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SecretMethod70 08-11-2009 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2686077)
Gaddamn It I had subscribed and bookmarkked some really HOT threads in the titty board ... GONE!! They're all gone!!

/bursts out crying!!

Easy way to fix that (for now at least, unless the URLs are changed back to the TFP style)...

If the URL is: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/titty-board/148278-smoking-hot-shaved-red-head.html#post2647735

Then change it to http://www.tfpez.com/showthread.php?t=148278 and it will work

LordEden 08-11-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2686085)
No shit. Xerxys... come to D.C. and meet this girl I prepared for you in 2007.

Removed her brain? Cut her legs off? Sewed her mouth shut? Hid her in the basement?

What does it take to prepare a girl for Xerxys?

Glory's Sun 08-11-2009 11:13 AM

a blindfold

LordEden 08-11-2009 11:15 AM

She can still hear him coming and with enough effort and luck, get away from him.

The_Jazz 08-11-2009 11:17 AM

This is Crompsin we're talking about. She's probably dead from multiple gunshots and has rough patches that have been subjected to the smooth spot.

LordEden 08-11-2009 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2686104)
This is Crompsin we're talking about. She's probably dead from multiple gunshots and has rough patches that have been subjected to the smooth spot.

Is that like a really bad "indian burn" you got when you were a kid? This is just my range of thought, but I bet Cromp lubes up his smoothspot with machining oil before he attacks someone with the Spot of Doom.

The_Jazz 08-11-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr (Post 2686079)

you really need to get laid.

Pot? Is that you?


Originally Posted by LordEden (Post 2686107)
Is that like a really bad "indian burn" you got when you were a kid? This is just my range of thought, but I bet Cromp lubes up his smoothspot with machining oil before he attacks someone with the Spot of Doom.

I always envisioned him using a combination of bacon grease, machine oil and mitt oil, but coating his entire body with it.

The good news for Xerxys is that she's still just as virginal when Crompsin found her, what with his lack of unit and all.

And Hal, for the record, porn can be written as well. I'm doing my best to try to take this thread across that threshold.

Jetée 08-11-2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by SecretMethod70 (Post 2686087)
Easy way to fix that (for now at least, unless the URLs are changed back to the TFP style)...

If the URL is: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/titty-board/148278-smoking-hot-shaved-red-head.html#post2647735

Then change it to http://www.tfpez.com/showthread.php?t=148278 and it will work

Thank you for assuaging my laziness and critical-thinking mind. Hopefully no changes will come about in the next month that will delete the traces of 'Erogenous Zone' subscriptions, becuase that is exactly the amount of time necessary for me to recall to save those bookmarks elsewhere.

I think they're mostly held over from that lonely month in 2007.

Glory's Sun 08-11-2009 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2686114)
Pot? Is that you?

who is the pot exactly??

I get plenty of sex tyvm :)

don't worry Xerxys.. Jazz has this place in boystown that he frequents.. I'm sure he can help ya out if you get desperate :p

noodle 08-11-2009 01:51 PM

wow. there are 215 people over there.
i was curious.
and i liked that when i logged it, it automatically changed to fromBasics Dark.
215?! whoa.

Plan9 08-11-2009 01:57 PM

You guys are mean.


Hey, Jazz... if I had the EZ blocked when the site was formed up like Voltron with a strap-on, am I still blocked now?

I mean... I may have to go over and check the porn for firmness or something.

Do everybody that public service.

Halx 08-11-2009 01:58 PM

I'm pumping traffic over there, but its pretty useless traffic. Very few people will actually stick around. What it does, however, is get links out there on the internet for search engines to recognize the brand new site.

The_Jazz 08-11-2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2686239)
Hey, Jazz... if I had the EZ blocked when the site was formed up like Voltron with a strap-on, am I still blocked now?

I mean... I may have to go over and check the porn for firmness or something.

Do everybody that public service.

That's actually an excellent question, and I'm not quite sure how the software is going to respond. Here's the link:

Tilted Forum Project Erogenous Zone - Powered by vBulletin

What happened?

Xerxys 08-11-2009 02:18 PM

I see you disabled the "must register" feature to view the EZ.

I kinda don't like where this is going but meh ... OK.

noodle 08-11-2009 02:28 PM

you know, every time I read the thread title, in my head it's immediately followed by "... and I liked it..."

/my threadjack. just wanted to share my earworm. now it's yours muhahahahahahaha!

Plan9 08-11-2009 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2686243)
That's actually an excellent question, and I'm not quite sure how the software is going to respond. Here's the link:

Tilted Forum Project Erogenous Zone - Powered by vBulletin

What happened?

Well, I saw a hotdog go somewhere it doesn't belong. Huh.

So I can access the new site, but any sex-remnants on this site (like exhibition or monty or whatever) remains blocked / hidden.

noodle 08-11-2009 02:33 PM

Monty's GONE, Cromp... *sob* they killed it!

CinnamonGirl 08-11-2009 02:33 PM

Thanks a lot, noodle.

LordEden 08-11-2009 02:41 PM

Noodle, that song is not in my head.

Now the "All your base belong to us" song stuck there because of your location.

I'm going to sic my chest hairs on you.

noodle 08-11-2009 02:46 PM

watch it. i'll hitcha with some MC Frontalot... :lol:

mrklixx 08-11-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Halx (Post 2686240)
I'm pumping traffic over there, but its pretty useless traffic. Very few people will actually stick around. What it does, however, is get links out there on the internet for search engines to recognize the brand new site.

So the earlier assertion was incorrect, and it will be searchable from google, and in the future anyone searching for "Tilted Forum Project" may be just as likely to be directed to that site, thus defeating the separation.

LoganSnake 08-11-2009 02:50 PM

Kitten will visit Titty Board.


Jetée 08-11-2009 03:20 PM

Well, in my quest to see if that screenshot was among the only three contributions I've established within the Titty Board, I learned that it was not.

However, I have noticed a somewhat cool feature within the "EZ", as it displays a member's "true" post count. (I have no idea if they are factoring in the Nonsense posts as well, because just clicking on a few members profiles', it should seem that the post tally is rather low in comparison)

LordEden 08-11-2009 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 2686287)
watch it. i'll hitcha with some MC Frontalot... :lol:

That rocks beyond words noodle. I love me some nerdcore!

Jetée 08-11-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by LordEden (Post 2686345)
That rocks beyond words noodle. I love me some nerdcore!

I should re-bump that thread about 'nerdcore' once I find out what songs I featured on it... and re-upload it to something other than the now-defunct seeqpod.

Also, nerdcore (NSFW). (I found this about five hours ago, so I thought, since he said the word, why not?)

Halx 08-11-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by mrklixx (Post 2686292)
So the earlier assertion was incorrect, and it will be searchable from google, and in the future anyone searching for "Tilted Forum Project" may be just as likely to be directed to that site, thus defeating the separation.

It's not a crapshoot. In any case, it will soon have its own identity. Is there no faith in my intentions, ability and foresight?

mrklixx 08-11-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Halx (Post 2686384)
It's not a crapshoot. In any case, it will soon have its own identity. Is there no faith in my intentions, ability and foresight?

Just offering up a perspective. I'm sure there were times when even DaVinci and Galileo overlooked some small practicality that was pointed out by a peon.

I figured questioning things over blind acceptance was more in the spirit of TFP than porn ever was.

At least I'm not with "the absence of porn will be the death of us all" doomsayer crowd.

Punk.of.Ages 08-11-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by LordEden (Post 2686015)
Heathens and Spinsters alike! I, Reverend Eden say upon to you, hear my words and know them for the truth! God frowns down up those who covet the unwashed skin and spy with their lustful eyes upon flesh that is NOT revealed in the sanctity of MARRIAGE! God will reign down Fire and Justice upon those who show to others what God has hidden from unworthy eyes! The sin is not just upon those evil vixens who let God's sun shine upon their rose gardens, but the sinful picker of those ROSES! We, at the 1st Church of Punk, have helped many of those wayward souls come to grips with their untamed desires of the flesh! You just have to open your SOULS to the church! Reverend Punk or Reverend Bear Cub will be here to help lead you down the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS! 3 simple steps will start you on the road to SALVATION!

1. Take those SINFUL pictures and send them to us. 1stchurchofpunk@gmail.com.

2. Start your feet awalkin' down the path of right to... one of our houses. Call first. Don't wear anything... complicated.

3. Prepare to OPEN yourself to our holy instruments of GOD! Bring condoms... and wine. Good wine, no boone's farm.

Brothers and Sisters, help me HEAL those who are in need.... but we get to heal them first. You know, rights of the clergy and all.

/sarcasm I mean LOTS of sarcasm, like dripping on my computer keyboard sarcasm.

Oh, I'm so getting warned for this.

I will accept Boone's Farm and condoms are not necessary...

I'll teach you how to spread Herpes... Ahem, the word of God.

yournamehere 08-13-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Halx (Post 2686060)
I also want to add that speculating about slippery slopes is sorta insulting to me. Not that you'll be warned for it, but I want you to know how personally invested I am in the TFP and its development. The TFP will, at times, take on a mind of its own, but it will never stray too far from what I want it to be. . . .

It shouldn't be insulting to be disagreed with, Halx. Don't forget - I'm the same guy who said just a few posts earlier that it's your sandbox - you get to make the rules. Of course I know you have a lot more invested in this site than anyone. But I also know you've always wanted TFP to be the kind of site where no one should feel intimidated to voice their opinion, or feel that their opinion doesn't matter, as long as it's presented in a responsible manner. I'm hoping that would include a modicum of sarcasm.

As far as the porn goes - I'm in camp with all the others who say it's too ubiquitous these days to worry about losing one source of it. To me it's more of a "denying your roots" kind of issue. Just my opinion; no insult was intended. At least give me a point or two for giving my own opinion - even if it means going against the grain of the majority of the posts. If you had titled this thread, "I''ve decided to not kill the porn," we both know you'd still have pages and pages of comments patting you on the back for making the right decision - some of them by the same people agreeing with your actual decision. And that's okay - there are valid points to be made for defending either side.

I think you've done a great job creating, guiding, and maintaining this site over the years, but it doesn't mean I'm going to agree with every decision you make. If you find that insulting, then you give my opinion far more bearing than it warrants.

BogeyDope 08-13-2009 01:17 PM

At first I was like :mad:

Now I'm like :thumbsup:

Only because I saw it had been moved to a new site.

BenChuy 08-13-2009 03:27 PM

*sniff* The porn, it lived such a full life. It will be missed.

Whatevah, the whole reason this place exists is the community. Already reading this thread I have been confused, enlightened and annoyed (with getting that stupid song in my head). A good thread, I'd say.

mixedmedia 08-13-2009 03:42 PM

Better to be porn. Than to host porn, I suppose.

Plan9 08-13-2009 03:44 PM

Aaah, the porn isn't dead.

It just grew up and moved out.

Unlike that deadbeat son of ours.


Punk.of.Ages 08-13-2009 03:45 PM

You forgot to sign out and sign back in as The_Jazz, Cromp...

Plan9 08-13-2009 03:56 PM


The_Jazz 08-13-2009 04:22 PM


sadatx 08-14-2009 08:26 AM

I checked. There's porn elsewhere. But there's only one Tilted Forum :)

Jetée 08-14-2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2688039)

Now that's comedy.

Punk.of.Ages 08-14-2009 11:07 AM

Nice combo, Jazz!

The_Jazz 08-14-2009 05:27 PM

Alter egos are hard.... you know, like math for girls....

/awaits the deluge of reported posts for that snappy comeback...

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