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PonyPotato 05-28-2008 10:35 AM

What do you do while you brush your teeth?
We all have quirks, and often different hygiene habits. If it's safe to assume that we all brush our teeth (hopefully on a daily basis), I believe it's also safe to assume that many of us have different habits regarding how we brush, and what we do while we're brushing.

Personally, I drool all over myself if I try to brush my teeth standing up. I have no skill for keeping toothpaste foam in my mouth, so I have to lean over the sink while I brush to keep from making a huge mess. This shortcoming also contributes to another tooth-brushing habit: I prefer to brush without clothes on, or just in my underwear so I avoid the lovely crusty white stains that go along with slobbering on myself like a rabid dog. Brushing in the shower can also help avoid a mess, but I don't do it very often since I like to gargle afterward and it takes a while to get an adequate mouthful of water from the shower head.

So, how do you brush your teeth? Do you wander around the bathroom, the house? Do you hum? Do you drool? Do you do it with clothes on or naked, in the shower? Are you like my boyfriend, wandering around the house naked, practicing karate moves while you play with your junk? Or are you like me, clinging to the sink like you're chained to it?

If you don't brush your teeth (ewww:cringe:), let us know how you avoid letting your teeth rot and fall out, as well.

Giant Hamburger 05-28-2008 10:38 AM

How long DOES IT take to get an adequate mouthful of water from the shower head?

I must know.

PonyPotato 05-28-2008 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Giant Hamburger
How long DOES IT take to get an adequate mouthful of water from the shower head?

I must know.

Longer than it takes from a cup or my hands from the sink. I'm short, so the water droplets are pretty spread out by the time they meet my mouth.

ngdawg 05-28-2008 10:43 AM

You shouldn't gargle it out with water. That rinses away its plaque fighting and cavity fighting properties. Better to use mouthwash and better still to include a drop of peroxide in the mouthwash.

I dance a little, walk around...

PonyPotato 05-28-2008 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by ngdawg
You shouldn't gargle it out with water. That rinses away its plaque fighting and cavity fighting properties. Better to use mouthwash and better still to include a drop of peroxide in the mouthwash.

I dance a little, walk around...

I gargle with water immediately following, floss, take my vitamins, then gargle with alcohol-free mouthwash and then fluoride mouthwash.

ktspktsp 05-28-2008 10:57 AM

I wander around the house aimlessly. I can't just stay still while I brush my teeth...

ĐiGiRed 05-28-2008 11:01 AM

When I brush in the morning I might wander around the house or whatever... then of course it's time to floss, and rinse.

But since I tend to be a bit clumsy when I'm tired... at night while I'm brushing I'll usually try to keep right in front of the sink. Wouldn't want to get a big blob of toothpaste on my clothes, or the floor.

kurty[B] 05-28-2008 11:02 AM

I read a book while I brush my teeth.

Redlemon 05-28-2008 11:03 AM

I read a magazine, usually Time, Wired, or Discover.

Willravel 05-28-2008 11:04 AM

I take my toothbrush from the charger, soak the head in listerine for 15 or so seconds, slobber on some toothpaste, and brush the entire inside of my mouth. I don't really move around, unless there's an emergency. I spit and rinse with water before rinsing with listerine.

I only brush twice a day, once after breakfast and once before bed. Other than that, it's usually just gum.

Glory's Sun 05-28-2008 11:08 AM

I pretty much just look at my naked wife..

Lasereth 05-28-2008 11:15 AM

Oh man I have some serious bathroom habits and this is one of them.

1. No clothes. I definitely drool the paste all over my mouth when brushing them and it goes down my shirt if I wear clothes.

2. Pick up toothbrush, wipe bottom of handle off on towel in case mold grew on it overnight, wet the toothbrush. Put a square of toothpaste on it and brush the flat part of my teeth, upper and lower. Eventually make my way to the front of my teeth. At this point I'm leaning over the sink with foam dumping everywhere (I can't brush with my mouth closed).

4. COMPLETELY RINSE the toothbrush off. Then start Phase 2 brushing which is doing the same phase over again.

5. COMPLETELY RINSE the toothbrush off again. Brush tongue vigorously, not missing any part of it, even the underneath. Rinse toothbrush again and do it again.

6. Rinse toothbrush, run the brush over all of my teeth one more time. Then put the entire brush including handle under the water to get any slime off of it. This prevents disgusting plaque build up on the toothbrush.

7. Wipe slop off of my mouth with hand, wash hands, get in the shower.

The process takes approximately 6 minutes and it grosses me out hardcore when people brush their teeth in 30 seconds.

Bear Cub 05-28-2008 11:22 AM

I pretty much pace around a bit.

I have one of those ultrasonic toothbrushes though, so I have to be careful not to lose focus and take it out of my mouth. It only takes a split second before there are tiny droplets of foam and slobber covering a 3 foot radius.

lotsofmagnets 05-28-2008 11:29 AM

wow. the excitement. i think i´m mr. boring. i stare into my bleary eyes in the mirror above the bathroom sink while brushing in the morning after breakfast.

Willravel 05-28-2008 11:29 AM

Oh, and I kill hookers.

lotsofmagnets 05-28-2008 11:30 AM

ps clothes or no clothes it makes no difference as i´m pretty capable of not making a mess with the toothpaste/slobber combination

inBOIL 05-28-2008 11:48 AM

I've been known to brush and pee at the same time, usually as a result of not realizing that I MUST GO NOW! before putting the brush in my mouth.

snowy 05-28-2008 12:15 PM

I brush my teeth while doing other things--like picking out my shoes for the day or finding a pair of socks to wear. I also occasionally brush my teeth on the toilet or in the shower.

Shauk 05-28-2008 12:35 PM

I'm sure many of you notice the almost permanently attatched headphones in my pictures, ffs, they're even in my WA State DL. Yeah, thats what i'm doing, they only get in the way if I need to shave tho >.<

abaya 05-28-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by ktspktsp
I wander around the house aimlessly. I can't just stay still while I brush my teeth...

Yeah, he sure does. I'm the opposite... I HAVE to stay still while I brush my teeth. I stay in front of the sink until I finish. I am probably one of those 30-second brushers that disgusts you, Lasereth. :)

guthmund 05-28-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth
Oh man I have some serious bathroom habits and this is one of them.

1. No clothes. I definitely drool the paste all over my mouth when brushing them and it goes down my shirt if I wear clothes.

2. Pick up toothbrush, wipe bottom of handle off on towel in case mold grew on it overnight, wet the toothbrush. Put a square of toothpaste on it and brush the flat part of my teeth, upper and lower. Eventually make my way to the front of my teeth. At this point I'm leaning over the sink with foam dumping everywhere (I can't brush with my mouth closed).

4. COMPLETELY RINSE the toothbrush off. Then start Phase 2 brushing which is doing the same phase over again.

5. COMPLETELY RINSE the toothbrush off again. Brush tongue vigorously, not missing any part of it, even the underneath. Rinse toothbrush again and do it again.

6. Rinse toothbrush, run the brush over all of my teeth one more time. Then put the entire brush including handle under the water to get any slime off of it. This prevents disgusting plaque build up on the toothbrush.

7. Wipe slop off of my mouth with hand, wash hands, get in the shower.

The process takes approximately 6 minutes and it grosses me out hardcore when people brush their teeth in 30 seconds.

That's hardcore, brother. :)

I sing the song of the day--whatever happens to be in my head--which usually lasts 3-4 minutes and even then, it feels like a bit much. Usually shirtless and with quite a bit of dancing....

Beware, ladies....

PonyPotato 05-28-2008 01:20 PM

I forgot to mention.. I also like to have toothbrush battles if I am assaulted before or after brushing my teeth.

I can be very threatening with inanimate objects.

The_Jazz 05-28-2008 01:34 PM

Can someone explain to me how otherwise rational people develop OCD in the bathroom? You "have" to do something? Bizarre.

Me? I have no habits. If there's something on TV, I'll watch that. If I'm reading a book, I'll do that. If I'm talking to my wife, I'll do that. Sometimes I'll stare into the mirror.

biznatch 05-28-2008 01:41 PM

Usually stare in the mirror. I think a lot, and I can do a lot of things while remaining still.

Lasereth 05-28-2008 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Can someone explain to me how otherwise rational people develop OCD in the bathroom? You "have" to do something? Bizarre.

Me? I have no habits. If there's something on TV, I'll watch that. If I'm reading a book, I'll do that. If I'm talking to my wife, I'll do that. Sometimes I'll stare into the mirror.

You would flip out if you knew about my other bathroom habits, especially how I take a shower.

ShaniFaye 05-28-2008 02:14 PM

Im boring....I brush my teeth, thats it....usually while trying to open my eyes

blktour 05-28-2008 02:33 PM

well I brush my teeth after a shower and breakfast. I rinse my mouth with mouthwash then brush my teeth, then rinse with water, then floss, and then mouth wash again.

while I am brushing my teeth though, i just brush my teeth. i keep my eye on the timer, (2.5mins.)

sapiens 05-28-2008 02:47 PM

I brush my teeth twice daily. Usually, I stand in front of the sink. Sometimes when I'm feeling really crazy I walk around the bedroom or lay on the bed.

noodle 05-28-2008 03:01 PM

Before the fancy-schmancy ultrasonic toothbrush appeared in our bathroom, I'd brush my teeth in the shower. I take one in the morning before work and one when I get home from the gym. With the new vibrato-matic weirdo thing, I actually have to sit down on the toilet lid because the thing makes me dizzy and my ear canals itchy. My SO thinks it's hilarious. I, however, have mastered NOT getting the toothpaste all over everything... including the mirror in the bedroom. I still use the regular one when I don't feel like sitting down or when I'm in a bit of a rush. It's much easier in the shower. I have ADD and I'm the Queen of MultiTasking.

uncle phil 05-28-2008 03:26 PM

i do a little dance, make a little love, and get down tonight...

canuckguy 05-28-2008 03:38 PM

I try and stay in the bathroom because I am a bit messy when brushing my teeth but i do wander around the house a lot and drip everywhere....

I usually stay in my bathroom now and watch youtube vids on my iphone while i brush (3 times a day).

spindles 05-28-2008 03:50 PM

I brush my teeth, then help the little ones brush theirs (in the morning), but I do it solo at night :)

LoganSnake 05-28-2008 03:53 PM

Like the OP, I drool all over myself and my forearm while brushing my teeth. In 22 years I haven't figured out how to keep the foam inside my mouth.

ring 05-28-2008 04:03 PM

I wince, realizing,
My dentist will haunt me for eternity.

Oh...Santa...All I want for christmas is....

A blender.

Charlatan 05-28-2008 04:13 PM

I am a lot like merleniau in my habits... I can't control the foam and drool so I keep my head down in the sink. I usually do it right after my shower so I am either naked or with a towel around my waist.

My wife has the magical ability to walk around the house while she brushes. I think she has had drains installed in the back of her mouth so the toothpaste and foam can safely drain away.

Redjake 05-28-2008 04:20 PM

I walk around the apartment until critical mass is reached and then purge it all into the sink, then brush some more and wander aimlessly around the apartment until critical mass is reached, and so on. I usually end up getting quite worked up and my skin starts itching and a daily routine has become to dunk my entire face with water after brushing my teeth in order to sooth my dry skin problem. I then meticulously rinse the tooth brush to ensure not one drop of tooth paste is left on it - some people I know leave just a tad on there, and it metastasizes into a cancerous growth that has to be scraped off with an SOS pad - disgusting.

PonyPotato 05-28-2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Charlatan
My wife has the magical ability to walk around the house while she brushes. I think she has had drains installed in the back of her mouth so the toothpaste and foam can safely drain away.

Crompsin has this ability. It fascinates me and also makes me feel inadequate (and like a drooling fool) because I can't do it myself without making a huge mess.

abaya 05-28-2008 04:35 PM

Keeping the foam inside your mouth... doesn't it just require keeping one's lips wrapped around the brush, to create a seal for the foam to stay in until an opportune spitting time?

A bit like giving a blow job, I must say... :)

uncle phil 05-28-2008 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by merleniau
We all have quirks, and often different hygiene habits. If it's safe to assume that we all brush our teeth (hopefully on a daily basis), I believe it's also safe to assume that many of us have different habits regarding how we brush, and what we do while we're brushing.

Personally, I drool all over myself if I try to brush my teeth standing up. I have no skill for keeping toothpaste foam in my mouth, so I have to lean over the sink while I brush to keep from making a huge mess. This shortcoming also contributes to another tooth-brushing habit: I prefer to brush without clothes on, or just in my underwear so I avoid the lovely crusty white stains that go along with slobbering on myself like a rabid dog. Brushing in the shower can also help avoid a mess, but I don't do it very often since I like to gargle afterward and it takes a while to get an adequate mouthful of water from the shower head.

So, how do you brush your teeth? Do you wander around the bathroom, the house? Do you hum? Do you drool? Do you do it with clothes on or naked, in the shower? Are you like my boyfriend, wandering around the house naked, practicing karate moves while you play with your junk? Or are you like me, clinging to the sink like you're chained to it?

If you don't brush your teeth (ewww:cringe:), let us know how you avoid letting your teeth rot and fall out, as well.

all's ya gotta do is keep your mouth closed around the handle...sheesh...

PonyPotato 05-28-2008 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by abaya
Keeping the foam inside your mouth... doesn't it just require keeping one's lips wrapped around the brush, to create a seal for the foam to stay in until an opportune spitting time?

A bit like giving a blow job, I must say... :)

Hahahaha... I just haven't mastered it, I guess. I brush pretty hard and tend to produce a lot of saliva/toothpaste foam.

I like to think I'm good at giving blow jobs... :shy: But I must say.. a toothbrush is much different in shape/size when compared to a penis.

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