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#82 (permalink) |
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
... Yeah, I'm an insensitive fuck sometimes.
Probably my own fault for being an asshole in the wrong thread...
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager "Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike |
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#83 (permalink) |
after working at a dairy farm not a whole lot of the regular stuff grosses me out, I pretty much delt with feces and they had piles a couple piles of dead cows hanging around beside the road i had to take to where I worked. But a few other things weird me out
dirty feet babys hands .... so gross hobos, especially ones that smell like pee whatever that smell is in my kitchen sink, my room mates dont like to do the dishes.... ever |
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#87 (permalink) |
Location: Fucking Utah...
stepping in dog shit while walking to the bathroom in the dark
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW ---------- Post added at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 AM ---------- you have to see the thread about the Zerg creep found in North Carolina. It looks like shit, its disgusting. ![]() |
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#88 (permalink) |
drawn and redrawn
Location: Some where in Southern California
I swallowed a bug once. It took a while, which was the worst part. It was caught in my throat, and it was either vomit the bug, or swallow it down. And that was tough, since it was still alive, and trying to crawl out!
A close second to that, I was reading a men's magazine (FHM, Maxim, don't remember which) article about the methods of torture used in the middle ages. Half way through the article, I got sick to my stomach. All those nasty, gorey instruments of pain and death were too much for me, and I wonder how bad the author felt. The worst ones where this thing called the Pear of Agony, and a particularly nasty way of sawing a person in half. === I have another one, I got queezy writing this post. So that makes 3 things that gross me out.
"I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip." Roger Zelazny Last edited by 777; 07-01-2009 at 11:58 AM.. Reason: additions |
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#89 (permalink) | |
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
So gross.
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager "Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike |
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#91 (permalink) |
Location: Fauxenix, Azerona
Let's see if I can make it through this post without passing out or vomiting (I did just eat pizza).
The thought of someone intentionally cutting themselves makes my system want to reset. I've known a few people who have slit their wrists (unsuccessfully), and visualizing the sensation of intentionally inflicting a bleeding injury and feeling the lifeblood run out of you as you get light headed.....*barf* There was a series of pictures online showing a european (dutch?) 'emo' cutter girl that someone linked me to. I only looked at the first two, plus the thumbnails, but this was dissection-level self mutilation. I read an article (or forum post or something) that I'd found when trying to find out if the pics were fake or not that said something along the lines of "clearly, this person is an experienced cutter with a good idea of anatomy...in one pic it is obvious that she has carefully sliced into her bicep as deep as she could without severing the brachiel artery." That single sentence is burned into my brain forever as the grossest thing I've ever read. I...am going to go get a drink of water now. Please don't search for those pictures, they're out there.
twisted no more |
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#92 (permalink) |
Location: ....a state of pure inebriation.
My wrists hurt now...
"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion..." - Henry Steel Commager "Punk rock music is great music played by really bad, drunk musicians." -Fat Mike |
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#95 (permalink) |
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
![]() This has only happened to me once. And if it ever does happen to you, you won't forget it. I was having a casual conversation with a guy in one of my classes (I was in college at this point.) He had this massive whitehead on his nose. Only it wasn't only white - it had a green tint to it as well. It was the nastiest thing I'd ever seen on any face in my life. After a minute or so, I couldn't even look at him. I was just like, 'm hm... uh huh... yeah...' Disgusting :/. |
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#97 (permalink) |
Please touch this.
Location: Manhattan
The scent of other men. I do not like how other men smell. Especially old ones.
You have found this post informative. -The Administrator [Don't Feed The Animals] |
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#98 (permalink) | |
Confused Adult
Location: Spokane, WA
Looking in the mirror. Makes me run to the gym every day.
on that note, I was at the gym on the elliptical, about 20 minutes in to the workout, some old lady, probably in her 70's got on the machine next to me, I felt like I was cross country skiing my way through mothballtopia and nearly had to vomit by the time I was done. |
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#100 (permalink) | |
The Reverend Side Boob
Location: Nofe Curolina
That aside, women and children. Both horrify me.
Living in the United Socialist States of America. |
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#103 (permalink) |
Life's short, gotta hurry...
Location: land of pit vipers
Knowing that there is a thread of this nature really grosses me out. I can't read it, so I don't know what all of you are posting. But, I can imagine. And that is just too much for me.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool. |
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#104 (permalink) |
bad craziness
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Needles gross me out every time.
One of the things that truly grosses me out the most is cleaning what we call the "butt trays" at work. Basically when a bottle of beer comes back before it goes through a full wash it goes into the washer upside down and gets sprayed out so things inside fall out into a tray. The most common is cigarette butts. OLD cigarette butts, which are now WET old cigarette butts. It is truly the most revolting thing I have ever smelled. As a side note, don't put shit in your empty beer bottle. Put it where it belongs, in the garbage.
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson |
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#106 (permalink) |
Broken Arrow
Location: US
Nothing grosses me out. I watched 2girls1cup, BME pain olympics, etc. Sure I cringed, but it's not like I gagged. I have eaten live insects in the woods, drank lake water when I could see live clams just inches below the surface, held every manner of worm, grub and larvae (I am an entomologist) and many, many live roaches, scorpions, and today even a live, massive wasp. It was dying, that's why I was so brave with it
![]() Anyways, I have pics, if you would like to see the huge wasp. hehe. I've had shit on me (wife's a vet; animals shit when scared), piss on me, barf...blood. Guts. Hell I ate cookies while I observed a C-section on a bulldog. Dog blood has a strange smell that permeates the room. Cookies were good though, and I was hungry. I don't think I could eaten rotting flesh. That would most likely gross me out. That's about all I can think of though. As far as literally any day-to-day grossness, nope. Nothing.
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill |
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#107 (permalink) |
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
I was a vet tech for a couple years. I was able to assist in a c-section on a massively obese bulldog. There were 12 puppies. So cute! But I wasn't bothered by that either. I assisted in quite a few vet surgeries, including my own cat's spaying.
I'm fascinated with blood, guts and death in general. Came very close to attending school to become a mortician but once I hit the orientation, I ran screaming. It was like a black, southern baptist church and I was the minority - right down to the 'Amen!' after someone spoke. That's the best way I can describe it. So I reserve my interests for a hobby more or less. But I do still get grossed out by things - since I started up the thread and all lol. |
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#108 (permalink) |
Broken Arrow
Location: US
Hehe, well here's a pic from earlier today. Sorry it's a bit fuzzy.
http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/members...velvet-ant.jpg Another one, today as well. I stole her prize to feed my pond fish. Looking at her eye to eye while she sized me up (hovering in front of my face) was a little intimidating. http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/members...e-big-bugs.jpg edit: One more. the cicada, before he was fish food. I postured him to look awake, but he was permanently paralyzed by the cicada killer in the previous pic. http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/members...rison-cell.jpg
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill Last edited by Vigilante; 08-18-2009 at 09:31 PM.. |
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#110 (permalink) |
Broken Arrow
Location: US
I catch many things in the wild. When I have the time, I live in the wild
![]() However, these critters are in my back yard. I can explain what the series of pics means in better detail. First the ecology. The cicada killer is a solitary wasp that digs a burrow, captures cicadas, and stashes them, alive and paralyzed, in chambers within the burrow. From there she lays an egg on the cicada and her larvae feed on the live insect until they reach maturity. As you know, there is always someone bigger and badder than the bully. Well in this case, it's smaller but much badder. Enter the velvet ant. It's actually another solitary wasp, but the female is wingless and confused as a ant. The stinger is about 1cm long, huge by any standard, and the sting is extraordinarily painful. I witnessed my grandfather (a WWII vet) shed a tear when he was stung by one. It's that painful. http://wildflowers.jdcc.edu/Cow_Ant.JPG Anyways, the velvet ant species we are covering forages all day for a cicada killer burrow, and when it finds one it lays an egg on the larva of the cicada killer wasp. It then eats both wasp larvae and cicada. It is designed to deflect the harpoon-like stinger of the cicada killer with heavy body armor. I have seen one run over by a truck that kept going. I'm serious. Now, back to the pics. I believe the first wasp (the one I'm holding) lost a battle with a velvet ant. It appeared to have been stung under the right wing. It was convulsing and if you could say they feel pain, this one would be accurately described that way. If you fight with a velvet ant, you're going to lose. Period. The second pic was another female cicada killer, trying to get away from me with her catch. She tried to fly too soon and hit the grass, where I simply walked up and took her cicada. She can get another one easily enough, and the cicada is good food for the bluegills in my pond ![]() The last pic, the cicada, is perfectly paralyzed yet still alive. Well he was. Now he's halfway through a fish gut. hehe. If I catch another live male cicada, I'll show you what they do when you touch their belly. They scream extremely loud.
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill |
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#115 (permalink) | |
Broken Arrow
Location: US
![]() Sometimes they come to my bugzapper. Right now they do it fairly often because the population is high. I'm checking it every night ![]()
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill |
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#117 (permalink) |
Broken Arrow
Location: US
I lead a charmed life.
I stepped out and I was chilling on the upstairs deck midway between floors and saw something of interest to you, wooÐs. Anyways, I'll let the pics speak for themselves. haha. See it? ![]() Now do you see it? ![]() It was a young male, not old enough to make noise yet. It takes a few days after emerging before they can really sing.
We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill |
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#118 (permalink) |
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
Step on it and post a picture of it's guts on ur shoe!!!
Hm - maybe this is calling for a 'post gross stuff' thread lol. Within certain limits, of course. He looks small. But I'm assuming that bump I see on the tree in the first pic is it. So it is indeed NOT small. Holy crap I'd scream like a school girl if I came across that thing. And no, I didn't see it lol. |
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#120 (permalink) |
Sitting in a tree
Location: Atlanta
I used to cut hair. I HATED IT when old people would come in. A lot of them get mole-growth things on their head and I wanted to puke every time my comb would pick across one of those things when I'd try to glide the comb through their hair lol. ugh *bleh* |
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grosses |