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KellyC 01-17-2004 11:43 PM

whats so great about beer?
What is it about beer that makes it so great? Personaly, I dont find beer to be very good, no wait...it sucks. I find that I'm the only one I know of to not like/hate beer. Yes, I've tried the stuff several times only making it less and less consumable the next time. My friends however cant seems to get enough of the stuff and they would say shit like "wtf is wrong with you?" for not liking beer.

Is it normal of me to not like beer?

Can any one else relate?

omega2K4 01-17-2004 11:45 PM

Beer does tastes like shit. However, when you're drunk, you don't care. The only beer I'll drink is Corona Extra, and that isn't very often. Beer tastes like shit, and it takes a shitload of it to get you drunk.

SecretMethod70 01-17-2004 11:52 PM

Beer SUUUUUCKS. I hate it. Sure, it may taste good when you're drunk (I don't know) but why would you drink enough of it to get drunk in the first place? Ewwwww. I'll stick to "girly drinks" thank you very much.

onodrim 01-17-2004 11:54 PM

You're not alone, beer is absoluetly awful. I hate the stuff. I doubt I could stomach it, even drunk.

fik 01-17-2004 11:56 PM

Beer is fucking gross but that doesn't stop me from drinking it.

KellyC 01-17-2004 11:58 PM

:D Glad to know I'm not alone :D

bermuDa 01-18-2004 12:37 AM

I used to really hate beer, but I have a lot of friends who drink it a lot, so after a while I got used to it. I dont' really drink it on my own, but I like having a beer with a couple friends every once in a while. An ice cold beer on a hot summer day is quite refreshing as well.

analog 01-18-2004 12:41 AM

Beer is good stuff. Keep in mind, of course, that I don't think it's supposed to be incredible, just get you drunk... and get you drunk it will, if you have enough. :)

Seaver 01-18-2004 01:08 AM

You have to taste the many different types. Miller light is the only light beer I'll drink, free or not the others taste like piss. Here in Texas we have Shiner Bock, texas only beer that tastes great, but since it is a Bock beer it is heavier and few people actually drink enough to get drunk.

An easy way to go is what I normally do, drink liquor until you're buzzing, then take over with beer. Liquor before beer never fear... you know. When you get the buzz going you cant taste it, and beer is much cheaper, great for continuing the buzz, and it doesnt hit you nearly as hard or as suddenly as liquor.

Taste the different kinds, I prefer heavier/darker beer when I'm sober, but if I'm intoxicated the light beers are much less filling and easier to down.

Not everyone likes beer, no big deal.

MaGlC_MaN 01-18-2004 01:59 AM

i've been drunk a few times now and.. beer still tastes like shit to me. some of my friends say that they've acquired a taste for it, but i can't seem to do that. oh well, i still drink it just to get drunk and yea, after a few drinks i start to not taste it as much.

Spartak 01-18-2004 02:34 AM

Beer is possibly the greatest invention ever, as Benjamin Franklin said "Beer of proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy".

Beer is always a good choice when I go out drinking, why ? Because it's so cheap, and is possibly the most sweet tasting beverage ever.

This ofcourse being decent beer. I think that's the problem with some people who are put off beer because they only tried a few brands, many of which are pretty foul.

In New Zealand where I live we have so much good local beer, Tui or Export Gold is the student beer of choice, because you can get a dozen (12 x 330ml bottles) for around $NZ 15 or less, and you can drink a dozen of it fairly allright.

Ofcourse you can get cheaper beer like Double Brown (drink it down!, the only beer in town!), or DB Draught or Stag or Lion Red. Now some like it, thats cool, personally I can't stand the stuff, unless I'm funneling them down then it doesn't really matter.

But the best New Zealand beer in my opinion is this stuff called Monteiths
they make so many different kinds, all of which are very quality. But I narrow the field to 3 contenders: Celtic Red, Gold and Black. Celtic Red is a classic red ale, it has very nice texture and a lovely colour. Gold is a very good lager, possibly the best New Zealand has to offfer. And Black is an ok substiute for Guinness (see below).

Now, I mean I tried pretty much every imported beer there is, and I came up with this conclusion: Corona is nothing more than overpriced bland lager in a fancy bottle, and Heineken is possibly one of the worst beers ever made. Stella Artois is possibly the best lager, but only the stuff that is imported from Belgium.

But. My most favourite beer in the world is Guinness. I mean, it is possibly the best beer ever... wait it is. First of all it is the darkest beer I have ever seen. It's delicously thick, and the best part is the creamy foam on top. No beer foam tastes as good as Guinness foam. The only downside is its relatively low alcohol percentage (4.2%) for an imported beer. But strangely that does not really make a difference.

The only bad thing I can think of about beer is that it goes through you like nothning on earth. To be quite blunt: whatever you drink you will piss out and then some. On a night on the town, ofcourse for sheer convinience its better to stick to spirits, but for a house party its beer, beer, wonderful beer.

Oh yeah, the above opinions are my own, I have come to hold such opinions after many years of student drinking, I am not an alcoholic I just like beer, if you don't like beer that's cool and I think no different of you.

zipper 01-18-2004 02:53 AM

I have to admit, in my younger days...beer didn't really appeal to me either. NOW, I absolutely LOVE beer. I usually have 1 beer a day.....at least! There is nothing I would rather drink w/dinner than a beer! Maybe its an acquired taste........not sure.....but the more you drink, the more you love it!! Try some different brands....maybe you'll find something you like!!

Chemical 01-18-2004 06:17 AM

Its an acquired taste. I love Guinness but to most people its disgusting.

Oh, plus, it makes ugly girls look better!

Fly 01-18-2004 06:33 AM

WTF is going on in here.

beer is the magic elixer .

splck 01-18-2004 06:40 AM

Beer is great. It may take you a bit to get used to it, but once you do...look out.
If beer tastes good to you only when you're drunk, maybe you should try a different brand. I mean, something other than the typical piss water (light beer) sold everwhere.

paddyjoe 01-18-2004 06:50 AM


Originally posted by flyman
WTF is going on in here.

Definately an acquired taste for many.

Mrs. paddyjoe loves brussel sprouts, and I retch at the thought of them.

She can't stand Guinness and I love to the last drop.

So really, who cares? She sips her Reisling and we all get along fine.

high_way 01-18-2004 06:51 AM

i love beer. i drink spirits aswell but i love beer. nothing better than having a cold beer after doing a hard days work. goes straight down.

here in australia we have many beers.. to many to name but here is a couple.

fosters (our export beer)
crown larger
VB (also refered to as vomit bombs and green death ie: tastes like shit)
carlton midstength
james boags
carlton cold
tooheys new and extra dry

and my number one favourite beer

XXXX http://www.xxxx.com.au/home.asp

i mainly drink XXXX bitter but sometimes gold. living in queensland this is the main beer to drink, i drink most of the others (except vb).

the other REALLY good thing about beer is that you can brew it yourself quite easliy and you can make some very nice tasting beers... my mates and i will do that and it is dirt cheep. $15A odd dollars for the ingredients and we get about 3 cartons worth

nukeu666 01-18-2004 07:55 AM

ive tried liquors a couple of times
it sucked everytime

Vespertine 01-18-2004 07:58 AM

Worst. Substance. Ever.


muckluck 01-18-2004 08:09 AM

In my opinion all drinks containing alcohol is crap. Well except some wines, but there is barely any alcohol in them. And who needs alcohol when you have caffeine?

tinfoil 01-18-2004 08:13 AM

Just because you didn't like one beer doesn't mean all beer is bad.

Some people who think a standard ale is too bitter may want to try a wheat brew. It's smoother and not quite as dry, though some do have a little more aftertaste.

I prefer Guiness, either on tap or can (the bottled variety doesn't suck, but it's not Guiness). It has a slightly caramalized flavour to it and I don't find it bitter at all. If I am looking for something clean, then Brick's amber is a nice beer.

THat being said, I hated beer when I first tried it, but that was mostly because the first beer I tried was Budweiser. *shudder*

Unless you're a Canuck or Irish, it's perfectly fine for you not to like beer. If you're a Canuck though, expect to see me on your doorstep with a cooler and a hockey stick (to beat you senseless with until you like beer ;>)

Derwood 01-18-2004 08:24 AM

Give me a bottle of MGD and a plate of Chips and Salsa and I'm a happy guy

gilada 01-18-2004 08:47 AM


Originally posted by KellyC
What is it about beer that makes it so great? Personaly, I dont find beer to be very good, no wait...it sucks. I find that I'm the only one I know of to not like/hate beer.
You're not drinking the right kind. That and it just gets ya drunk, the true purpose behind all alchohol.

sprocket 01-18-2004 09:02 AM

beer is for lightweights! TIME TO DO SOME SHOTS!

brandon11983 01-18-2004 09:06 AM


Originally posted by SecretMethod70
Beer SUUUUUCKS. I hate it. Sure, it may taste good when you're drunk (I don't know) but why would you drink enough of it to get drunk in the first place? Ewwwww. I'll stick to "girly drinks" thank you very much.
Dude! Me too!! High Five!

VitaminH 01-18-2004 09:17 AM

I quite enjoy beer.

It's just a matter of prefrence I think, some people will like it, some people won't. Just like about anything else...

Tophat665 01-18-2004 09:24 AM

First off, KellyC, it is perfectly normal not to like beer. At a guess, I'd say you were and American woman at an American College, and what beer you have come in contact with has been selected to appeal to fellows who's overriding priority has been cost. Now, this doesn't mean that it has always been cheap beer, but that it has been geared toward the tastes of those acquired from long drinking cheap beer. This means that you were probably drinking an American Standard or Premium Lager, like Budweiser, a Pilsner, like Czechvar or Pilsner Urquell, or a bitter or pale ale, like Sierra Nevada or Sam Adams Stock Ale. These are beer drinker's beers, and the taste is definitely an acquired one. However, there are over 27000 different styles of beer brewed somewhere in the world, and several hundred that can be found anywhere there are people and a market economy. Most people are exposed to no more than 10 of these styles. Typically the most watered down standardized versions of these styles at that. (The best example of Budweiser's style was Korean beer last I checked. Chances are you'll never see OB lager.)

A really good wiezen is a joyous occasion, and resembles Budwieiser to the degree that Charlize Theron resembles Coco the speaking gorilla. The taste, far from bitter, is bannana and cloves and bubblegum, driven by an almost champagne like carbonation, perhaps with a touch of caramel lingering in the mouth after swallowing. It's really beautiful stuff. I reccommend Weeping Radish, Erdinger's, and Valentin's Hefeweizen, Maisel Weisse, and Kaputzinger Schwartze Dunkelweizen.

There are more varieties of beer in Belgium than there are in the entire rest of europe, and some of these are exquisite, even to the non drinker. Lucifer strong golden ale might as well be champagne. Pauwel Kwak is malty and slightly sour, but more refresing for it. Leifmanns Framboise is positively magenta with rasberries. Belgian Witbier, spiced with coriander and bitter orange peel is a wonderful alternative to the hops based beers of the rest of europe (and some of the best examples are made in America - Shenandoah Wit is the best I've ever had.)

In conclusion to this long screed, let me compare beer and wine. There are tens of thousands of different kinds of wine, some of which nearly everyone likes, and some of which are appreciated only by congnoscenti who have trained themseleves to recognize qualities in a wine difficult to achieve, and then have fooled their tastebuds into liking them. Beer is just like this, except the beers that are hardest to get to like are, from long running and incredibly effective marketing, the most popular, and those that are more immediately likeable are either priced out of their market or derided as girlie beers.

Don't believe Anhauser Bush. Budweiser isn't even the King of swilling beers. Go try something different. You might find that there is a whole world out there you didn't even know existed.

BTW, stay away from Guinness. This is another Beer Drinker's Beer. I think it's highly overrated, but I respect that many like it.

forseti-6 01-18-2004 09:31 AM

I agree that most beer doesn't taste very good. However I think some tastes great. I'm a big Guiness and Sam Adams Winter Lager fan. Guiness has a little bitterness to it, but Sam Adams has none. It's more or less an acquired taste. Just like people liking hot sauce, you have it a lot, it's no longer hot. Same thing with beer.

BlueBongo 01-18-2004 09:40 AM


Originally posted by omega2K4
Beer does tastes like shit. However, when you're drunk, you don't care. The only beer I'll drink is Corona Extra, and that isn't very often.
I double that... though I do like fat tire when it's on tap.. not sure why. Corona and Fat Tire are the only beers I really drink. The fruit tasting beers are a little weird but I can stand them occasionally.

tehblaed 01-18-2004 09:57 AM

I don't drink at all. But, maybe you guys shouldn't drink shit-ass beer.


theguyondacouch 01-18-2004 10:06 AM

I'm not a fan of beer. Its too bitter for me, personally. Then agian, ive only tried like 2 kinds of beer.

Caphreak 01-18-2004 10:07 AM

I love beer, its probably one og my favorite drinks. Its definitely an aquired taste, usually acquired by all males around the age of 16 to 20. I for one dont like all beer, lately its been MGD Light, but ive gone through a lot. Some beer i cannot stand, and others i cant get enough of. If youve sampled lot of beer, and still dont like it, so be it, but dont go giving up after trying 1 can of keystone or something.

slimcr 01-18-2004 10:12 AM

beer fucking sucks. beer works because human beings are a rather sad bunch and beer is the cheapest way of both pretending to have a good time and forgetting how sad they are.....

beer sucks really. :D

anleja 01-18-2004 12:00 PM

I've had good beer and bad beer, but none that I'd actually go out and buy because I want to drink it. I'd just buy it to get drunk, in which case I'd actually rather drink wine (Sangre de Toro is good wine, for me).

mirevolver 01-18-2004 12:21 PM

I definatly enjoy a good beer. But my taste in beer is selective.

Being in the US, I have found that domestic beers are horrible. (With an exception to microbrews.) So I usually drink an imported beer. My favorite being Pilsner Urquell.

But if I'm out drinking with friends, my Preferance is Guinness. I know some people refer to it as motor oil, and I wasn't too thrilled the first time I tasted it. But the second time I tried it, it got much better. And most of all, the thing I like about Guinness is that it has a lower alcohol content than most beers (4.1%), and it fills you up which helps to take away the problem of drinking on an empty stomach.

lordjeebus 01-18-2004 12:22 PM

I enjoy many beers. I usually drink Pacifico when I'm thirsty, Guiness when I'm not, and Chimay when I can get it in small bottles. I like to match international food with a beer from the country.

I don't drink them to get drunk because that involves drinking so much that I have to pee every ten minutes, plus it takes too long.

I think many people have trouble drinking it because they've grown up expecting a drink to be sweet, which beer is not. I think you can acquire the taste when you drink enough for your taste recognizers to get used to a drink that isn't fruity.

I can completely understand why someone wouldn't want to drink all that beer to develop a taste for it. It took my 2 years under the guidance of a guy from Denmark who knew what was good. After the first year it was "not that nasty," after the second it was "pretty good."

I'm working on acquiring a taste for Scotch now, which has been difficult but not as bad as beer.

sailor 01-18-2004 12:45 PM

Beer is OK. We drink it a lot here because being underage, in a state where the ABC controls all spirits, getting liquor is damn near impossible. So we drink beer, and lots of it. Hey, thats what college is for, isnt it?

Beer is definitely an acquired taste. When I first tried it in HS, I thought I was going to throw up. Now, I can handle it fine--there are other drinks I prefer (mmmmm bourbon), but I still drink it all the time.

MichaelFarker 01-18-2004 12:52 PM

If you don't like it, don't let it bother you. Lots of people don't drink beer. If you tell beer lovers they're wrong though, it'll just piss them off. Live and let live.

Mr.Deflok 01-18-2004 01:23 PM

Never has a drop of alcohol entered by body, it disgusts me, I've seen my friends in such a pathetic state from drinking it, it makes me sad.

mingusfingers 01-18-2004 01:57 PM

It's only decent when as cold as possible. I got distracted by secret method's avatar :)

powerclown 01-18-2004 02:20 PM

Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

juanvaldes 01-18-2004 02:45 PM

kids these days....

Stop buying shitty beer and experiment. There are 10,00a012ljasdf different beers in the world, no point in buying the bottom of the barrel.

I will end this pointless post (see above for other points) with this rule of thumb. If it's advertized on TV don't buy it. Except Guinness. Guinness is good.

Fly 01-18-2004 03:02 PM


Originally posted by slimcr
beer fucking sucks. beer works because human beings are a rather sad bunch and beer is the cheapest way of both pretending to have a good time and forgetting how sad they are.....

beer sucks really. :D

i have a great time w/ or w/out beer.

so far from sad it's.....well sad.

i enjoy beer prolly cuz i work outdoors in the baking hot sun and nothing is better than an ice cold pop after a hard days work.

*heads to fridge for a wobbly pop*

Fly 01-18-2004 03:04 PM


Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

read above post.

LStanley 01-18-2004 03:10 PM

if you are like 18 or so..... you may not like it yet because your body is still accustomed to drinking sweeti drinks.. when you get older you'll find out that beer is an EXCELLENT drink, and as an accquired taste...

I know alot of students here at Texas Tech that don't like beer, go figure, and alot of students that are LEARNING to LIKE it...

in any case.... just expirement and drink some from time to time if you like.. if its utterly disgusting.. every time... try something else like zima or something.... I used to drink zima back in highschool and now I'm into dark beers... :p

splck 01-18-2004 03:26 PM


Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

Drinking beer just to get drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed is juvenile IMO.
Enjoying a nice cool one for the taste of the beer is what it's all about. Does it suprise you that people actually like the flavour of beer?

Jesus Pimp 01-18-2004 03:32 PM

Vodka 4 Life

Plan9Senior 01-18-2004 03:40 PM

I prefer beer over liquor because I genuinely like the taste of it. It isn't suprising that some of you don't like some of the beers you have tasted. Ever wonder why there are so many different kinds? Well because we all have different tastes ;) My bet is that the people who have said they hate the way beer tastes are basing their opinions on cheap beers.

KellyC 01-18-2004 03:45 PM


Originally posted by Tophat665
At a guess, I'd say you were and American woman at an American College,

LOL :lol: ...get ready to be in shock! I'm a GUY, I'm also not American...i'm VIETNAMESE...I can see why you'd think i'm a girl, but the name KellyC is after MY favourite singer: Kelly Chen (the canto pop GODDESS)

You are correct that I've only been "introduced" to very few beer types. Mostly Miller, Budwiser and Corona...I think just those 3 brands..any way..they all suck. I only tried them because I was with my friends, and I made it a goal to be get totally wasted b4 going to college so..I closed my eyes and chug those nasty craps...and no..gettin' drunk wasn't fun either...I didn't fall but walking in a straight line was a real bitch. Oh yeah, I got a pretty nasty hanger the next day too, lastest pretty much all day the next day and sometimes into the night, then it just faded away the next next morning.

Haven't been drinking ever since...:D

Ratman 01-18-2004 05:10 PM

IMO beer should only contain four ingredients: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast. If it is made with adjuncts like rice (Bud) or corn (Miller), It is going to taste like crap. Brew your own, you'll be glad you did. :D

Tophat665 01-18-2004 05:14 PM


Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Never has a drop of alcohol entered by body, it disgusts me, I've seen my friends in such a pathetic state from drinking it, it makes me sad.
I've been in that pathetic state, and that disgusts me. However, fermentation is a process that produces some unique flavors - esters in particular - and alcohol is not necessarily the point, only an unavoidable by product.

Of course, getting righteouly twisted now and again is sometimes a lark, but if you feel that strongly about it, more power to ya. Just don't tell me I can't have a beer.

MSD 01-18-2004 05:22 PM


Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

Yes. I don't get drunk anyway.

You guys who don't like it should try a few types of higher-quality stuff. Don't drink anything that comes in 24-packs, and you're off to a good start. Try bottles, they tend to be better than cans. Heineken was the first beer that I actually liked, then Guiness, then the really good stuff like Rogue Shakespeare Stout.

Also, there's some stuff at Trader Joe's, "Samuel's Oatmeal Stout" that has a taste that reminds me of oatmeal and a hint of chocolate. You don't hate beer unless you can't stand that stuff. If you can't even keep that in your mouth, you may really hate beer, but give it a try.

InTeGrA77 01-18-2004 05:22 PM

Personally I don't think that it tastes good no matter how drunk you are!!:lol:

I've tried it very few times, but enough to know that its shit! Why would someone drink something that tastes HORRIBLE just to get an aquired taste for it, when they can drink something that tastes a thousand times better that will get you just as drunk...??? Someone answer me that!?

Kaos 01-18-2004 05:39 PM

That's like asking "Why is the sky blue?"

It just is :D

legolas 01-18-2004 05:41 PM

I don't think -anyone- tastes beer for the first time and goes "hey this tastes great!!!" Drinking beer is almost like a necessary evil. The taste gets better and better the more you drink and drinking it can become quite fun in situations. If you don't like beer you are far from alone though.

grumpyolddude 01-18-2004 05:46 PM

Not many hanging on the fence for this topic. Just as well. Don't put anything in your mouth that you don't enjoy.

But... nothing chases pizza as well as a nice lager. Have a Guiness or Newcastle for dessert!

World's King 01-18-2004 05:46 PM

Beer makes me smart.

nothingx 01-18-2004 07:53 PM

Beer comes in such a broad spectrum of tastes, colors, and varieties that there is truely a rainbow of beers too choose from. To say that you don't like beer is implying that you've tasted and tried every single one and have not been able to find one you like. My guess is that you've only tried one or two which you didn't like and have decided all beers are not good.

To say you don't like beer is like saying you don't like color - when you've only seen brown and pea green.

Spyder_Venom 01-18-2004 07:55 PM

I have never liked beer and have tried on almost every occasion to sample differnt kinds of beer. I haven't found one yet that I like. There is something about the tangy or bitterness that I just can't get past. I really prefer something that is a little bit sweeter or has a citrus flavor to it.

I guess I will just stick to the Captain and Bacarti drinks.

cchris 01-18-2004 08:16 PM

I had to make a decision,
And really show no fear,
So while I stood there thinking,
I had another beer,
Suddenly, then it hit me,
A huge brainwave I could tell,
Gotta’ get a job in a brewery,
And taste success as well.
My first week was a ripper,
Job training every day,
Tasting all the different beers,
This is heaven I would say.
With my training lessons over,
I reckon now I’m made,
Free beer for everyday I work,
And I’m even gettin’ paid.
Now you’d never guess whats happened,
They’ve given me the flick,
Said, since I started workin there,
Their profits have been sick.
Unfair dismissal, I claimed by law,
And the judge said that was true,
He made them pay me a million,
Now I own a brewery too.

powerclown 01-18-2004 08:24 PM


Does it suprise you that people actually like the flavour of beer?
Not at all...

*I* like the flavor of beer, not all of them, not the muddy dark stuff for example. I always liked the buzz, too, though, maybe Ive got a problem here...:cool:

bundy 01-18-2004 09:24 PM


Originally posted by cchris
I had to make a decision,
And really show no fear,
So while I stood there thinking,
I had another beer,
Suddenly, then it hit me,
A huge brainwave I could tell,
Gotta’ get a job in a brewery,
And taste success as well.
My first week was a ripper,
Job training every day,
Tasting all the different beers,
This is heaven I would say.
With my training lessons over,
I reckon now I’m made,
Free beer for everyday I work,
And I’m even gettin’ paid.
Now you’d never guess whats happened,
They’ve given me the flick,
Said, since I started workin there,
Their profits have been sick.
Unfair dismissal, I claimed by law,
And the judge said that was true,
He made them pay me a million,
Now I own a brewery too.

thats brilliant!!

i can remember back when i was a teenager, at one those weekend backyard parties you have during highschool thinking damn this beer tastes bad.

looking back now, i can attribute three reasons for that thought.

1. i was drinking to get drunk. there was no appreciation of the actual taste. it was about the quantity, not quality.

2. the beer was cheap and nasty. being underage, and poor, the beer that was usually served at these parties was nasty.

3. my tastebuds were immature. at the time i also disliked wine, whiskey and champers (all of which i thoroughly enjoy these days). your palette matures over time (well, mine has).

Q - would i enjoy beer if it didn't make you drunk (or give a buzz or whatever)??

A - you bet. for me, beer is a very refreshing drink. i love the taste. after a hot day, or a hard day at work, there is nothing better than a cold beer.

Spartak 01-18-2004 09:30 PM


Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

Oh yes!

Part of the reason why I love Guinness so much is the perfect taste. I mean I often (when I can afford some) have a can (440ml draught can with a gas widget) with my dinner.

legolas 01-18-2004 09:59 PM


If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?
Hell no. I would just go to the liquor.

KungFuGuy 01-19-2004 03:19 PM


My bet is that the people who have said they hate the way beer tastes are basing their opinions on cheap beers.
yeah...i dont like beer but all i've gotten to try is LeBlatt Blue, miller light, and some really bad college beer. ya know, cheap stuff.

so yeah, by preferance i go for liquor. If a friend recomends something tho i'll try it, so i'm not totally close minded to beer. other than the fact that people who drink beer a lot are also usually pretty fat. and i dont want to get fat. like my dad, who drinks beer all the time.

bonehed1 01-19-2004 04:00 PM

I dont see how people drink beer. It takes nasty to me and reminds me of pee...I always tell my wife who likes beer that she is drinking carbonized pee.

Tophat665 01-20-2004 04:52 PM


Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

Damn straight, and I'd still brew it too.

Some beer - cheap crappy fizzy yellow beer - I drink strictly for the buzz, and that would have to go, so I would drink less and much better beer when I did. Of course, if beer didn't get you drunk, then it would be a chore to find anything that wasn't sickly sweet and marketed to teenagers, because all the adults would be off drinking something that did give them a buzz.

Also, if beer didn't get one drunk, then it would have to lack alcohol. Barring some hypothetical inert alcohol isoflavin, some of my favorite types of beer would not taste right. Part of the flavor profile of a good IPA, Imperial Stout, Foreign Style Stout, Old Ale, Barley Wine, Belgian Strong Ale, Scotch Ale, Baltic Porter, or Belgian Trippel is a distinct alcohol flavor. If it's not there, the beer tastes flabby.

<b>KellyC</b>, Sorry about that. I've just heard that identical sentiment from many women over the years - How can you <i>drink</i> that stuff - that it seemed characteristic. My mistake. Given the brands of beer you've had though, it's no wonder you don't like them. Cheap beer for a cheap buzz. Cheap wine is cheaper, but even I don't sink so low any more (but o the nights with a ping pong table and a couple of bottles of maddawg!).

One thing to know about Corona: The reason you put lime in it is to kill the smell. The chemical that makes beer bitter, iso-alpha acids derived from hops and boiling, interact with ultraviolet light to produce a chemical nearly indistinguishable from that which gives skunks their distinctive odor. This takes about 10 seconds. Brown glass stops it. Clear glass does not. Neither does green glass.

splck 01-20-2004 08:59 PM


Originally posted by bonehed1
I dont see how people drink beer. It takes nasty to me and reminds me of pee...I always tell my wife who likes beer that she is drinking carbonized pee.
Can't say I ever tried pee before.;)

moonstrucksoul 01-20-2004 11:44 PM

i never really got into beer, I can drink quite a few but the taste was never something i have gone for. that's pretty much the same for hard liquor, alchohol has a distinct taste to me and I can usually taste it all drinks. i drink maybe once a month.

mr_mcrafe 01-21-2004 12:04 AM

I like it. It's definately an aquired taste, well at least the cheap stuff I'm used to. Now that I've aquired the taste, I love it, especially some cold ones with mates after a hard day. Export (NZ local one) is my choice at the moment, but I have to say the couple of Fosters (Aussie) I've tried were very nice too.

Prince 01-21-2004 12:42 AM

I love a good cider, but can't stand beer.

high_way 01-21-2004 05:12 AM


Originally posted by mr_mcrafe
.... but I have to say the couple of Fosters (Aussie) I've tried were very nice too.
the funny thing is that fosters isnt anywhere near our best beer... not by a long shot

as for guiness... it has been said that each guiness contains a steak and two eggs... sounds good to me for breakfast.

gal 01-21-2004 06:28 AM

Give me a good movie and a pizza, and I'm happy. Add a beer to that, and I'm in heaven :)

Shop around, try different beers; I'd be surprised if you cannot find anything you like. Best American beer I've had is Anchor steam. Other internationals I can think of are Corona, Warsteiner and most Carsberg and Tuborg beers.

splck 01-21-2004 07:20 AM


whats so great about beer?
If you have to ask, you'll never know.

raeanna74 01-21-2004 08:51 AM

I've tried beer. Never really liked it. Some kinds I can't even get more than a sip down. Lite beers don't seem so revolting to me. I don't enjoy the smell of beer either.

I get a headache every time I have a Rum and cola too. So that's out.

I tend to like the sweet stuff and girly drinks. I'll stay with that.

I love kissing a guy who's had some rum, or wine. The taste is great.

water_boy1999 01-21-2004 09:33 AM

For some reason I get the impression a lot of the TFPers who posted aren't even legally able to drink the stuff. Funny, when I was under the age, I didn't have a real taste for the stuff, but now, I would definitely consider myself a connousoir (sp) of the fine beverage! I prefer micro brews as opposed to the Millers, Coors, Buds, and other watered down light brews. Just more taste to a good micro brew like Red Nectar, 8 Ball Stout, Downtown Brown, etc.....

Thoughts for those Who Tip a Few:

Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be
shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver."
--by Jack Handy

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
--Frank Sinatra

An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.
--Ernest Hemingway

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--Ernest Hemingway

Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time.
--Catherine Zandonella

Reality is an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol.

Drinking provides a beautiful excuse to pursue the one activity that truly gives me pleasure; hooking up with fat, hairy girls.
-- Ross Levy

A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
--W.C. Fields

What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?
--Tee Mans

When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
--Henny Youngman

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life.
-- Michelle Mastrolacasa

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy.
--Tom Waits

24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
--Stephen Wright

When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. Sooooo, let's all get drunk and go to
-- Brian O'Rourke

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer.
--Frank Zappa

Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.
--Winston Churchill

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
--Benjamin Franklin

If you ever reach total enlightenment while drinking beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose.
--Deep Thought, Jack Handy

Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.
--Dave Barry

The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
--Humphrey Bogart

Why is American beer served cold? So you can distinguish it from urine.
--David Moulton

Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world.
--Kaiser Wilhelm

Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry

All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer.
--Homer Simpson

You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.
--Dean Martin

Scotch - Because one doesn't solve the world's problems over white wine.

matthew330 01-21-2004 09:50 AM

shawoo!!! I was really starting to loose faith in the tilted forum project up untill about the 7th post in this thread. Beer is wonderfull. My old band wrote a song about me called "Matt's First Love". It went something like.....

A long time ago,
When Matt was just a pup,
He took his fathers beer,
And poured it in his cup...

Ranting about how i fell in love
and the course was...you guess it


it was like 7 years ago so i don't remember all the words

matthew330 01-21-2004 09:51 AM

ahh shoot. For those who aren't working on their 5th Warsteiner (wonderfull german beer), "course" = chorus

sherpahigh 01-21-2004 10:49 AM

What's so great about beer?!?

Everything is the short answer. It's already been pointed out by many already that beer is definitly an aquired taste. I can recall my first beer and it was not great. The same can be said about my first drink of wine, first of scotch, etc. Some of the greatest tasting things to me know like a good bottle of wine or a beer were things that brought no joy whatsoever (aside from the eventual buzz) upon my first taste of them.

I think another good point which has already been raised is that a lot of peoples first experience with beer is when they're underage and drinking for the sole purpose to get drunk. They also are usually drinking some swill that is dirt cheap and as high in alcohol as possible.

As for the question of if I would still drink beer if it gave me no buzz, etc.... Damn right I would and I have had no alcohol beer in the past when having a buzz or being drunk was not an option. The taste is first and foremost for me.

gilada 01-21-2004 10:54 AM

guiness is mothers milk.

moonstrucksoul 01-21-2004 12:01 PM

uggh, guiness has always been just too much for me. i don't like to feel like i ate dinner with every draft.

Willy 01-21-2004 06:40 PM


Originally posted by powerclown
Question, beer lovers:

If beer did not get you drunk/buzzed/happy/horny/painless/pissed whatever, would you still drink it?

Absolutely. There are much cheaper and easier ways to get drunk than drinking beer. In fact I drink beer a couple times a week at least, and haven't had enough to even get a buzz in several months.

As everyone else is saying, it's an aqquired taste. The first beer I tasted, I spit out. In High School I drank beer (keystone, busch, or bud and coors when we could afford it) to get drunk, even though I didn't like the taste. In college, I drank beer (original Coors and bud heavy) to get drunk, but started to like the taste.

Now I rarely get drunk anymore, but I really like beer, and drink it just for the taste now. I used to drink at least 1 or 2 a day, but I've been trying to maintain a healthier diet the last year or so, so I have a beer a couple times a week. My favorites are Anchor Steam, Fat Tire, and Newcastle Brown Ale. If I want to get drunk though, I still get Bud Light or something, because it's easy to drink, and not filling, so you can put away a 12-pack hehe.

mercury-hg 01-21-2004 10:32 PM

this beer hate-fest makes me sad. i'd like to have a Dos Equis in my hands at all times.

KellyC 01-22-2004 04:29 PM


Originally posted by mercury-hg
this beer hate-fest makes me sad. i'd like to have a Dos Equis in my hands at all times.
Ahem...this is NOT a "beer hate-fest," at least its not the original intent. We are simply discussing why/how is beer great. You can like beer and i can not and I'll still respect you. :)

Olompen 01-22-2004 06:56 PM

eek! you dont like beer? well i can tell u a reason, u dont like the bitterness of beer prolly and as u age this taste will grow on u and u will enjoy bitterness(dontknowifitsrightwordcuzimadumbviking) anyway i learned this in my school where i learned this weird info about industrial makin of food and whatever comes with it :P

Maraken 01-22-2004 11:15 PM

I've tried about 4 or 5 different types and had to pour each one out by the time I got halfway through it. More of a maltliqour, wine type of guy. Although margaritas are the only thing to ever give me a buzz.

paddyjoe 01-23-2004 05:20 AM


Originally posted by gilada
guiness is mothers milk.
gosh, I've on the teat soooooo long :lol:

Fly 01-23-2004 05:43 AM


Originally posted by paddyjoe
gosh, I've on the teat soooooo long :lol:

and by the way you post.........you must still have a bit 'o wobbly in you .......................eh?:D

merkerguitars 01-26-2004 01:56 PM

I'll have to agree with most of the people...drink some real stuff....not light warm keg shit you find at typical parties.
And yes drink from cold bottles it tastes the best...
Anybody can find a beer they like...so many..so little time...

Phaenx 01-26-2004 02:43 PM

Beer kind of tastes like sweat squeeged off the back of some fat dudes neck to me. I think I had a Grolsch not long ago, had some wine too, didn't care for either. Champagne is pretty good though.

I'm not interested in getting drunk either, don't really care for those types.

Unga 01-27-2004 12:48 AM

I tried what i think was beer?
Some kind of cider.. it was my friend's drink.
It was ooook.

lisa 01-27-2004 02:57 AM


how can you NOT like beer!!! It's the greatest drink ever!!!
Off course, in the States you guys are probably forced to drink dish-water-like-beers like Bud, or even worse: Heineken... Just a warning: never drink Dutch beer, NEVER ever!

In Belgium we have over 600 different sorts of beers, it's our national drink here! I tell you, there's a flavour for everyone. So don't start generalizing Budweiser as beer, because it's nothing like the real stuff we have here!!!!

Nisses 01-27-2004 03:17 AM

hehe, way to tell em lisa :)

<--- not that I'm prejudiced or anything... :D

at any rate, there's a kind of beer for everybody, there's even a beer-champagne over here now :)

there's bitter beer, fruit-aroma beer, beer that'll knock you down after 3 glasses, and beer you just drink while eating, beer that gets better with aging, beer that should be drank asap, beer for the poor college boy, the working member of society and for the retired gentlemen or elderly woman.

You can not care for alcohol at all, but if you do like alcohol, there's bound to be a beer out there for you :)

Fire 01-27-2004 09:55 AM

have yet to find a beer that appeals to me round here- so for now its girlie drinks or straight shots- just started selling swords at S.C.A. events, and its microbrew heaven, so probably will find one that I like sooner or later- and even if not, mmmmmm Honey mead.......

EbolaVirus 01-27-2004 10:21 AM

What's so great about beer?


flamingdog 01-27-2004 12:19 PM

beer's good.

weed's better.

EruptiveDreamz 01-27-2004 12:30 PM

What makes beer so great? Huh .. boy this one is a real thinker for me. For my once in a great while drunken nights it would have to be that for me beer is a great socializer. And great memory that I can look back upon and remember there is something more than complaining about work or little everyday things when I can remember how drunk I may have gotten in having to pray to porclein god and remind myself I never wanna look that foolish again. And when I foget the feeling of that moment and need a refreshing course well .. beer seems to be great refresher I need.

feelgood 01-27-2004 01:05 PM

Beer is shitty.

I'll do the math for you

8 bottles of Smiroff = Me almost still sober
8 cans of beer = Me wasted

Simple enough?

meembo 01-27-2004 04:50 PM


I'm sure I'm having the same reaction Homer Simpson would have!

Don't ever speak badly of the beer again!

I could live on beer, bread, chocolate, and the occasional sushi for the rest of my life

I have an advantage, though -- my brother makes beer professionally at small, regional breweries, and my favorites are the IPAs, or India Pale Ales. He brings cases of 22 oz. bottles, and I'm very happy....

wwcd101 01-28-2004 02:48 PM

Beer fits a niche. It is not sweet, like pop or fruit juice. I think it is a lot like coffee, also something of an aquired taste, but refreshing. It goes great with lots of different foods, particularly spicy and salty stuff. And, it is mostly harmless.

The alcohol gives you a little burst, that doesnt get in the way until you have had 2 or 3.

I like it.

Thanks for listening.

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