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#1 (permalink) |
Location: The Hell I Created.
I figured out what's wrong with the world...
it's people.
so we all know that the worlds got problems, and people just aren't making it any better. i try to keep an open mind about stuff, and not let past experiences cloud my judgements and thoughts. but last night, i had a conversation with a black janitor where i work. we talked for about half an hour, and it amazed how jaded he is against the white world. everything was white people do want black people to succeed, white people are afraid of black kids, white people are the ones who brought cocaine to the states and started selling it to black people, anytime something that black people create starts being able to make money the white people steal it (ie. eminem rapping), black people can't move into any neighborhood they want because white people won't sell to them... and on and on... now, i don't mean this to be an anti-black people thread, it's the mentality that he has which i think a lot of people have... and that's two things... one is a lack of personal responsibility (ie. it's white peoples fault that black people are hooked on crack because they started selling coke to blacks who then turned it into crack); two, from what i've seen, today's world isn't the same as it was 30-40 years ago, but his mentality is that the world is against black people and trying to keep them down. i think this everyone out to get me mentality is shared by everyone. if you're white, it's what you can lose to the minorities, if your black, it's white people are keeping you down, if your asian, well, i don't know... but the arabs are after the jews, and jews are after land and the palestianianiaianaianns.... and on and on... anyways, i try to keep a pretty perceptive eye about the world, and i don't see it as being nearly as bad as this guy made it out to be, that he's just become so jaded and used to having whites be a problem, that he now sees whites as the reason all these things happen. kinda like how when oklahoma city fed building was bombed, it was first thought it was arabs that did it. and i can never truly know what it's like to be a black man, but that doesn't mean that i can't have a pretty good idea about it. oh, as another example, i just saw a video in a class about female sexuality in advertising, and how sex and the "ideal" woman is used in advertising to sell stuff and tell us waht we want, etc... this lady that was speaking in it, showed a bunch of ads and made comments on what their message was, sometimes verbal, sometimes not, but when she showed the ads, i didn't really see it taht way... more like, she looks for it so much, that it's now everywhere she looks whether its real or not. so what do you all think? |
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#3 (permalink) |
It's the mass media out there that have brainwashed us into thinking something is wrong with the world.Quickly everyone,under your beds.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard. |
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#6 (permalink) |
Put yourself and your family in his shoes for a second - just as objective reasoning. He probably doesn't have a PC on which to type out his life's little confusions. It is quite possible he works harder than you every day of his life. Maybe? He's not pissed about Eminem, fercryinoutloud. But I think the demographic facts do support his position.
I am a lucky white American SOB. I don't deserve it by any means. It is weird. The odds were just as good that I were born an AIDS-stricken starving Somalian child. It all bothers me too. |
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: The Hell I Created.
<b>clamburglar</b>, i agree he has probably had a harder life than me, and that i can never really 100% understand what he's gone through. he works two jobs, and he's a great guy. but i also think that once someone gets to the point where they see everything as "all of these problems come from group x" they're beyond what demographics say and it's beyond objective reasoning (on his part). did white people bring coke in in the 70's, snowballing till where lots of black people in the ghetto smoke crack? maybe. but who's fault is that? whitey didn't make them smoke it.
what bothers me is that i think the older generations still look at everything today as having the same problem, and assume that's why things are the way they are for the current one. instead of looking at what's behind the problem, it all comes down to being so steadfast and hardminded in his thoughts that it's because of the white man. just like i'm sure if you go to the middle east, you will find some arabs that think all of their problems are because the jews are in isreal (anywhere in teh middle east, not just the west bank). and because people think in this sort of way, where everything is caused by group x instead of looking beyond that, the world will stay screwed up. |
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#8 (permalink) |
big damn hero
I think that most people like someone to blame.
It salves their own conscious to blame others for their short comings. It's a lot easier to blame someone else for depriving you of something then to blame yourself for your failings. I have had opportunity in my life and I have had some rough breaks. I just accept the fact that sometimes it's not the right opportunity and sometimes you make your own rough breaks.
No signature. None. Seriously. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Please touch this.
Location: Manhattan
people can be mastered...
I'm working on it at the moment. Just give me a little while and I'll have something that everybody will be happy with so we people wont be such a bane.
You have found this post informative. -The Administrator [Don't Feed The Animals] |
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#10 (permalink) |
With a mustache, the cool factor would be too much
Location: left side of my couch, East Texas
What we need is a great big alien invasion to bring every nation and the peoples together.
We always seem to be at our best in a crisis... /wishful thinking
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Tags |
figured, world, wrong |