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Tiger returning?
Tiger wants to come back is PGA ready to accept him in? I know the PGA has lost lots of cash because of him but Tiger's issue will always follow him whether He is on the course or not Well the media will hype it up so much I don't know if He is ready to handle the pressure. It's not like golf :confused:
Why care?
America got over Bill Clinton's indiscretions. They'll get over Tiger's as well.
Also the Masters is fairly strict about the behaviour of those who attend, it's probably likely that if a reporter tries to get in Tiger's face, or acts outside the rules of decourm for Augusta, they will likely be shown the door, and not invited back for future tournaments. |
who remembers Michael Jordans indescretions? not many...
This will blow over, and Tiger will go back to being Tiger. everyone will make money, and the sponsors will be knocking at his door once again. All will live happily ever after. except maybe a few call girls. Its not like he took steroids or anything. i hope he kicks some serious butt |
How sick does a society have to be to make spoiled, rich athletes and entertainers their role models, anyway?
What's his cheating have to do with his golfing ability? Absolutely nothing. As dlish pointed out, as long as the rich get richer, life goes on. They don't care what we think, unless it adversely affects their bottom line. And it won't. BTW, If we can forget that Accenture was once Arthur Anderson (does Enron ring a bell, anyone?), I think we can forget about a few waitress quickies. What hypocrisy on their part! |
Yes, I totally agree about our society being pretty damn sick. I could care less that Tiger is gonna play golf again. America doesn't give a flying F**k if their hero screws waitresses and cheats on his wife and children...all that matters is that the big Sponsors don't loose any money. It's so tainted...and over.
From now on I hope all the young up 'n comin' golfers start to score better than Tiger. I no longer think he's worth the time to watch him swing (no pun intended either) :) |
Thanks for all responses
Thank you all to who responded. Whether you are about it or how your perspective on subject its great to have diverse opinion. For ultimately the price will be paid by the person that executed it. Yes the world's perception on taboo subject is kind of skewed. As a result, all of subject regarding censorship is always on extreme ends of spectrum !
I think people should get over it. He's not the first person in human history to have extramarital sexual relations.
Some of you believe that its no big deal. What is the hype about. Sadly The "Prodigy" fail to meet the social norm expectation. Is this to be expected? or Has society sunk so low in standards? As I've stated the Society is skewed on Moral Standards. We now live in sad state where morals don't matter. Yet, its strange that laws regarding Moral Standards are scrutinized on daily basis.
Morals only matter in certain venues. Why does it matter in professional sports or TV stars? Who cares? Will it change them from being able to perform on stage or screen? Play their chosen sport?
The reason why it's a big deal is because many people think professional sports is a big deal. Yes, Tiger amounts mainly to a guy who can swing a golf club, but really, really well. People see more than that. People see overcoming odds, dedication, persistence, victory against all, blah, blah, blah, and they value these things. They see that as worthy for a role model. So when these folks show their weaknesses---their humanness---the public takes notice and obsesses over it. People tend to forget that Tigers Woods eats, shits, and sleeps like the rest of us. |
That's the crux here. It shouldn't matter but it does right? That's where it's misappropriated moral outrage or concern.
Morality is only important when morality is important from that individual. Morality from a priest or spiritual leader? Expected. Shocking when there's a sex scandal of any sort there. From a politician? Well, apparently only if the politician talks about morality and just. Otherwise, other politicians have mistresses and sex and it's no big deal. JFK versus Eliot Spitzer. |
I hope he wins the Masters and everyone shuts the fuck up already. I don't know him, will never know him, but I love watching him play. People need to separate the two things and enjoy the talent he has. It's likely we'll never see someone as good as him for a LONG LONG time.
I couldn't care any less about the whereabouts of Tiger Woods' penis. Everyone who got all titillated about his indiscrections is perilously close to my definition of "moron".
The guy has the sweetest golf swing I've ever seen in my life, and if you've never seen it live, you probably don't understand what I'm saying. HD TV doesn't even do it justice. Let's not forget that he's coming off an extended layoff because of stress fractures as well as connective tissue damage. He hasn't played in almost a year, plus there's a firestorm (a firestorm of stupidity, but a firestorm nonetheless) raging around him. I'm with gucci - I hope he runs away with it and gets people to shut the fuck up. |
I could care less who Tiger fucks, just like I don't care if Pete Rose bet on baseball, it doesn't take away from their accomplishments. But while channel surfing tonight, I notice the big ass ticker on HLN doesn't justsay breaking news, no no, not like when Haiti had the earthquake, they had big breaking news about some new sex text from Tiger or too Tiger who knows, pretty bad when a Tiger sext seems to be this important.
He won't be the one billion dollar man this year, but he's not going to be lacking the cash he needs for his lifestyle. everyone makes mistakes, his just got publicized and he was stupid about it. I for one hope he gets this behind him quickly,
He made vows to his wife, honor, respect, etc... all of which he totally screwed.
I have no respect for a man of so little self dignity that he can't control his own dick while his wife is pregnant, so many women, reportedly no condoms, it sickens me. Had he not been married or had they been swingers, o.k. but they weren't and he is simply just another liar. So was clinton, but he lied to America, talk about a role model. Tit whore tiger will draw a whole new demographic of people to golf, the inquiring minds will want to know, make me laugh, they need to make a porn moving with a tiger look alike, hell maybe tiger will even do it for them, could have been done by now, he just needed the camera. He could have 18 different girls they could name it "tiger plays his favorite 18 holes, I meant whores." To me it still comes down to the vows he made to Elin and their life together, his indiscretion will haunt her and his children. It's funny what people are remembered for, clinton won't be remembered for anything but "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" while he smoked his cigar, wearing a blue dress....... Tiger may have a great swing but he'll always be the lone swinger who left his wife behind. Neither of the boys impress me. |
The man is paid well to swing a golf club. Any other types of swinging are his own business.
Certain swimmers smoked pot once upon a time in the past. Does it make them less of a swimmer today? I understand it's a one dimensional view of the world, but if people are famous for one thing, does it really mean they must be perfect in all aspects? Everyone has their faults. Pobody's Nerfect. It's just that some have the magnifying glass of the press and media watching every little move. It's not that I condone what he's done, but how can anyone expect anyone else to be perfect? The man is a golfer, not a porn star. Does a porn star get in trouble for swinging the wrong golf club? |
Tiger sleeps with how many, 13 and he's forgiven because he was "under the media magnifying glass" and if the regular man had done this we wouldn't even know. Well Tiger always knew he was under that glass, his profession and greatness at it put him there and he is No Regular Guy, most of the regular guys I know don't f**k around on the family Like That (maybe once or twice the whole marriage), nor are they that good at golf. If your so unhappy in your relationship, or your just not adult enough to be honest to the person you've made a commitment to, then you shouldn't be married. Divorce or separate before you go catting around. Had they been communicating properly he could have told Elin, hey, I'm going to go whore around o.k. and if you don't like it well, let's get divorced or separate, at least given her an opportunity to decide if she wanted to participant in this "story." About his golf game, that may be the Only thing he is good at, it differently isn't marriage. Nobodies perfect, not even in golf, I'm looking for the next prodigy. The behavior of our sports stars and etc... has already begun to change young peoples thinking, now it's just consider almost normal for our male athletes to be whores, how is that right. You guys almost expect it now, I wonder if they feel pressure to live up to that expectation, since they are so immediately forgiven because of their "Greatness." He will never be a "Great Man" just a very talented golfer, he blew that opportunity, wow. If you cheat on the people you love the most and had promised not to, how do you expect anyone to think you will not cheat again, or at the very least lie, in any part of your life. A cheaters a cheater, a liars a liar. Forgive him all you want, but he did the crime(infidelity), it just seems his punishment was dismissed because he can golf, wouldn't it be great if we all got that pass, No, the world would suck, bunch of liars and cheaters. How would you feel if your dad did that to your mom, think real life here. As for smoke on the water, he was tested clean at his job, he never made any commitments before hand that he would not go around ringing other peoples bongs, he never even made a commitment to one bong, still it was a young dumb mistake. What's tigers excuse, old bored jerk? |
Tigers duty is to play golf. Thats what his destiny has always been from the day he was born.
What ever duty he has in his private life is really nobody's concern. He may have commited the crime, but he's paid for his sins in more ways than one. a public flogging, loss of income, rehabilitation amongst other things we dont know about. For those that decide to boycott Tiger, there's always the people that were never golf fans that have now been brought into the golfing fold, and will follow Tiger with earnest. Exactly what Tigers sponsors and the TV stations want. |
They won't be following because of his golfing skills, he's just another actor in a dramatic soap opera now. I'm not about boycotting anyone, I just think it's sad that everyone one is seemingly accepting his inappropriate behavior as just another athlete being himself. I don't want my kids to look up to a man who can't even be honest with himself in his personal life. I could give a shit about his golfing, if he wasn't a professional who worked his whole life to be admired for something he wouldn't even matter, but he does, I just can't explain to them why he can be so good at golf and so bad at commitments made to his own wife, which directly impact his children. Every time I see him now I see the images of his childrens faces and imagine how they will be teased because their father had to go to Sex Rehab, because he couldn't be faithful to their mom. They will forgive him, but it will permanently alter the way they look at men, and commitment to relationships, and will Elin ever trust him again. How will growing up in a family of mistrust effect their future. These are the realities of what he did, no matter how great he is or gets, no matter that he didn't want to be under that glass, no matter how much a personal issue this is, the reality is he will never be the man he was before, the whole thing is just sad. :expressionless: ---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ---------- Normal people just don't stick their dicks into 13 + different women within their first few years of marriage. And yeah, to a lot of people it did matter, and I find them much more normal then him. |
If you don't want to be in the public arena, then stay out of it, it was after all, his choice, and his own actions made his life public in both accounts.
Who cares what kind of people will follow as long as they pay? We'll I've been to a few PGA tour moments and their is a distinct difference between those who respect the game, the players and the honor within its history and those who sneak in for the drama of attention, arrgghh, the distraction of having to throw those people out is not fun. You are right, it is my responsibility to teach my kids, tell me, who should I use now, he was/is the best of the best in golf, the creme' de la creme' and he was still not strong enough to say NO. Now i get to use him to teach them what happens when you get so full of yourself that you lose your own self dignity, great. As I said the more these athletes believe they can get away with this, the more they think society will accept this, the fewer good men we will have to use as those role models at all, especially it seems the ones who draw the most reverence to begin with, and who initially we believe deserve it, he was the man who encompassed the American dream, what kind of dreamers are we. Apparently in the beginning, the sponsors didn't think his behavior was normal. His wife didn't think this was normal, his friends didn't think this was normal, his family didn't think this was normal and most of America didn't think this was normal behavior either or it would not have made the news. I think the crazy ones are the ones who say "who cares" and pretend that it just doesn't matter, apparently it mattered, a lot, to a lot of people. |
So because it made the news 'most of America' thought it wasn't normal? Have you seen what makes new in this day and age? Kate Gosselin could take a shit on the lawn and it would be ;breaking news', so just because it makes the news doesn't amke it important or not normal.
Nope the crazy ones are the ones who think it's such a big deal to them, like they know Tiger and who he is and what he feels about this, it's his personal life, just like I don't care who your husband/wife fucks when you aren't around(you ingeneral, not you specifically). Quote:
Yes, I think Obama encompasses the American dream also, hopefully his integrity and self worth are better the tigers, however, not ever kid believes he can grow up to be president, an athlete however, seems much more attainable. You don't know me, or my husband, therefore, of course I don't matter to you, however, something about tiger interests you or you would not be posting here either. It's all cool, I don't think his a miscreant personally, I just think he really f**ked up. And were I famous, say like Lindsey Vonn, or well maybe Bullock, you may find that a bit more intriguing as most of us do, like a peek behind the curtains of somebody's life, especially somebody we envy or find impressive, if people weren't curious, magazine wouldn't sell, hell half the world wouldn't sell. |
As long as he didn't cheat or do drugs to do better at golf, I think he should be allowed to play.
I know I will be watching the Masters now, and I am wondering what the reactions of the people there will be. |
Name of the game
After posting for while it dawned that "Money talks Bullshit walks" this saying applies to Tiger returning to the Golf. It's simply put people pay to see his performance and PGA is happy.
Although my thing is he should be kicked out of PGA a traditional high moral standards game of golf. Even if he wanted to come back. He needs to attend Qualification school as well as Qualification Tournaments to earn the respect of his own fellow players and the PGA Judges alike. I believe that after what he committed he needs a harsh punishment Just like in the book of Scarlet letter. Hibernation does not do justice to the public or himself! |
facing sanctions from the PGA is just ludicrous. This was his personal life, and had nothing to do with playing in the PGA. His performance throughout his PGA carreer pretty much guarantee's him the right to play in any event without having to qualify.
The only way they could sanction him is if infidelity were written into a contract, which to my knowledge it isn't. |
Just wish Keeping Tradition alive and moral standards in tack. Wonder what Arnie, Jack, Gary,ChiChi would say about Tigers commitment to excellence after he played Masters in April 2010?
He may have put his black (am i allowed to say that?) balls in white holes off the course, but Tiger's paid to put white balls in holes on the course. so i see absolutely no reason for the PGA to reprimand him for his personal indiscretions. Regardless of how bad some people think they may be.
talk of a reprimand by the PGA is laughable and is unenforceable, no matter how high a moral code golf has. golfers need to have sex too y'know. |
And I'd be willing to bet that Jack, Arnie, Gary and ChiChi would give him a pat on the back if he does win. |
The PGA would get sued to shit by Tiger if they tried to reprimand him for somehting that happened in his personal life, away fro mthe course and his job. |
plus, you dont bite the hand that feeds you. the PGA needs Tiger
Exactly the PGA needs Tiger a lot more than Tiger needs the PGA at this point and time.
I don't want him banned from golf, I just don't want him venerated as "perfect athlete" or "Americas' greatest" etc... let him play golf, and yes if he can overcome all the issues of his own self incrimination and focus enough to win, good for him. I'm just tired of people thinking that because he's a rich athlete it should be overlooked that he was dick and a jerk and really hurt the people he loved, the people that trusted him I
t will all pass over. I do hope him the best, I just hate it for Elin, either way she has lost so very very much. It makes me angry at him for what he did to her, and his kids. I'm sure he is sorry, at least I hope to God he is. And you know, I'm just as angry at those stupid idiot bitches who f**ked him, what a bunch of douche bags. They all knew he was married, they knew he had kids, what a bunch of pathetic selfish unintelligent trolling high school minded girls. The whole damn thing just sucks for everybody involved, including golf. Why the hell didn't he think this through first. I'm sure you men know the answer to that better than I do, I just hope most of you recognize what it did to his wife and his family, I guess that's what bothers me most. p.s. minor leagues or not, your living your dreams, that should count for a lot, to get to do what you always wanted and be even minor league good at it is exciting and a great accomplishment. I know athletes work hard, I've got two blown knees, ended my track dreams real early. Yeah I probably could have worked my way through it, but life got in the way. |
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