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Old 09-08-2009, 02:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Indiana
Twenty Minutes with the President

On the 8th anniversary of 9/11 Charlie Sheen interviews President Obama about the subject.

Reported by Charlie Sheen
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion.

Charlie Sheen – Good afternoon Mr. President, thank you so much for taking time out of your demanding schedule.

President Barack Obama – My pleasure, the content of your request seemed like something I should carve out a few minutes for.

CS – I should point out that I voted for you, as your promises of hope and change, transparency and accountability, as well as putting government back into the hands of the American people, struck an emotional chord in me that I hadn’t felt in quite some time, perhaps ever.

PBO – And I appreciate that Charlie. Big fan of the show, by the way.

CS – Sir, I can’t imagine when you might find the time to actually watch my show given the measure of what you inherited.

PBO – I have it Tivo’d on Air Force One. Nice break from the traveling press corps. (He glances at his watch) not to be abrupt or to rush you, but you have 19 minutes left.

CS – I’ll take that as an invitation to cut to the chase.

PBO – I’m all ears. Or so I’ve been told.

CS - Sir, in the very near future we will be experiencing our first 9/11 anniversary with you as Commander in Chief.

PBO – Yes. A very solemn day for our Nation. A day of reflection and yet a day of historical consciousness as well
You can read the whole interview here It's a very good read in my opinion and the main points are spot on:

CS – Thank you Mr. President. Okay, first; On the FBI’s most wanted list Osama Bin Laden is not charged with the crimes of 911. When I called the FBI to ask them why this was the case, they replied: “There’s not enough evidence to link Bin Laden to the crime scene,” I later discovered he had never even been indicted by the D.O.J.

CS – Number 2; FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, was dismissed and gagged by the D.O.J. after she revealed that the government had foreknowledge of plans to attack American cities using planes as bombs as early as April 2001. In July of ‘09, Mrs. Edmonds broke the Federal gag order and went public to reveal that Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were all working for and with the C.I.A. up until the day of 9/11.

CS – Number 3; The following is a quote from Mayor Giuliani during an interview on 9/11 with Peter Jennings for ABC News. “I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right there with the Police Commissioner, the Fire Commissioner, the Head of Emergency Management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.”

WHO TOLD HIM THIS??? To this day, the answer to this question remains unanswered, completely ignored and emphatically DENIED by Mayor Giuliani on several public occasions.

CS – Number 4; In April 2004, USA Today reported, “In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.” One of the targets was the World Trade Center.

CS – Number 5; On September 12th 2007, CNN’s ‘Anderson Cooper 360’, reported that the mysterious “white plane” spotted and videotaped by multiple media outlets, flying in restricted airspace over the White House shortly before 10am on the morning of 9/11, was in fact the Air Force’s E-4B, a specially modified Boeing 747 with a communications pod behind the cockpit; otherwise known as “The Doomsday Plane”.

Though fully aware of the event, the 9/11 Commission did not deem the appearance of the military plane to be of any interest and did not include it in the final 9/11 Commission report.

CS – Number 6; Three F-16s assigned to Andrews Air Force Base, ten miles from Washington, DC, are conducting training exercises in North Carolina 207 miles away as the first plane crashes into the WTC. Even at significantly less than their top speed of 1500 mph, they could still have defended the skies over Washington well before 9am, more than 37 minutes before Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, however, they did not return until after 9:55am.

Andrews AFB had no armed fighters on alert and ready to take off on the morning of 9/11.

CS – Number 7; WTC Building 7. Watch the video of its collapse.

CS – Number 8; Flight 93 is fourth plane to crash on 9/11 at 10:03am. V.P. Cheney only gives shoot down order at 10:10-10:20am and this is not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 has crashed.

Fueling further suspicion on this front is the fact that three months before the attacks of 9/11, Dick Cheney usurped control of NORAD, and therefore he, and no one else on planet Earth, had the power to call for military sorties on the hijacked airliners on 9/11. He did not exercise that power. Three months after 9/11, he relinquished command of NORAD and returned it to military operation.

CS – Number 9; Scores of main stream news outlets reported that the F.B.I. conducted an investigation of at least FIVE of the 9/11 hijackers being trained at U.S. military flight schools. Those investigations are now sealed and need to be declassified.

CS – Number 10; In 2004, New York firefighters Mike Bellone and Nicholas DeMasi went public to say they had found the black boxes at the World Trade Center, but were told to keep their mouths shut by FBI agents. Nicholas DeMasi said that he escorted federal agents on an all-terrain vehicle in October 2001 and helped them locate the devices, a story backed up by rescue volunteer Mike Bellone.

As the Philadelphia Daily News reported at the time, “Their story raises the question of whether there was a some type of cover-up at Ground Zero.”

CS – Number 11 – Hundreds of eye witnesses including first responders, fire captains, news reporters, and police, all described multiple explosions in both towers before and during the collapse.

CS – Number 12; An astounding video uncovered from the archives shows BBC News correspondent Jane Standley reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. Tapes from earlier BBC broadcasts show news anchors discussing the collapse of WTC 7 a full 26 minutes in advance. The BBC at first claimed that their tapes from 9/11 had been “lost” before admitting that they made the “error” of reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it happened without adequately explaining how they could have obtained advance knowledge of the event.

In addition, over an hour before the collapse of WTC 7, at 4:10pm, CNN’s Aaron Brown reported that the building “has either collapsed, or is collapsing.”

CS – Number 13; Solicitor General Ted Olson’s claim that his wife Barbara Olsen called him twice from Flight 77, describing hijackers with box cutters, was a central plank of the official 9/11 story.

However, the credibility of the story was completely undermined after Olsen kept changing his story about whether his wife used her cell phone or the airplane phone. The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004. American Airlines confirmed that Flight 77 was a Boeing 757 and that this plane did not have airplane phones on board.

According to the FBI, Barbara Olsen attempted to call her husband only once and the call failed to connect, therefore Olsen must have been lying when he claimed he had spoken to his wife from Flight 77.

CS – Number 14; The size of a Boeing 757 is approximately 125ft in width and yet images of the impact zone at the Pentagon supposedly caused by the crash merely show a hole no more than 16ft in diameter. The engines of the 757 would have punctured a hole bigger than this, never mind the whole plane. Images before the partial collapse of the impact zone show little real impact damage and a sparse debris field completely inconsistent with the crash of a large jetliner, especially when contrasted with other images showing airplane crashes into buildings.

CS – Number 15; What is the meaning behind the following quote attributed to Dick Cheney which came to light during the 9/11 Commission hearings? The passage is taken from testimony given by then Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta.

During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, “The plane is 50 miles out.” “The plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got down to “the plane is 10 miles out,” the young man also said to the Vice President, “Do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?”

As the plane was not shot down, in addition to the fact that armed fighter jets were nowhere near the plane and the Pentagon defensive system was not activated, are we to take it that the orders were to let the plane find its target?

CS – Number 16; In May 2003, the Miami Herald reported how the Bush administration was refusing to release a 900-page congressional report on 9/11 because it wanted to “avoid enshrining embarrassing details in the report,” particularly regarding pre-9/11 warnings as well as the fact that the hijackers were trained at U.S. flight schools.

CS – Number 17; Top Pentagon officials cancelled their scheduled flights for September 11th on September 10th. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, following a security warning, cancelled a flight into New York that was scheduled for the morning of 9/11.

CS – Number 18; The technology to enable cell phone calls from high-altitude airline flights was not created until 2004, and even by that point it was only in the trial phase. Calls from cell phones which formed an integral part of the official government version of events were technologically impossible at the time.

CS – Number 19: On April 29, 2004, President Bush and V.P. Cheney would only meet with the commission under specific clandestine conditions. They insisted on testifying together and not under oath. They also demanded that their testimony be treated as a matter of “state secret.” To date, nothing they spoke of that day exists in the public domain.

CS – And finally Mr. President – Number 20; A few days after the attack, several newspapers as well as the FBI reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC. In August 2004, CNN reported that 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah’s visa was found in the remains of Flight 93 which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

At least a third of the WTC victim’s bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the perpetrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.
I think it's hard to ignore this glaring problems in the official 9/11 story. We need a new investigation. Do you feel Obama should reopen the 9/11 investigation?
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.
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Old 09-08-2009, 03:02 PM   #2 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Yes, but I think if he were smart, he'd do it as quietly as possible.

If I were him, I'd open a big fat investigation into the Bush war crimes by hiring a truly independent party known for objectivity and make that my "I'm going to find the truth" thing. Talk about it whenever asked in detail, promote the fact I'm looking for the truth, etc. While trumpeting loudly that investigation, I'd start a small, internal investigation about 9/11 (because even people that aren't truthers know that the 9/11 commission was a joke) with investigators I know and trust to find verifiable evidence about 9/11, in order to finally fill in the blanks. I wouldn't go public about the investigation until I had the whole picture with evidence that's truly beyond reproach.
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Old 09-09-2009, 05:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I agree there should be a thorough investigation. Not just about 9/11
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Old 09-09-2009, 06:52 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Florida
Don't want to burst bubbles but that interview is fiction. If you read at the end, an author note says, "What you have just read didn’t actually happen… yet."

There should definitely be an investigation about the trade center attacks and all the controversy that surrounds it. Sheen makes valid statements that are left unanswered and should be addressed by the current administration.
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Old 09-09-2009, 06:58 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by optik_nerve View Post
Don't want to burst bubbles but that interview is fiction. If you read at the end, an author note says, "What you have just read didn’t actually happen… yet."

There should definitely be an investigation about the trade center attacks and all the controversy that surrounds it. Sheen makes valid statements that are left unanswered and should be addressed by the current administration.
Yes, I wanted to present it as I had first read it under the impression that it was real until I got to the last lines.

Sheen wrote Obama's responses as he felt they would of been handled and is trying to create enough buzz about this 'interview' in hopes he will actually get 20 min with the president.

I think it's an interesting way to try to expose these 20 points to a different audience than maybe has read about them before. Also, I feel the 20 points are factual from what I've read about the subject before.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.
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Old 09-09-2009, 07:04 AM   #6 (permalink)
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It's a pretty good publicity tactic but I dunno about putting words into the POTUS' mouth like that. Maybe Obama will read it and be flabbergasted about how Sheen portrayed him in the interview that he actually does a real one. Haha.

While I was reading it I was thinking that Obama was pretty good with his words and I expected he'd be stumbling over his words.... then I got to the end...

Last edited by optik_nerve; 09-09-2009 at 07:05 AM.. Reason: typo
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Old 09-10-2009, 12:28 PM   #7 (permalink)
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So ... you want to know what I think about reopening a closed investigation based on 9/11 conspiracy fanfiction?
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Old 09-10-2009, 12:52 PM   #8 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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This doesn't necessarily have to be a conspiracy thing. Most people that I know believe that the 9/11 commission was a complete joke, regardless of whether they think a missile hit the Pentagon or aliens shot at the WTC.
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Old 09-10-2009, 04:15 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Indiana
Ummm is this proof youtube is censoring this message? 1800 ratings, over 1600 comments , and somehow only 303 views?

Sounds like someone doesn't want this to get out.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.

Last edited by samcol; 09-10-2009 at 04:20 PM..
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Old 09-10-2009, 05:29 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Keep in mind that some statistics on Youtube are far from scientific. I watch a few online blogs daily from a whole range of sources and at various times in the video's age, the number of views, vs. the number of comments and ratings don't match up. And many of the things I watch are not what you would consider controversial in anyway. When i find the slashdot article about it I will post again...

EDIT: Well I can't seem to find the slashdot article now, but if you goto help.youtube.com, the problem is documented in a lot of forum posts by users having incorrect statistics on their posted videos.

Last edited by mykockle; 09-10-2009 at 05:35 PM..
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Old 09-11-2009, 12:02 AM   #11 (permalink)
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What's with the "In flight phones didn't exist until 2004." stuff? Now, I know my memory sucks but I think the whole "But in flight phones don't exist!" issue would have come up in 2001, you know 3 years before they supposedly existed. I think this is just paranoid conspiracy theorist making shit up that because it's easy to believe.

I'm not saying there shouldn't be another investigation. I totally would not be surprised to find that there was gross misconduct on the parts of Bush, Cheney and many other people.
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Last edited by Reese; 09-11-2009 at 12:05 AM..
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Old 09-11-2009, 12:33 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Willravel View Post
This doesn't necessarily have to be a conspiracy thing. Most people that I know believe that the 9/11 commission was a complete joke, regardless of whether they think a missile hit the Pentagon or aliens shot at the WTC.
I read 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions by Griffin, and it was full of logical fallacies and stuff that was flat-out untrue. If you want me to go through those 20 points one by one, I can deal with most of them easily, and give plausible explanations for the others that aren't easily verifiable one way or another.
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Old 09-11-2009, 12:53 PM   #13 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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The Griffin rebuttal would be filed under "conspiracy thing". I've also read it, and it makes a lot of the same argument I once made in the TFParanoia 9/11 thread. I'm talking about the unbelievable conflicts of interest for many of the commissioners. That alone really should suggest an independent investigation.
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Old 09-11-2009, 01:09 PM   #14 (permalink)
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So just something done by people who aren't trying to cover their own asses, then? Sounds reasonable, but it'll never happen.
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Old 09-11-2009, 02:09 PM   #15 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Well there are other issues, mainly that the commission was flatly told "no" by most of the intelligence community for like half their questions. And the fact that Bush and Cheney didn't have to give testimony on the record, in public, that could be recorded. And a dozen or so other things.
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Old 09-11-2009, 02:31 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Hell yes, I'm not even much of a conspiracy nut and I think they definitely need to look into it. The only problem is that if any wrong doing did occur it'd easily have been covered up by now so deep we'd never find it.
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minutes, president, twenty

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