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laconic1 08-04-2009 03:48 PM

Stick figure families on breeders SUVs and minivans.
Has anyone else here noticed the prevalence of stick figure family decals on minivans and SUVs? It seems like around here I'm always seeing a minivan or SUV with a stick figure depiction of a family on the lower left corner of the window on the tailgate or liftgate. Usually these stick figure depictions will also show hobbies, such as one of the kids with a soccer ball, dad holding a fishing pole, or even a stick figure of the family dog and cat.

It seems you have to have a large Duggar-ish family with a SUV/minivan to qualify for these stickers. I never see these stickers on a family sedan or sports car. I never see these stickers depicting a couple, or a single person, or a couple with one child. Does anybody know the background of these stickers? Do they represent something else that I don't know about? Or is it just yet another way for someone to say "let me tell you all about my huge family even though you don't give a crap!" Is this one of those stupid fads like those idiotic plastic testicles you could hang from your vehicle that were frighteningly popular a few years ago? Where does one get these stickers, and do they make a version of a single guy stroking himself? Do you have these stickers on your vehicle?

I guess these are like any other bumper sticker, but they are so prevalent and personalized, I'm just curious as to what they are all about.

mixedmedia 08-04-2009 03:57 PM

obviously you don't read my blog, lol.

Yes, I have noticed them. And they annoy me.

Redjake 08-04-2009 03:57 PM

I wish I were single because i've always wanted to put just one stick figure on my car. I think they are attention whorish.

laconic1 08-04-2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by mixedmedia (Post 2681824)
obviously you don't read my blog, lol.

I don't know how I missed that entry. I'm glad to see its not just me seeing these.

Shaindra 08-04-2009 04:24 PM

Those stick figures made me cry after splitting with my ex. "What is my stick figure family going to look like? If I don't put the daddy stick figure on my car, will the kids think I've done something with their dad?"

Punk.of.Ages 08-04-2009 04:26 PM

These things are ridiculous and make me want to kick people...

StellaLuna 08-04-2009 04:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I own this:
Attachment 19581 from Sheldon.

I want one with 2 girls and a guy.

Grasshopper Green 08-04-2009 04:55 PM

They are extremely popular here in Utah and on some cars I'm surprised they aren't a damn visual hazard. I'm with the annoying camp. I did see one with 2 women on it once (in Utah), and that tickled me. I wonder if that car has gotten egged or keyed or something.

Plan9 08-04-2009 04:56 PM

You can use a razorblade to quickly decapitate them when you spot them in a parking lot.

Vigilante 08-04-2009 05:04 PM

I saw one recently that had a couple and pets. I found that amusing, since we are all about saving the overpopulation of animals instead of continuing the overpopulation of the planet by our own species. Kindred spirits maybe. But anyways I laughed and asked my wife if she wanted some stickers like those. I smiled when she said "hell no" :D

Xerxys 08-04-2009 05:07 PM

I don't notice them and if someone keyed my car for any reason may the deity in which they are subscribed to be with them for all eternity.

I don't get you folk who claim to be annoyed by them and I think you're all peices of shit who can't mind their own business.

How exactly does it bother you? You go around wearing miniskirts, noserings, etc etc etc but a fuckin' sticker annoys you? Does the world operate like this? The people who place the stickers on their cars think it's cute ... they're not trying to send a messege ... get yourselves to-fuckin'-gether!!

Punk.of.Ages 08-04-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Grasshopper Green (Post 2681866)
I wonder if that car has gotten egged or keyed or something.

...or pulled over and had its passengers beaten. It is Utah, after all...

Plan9 08-04-2009 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2681884)
I don't get you folk who claim to be annoyed by them and I think you're all peices of shit who can't mind their own business.

How exactly does it bother you? You go around wearing miniskirts, noserings, etc etc etc but a fuckin' sticker annoys you? Does the world operate like this? The people who place the stickers on their cars think it's cute ... they're not trying to send a messege ... get yourselves to-fuckin'-gether!!

... whoa.

laconic1 08-04-2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2681884)
I don't notice them and if someone keyed my car for any reason may the deity in which they are subscribed to be with them for all eternity.

I don't get you folk who claim to be annoyed by them and I think you're all peices of shit who can't mind their own business.

How exactly does it bother you? You go around wearing miniskirts, noserings, etc etc etc but a fuckin' sticker annoys you? Does the world operate like this? The people who place the stickers on their cars think it's cute ... they're not trying to send a messege ... get yourselves to-fuckin'-gether!!

It doesn't annoy me so much as I just don't get what they are all about. I'm just wondering if if there is more to it than a way for Jimbob to show the world that he got laid at least once every ten months over a ten year period is all.

Halx 08-04-2009 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2681884)
I don't notice them and if someone keyed my car for any reason may the deity in which they are subscribed to be with them for all eternity.

I don't get you folk who claim to be annoyed by them and I think you're all peices of shit who can't mind their own business.

How exactly does it bother you? You go around wearing miniskirts, noserings, etc etc etc but a fuckin' sticker annoys you? Does the world operate like this? The people who place the stickers on their cars think it's cute ... they're not trying to send a messege ... get yourselves to-fuckin'-gether!!

Ooooo... struck a nerve.

Hektore 08-04-2009 06:07 PM

I think I need to see pictures of what you're talking about but to me it just sounds like some life is good stuff. It's like a new hip eco brand thing, I don't quite get it but it's popular with the green crowd that I know.

JumpinJesus 08-04-2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2681884)
I think you're all peices of shit who can't mind their own business.

I think I've found myself a new signature!

Charlatan 08-04-2009 06:23 PM

I can't say that I've ever seen these things. I suppose they just haven't made it to this part of the world (despite the likelihood that they were made in this part of the world). From your description, they sound about as annoying as Baby on Board signs from the 80s...

In other words, yet another trend that I don't understand and have no desire in which to participate.

Bill O'Rights 08-04-2009 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Charlatan (Post 2681939)
they sound about as annoying as Baby on Board signs from the 80s...

I was actually thinking of that correlation. And, yes...that is exactly what they put me in mind of. That...and pissing Calvin stickers.

I can't say too much, though. I used to have this decal on the back of my Explorer.

Mrs. O'Rights thought that it probably wasn't apropriate to have it there when I took the boy to his Cub Scout meetings. As usual...she was probably right. :rolleyes:

And even with that, even I found those huge plastic testicles (what were those supposed to be...bull testicles?) to be tasteless and low end.

telekinetic 08-04-2009 08:28 PM

I SWEAR I saw a picture of a car with one of these, except it was a family of Cthulhu...google is of no use, did I imagine this? If so, I feel like making it.

On a related note: I really want a sticker of Calvin peeing into a urinal.

ametc 08-04-2009 08:29 PM

I HATE THEM! But, the dogs and cats are cool. Just not the millions of tiny stick children. I really don't know why I hate them so much... maybe because the people that have them on the backs of their SUVs and minivans always drive SLOWWWW as hell on the freeway.. and then when I try to go into the other lane.. they cut me off and we almost crash and I scream at them.. even though they probably can't hear me above the sound of their seventeen crying toddlers and two preteen twins and one angsty teenage girl whining, "BUT MOOOM! Why can't I have Mr.21yearoldheadbanger as my boyfriend?!?!?!"

The dogs and cats in the back of the vehicle are always cute and always seem so happy to have their face in the wind. Awww.. cute-ums.

The pets are cool. But, not the hoomans.

CinnamonGirl 08-04-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2681884)

Xerx, do you need a hug? *hugs*


I've never seen these. Around here, it's all about your kid's first name on, say, a football or something. And maybe their graduation year.

UnclearContent 08-04-2009 09:08 PM

I see it as being similar to the stickers that say "Cheer!" or "#24" with various sport apparatuses. I think it's more to show them being proud of the family. They're teeth-grinding cutesy, but I feel no ill-will to the individuals. Unless they're in my way *evil look*.

Vigilante 08-04-2009 09:23 PM

I think the kid things are stupid, and pretty much as stupid as the pissing calvin thing. It's ok to vent a little, Mr. Xerxys ;)

Nothing says "soccer mom" like the #24 thing.

What really chaps my ass though is the jesus fish eating the darwin fish. That really makes me want to break out the crowbar and go to town.

Bill O'Rights 08-04-2009 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Vigilante (Post 2682023)
Nothing says "soccer mom" like the #24 thing.

Well...that and a navy blue North Face vest over a long sleeve white turtleneck and a pink "breast cancer awareness" baseball cap.

DaniGirl 08-04-2009 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2681884)

I don't get you folk who claim to be annoyed by them and I think you're all peices of shit who can't mind their own business.

Well even though I don't show Xerxys anger, I understand where he is coming from. People being annoyed at the smallest shit has to be exhausting, freedom to express yourselves is a right everyone has. So what is the big deal about stick figures. If it bothers you so much stop looking at others cars.

Charlatan 08-04-2009 10:16 PM

xerxys and dani... there are many things that annoy each of us for no other reason than it just rubs us the wrong way. One example this latest trend in stick figures on vehicles. Another example is people who air their pet peeves on Internet forums (fora?).

Do you see what I did right there?

Vigilante 08-04-2009 10:34 PM

I c wut u did thar

Punk.of.Ages 08-04-2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Vigilante (Post 2682041)
I c wut u did thar


Carry on...

Reese 08-04-2009 11:43 PM

I've never seen anything like that in kentucky. I had a giggle at what my parent's minvan would look like seeing how I'm 27, My older sister is 32 and my younger sisters are 9 and 10 years old. Oh yeah, We're a mixed race family, Do the stickers come in white and black?

wooÐs 08-05-2009 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Redjake (Post 2681825)
I wish I were single because i've always wanted to put just one stick figure on my car. I think they are attention whorish.

I'm ordering one and doing this today. Thank you :).

Years ago I drove a really nice Voyager even though I didn't / don't have children (just dogs - and SUV's were too expensive so I opted for this.) On the back, I had a soccer ball and a bumper sticker that said 'Rehab's for quitters.'

Red lights and stop signs were entertaining.

Reese 08-05-2009 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by wooÐs (Post 2682080)
I'm ordering one and doing this today. Thank you :).

Years ago I drove a really nice Voyager even though I didn't / don't have children (just dogs - and SUV's were too expensive so I opted for this.) On the back, I had a soccer ball and a bumper sticker that said 'Rehab's for quitters.'

Red lights and stop signs were entertaining.

You should put the single woman with 30 cat stickers on there.

wooÐs 08-05-2009 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by cybermike (Post 2682084)
You should put the single woman with 30 cat stickers on there.

Well I'm in an Acura now, thankfully. So I'm not sure the cat stickers would be quite as comical...

...good idea though.

Lasereth 08-05-2009 04:08 AM

These things drive me crazy. The annoying part is that everybody who has them thinks they're unique and cool and that we're all begging to know EXACTLY HOW MANY FAMILY MEMBERS THEY HAVE in order to justify that purchase of the SUV.

They're all over the place here like a rat infestation. And they have been for I would say almost 10 years.

Glory's Sun 08-05-2009 04:11 AM

can I add the stupid stickers of Flip Flops to this category?? Ok you've know told the whole world that you have kids and pets.. do we really need to know that you enjoy flip flops??


thankfully, my wife is not interested in those stupid trends.. she only wanted to put a Red Sox decal on her back window.. and naturally, I had no complaints.

Psycho Dad 08-05-2009 04:18 AM

I want one with a stick family being pissed on by Calvin while being eaten by a Darwin fish. And maybe an "In Memory" decal above that.

Redlemon 08-05-2009 05:08 AM

All this discussion without a link to the source?

Design Your Own Family Stickers


Originally Posted by Stellaluna
I want one with 2 girls and a guy.

Here you go, took me 2 minutes.


genuinegirly 08-05-2009 05:44 AM

Redlemon, I looked at that link - these little sticky things get kinda pricey. Who spends $25 on a sticker, really?

cellophanedeity 08-05-2009 06:00 AM

If there are names under the stick figures, then you can write creepy letters to the family and post them on the car.

"Hi Diane, I hope Spot is doing okay after what happened to him last week. Oh, did Roger tell you about that? Well, say hi to the kids for me."

"Hi Jimmy. I saw you at soccer practise last week. Looking mighty fine, sexy."


Vigilante 08-05-2009 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Psycho Dad (Post 2682139)
I want one with a stick family being pissed on by Calvin while being eaten by a Darwin fish. And maybe an "In Memory" decal above that.

That's fucking great :lol:

You should also put arched latin letters above them saying "MIGUEL" or "MARTINEZ".

That's a big thing down here.

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