not born "deficient in mathematical ability." Through hard work and dedication, the subject can be mastered.
26. It is essential that I learn to speak and write standard English. This is not "acting white," but acting smart.
27. A strong vocabulary is the key to communication, and I will read books on vocabulary enrichment.
28. I expect sometimes to be teased, even ridiculed. This will not stop me; it will only make me stronger and more determined.
29. I control my body and will not create a child until I am spiritually, psychologically, educationally, and financially capable of assuming this awesome responsibility.
30. Life is difficult. I expect setbacks and will learn from them. Struggle creates strength.
31. Every day is precious, and one without growth is squandered.
32. There is only one me, and I'm it!
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:17 PM   #61 (permalink)
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And I am supposed to believe what someone else other than me set a standard I should set for myself? What does that have to do with slavery?

How'd you feel if I took one of you and made you work for me in the same kind of conditions and have your next 10 generations work for my next 10 generations and I build a nice company from your families hard work and never pay them a dime?

I can see some of you rather not work a job at Burger King because it doesn't pay the right kind of money for you, so working for free is out of the question. But if your cousin sold you to me, you'd have no say in it would you? Or do you?

Think out of YOUR box and see it for what it is.
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:33 PM   #62 (permalink)
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Originally posted by BuDDaH
How can YOU say how SLAVERY affected Black Americans is a POSITIVE thing? Who the hell are you to judge THAT? You just said being forced to come over to America to work under very horrible conditions in bondage was a beneficial. Are you insane?
I never said slavery was beneficial. I just said that because of slavery, african americans today (including you) live in america...which is most likely better living conditions than africa. If you don't think living in america is a positive thing, then leave.


Even if the Africans had enslaved other Africans, where did it give you IMMIGRANTS the right to put people in bondage, SELL them, make money and not even pay them a wage, build companies and buy more slaves, kill and rape slaves, put the children in born into slavery... Bah, you just proved how ignorant you really are..
How does it make me ignorant to know that africans enslaved each other. I just backed up my fact that slavery was culture and america and europe jumped on the bandwagon. Slavery was bad. I never said it wasn't. I just said america didn't start anything new.


"0wn3d" as in your opinion was disputed with FACTS.
"0wn3d very badly" when you don't even notice it.
you still have yet to disprove a single thing i've said. Until that happens you will never "0wn3" me, no matter how many pointless facts you throw out there.


"0wn3d" wasn't directed to you exclusively, just the overall discussion of this topic.. We had the same exact thread topic before and I hit it just as hard.. Don't take offense...
Then don't take offense to what I say.


You talk about what you don't know, even with facts presented to you, you refuse to acknowledge them. Even when you been shown that your opinion was flawed.. Especially your use of "we" in a sentence.. "WE" who?
you talk as if i've said something i haven't. I will say sorry about the "we" though. I should've just used america, but then again you should argue about that when you use "you immigrants".


How far you want to drag this out, because I have lots of facts to knock whatever you bring out of the ball park..
yeah, i can see you do have a lot of facts. They still haven't disproved what I've said, and until that time comes, I will keep reminding you that you have yet to disprove me.
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Last edited by yatzr; 04-01-2004 at 09:38 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 10:18 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Slavery was never a culture, I don't know where and how you got that idea. And it was never a fact, so where is YOUR proof it ever was? I showed you proof it never was. How would you know what the living conditions are in Africa if you haven't been there? Are you comparing actions that were done over hundreds over years ago to today's standards? How hypocritical!

You "think" you haven't been proven wrong, your OPINION cannot stand against the weight of a fact or history, you are just being thick headed. You say I have "yet" to prove you wrong but you are only "right" in you head and that head alone. You have not brought ONE shred of "proof" in your statements, so yet you have no platform. So, wanna go for "totally 0wn3d" or what? Bring proof to your statements, I grow tired of discussing with the unarmed....
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 04-01-2004, 10:40 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Your love it or leave attitude, is quite ignorant to the fact how many SLAVES where forced back to people who claimed to be their owners. I wonder how many were killed or maimed trying to escape. Leave? Hell no, now its time for American to deal with it's OWN problem it created...

What's wrong with acknowledging the fact Slave owners need to set things straight to the families of what their establishment was built on? No one wants to give what is owed.. PAID in Blood.

You cannot stand straight in the light of reason and say what was done was culture or a right. Americans had NO RIGHT to go to Africa and bring them over here, use them all up and now want to cast their backs on them. No matter what you say.

And if you want to be PC, you'd leave before me because "you are on Native American Indian "land" that was stolen too....

AND another thought comes to mind: Why does America spend so much money for Israel (WAY OVER THERE....) then dealing and spending money on AMERICANS right over here? Black Americans have fought and died in EVERY MAJOR AMERICAN CONFLICT in the name of AMERICA. Can we get alittle respect, or we are good enough to die and fight for America, but cannot be treated equal enough? We helped build it EVERY step of the way...
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 10:57 PM..
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Old 04-01-2004, 11:01 PM   #65 (permalink)
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And as a sidenote:
*points to the original topic*
Seems this thread drifted quite a bit.

Still not sure why that specific company can be put up as the devil incarnate. Because of alot of highly indirect, circumstantial evidence, that's all it takes apparently.
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Old 04-01-2004, 11:22 PM   #66 (permalink)
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Do research on the matter and you'll see why those companies specifically and such a lawsuit.
I have too much ammo for this kind of topic because I answered one here just so recently.
I have done research and I know the history. So step up and get served.. Who's next?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-01-2004 at 11:39 PM..
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Old 04-02-2004, 05:40 AM   #67 (permalink)
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U.S. District Judge Charles R. Norgle ruled the plaintiffs' claims "are beyond the constitutional authority of this court."
And he said the suit drew no specific connection between the plaintiffs and the companies named as defendants.
Guess my answer was already given, somehow I missed it the first time I read the article. That was the point I was getting at, can't speak my opinion without reading all the evidence though.

as for researching the matter:
No, I'm not black. I am even not an american. I didn't even know any of these companies and neither do I know the plaintiffs.
What I came up with when looking into the article, the lawsuit and the 3 enterprises, goes like this:

Out of the 3 companies, only R.J. Reynolds strikes me as a possibility with a direct connection, as a tobacco producer. The other companies are into the financial sector, and from what I can tell, have always been in that sector. So the only reason they are in this lawsuit, is because they have the money to be able to "afford" this and were once remotely connected.

When you read the article in detail (which I'll admit I hadn't at first), you'll see this has nothing to do with slavery itself, but with what went on *during* the slave trade. So what went on on the market and during the boat-trip. Not what went on at the plantations themselves. So that's the kind of lawsuit they were thinking of having.

I hardly see how you can destroy somebody's ethnic identity while on board with a very select group of people. You cannot make the accept whitey-culture, since in % there are hardly white people on board. There are butchers and bullies to keep them in shackles, sure. But not people that would try to manipulate them in any way on a mental level, especially not for a whole tribe.
And again, I do agree all sorts of atrocious acts may be committed on those people themselves, but they have no effect on the claim the plaintiffs are making.
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Old 04-02-2004, 05:42 AM   #68 (permalink)
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Originally posted by BuDDaH
I don't have to prove what is ALL READY PROVEN by HISTORY..
Read my last post.
Jews were sent to slave camps..
And gotten compensated, so did the Japanese.

A lot of what you have said has made some sence, but I am sorry this has to be the most ignorant statment on this board. Jews and japanese people were compensated because what was done to them was illegal. The jews were not betrayed by their own people and sold to the germans as laborors. As much as you may not like it, it was legal at the time to have slaves. The africans that were brought here were sold by other african tribes that conquered them in war, if you want to sue anyone try sueing your own people. oh wait thats right they have no money. so take ours instead. You want reporations? well how is the welfare and food stamps we as a government have been giving to the african american community for years?
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Old 04-02-2004, 05:47 AM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally posted by phyzix525
A lot of what you have said has made some sence, but I am sorry this has to be the most ignorant statment on this board. Jews and japanese people were compensated because what was done to them was illegal. The jews were not betrayed by their own people and sold to the germans as laborors. As much as you may not like it, it was legal at the time to have slaves. The africans that were brought here were sold by other african tribes that conquered them in war, if you want to sue anyone try sueing your own people. oh wait thats right they have no money. so take ours instead. You want reporations? well how is the welfare and food stamps we as a government have been giving to the african american community for years?
Err, they give out food stamps and welfare to the caucasians too, just so you know

And the fact that they "paid" for "conquered" slaves is highly disputable. For one, they gave them a currency that was without value in exchange for slaves. And 2, they didn't really have an option, because the colonists' weaponry was superior, and they would have just as easily deported whole tribes (which happened just the same) if they put up much of a fight.
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Last edited by Nisses; 04-02-2004 at 05:50 AM..
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Old 04-02-2004, 06:24 AM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally posted by BuDDaH
Slavery was never a culture, I don't know where and how you got that idea. And it was never a fact, so where is YOUR proof it ever was? I showed you proof it never was. How would you know what the living conditions are in Africa if you haven't been there? Are you comparing actions that were done over hundreds over years ago to today's standards? How hypocritical!

You "think" you haven't been proven wrong, your OPINION cannot stand against the weight of a fact or history, you are just being thick headed. You say I have "yet" to prove you wrong but you are only "right" in you head and that head alone. You have not brought ONE shred of "proof" in your statements, so yet you have no platform. So, wanna go for "totally 0wn3d" or what? Bring proof to your statements, I grow tired of discussing with the unarmed....
okay, i'll admit that everything i've said thus far is wrong if you'll do one thing for me. admit to yourself that

are you ready for this

If slavery never happened, your life (along with the vast majority of african americans that are living today) wouldn't be as good.

say that and i'll admit defeat. But then again, that's the only thing i've been trying to say this whole time really.
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Old 04-02-2004, 09:25 AM   #71 (permalink)
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for a post back on topic, i just thought of a great analogy. My grandparents and great grandparents lived through the great depression (as i'm sure many people's ancestors did). They were in the group of many who had to travel around looking for work for farmers and got paid like a nickel an hour or something (I'm too lazy to look it up but it was an incredibly small amount). Every cent they made went towards food (I know this because I've heard it from my grandparents mouths). They also had nothing because they came over to america just before the great depression (they left germany because of WW1). The farmers that paid these low wages profited from my ancestors work.

Wait a minute....now there is this thing called minimum wage. Should I go look for every farmer my grandparents and great grandparents worked for and demand them to give ME the extra $5.10 for every hour they worked? That seems pretty absurd to me even though the extra cash would be nice.

Wether it was right or wrong, it was legal to pay ungodly low wages back then, just like how it was legal to not pay slaves at all when slavery was legal.
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Old 04-02-2004, 10:21 AM   #72 (permalink)
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Originally posted by Nisses
Err, they give out food stamps and welfare to the caucasians too, just so you know

Yeah I know I have had to use food stamps before once, but what group has the highest % using them, or are on welfare?
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Old 04-02-2004, 05:45 PM   #73 (permalink)
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when will you get it into your head SLAVERY was NEVER LEGAL? And while you are at it, think if people gave Black Americans a fair shake instead of giving them the shitty end of the stick every time, you still cannot say that America is giving Blacks a fair chance even today.

no matter what you say, i am not going agree on such BS because from my stand point Slavery was wrong.

You might want to notice even though the Holocaust survivors got compensated for the "forced labor", most of the survivors lived under those conditions similar to the slaves for far less than a time slaves did.
Even slaves children weren't theirs but the "Master's". And this went on for many generations. Slavery, in most people's minds is when you think of the old days of the cotton picking days of the early 1700's. Slavery didn't end until the early 1930's. That ended 20 years before the Holocaust.

Now, you think you can look me in the eye and tell me that 400 years of slavery is ok?
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!
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Old 04-02-2004, 06:57 PM   #74 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally posted by phyzix525
Yeah I know I have had to use food stamps before once, but what group has the highest % using them, or are on welfare?
Caucasians comprise the highest percentage of people accepting welfare--and I'm not counting corporate welfare.

Once we do that, the shit hits the fan.
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Old 04-02-2004, 08:08 PM   #75 (permalink)
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buddha, you tell people to look outside the box when you never take a glance outside your own. Yes, slavery was bad. It was horrible, and I too wish it didn't happen. I'm not trying to make you think it wasn't bad. All I'm saying is that there has been at least ONE benefit from it.

No matter how bad slavery was, it's not going to change the fact that it's the only reason the majority of african americans live in america. We can debate which place has better living conditions if you like, but even dave chappelle agrees that living conditions in africa suck. I just want you to see this fact.
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Old 04-02-2004, 09:42 PM   #76 (permalink)
Modern Man
Location: West Michigan
This certainly doesn't get any of us any closer to healing race relations.
Lord, have mercy on my wicked soul
I wouldn't mistreat you baby, for my weight in gold.
-Son House, Death Letter Blues
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Old 04-02-2004, 10:33 PM   #77 (permalink)
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Originally posted by BuDDaH
think if people gave Black Americans a fair shake instead of giving them the shitty end of the stick every time, you still cannot say that America is giving Blacks a fair chance even today.
That is the attitude that we are sick and tired of hearing. poor us everyone hates us and nobody gives us anything. Blacks have the same opportunites as anyone else, in fact maybe more. Its not as if you don't have the chance to get a good education, there are plenty of black only scolorship programs, and now with affirmative action, its not like you can't get a decent job and make a good living. Its the black peoples choice to do what they want with there lives and not expect hand-outs like so many of them do. (including these eight) Even when trying to start your own business the government is more likely to loan you money if you are black or a woman. Us white males are discrimiated against too. Funny though you don't hear us crying about it so often.
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Old 04-02-2004, 10:43 PM   #78 (permalink)
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Originally posted by smooth
Caucasians comprise the highest percentage of people accepting welfare--and I'm not counting corporate welfare.

Once we do that, the shit hits the fan.
Of those useing it yes, there are more white people in the country, but the % that use it, compared to the % that do not is what I mean.

Ok these #s are purly for illustraion purposes, but say there are 20 million people on welefare, and 10 million are white 5 million are black and the rest are everyone else. There are say 200 million white people in the counrty, that make the % of white people on welfare about 5 %. now say there are only 50 million blacks, that would be 10%. white make up the higher % but not compared to total population if that makes sence.
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Old 04-03-2004, 07:10 AM   #79 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
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Originally posted by yatzr
buddha, you tell people to look outside the box when you never take a glance outside your own. Yes, slavery was bad. It was horrible, and I too wish it didn't happen. I'm not trying to make you think it wasn't bad. All I'm saying is that there has been at least ONE benefit from it.
And guess WHO has benefited more than the Black Americans than the Blacks for being here?

Originally posted by phyzix525
That is the attitude that we are sick and tired of hearing. poor us everyone hates us and nobody gives us anything. Blacks have the same opportunites as anyone else, in fact maybe more. Its not as if you don't have the chance to get a good education, there are plenty of black only scolorship programs, and now with affirmative action, its not like you can't get a decent job and make a good living. Its the black peoples choice to do what they want with there lives and not expect hand-outs like so many of them do. (including these eight) Even when trying to start your own business the government is more likely to loan you money if you are black or a woman. Us white males are discrimiated against too. Funny though you don't hear us crying about it so often.
First off, Why do you think something like AFFIRMATIVE ACTION was created? Because people like you "white guys" still wouldn't even honor The Constitution or the Ammendments that said you have to treat Blacks as equals, so you were "forced" to do it. (oh BOO-HOO.. it's not fair, Blacks have A.A. and now they have it a bit easier now.) If you started fair from the begining, shit like that wouldn't have to be "forced" on society..

Second, the schools are not giving the SAME levels of education to minorities as they have for Caucasians. Teachers don't give the same intensity of instructions to minorities in school. Black scholarships were created by Blacks because Caucasians STILL don't allow Blacks to go to certain schools. You say these eight are looking for hand-outs, what about all those businesses that went to Africa and got their hand-out and profitted from slavery? (Someone held up a sign and said "Come to Africa, we want to work for free..?) When they saw they can get slaves AND not pay them, they sent FLEETS of ships over there and didn't ask the people if they wanted to come over..

Thirdly, TODAY'S society is still STACKED in the caucasian's favor
so you get a break more often than a minority. And you know that, so that's why we don't hear you crying about it so much.

Remeber this?
"Give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses..."

Of all the ethnicities that makes this great country, (Jews, Gentiles, German, Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, etc...)
Besides the true first Americans,: WHICH ethnic group that has been here before America's first 13 states where even formed, WAS FORCED here and ENSLAVED?

Land of the free? Not for them.... Now when they all profit and MADE profit from selling, shipping and insuring farmowners "their" Blacks, even traded them like livestock (even which livestock was better treated and fed better.) you want Blacks to turn a blind eye to it? You want to say, "That was the past, so lets get by it and start anew? You recall Sept. 11th? Think that was an atrocity?

Slavery has killed more Blacks than al Qaeda..
All in the name of business....

Here's something to give you to think about....

I had 2 of my grandfather's brothers go out like that.
Why? Just because they where Black and American Indian and they were told they couldn't "own" the land they lived on and were killed for it, and was being "forced" into slavery even though neither of them were ever a slave.
Guess what grows in this land they were own?

Tobacco. Guess who owns it now?

Many Black Slaves that were "freed" never gotten that promised the STATES made to own land and a mule. Tell me what agreement the STATES ever made they carried through? Not to the Indians, not to the Blacks.
The it was time to honor it, too bad they might have to pay up for it...
I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 04-03-2004 at 07:46 AM..
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Old 04-03-2004, 07:47 AM   #80 (permalink)
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Location: Belgium
BuDDaH: you're not willing to accept anything he says, and he's not willing to do the same.

Can't we just finish this thread up? This is getting out of hand and is already besides the point.
Moderation should be moderately moderated.
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